League of Legends general /lolg/

You are now aware that Lulu is EXTREMELY CUTE! edition

Wait for a Reksai skin be like

yo nigga you lackin

ysndor xfh wifu

>getting flamed by your team
>enemy team defends you

is there a more bittersweet feeling?

>he thinks Shen is a good engage support

Except he's not, his name isn't Leona, Thresh, Blitzcrank, Alistar or Taric

3w 2l so far, how about you user?

>ashe players are either god tier (usually with PROJECT) or irredeemable garbage tier
>i unfortunately fall into the latter category
How do they do it, guys?


Nunu support user, add me. I want to experience it

get good peel support shitter

>junglers idea of ganking is sitting in a brush and flashing in last second to get the kill

No you can fuck right off you stupid shit

They actually have teammates, teammates that properly engage and/or peel.

No one below almost Master Tier does

Unless you are diamond 2+. Meme support picks like Shen, Jarvan, Sion caught people off guard. I climbed from gold 5 to plat 3 with Shen and Jarvan support.

Looks like Super Deep Throat.

Characters are custom so you have to find the mod.

>be a great peel for my adc
>my adc decides they want to roam the enemy jungle alone instead of grouping

God i wanna pump ashe with so many albino daughers

There is only one GP streamer.

Use your fucking ult, it’s the only decent thing about Ashe and I see so many brain dead fucks save it for self peel

Best girl.
Best feet.
Best wife.

I never said matchmade assigned ADCs were much better

i have read it as
>>be a great pet for my adc

Xth for violence, the most fun champions are the ones that enjoy what they do to people.

Well like I said, I fully admit to having a surface level understanding of the issue because I dropped Magic a few years ago (last I played was RtR-Theros Standard) and only pick it up once in a while to dabble in Legacy casuals.
>Nobody cares about some neckbeard that did unboxing videos
The issue with Jeremy Hambly is an entirely separate issue from the card game itself, and should be treated as such.

daughters imply that you are a bad father. By nature a woman who feels relaxed/comfortable/less stressed is more likely to give birth to males

Has anyone actually had a taliyah on their team that didnt go 0/9?

why do i even bother playing normals

does it mean the trannies wish their mother were stressed :^)

The climb is almost here lolg!
Im starting to get excited
>no more sightstone
>swain vgu just around the corner
>new jungler coming soon
Season 8 is gunna be great

Me. I was the Taliyah that did not go 0/9. I went 2/1/2 and won. Only reason I died was because I got disconnected for some reason. It was a game with very few kills overall, 13 kills between both teams.

I am fucking shit at this champion

Do you even turn this game on?

I half-assedly updated that classic trynd splitpush infographic in paint.

what time do ranked season normally start? should i stay up tonight

>>new jungler coming soon

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

I'm ready for the godly new Splash arts.

>Vayne ornn azir shyvana xin katarina leona still left untouched
Season 8 looks pretty crappy so far

NA isnt live yet dont tease me like that user

>People start doing jungle Camille because faker did it on stream
>Its catching on now

This mob mentality is insane and its costing me decent junglers since none of these people can clear properly.

I want to go swimming with Kayn

Who is Faker? Did he fucked somebody?

>Nerf all of those champions
>The things before them become broken again

You don't get it do you?

i wonder if taliyah can make her scarf/cape thingy into the heart shape

p.s. despite the pic name it's not jinx, blame pinterest

I play adc you braindead mong
My support was a garbage player and my dumb ass top and jungler wouldn't leave top and we kept getting shit on cause my support was doing dumb shit

the enemy adc/support/mid told them it wasn't my fault and that it was my sion cause he wasn't doing anything other than dying

new season goes live tonight?

Refer to the following:

Is my lane in my favor? If yes, keep at it, but don't be retarded. Use your E to see where the enemy jungler/mid is if they haven't shown up on the map in a while (thanks to your E you can also afford to ward the side bushes to avoid any cheesey loss of vision disengages) and use your W in sequence with Arcane Comet and Scorch to poke down the enemy ADC or Support.

If not, evaluate the reason as to why.

>Is it our composition that loses to theirs?
If it is, chill and try to not blame the whole "I get countered by X". You don't want to get caught out once, die or have your support or jungler die, and tilt because of it. Late game as Ashe you can shred anything and anyone as long as you're smart and attentive.

>Is their entire team roaming/coming down to bot?
If it is, there isn't much you can physically do other than play safe or get the fuck out of there if you haven't died, tell your team to shove objectives. A lot of the time your team mates will use the roaming as a chance to back, which is fucking retarded, call them out on it. Tell them "Shove mid/top." or "Get Rift Herald". It will help distract the enemy team from your lane if they start applying pressure to their own lanes.

>Is your support uncooperative?
This happens a lot when I solo q, it is mostly with filthy Sona's (Thresh and Taric being after her). There's two reason this occurs: Reason one is that they are duo with either Top or Mid, MAYBE Jungle, but that's very rare. Anything can go wrong in this case because to them, you're not worth anything. Even if you go 20/0 with 12 cs per minute, they will say "GG report Ashe for toxic" in end game chat. Reason two is that they got autofilled and don't want anything to do with supporting and rather throw the game than spend an extra 5 minutes winning LP. In the first situation, you can have a bit of an impact.

>be homo
>like dudes
>no one gets triggered
>be homo
>like dudes that look/dress like girls
>people get buttmad over it

explain pls

Except these have been broken since the new runes and they're still untouched

cause you think your good enough to rise up from bots?

Hey wait a minute I remember a pic of those two dressed just like that in the same pose but by a different artist


Of those Ornn and Vayne are the only ones deserving of nerfs honestly. I can handle the rest.

they like those dudes too :^)

>be homo
>like dudes
>no one gets triggered

Actually, they get triggered over dudes that aren't homo, but straight dudes who want to suck dick and fuck traps and then try and claim they're straight

there hasn't really been much of an issue (as far as i've seen) with gays being into traps. hell, sometimes i don't even see straights get flamed for saying they're okay with futa on female and stuff like that. It's usually when the focus is on the cock itself and that being the main sexual selling point and then you try and claim yourself as completely straight that people get buttmad.

All the lewds of Ahri and Sona is Sona sucking Ahri's dick.

It's hot.

>Camille jungle

So this is the power of the new season...heh...

Leona and xin have been thou.

he's been fucking the west for about 3-4 years now

But fags don't like traps, they hate them. They hate trannies too.

youll see soon enough

ornn buffs when cs as him is so hard

Tyler is literally the Amerimutt meme IRL

like fuck i understand i did bad top but fucking bot lane has no excuse when they lose their lane despite having jungler camp for them and me having a jungler and mid comstantly coming top

And how are your placements so far, dudes?

Trynda that's actually a Yasuo main running glacial and this halwit Vi are the only reasons I have this score, I'm just a silver piece of shit, Shyv carried with calls

Unpopular opinion:

Except for Ornn I like this meta the way it is.

>4 posts off of quints
holy shit user so close

and maybe? I wouldn't know, not really into that stuff. Farthest I'd go as far as jerking it off to would be futanari with no males and maybe futa on trap? never really went too much with the latter, but have a few times when my degeneracy was at it's peak

Think about your favorite champ

Got it?

What's their favorite meal?

Hardmode: no semen as a main course. I'm looking at you ahrifags

>tfw every time I try to play kled I feed

I want to get good I just don't know how

Except he benches 315, squats 500, and deadlifts 1k.

Probably whatever they can find in the trash

Guess the champ.

Anyone got any leaks on Swain?

>Think about your favorite champ

>What's their favorite meal?
Big, veiny cocks!


Am i being bamboozled or is zilean a really good support at the moment?

A promising start

cont'd from - Tell your support to go roam once either side's bot lane first outer turret has fallen. Try to hog as much EXP and CS as you can for yourself. Just be cautious while doing it. If you need to fall back, go your own team's side of the jungle including the respective buff and if you've taken their turret first, you can clear the enemy junglers outer side of the jungle (kruggs or gromp) to try and keep yourself slightly ahead even without a support. Just make sure you know when to stay or get out. You can also, after Ruunan's/Statik + IE, solo Dragon. So you can secure objectives by yourself since your support being on the map will attract attention to their location. Eventually group once you have 3-4 items and all summs up and present.

- If they went ahead and started roaming around without you needing to tell them you can do what I mentioned, or you can also roam with your support. I'm not a fan of this since they already made it clear they don't want to cooperate and being with them will only drag you down since you might just be the third wheel to some shitty delusioned bromance. It can open the opportunity for kills and securing Turrets, but it brings the risk of putting yourself in danger of attracting the entire goon squad up to whatever lane you're in.

- If you don't just want to stay bot side: Roam on your own when you clear bot lane. Go mid/top to clear waves and apply pressure, but be attentive to the map as you do so. Try to take the long paths there because taking the short paths will risk you getting caught out if you have no vision (even Hawkshot, 1 pink and 2 ward trinkets aren't enough). Just take about two waves worth each time, then back off or if you see the enemy team going to where your support is (stay away from them) keep shoving within reason.

Just make sure you don't do stupid things for stupid people.

>no semen as a main course
that's a dessert though

also no idea, possibly mice

bamboozled, he's actually a good mid laner

>too good to stay in my garbage elo (gold)
>not good enough to carry my retarded teamates

Congrats user you get a coockie.

Wow, that's comprehensive. A lot of it can apply to other ADCs as well, which is good since it's easily my worst role. I appreciate it, user. I'll start trying to put all of this into practice.


Olympic runners

Just a friendly reminder that if you pick this piece of shit, you are trolling your teammates

What makes you think hes a bad support?
sure all ive done is build full damage but the fact that you can throw out AoE stuns like its nothing makes him great utility mid/late game when everyone is grouped up.
Also good vs lanes without sustain since your bombs are hard to dodge.
i usually pick him into jinx-kog-xahya-ashe anyone with low mobility and bomb them harder than 9/11

were it them who bit off his legs

mana costs are too high for a support budget. He's not an awful support, he's just sort of eh.

wolf only let him live because he thought they'd grow back for another chase

i usually build tear first to solve mana problems and then sightstone.
i usually have both by the 10-15 minute mark

>A lot of it can apply to other ADCs as well
I didn't read what he said, but yeah, that's how ADC works. All of the champions have a, pretty relative, play style that aligns linearly with each other so you can apply a lot of things you have with one to another.

Do Vastaya hippie activists eat humans?
She doesn't strike me as vegetarian but it's hard to believe she eats animals with how she appears to glorify the animal form.

Xayah looks EXACTLY like the bitch who demands the vegan menu as soon as she sits down.

She's *also* a possibly psychopathic killer though.
She clearly has no aversion to killing things.

I saw Foxdrop do it before Faker. I don't give a fuck I like dumpstering outplay champs with Warwick and Udyr.

>She clearly has no aversion to killing things.
That's why I like her

he doesn't need CS when he is so fucking tanky and unkillable

can you do this in league?

I wouldn't recommend against that, I definitely think it's the right build, but depending on your rank the enemy jungler may capitalise on your lack of vision. Your adc might also be a retard and just constantly push up to their tower while you have no vision because he's an adc and they have no awareness. With the support item changes next patch this may be different though.

Kled is not a Jack of All Trades. He's abusable only on lower ranks. I spam him for memes and just cuz I like to play with him.

In lane you gotta learn to land your Q to punish the enemy for trying to cs.

Don't be afraid to use W to farm, just avoid trading until it comes up.

Play around enemy's disables so you won't get fucked as dismounted. (Teemo's Q, Shen's W)
(You can try to force the disables if you can all-in them. Wait till your W is 4 seconds left on cd or so, so the debuffs wear off before W comes up, and charge in with E>Q)

If hit with E, don't recast E immediately. Wait till enemy uses dash, blink, knockback or anything to create space between you and your target. Then recast and fuck him up.

While dismounted (if enemy's melee), punish with your long AA from behind your
minions and Q when you got the window of opportunity.

Don't overstay as dismounted - Kled's super slow and easily gankable in this state. You can only go in, and you have no means to escape except for Q to kite.

If you can't kill an enemy with all-in, don't engage him at all. Kled can't do much after a rotation.

All of newbie tips I can provide. Plus, Kled's in sad state overall after the loss of Fervor, so don't worry about sucking and keep playing till you get the hang of it.

Btw, there were like two season 7 unrankeds on enemy team and only Ornn was plat, while Shyv and I kept diving and focusing Zoe and Draven, plus Shyv was making good calls overall. I just happened to appear in the right moment, in the right place.

I can't climb and I've been in the same low rank for a long time
>don't play too many champs stick to two or three
I don't know any champs and I'm always getting surprise gangbanged by cc I don't have any IQ of
>start playing a different character every week


Why haven’t you guys started playing Zilean mid? You want to climb don’t you?

>implying players in ranked are any better