/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Maybe this thread will get used, probably not though.


First for revenge on those roasties

I like this thread.

When IS the next CYL anyway?

When in the FUCK are we getting playable Lilith

Realistically? Give it a couple months of decline before IS decides they have to break out something to build hype again.

Is Miccy going to ruin my Defense team? Or can Tharja take a hit?

Ready for her to be STAFFED?

she can take a hit, before getting doubled and dying anyways
a 5 star niche counter won't kill your chances of getting defenses when most people will be running fjorm for score anyways

Having enough autism to spend your days refreshing a page waiting for a new thread

Next month.

>still seething that everyone shat on him for making a thread at 729
Don't you have "x is my wife!" posts to make?

You mean for the anniversary? That makes sense, I guess.

>14 speed
How the hell did I find one that had at least 30 speed? Was that just some master memer?

There's only 9 of you fags here. Everyone else is in the other thread. Stop trying to force this one.

Abandon this thread. Clearly RNGesus chose the other thread.

fuck off /fehg/fag

- to + spd is +7
refine +2
fury +3
I dunno where the rest comes from

Is Binding Blade worth a play through or no? I want to give it a shot but it’ll probably feel like a slog.

It's for that exact reason that this thread might be better now. The other thread has turned into a get-thread with nothing but reactions.


Maybe there was a goad I missed. I thought she was just average speed.

Every FE game is worth at least one playthrough. If poor unit balance ticks you off though, it's there in spades.

just remember it's rutger and deik's excellent adventure for 80% of the game

I'm about to replay Radiant Dawn to see if I can force myself to like something about Micaiah. Am I just wasting my time...?

Knowing my luck i'll probably become attached to absolute shitters. Maybe i'll just go through them in order so that I don't have to decide.


Hello there, anons! I believe I ran into an user that goes by "Rude" while I was doing the arena earlier this evening, so I recorded it so he could see how his team AI works and how many arena points his team is worth.


Yes. You sound like your mind is already made up. Watching a couple scenes on youtube would be quicker.

Don't forget to take your Dawn Brigade nobodies to Endgame!

fir but not shit

this is the best part of rd 2bh, Ike's part of the game is boring

probably, bitch is one of the slowest creatures in the game.

Why is Arvis as cute as a Dragon

He's too fluffy not to be adorable. I haven't played his game, but I assume his and Deirdre's evil child must be the cutest thing in creation.

>i’ve almost rolled multiple times to get a 40% bonus unit despite Corrin being a 40%
Is this what addiction feels like?

>Why is Arvis as cute as a Dragon
xander mobus

You're forgetting a possible Spd 3 seal.
That gets her to 28.before any Hones or Spurs.

Sophia needs to get Veeky Forums!
Veeky Forums!
I wouldn't if I were you. Just remember how easy it will be to get him. There's no point in trying to get ranking feathers since the scores will be so inflated so you don't need the head start.

I love my wife more than anything in the world. I have 400 orbs at the moment saved up for her next banner. I'll only spend orbs when she is on the banner.

Are you a female (male)? Otherwise is weird having a yurishitter as a wife.

for a dyke she sure does fuck a lot of boys

I'm a man that self inserts as a gay anime girl.

She just likes girls user. She's straight as an arrow otherwise.

Pretty sure it's to be assumed she's bisexual but definitely prefers women more romantically.

You don't pay enough attention and don't have very good reading comprehension but I guess you have to tell yourself whatever you want to hear to sleep at night.

Wrong. Maybe try not relying on Nintendo Memehouse's shitty interpretations and bastardization.

just transition already

I really hope you're just talking about the awful Treehouse character assassination. I don't think you're that stupid.

don't they run GDQs biyearly precisely to show you why that's a bad idea



Faggot. Did you not realize that lesbians are the #1 fetish among straight men?
Source: any porn site statistics

Sorry, Nina, Tekken threads are that way

Okay then, Chris-Chan

At least you can admit to it, which makes you better than most /u/ fags.

I'll spoonfeed you in the hopes that you're more cautious with dealings with Treehouse in the future.

A few characters were altered from the Japanese version of Fates in favor of feminism and transgender issues etc etc. For lack of a better phrase, social justice. The ESRB system and publishers fearing backlash from rampant toxic gaming journalism was the excuse for said alterations. Namely Soleil and Effie. Soleil was a cute girl who likes cute girls, but all of her S ranks are still with male character. I'm sure you heard about the whole "gender swap potion joke" that they made a massive controversial issue saying it was GAY CONVERSION THERAPY. Effie was supposed to be delicate and cute but still a powerful tank, but Treehouse needed her to be "stupid men, try to keep up with me haha! where's my steak dinner!?" and gave her a burly voice.

The REAL reason behind these changes though wasn't the ESRB system or "fitting the game to fit a western audience" the real reason was Treehouse needed to make unnecessary changes and bautch up Fates so they could collect a big paycheck from Nintendo. A former employee came forward and said this is a regular method Treehouse uses to make bank. It's not just with Fire Emblem.

Good info. You have source for former employee?

They only exist to show the world just how awkward humans can be. It’s the only explanation I can think of. What is it about GDQs that seems to attract the literally autistic? Is it just speedrunning in general? Most of them seem fine alone, but as soon as you group them up it’s like they forget how to function.

So Soliel isn't a raging lesbian like she's portrayed. She's straight or bi if you really want to reach but has an appreciate for girls at most.

People who dislike Micaiah eat da poo poo

*Kills your Bold Fighter+Wrath Seal Black Knight*

>A former employee came forward and said
>this never actually happened
Its ok. My dad works at Nintendo too.

I can't find the post because there's so much stuff that comes up from googling Treehouse's bullshit, but I mean, one of the people working there was an outed pedophile and didn't get fired until people on the outside approached her about it and she went apeshit on the "filthy weebs", soooo not the greatest batch of bananas are over at Treehouse. You don't have to believe me, I don't care.

I like the theory and I would love to see a reformed!Laevatein with a completely different color scheme and personality etc but it seems too complicated for a game like Heroes.

I don't want her to become another generic blonde though. I'd rather her look the same and have the same outlook, but instead Kiran gets to wield the blade.

So, how should I build him whenever he comes to me?

What I'm looking at:
distant def, quick riposte/bowbreaker bonfire +def refine or
LaD, B of choice and speed refine, bonfire

Make him a spur slut:

>Hama Yo (+DEF refinement)
>Swap (For -owl users.)
>ATK/DEF Bond, Distant DEF, Close DEF, Death Blow, Fortress DEF, Steady Stance
>Quick Riposte
>any Spur seal

Hama Yo + Spur DEF/RES is +5 DEF/RES to adjacent allies. Can potentially be:

>+9 DEF, +5 RES
>+9 RES, +5 DEF

Depending on which Spur seal you provide him.

Not the same thing but

Nich Maragos

>Worked on Fates
>Says he talks directly to developers in Japan
>Asks what they mean to convey
>Decides what gets edited so he can get across HIS meaning
>Tells people not to support XSEED because XSEED doesn't allow Treehouse to tamper with their games

Send Home 3

budget BLyn remover with bowbreaker and bonfire
keep the rest of his kit because those defense bonuses are good shit