/simg/ Simulation Games General


>Falcon 4 and BMS 4.33U3 setup

>Repository of various aviation related material

>Planes pastebin
pastebin.com/Zb0U61in (embed)
>Tanks pastebin
pastebin.com/EbdtnyPX (embed)
>Boat/Submarine pastebin
pastebin.com/JqTQWFFE (embed)
>Strike Fighters 2 For Dummies
pastebin.com/M5JQ2S7A (embed)

>Autism corner
>US Army Manual Index
pastebin.com/m98ZrWpP (embed) (embed)
>Link to this OP text
pastebin.com/Tsc71yaf (embed) (embed)

>Example of welcome games
>Flight Sims
Falcon BMS, DCS: World, Rise of Flight, IL-2, Combat Helo, Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum, Strike Fighters X
>Driving Games
Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Live for Speed, Euro Truck Sim, Train Simulator, Farming Simulator 201X, DiRT Rally, OMSI 2
>Ground Sims
SAM Simulator, Steel Beasts Pro, Steel Armor: Blaze of War, Graviteam Tactics, Squad, Tank Warfare: Tunisia, Combat Mission.
>Submarine Sims
Silent Hunter, Ship Simulator, Cold Waters, Dangerous Waters
>Misc Sims
Command: X, Swat 4, NoLimits2.

>Example of non-welcome games
Ácé Cómbát, Wár Thúndér, Wórld óf _____, Ármá 1-3, Thé Síms, Sím Cíty, Góát Símúlátór, Șqűád

Other urls found in this thread:



Waiting for 2.5, what version should i download again ? I have most of the planes and the WW2 map.

The Normandy map only works in 2.0 so download that. But 2.5 is supposed to come sometime in the next week or two.

this place better not be dead after 2.5 is out

It was barely alive for just a few weeks when the Harrier was released, it won't be any different. We'll get some anons saying OH GOD THIS IS AMAZING and some other anons saying LOL THIS IS GARBAGE, then some of the usual IL-2 vs DCS shitposting, then we'll be dead again by late february.

Slav jets in DCS are so bad they should just make them AI.

Keep getting shot down eh?

Is the F-14 out yet?

No, and it won't come out before the F-18. I'd say expect a late 2018 release.


>1v1 with a MiG-21bis
>he fires a gorillion missiles at me, all defeated by flares and some moves
>get behind him
>he starts doing one loop after another
>slowly but surely outturning him and getting closer
>sidewinders are useless
>get a good shot with the guns
>he stops turning and runs like a bitch
>must have a damaged engine cause he can't get away
>finish him from real up close with another cannon burst
That was fun

>we'll be dead again by late february.
you mean late april? thats about a few weeks after 2.5

they still believe they will play the new map before march

I'm still awful at properly landing this thing

To the user with the pixelated shit, I have no clue what the fuck is wrong with your computer or DCS install, mine looks fine.

And the one asking about afterburners, look up Foxbat's afterburner mods, they are pretty.

Forgot pic

use the brake chute
it's not an emergency measure like in the mirage but a standard procedure
it will be repacked once you rearm

I did use it, I always do. But the plane always starts to veer off to one side and I can't counter it with the rudder, so I have to engage the nose wheel steering and then it starts to tokyo drift because of the speed

I think you're probably getting on the brakes way too early. Looks like you came to a stop in the first 2000' of the runway. Just land on center line, keep the nose up for some flashy aero-braking, and calmly get everything under control. Very small rudder inputs, very gentle. After a couple seconds of aero, don't add back pressure and let the nose naturally settle onto the center line. Now you can very gently apply wheel brakes. You should have no skidding like in your pic, that means you're slamming on the brakes. You're encountering "reverted rubber hydroplaning" because such a heavy foot on the brakes.

You should only need to engage nose wheel steering when you need to turn to exit the runway.
user, for your next landing, I challenge you to gently decelerate to turn off the runway only when you've reached the very far end.

What is the best train simulator on Steam?

Bind an axis of some kind for differential braking. That is how it is done in an F-5.

use the brakes, NWS during high speeds is dangerous in virtually every aircraft

Don't use differential braking, that's a terrible idea. Rudder application alone is enough in anything other than a severe crosswind. Stop teaching this guy bad habits.

>good graphics
Train Sim World
>lots of content
Train Simulator 2018

I'll buy Train Sim. 2018. Thanks,

I want a map with mountains and canyons not just flat grassy fields or a desert

How many here already bought the Hornet?

At least a few people in the last thread

Not on the F-5, as the rudder is too large and in charge at low speeds, and will cause you to spin. In any other aircraft, yes, but not an F-5.

>the rudder is too large and in charge at low speeds
And yet it's virtually non-existent at high speed. Why's that?

If you 404 again I swear to god I'm going to fucking kill you all

It's not a very deep surface. At low speeds it can fully deflect and move a lot of air but appraoching mach 1 it becomes less able to overcome the air pressure and cannot deflect as much, and what it can do is heavily counteracted by the profile of the aircraft weather-vaning.

don't die

It's hopeless user. Just let it die and move to hoggit or whatever, nobody here gives a fuck anymore.


How limited is the A-10A from FC3 compared to the A-10C, besides not being a clicky module?

Largest difference is that A-10A is missing things like the targeting pod, TAD, DSMS so your limited on a lot of things like target acquisition and standoff ability, situational awareness and navigation, and weapon release customization.

I have never used differential braking on the F-5 with centerline landings no problem. The issue isn't the rudder, it's (I think) the light weight, gear design, and free castering nosewheel. It behaves like a taildragger. But differential braking is absolutely unnecessary. Rudder deflection is perfectly fine from approach speed all the way down to taxi speed. Just be proactive with stopping any drift early.

What's the difference between MiG-29A, G and S?

You'll get better.
>t. simdad bored and motivated to respond

lol thanks for that

Yeah I think my main problem is that I tend to slam on the wheel brakes as soon as I get all three wheels on the ground

What the fuck? A high effort and high quality post on my simg?!


good night simg
>mfw simg will be dead as i wake up tomorrow

well guys, wish me luck

I just pre-purchased the F/A-18C
I speculate a MINIMUM 3 years until it is feature complete.

It is from a simdad, not a child like most posts here..that's why.


>you can walk around as the pilot after ejecting and landing
That's p cool. Can you hop out of the plane and walk around the airfield, maybe board another plane or a car or some shit?

I landed without touching the wheel brakes once and there was no drifting or skidding of any sort

let the aircraft roll out, you dont need to get on the brakes straight away, USE THE RUNWAY



Can someone explain contrast seekers? Like what makes a tank stand out from its surroundings on one? Does it have to do with color? (I'm guessing it doesn't)

Contrast in what wavelength?

idk man, let's just say the whatever the AGM-65A uses.

It's just a black and white camera which sees some IR light. Since vehicles tend to emit quite a fair amount of heat compared to the ground, and other than that are often colored differently, they tend to contrast well on the camera.

Nicely done!

Keep in mind that the F-5 dcs got doesn't have an anti-skid system. So impulse braking is a must
The swiss F-5s got it though


let's make it till morning

I've been flying the gazelle around in DCS and have been loving it! It handles so well once you get the hang of it and doing gun runs are a blast. I've mastered return-to-senders, barrel rolls, and loops in it but I still want to step up my game. What can I work on next to improve my piloting skills in this bad boy?

hovering behind cover so that only the camera is exposed.

but i don't want to be a bitch nigga who uses those gay ass TOW missiles. I prefer getting up close and personal with the cannon and rocket pod.

actually fuck what I said that sounds like good advice.

deep SEAD missions.
Sneaking between buildings and houses to creep up on a site only to forget about the patch of trees to your left that a shilka can see through.

Glad you're having fun, a lot of people give the Gazelle shit when it's not any worse than the MiG-21 with it's problems. The FM troubles have been mostly fixed (and even then they never really effected standard flight). It's one of my favorite modules.

oh my god, the Mirage is a dream for killing shit you can't even see with GBU-12's

what a wonderful bomb truck

never went below 20,000' above 350KIAS the entire time
>shame it only carries 4

Where is a good place to download some SEAD missions for the gazelle?

I think there are some up on User Files:


There's also the mission thread on the forums but I'm sure all of those are on the User Files site, you could also just throw down a SAM site or two in the ME if you want to practice, that's what I do.

>being a proud self confessed simdad
go file ur taxes grandpa lmao

You're just grumpy because you probably can't afford as nice of a battle station as he can.

nice implication. im a software developer, i can buy myself anything i want for my computer






Again with the seizure after touchdown
Said, go easy on the brakes, you are landing a tine jet, not a an225

>being mad that a dad has time for hobbies and even helping anons on 4chin and you can't even without wife and kids
>damage control this hard

IL-2 is fun

That word is not okay around here. You're not supposed to enjoy things.

>wake up
>simg not dead
I don't know how to feel

How do you know where to aim them?
And why cant the ai give gps numbers?

Only works in Digital Shit Simulator

i know, it is supposed to be that way.
its devs worked hard on balans for the GAME

>brake chute
>standard procedure

You are like a little baby
Admittedly this can only be really effective without external weight


I know youtubers and memes are frowned upon on this website but anyone here watch airforceproud?
He got an actual ATPL, with clearance for some twin-engine planes.

Anyone here playing FSX or P3D like a real sim? Rather in small and/or transport aircraft? I would love to have a good f/o or even be a f/o for a experienced pilot...



>(embed) (embed) (embed)

whats that m5 in the middle?

Thread is overtaken by simdads now

JTAC gives coordinates and laser code. See top right of this guy gets it

>Anyone here playing FSX or P3D like a real sim? Rather in small and/or transport aircraft?
Can I get that in English?
well let you kids have your imageboard back after we're done with it

I'm quite drunk right now, I meant that I would rather like people that know small passenger amd/or small to large cargo aircraft

40mm grenade launcher on a turret

Personally, I think that's a little to aggressive for my tastes, but there's really nothing wrong with that. I like to just keep the landing attitude using back pressure... until I run out of elevator. Was a comfy demonstration.

FSX/P3D is GOAT. And FSLabs are considering doing an update of to P3Dv4
>the freeware developer of the INS is updating it to x64

forgot image

The Concorde X mod is already so realistic, for me as a pilot without f/o and engineer, it takes me way too long and way too many looks in the handbook to just get it up to cruising alt and supersonic.

>Personally, I think that's a little to aggressive for my tastes

It does indeed look pretty dramatic with the shaking and all, but that shaking is just a sign you're quickly bleeding off your excess speed, which is good. Note in the videos where the speed gets down to 80-90 KIAS when the nosewheel touches down, immediately allowing optimum wheel braking.

>I like to just keep the landing attitude using back pressure... until I run out of elevator

That's a good technique, especially with strong crosswinds, but your landing roll could go on quite a bit if you don't have the chute available. An aerobrake also looks cooler, so there's that.

Really wanting to get into Assetto Corsa, what kinda wheel and pedal should i get that are reliable?


tfw never

Is that a boeing?
Reminder that the only thing worse than most migs is the f104