League of legends general - /lolg/

>ywn introduce Lulu into the world of showbizz where she turns out be very marketable causing her superiors to take advantage of her other potential and where she while hesitant at first fucks and sucks her way to the top becoming an iconic pop culture figure starring in many classic movies and hitsongs while caving in under pressure reaching a breaking point when her nudes are leaked and her otherwise flawless figure: slandered having her resort to drug use to cope with the stress, escaping reality leading to an eventual overdose on heroin+painkillers at the young age of 27000 years old leaving behind a legacy and millions of fanboys and girls all around the world that mourn her death-edition


Other urls found in this thread:


>he's doing bad in placements

Literally no excuse

i wish i was a girl

xth for my wife Syndra

xth for Syndra is a filthy whore

>he buys emotes


What the Void find Star Queen Sona to be a suitable incubator for millions of void eggs?


you should check opgg and then think about dodging if its about your team

i usually autododge vaynes but 1/100 vaynes is a smurf that you shouldnt dodge

Is Jhin viable as a mid hero or should I just avoid playing him at all?

Who is better now? K6 or Rengar?

Is it true that if I'm a support main I will forever be stuck in Bronze/Silver?

I've never played ranked before but I'm going to start this week and my friends keep telling me I'll never 'climb' (so to speak) if I'm a support main.

Post more girl love

how about no

I remember that thread

Vel'koz would remove her limbs and you know it.

Kha'zix got buffed.

Rango has been trash for a long time

That's not true but it's a bit more difficult that playing on your own, you depend a lot on your adc not being retarded and viceversa

Best couple by the way

Play brand. After his buffs to make him even more annoying he has a very impressive winrate in the elos that you'll see in placements

xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!

Pretty cancerous

Make it stop

This will be your support on your next match.

I want to snuggle with Kled!

If you are bronze/silver support player ye

Posts like yours hurts my eyes...

Dude you are literally lusting over the other guy. Stop with this charade because it is getting super old. You can waifu Syndra, stop posting next to every second post so people know it is you.

> heavily pregnant Quad amputee Star Queen Sona forced to feed her void offspring with her extremely engorged breasts


Can Lulu watch????/

>CHILDHOOD Friends AND Lesbians

Can't work. Sorry buddy.

Which Star Guardians make the best girl couple?

you are delusional if you think russians are not botting and ganking scum. Not to mention the devilsaur mafia if I remember corretly are ruskies too.

Both chinese and russians are botting gold selling scum and refuse to learn english. The best would be IP ban both but whitekidney refuse.(for obvious reasons) All private server owners are scums, including that faggot gummy who is now shilling on /lhg/ and doxxes those who say anything bad about him and his incompetent ass.

At the end of the day you are best off waiting for classic, or just spend time on LH until then. It might be nublizz but even thats better than these people are.

also league of legends

Vel'koz would remove sona's limbs.

As a Kha'Zix player, it pleases me when I see other people play him and have no clue what they're doing. The less people that know how to play him or deal with him, the better for me.

i have a restriction order against Lulu, if she comes near me or my husband, she goes to jail where she belongs.


>autododging the adc most likely to win
Solid strategy. You should also consider flaming your adc if they start relic shield while you're at it.

ok right now she is pretty op but every other time in the year thats how you should handle vaynes

I want Vel'Koz to remove my legs and use them as his own so he can become the most powerful void boy.

>Leona isn't meta for a long time
>People want her gutted for being good now.

>tfw someone is playing your main, and they just fuck it up

I just replied to a post user.

Watching someone attempt to Shurima shuffle when they're behind is frustrating to watch.

>tfw someone is playing your main better than you ever have and is kicking the shit out of your team

>tfw they win anyway

Is Xin Zhao a solid bet for ranked? Dude is usually a guaranteed victory if your team isn't pants on head retarded.

The canon one

le epik

You are so pathetic, I hope you realize this.

>defending aftershock cancer

You have told me so many times I don't even care anymore.

It's almost like there's a good reason certain champions are bad for extended stretches of time.

literally kys yourself

It's not worth it man. Syndra I mean lulu2.0 will continue to spam his waifu shit while simultaneously gay erping with other men. Above all pfbcpurse he'll tell you to stop and that you are in the wrong. Since he is literally lulufag tier, just report his posts as yes, if you look at the rules, avatarfagging breaks rule 13 and then filter him.

>This keystone makes a champion too strong
>Instead of nerfing the keystone lets gut the champion

You're the problem. You have to go back. You have to leave.

I'm a capeshit poster now

Does anyone else think the champs they've been putting out in the last 2 or 3 years are vastly superior than their older original champs from 2009 or 2010?

I looked at my top 5 most played and it's Aurelion Sol, Taliyah, Kled, Kayn and Ivern and realized all of them came out in the past 2 years.

Is it because they're focusing more on quality and less on quantity? I mean, if you're rolling out a new champion every few months and putting thought into it, they're bound to be better than the ones that are given only a few weeks' thought.


>first ranked game of the year
>adc goes afk 2 minutes in
>extremely even 4v5 game and they still end up winning because dumb af calls from my team
>mfw the enemy team spams "gg ez" and "mad cuz bad" for the last 10 minutes of the game

I fucking hate people who talk shit while winning a 4v5. Like I wish they'd actually just drop dead.

Surrender next time

cutes lol girl


I feel like it is immune to getting punished though.

>Company gets more money and can put more resources into market research to find champions people will like and also can put more money into design teams

dude, we were taking more objectives, getting more kills and even got to their inhib
too many shitty calls from the team though, like "let's literally not go to defend our turrets", "let's contest drake 3v5" and so on.

>2-0 in placements
>Enemy picks GP, Vayne, Thresh Prince, Yi, Ahri
>Last pick on our team picks Vel'koz

Lmao, that was a wild loss full of salt

That's why you surrender
If you are in elo where you can win a 4v5 then just quit at 15 and move to next game for maximum climb
If you are in elo where you can't win then why try

Whats wrong with Vel'koz


Tight dragonpussy!

Against that comp, everything, plus he couldn't land spells worth a damn

Malz would have been great into that

He's just an idiot who sucks with him and assumes everyone else must suck with him.
Vel'Koz is a solid pick for any team, but only as long as he goes support. He's super weak mid and has like 20 counters.

no way he isnt going to break and start flaming

I don't play him, we won bot lane but he fed Ahri and Yi too hard because it turns out champs that get close to him fuck him

>He's super weak mid
I wouldn't say that. He's decent right now, just has to watch out for assassins.

>caring about "muh elo" "muh division"
Bronze v-iii is the most fun division in League



How do we fix this garbage site and actually make good playlists for each champion?
Every playlist is like anime shit or trash video game music. Most of the songs don't even have anything to do with the champions themselves. Or they're ironic jokes like the Monster Mash for Sion or some shit.

hahah this guy quit the game and made us lose instantly hahahaha oh man this is hilarious LOL this guy just started running down mid oh boy am I enjoying myself hahahahahaah

I'm surprised the retards in those divisions can even type while playing

Last season he was crap
He is a lot like xerath but with more burst/tank shred at the cost of range

Velkoz is underesimated, you cant FP him usually because some picks fuck him up however his levl 6 burst will get you lots of free kills, the moment he hits E against a squishy theyre dead or forced to flash

You're not an emotelet are you /lolg/?

>literally never had a blue side game the entire placements


the CLIMB is on!
how are those placements going user?
you ARE doing placements right?

>not having fun with trollpicks and memebuilds in low elo

they did NOT add a dab emote

They did tho

>implying I don't do trollpicks and meme builds in high gold/low plat

assassin trundle is OG

>1 won
>5 lost

You must be like the best goy ever
Do you have mental problems?

>he thinks mood.gg is bad
Go back to your rap or wubstep or whatever

won 1 with Veigo and 1 with Kartho

Unless you are not payed to play this game you shouldn't really care. Its way past its primetime and it only gets worse and worse every season.

>Rhaast with spirit visage and death's dance

Holy shit man, this is the most broken thing in the game. The healing is insane.

>first pick malph
>enemy team exclusively picks AD champions
Ain't that some shit

>there are people that are still playing league unironically
uhh lolbabies?

>go into game as jungler last night
>top lane ganks keep failing because our top laner is an idiot
>starts yelling at me in broken English
>"you dumb fat american"
>"you white trash"
>"i bet you vote donal trump"
>"evil natzee"
>starts shit talking me and intentionally feeding
>report him for hate speech
>logged in today and get an honor capsule

What gives 75 IQ spics the hubris to play on the NA server? If they hate us so much, why do they want to associate with us?

Did you even see the Burning Bright video? Is this the first magical girl themed thing you see? 100% gay as fuck.

>0-3 so far
>being matched with s7 Golds

should i just end my life now or wait until my placements are done

Man, I wish Kayn would still speak when Rhaast took over. Their bantz is great and I hate that it just all goes away.

It is bad though. 80% of the songs are in fact dubstep and shitty nightcore remixes. The playlists are all curated by 13 year olds.