/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2642

Prepare for GW Edition

>Recent News
granbluefantasy.jp/pages/?p=16206 -
Ippatsu Event (Norio Wakamoto goodness), SR Ippatsu, SSR Therese release.
Suptix la!
3 Draw Tickets have been added to every Side Story shop
Eden 4* has medium stamina

>NewbieFest 01/10-01/25
Daily single gacha ticket starts 01/11
1.5 RP and EXP for Ranks 100 and below(Non-HL)
1/2 AP and BP
1/2 Free and Extra Quest
All Elemental Trials are open during the period

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for January:
12/30 - 1/9 - Right Behind You
1/10 - 1/16 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
1/17 - 1/24 - Guild Wars (Wind Bosses)
1/25 - 1/30 - Miscolored Memories (Rerun)
1/31 - 2/?? - New Story Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


I wanna love them!

Reminder to kick your EU leechers from your crew before GW starts


Did I do good?

>these plus space whale
>41 rolls
>second dirt buncle in a month despite not getting any at all in my first year+ of playing
I can live with this.

Yuel or Percy for fire
Altair, Silva or water Yuel for water
Dirt is decent as is, but Ayer if you want to
Birdman or wind Lancelot for wind

I hate everyone that got corntato.
I need her so bad so that I have a reason to use Lecia Grand.

Potato thread?

I'm about to tix Heles even if she's not the strongest.
I've been waiting forever to be smothered by my fire harem mommies

Jingai Modoki is a god among men.

>you can now ticket a full frontline of good fire characters with atma synergy
Is fire finally saved?

Yes, potato thread.
In honor of the fact that the only SSR Potato I've rolled is Xmas Arulu.
I need more!

I'm normally not a potato fan, but I would mash the shit out of Arulu.

Do Lich and DAO actually drop Celeste Claws or is the wiki just memeing me?

>Therese's echoes don't stack with Yuel's

>ticketing Sturm

Who here nig? I'm 100% sure I'm the only one ;_;

Same, Arulu does things for my dick unlike most potatoes, maybe with the exception of Nio

ew go away

Claws don't exist

>playing GBF fullscreened
Fucking disgusting

Earthlords how's Ygg/Sarasa/Ilsa team

I want to mock you for being a nig, but I can't insult such good taste.


go back

>use Viramate
>still put a bunch of GBF pages in your bookmark bar
>watches streamers

>western style vira

>being a nigger is okay if you're a pedophile

Not very esports but fine if you like them a lot and not chasing any mvps



I'm reporting you to the nips for using viramate.
Enjoy your ban.

>pics is a nigger

wtf bros

>Arriet seems neat
>But have nothing else in Wind

white as fuck reporting in

>hurr durr pedo
get the fuck out.

what is the problem with using gbf bookmarks?

Therese or Percy?

>listening to Katy Perry AND being a disgusting smoker

Seems pretty pointless when using an extension that has its own bookmarks for those pages.

Anyone have the Death cookie monster pic?

Arriet is fucking trash.


post list

gbfg told me to get korwa but isnt she bad

oh yeah he has viramate, kek

there was a streamer who got banned for multiboxing nip raids, and he was black

Why do nigs always have the way paler palms compared to the back of their hands.
It looks fucking gross.

Outclassed by 5* Nio



Do we actually know how old she is? I know it's implied that she's basically a Harvin milf, but there's gotta be a canon age listed somewhere.

I think 29 or 30. She's a cake.

"Korwa is bad" is the biggest gbfg meme. She's not optimal for endgame players, but is a huge help for any new player or someone who isn't willing to build Nio 5*

thanks to everyone that stayed for the baha HL

Then ticket her?

she's a cake


Post more ubaha hl

Isn't she like 27 or 28?
Which is granny tier by jap standards.

>just realised the only ssr potatoes i have are both arulus

Did someone mention potatoes?

Fucking. Perfect.

Give it back, Jamal.

that kaguya is cute!

Do I need 2 or 3 spears for agni grid?

My old danchou was one. He also let the whole crew belittle him all the time because of that.


>have self control and save crystals on AG and SS
>have absolutely zero self control on GBF
What is KMR putting into this game that makes me want to roll all the time?

Your ghost will always be the age you died at.

thanks for the exploitable meme hand, going to use it to post BLACKED on cuck waifus

she's been 13 for nearly a century, though

>can't ticket Ilsa
>or Therese

>/gbfg/ was reddit all along
really makes you think

Ferry died at 13, user. Thanks to Celeste, she's an eternally pubescent ghost erune.

How different would the game be if we had full fledged furries?


It would be better

Happy birthday

Here's a long dong!


It would be full of in-denial degenerates.
Fucking remove your image.

didn't get both of them, just end me

What happened to my other Philosophia bro?

Right here buddy. She's still my home screen girl.




>There are sidestories
Shit, should I be clearing all of these out? There are so many goodies



Free weapon skill fodder and tickets

Good man.

What do I want to know before hosting my first proto-baha? I've gone over the wiki page already, so pack enough DR to survive his triggers then?

Arulu AND Philo!

I dont wanna get banned, so here

>user surprised others anons are also ledditors
>Yet they use the wiki, which is also made by reddiots
>half the content, even the op text to text is from reddit

As much as I dislike reddit, stop fooling yourself, both have had the same type of members for several years now.

we will get there one day

What's going to happen?

As a new player is now a good time to use my crystals or should I wait till end of month? I only have 3SSR and they're all in different elements.

Would the stallion even fit?