League of Legends General - /lolg/

Best ADC Edition


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xth for my wife Syndra

post things that disgust you

>mastery 7 on shit like rammus and sivir

What champion pisses you off the most?

tags: netorare, mindbreak, pregnancy, interracial

I use aftershock, feels more useful when you pull someone in and that effect makes them think instantly about running away from it, usually gets me 1-2 extra hits with autos or whatever.

That was an enjoyable read, good on you.
Made me want to write something again, the last thing I wrote was For Honor-related.

God I wish I had mastery 7 Rammus, I was thinking about starting to play him top

GP's early-to-mid game. "Haha lol I can press q every other second and soon it'll deal 1/4 your hp too haha"

>people who ban nothing

>tfw no qt petite gf

when is the new patch with the Jinx buffs?

How was your placements?


Fucking nigger rune klepto
Fuck this shit

>Rot runs backwards
I lost a game because of that shit.

how accurate is this?

>tfw ever since I got Rammus to mastery 6 I haven't been able to get a straight S for the life of me
>Last match I went 2/2/18 and got an S-

Not ok.

can you do this in league?

Akali, retarded worthless cunt.

Which Jungler should I save up for? Zac, Vi, or Sejuani

this. GP might be a late game champ but at least even at late game he still has to be good with his barrels to make plays rather than laning phase where he just Q's you with sheen over and over again. It's pretty obnoxious


when this little piece of shit is going to get the nerfs he deserve?

Wait jayce general combo is melee > ranged?

I thought you engage with shock blast

makes me want to puke in my mouth, the game looks so fucking bad, when's the visual update coming?

This is the Fallen Angel of many ball drainings.
Say something nice about her

I can't even tell what's going on or why

Just dont enter his lane lmao?????

idk about jax and trundle, but Yorick for sure. His pushing power while literally just staying top is like old-times' Trynd.

Man I love kleptomancy, feels like I'm playing an RPG

She is significantly less fun than Viktor and Taliyah but she's still okay.

Yeah you usually engage with EQ using the speed from your E but I guess you could also start melee and then switch into ranged to finish them off but that sounds kind of stupid

Is Riot metal enough to put this chroma in the game?

Chen, the guy that placed the ward, can mind control jungle monsters. Each of those clay golems have access to a point n click stun. Do the math.

sivir is fun though

>Camp bot hard and give our Trist a nice lead
>She dc's

I want her to feed me semen production potions and proceed to drain me for days!

Jarvan buffs when

>Chen can control 4 creeps
>has item that can also control a creep
>take control of 5 creeps
>set them up to look exactly like a regular creep camp
>enemy walks into jungle area thinking they are safe because they're just jungle creeps
>proceed to send army to attack

Sejuani if you want guaranteed victories.

>only days
>not weeks
>not months

4-6. Considering that I was 1-6 at one point not even that bad.

>Yasuo gets 800 gold value out of a 400 gold item
>Yasuo has been buffed to get an additional 17 magic resist at lvl 18
Why is this champion allowed?

If this were accurate for Yorick, he'd have a Zzrot in one lane, maiden in another, and himself pushing the other lane tbqh

>hate playing kleptomancy
>love mana potions and having them almost as much as I love Poppy
Man, oh man.

she has a cool hat
>tfw ywn have your balls emptied into her morning coffee on the daily

They play too safe when I try to engage with ranged first

They're so far back so I can't do anything to get in range

I still don't understand why Yasuo needs a shield.

>Mastery 7 on shit like Yasuo, Vayne, Jhin, Master Yi, Lee Sin, or Zed

>plat xayah telling us we're shit
>insists their damage was the reason they won
>not the fact i took 4 dragons, and solod baron
>as the mid laner
>while they died the moment i took baron
>after i also took 4 towers alone
no go on please tell me how you actually mattered at all when you had 4 kills and 6 deaths but insisted anything you did was valuable

>can't play any of the assassins worth a fucking shit
>actually feel more confident playing Season 2 meta mids than any of the newer champs
Is the ASS-ASSin meme real?

I'm new but I wanna play a cute girl and get into the game. Do I get Katarina?

Aren't you busy being gay with swift?

yeah but the problem with melee first is you won't get the burst from your ranged W when you go in.


>cute gi-
>I'm new
Not Kindred.

All my loses have went like this.

Our jungle does nothing all game.

Theirs provides constant pressure.

Katarina can be kinda tricky if you want ez mode just play any of the supportsluts sona/janna/raka

>morning coffee
>anywhere but inside her

He already did?

can you do this in league?
>support with refresher
>literally solo the game

Support is boring. I like playing Nami though.

>That was an enjoyable read, good on you
Thanks man, appreciate it.

Alright, I'm convinced. Writing something lewd tommorow, then posting it in here.
Suggest like 1-3 fetishes you'd like to see in there and a pairing of 2-3 characters (user is viable as one).

Sure thing, fren.

>It's going to be at least another year before Xayah gets a good skin

Mass Serpent Ward looks so fucking jank dude

Of course I am.

When is Caitlyn getting the buffs she deserves? This has gone on long enough Riot

You could with Ardent Censer last season.

>I'm new but I wanna play a cute girl

i like your attitude!

why am I such a hateful angry fellow lolg
whats wrong with me
never been banned but I hate everything, never grew out of it

Samsung's going to be good, most likely.

is there a more reddit champ in the game than jhin

No because Dota 2 and LoL have different design strategies and gameplay mechanics

I enjoy both games but I don't know what your point is here

>Katarina can be kinda tricky if you want ez mode just play any of the supportsluts sona/janna/raka>>
Tricky in what way? I find support to be kinda boring. I've got 400 hours+ in DOTA, but I wouldn't consider myself good by any means.

just do some roleplaying user, like imagine you're x kind of character (at least during your games)

there's tons of things to do that make you less toxic and angry

Honestly, how's that going?

League of Legends

>''just carry harder''
>''your botlane dies 2v2 without the enemy using summs twice''
>''yasuo sees rek'sai walk over a ward towards him but doesn't react and dies''

I love when people think they don't need to smite.

caitlyn is dumb and has an ayylmao face in her base splash


oh in that case you're probably fine honestly. Kat isn't exactly super hard, I would just imagine if you were legit new to Mobas in general you would probably feed with her

for instance that you are a nymphomaniac healslut

Riot needs to start dropping those Swain teasers soon.

Shaco doesn't need smite. Real shaco mains don't take it

So what happens when Lee hops the wall and smites baron?

>These pussy ass botlanes

I'll probably feed anyway, user. It's been a bit. Any tips?

Incredibly well for both of us.

Can't wait for the ap items update, getting fucking tired of Morellonomcon+Liandry's on almost every mage.

pls respond, I'm in the mood for writing for once

maybe they delayed it because people ask for teasers 50 times per thread
I know I would

He gets it

if you write a fapfic based on pic related I will love you forever

source of your pc, please

Does anyone actually buy Deathcap anymore? It seems like the other AP items offer more benefits. Like maybe if there's an Orrn on the team and we've gotten multiple Infernal drakes

Kleptomancy on Kled? It would make sense, right? Or nay?

>playing placements
>team picks retarded comp
>team picks good comp
:T H I N K I N G:

>STILL no male enchanter
What the fuck seriously

Do enough damage without it desu


>38 seconds webm

How,i can only make them 21 seconds at best,webm converter refuses to use all the 2.99MB space

tfw no qt athiest anime wife




kys yasuo/vayne faggot

Katarina is not for cute. Katarina is for tight

Does his w proc it? Do passive abilites proc it?