League of Legends General /lolg/

Blakc roes edition.

I love Vladimir


I want to feast on Shyvana's thick donut!


xth for my wife Syndra

Kled is my Star Guardian and I am his voidling with a huge ovipositor!


Because I bet she gets really tired and sweaty and stuff after fighting so well during her games , so she craves someone to eat her ass after each and every one.

Best couple!

why is wolf on jungle

>Watch LCK
>It's another "faker has to solo carry his team"
>With a special appearance from the jungle Wolf

SKT would be irrelevant without faker

Who here /Urgot/? Currently I'm playing him jungle with Phase Rush.

why is wolf playing jungle lads wtf is this

Marin was better than Faker so I dont think thats true

I want to have sensual penetrative cuddling with Shyvana!

How the heck did I get placed in plat 1 when i was plat 4 last season? I only went 8/2, it would be a stretch even if I went 9/1 or 10/0. I don't get how this system works.

God i wish i was that little dragon

I want to sensually penetratively cuddle Shyvana from the other side while this user does it!
Teamwork makes dreams work.<

So say we all.

We should get 1 free dodge for every promo series.
Or get promos alltogether

You cant sensually penetrate someone

how do i carry with akali?

>kill laner
>push wave then roam
>win lane
>can't 5v1
i can usually assassinate adcs/supports (if casters), but i can't do much if they have cc like leona or alistar

Redpill me on this patch. Haven't played in like 3 weeks.

get rid of promos*

>When ur so shit at jungling u get replaced by a support in the 3rd game

life ends here

one of the most painful losses I had

>supposedly ahead on trynd
>enemy laner builds any armor item and becomes immune to me entirely

what are they going to do to fix this issue?

Is Effort the best alistar in the fucking world?

Varus is a piece of shit I want gutted for like no reason.

You get your own half dragon, I want intimate time with Shyvy's dragonpussy

play illaoi and 5v1

lolg the CLIMB has begun!
have you finished your placement matches yet?
where are you all starting this season?

git gud

Went 5-5 and placed into Silver 2, ended last season Gold 5 but climbed to Gold 4 during preseason.
What about you climbanon?

>havent played in 4 years
>current 2w/2l in ranked
what do


>bug girl lulu

I've never played. Can any nordicks tell me what region to choose when making an account? I feel like if I pick EU Nordic & East it'll be 99.5% Russians.

I like where this is going.

Keep playing, keep learning and have fun


EUNE is so unbelievable bad you'll get bad habits from playing with them

I'm at 8 losses 1 win. These are some of the most clown fiestia games I've ever witnessed. I could have carried a few but I lost focus because of how fucking retarded the match was.
Starting at a low rank is more fun anyway.

whats the fucking point of placements? I mean im 5/1 but i already know im going to get fucking demoted so why the fuck do i have to play 10 fucking games to get my demotion?

not to worry, user
I'll just use her entrance and exit, mouth and rear end

Watching Lava shuffle into Effort was the absolute dumbest thing Ive seen in a long time.

Rox got punished for not respecting wolf jung lmao

>not banning perma banned sej
>playing aggressive as fuck in jung

>Actually watching soulless gook esports

Yeah won my first 4 games all of which had people on enemy team throwing and next game it was my turn to have someone throwing on my team and then my fifth win i almost lost because my dumbshit botlane refused to group when they were clearly being hunted down by the eve and twitch

>was Gold V
>get put into Silver II
>win match
>get 29 LP

yeah that was obviously the plan
get rox to focus on jungle instead of sitting up top lanes ass again

Alright I'll go EUW.
>tfw have to pick username


He was trying to flex on the guy that just killed his adc

No, I have to maintain eye contact while she strokes my hair. You wait your turn (which is never) or find someone else


is it time for me to sleep now /lolg/?

>tfw top laner
>no longer wish to main top island
>dunno what to play

Hesitant to do my placements

You ever wonder how high you could go if you were a meta whore?

Fuck Soraka.

Bronze II, expected it since i went 4-6 and ended last season Silver IV!
Whats your goal for this season?
Always room for improvement user!

EUNE is shit, I was on there for my first 3 years and got nothing but trolling flaming slavs on my teams, or equally toxic scandinavians (t. swede btw)

Literally first game on EUW I had brits discussing tea and complimenting me IN CHAMP SELECT.

try some new top laners, just take a break from your mains.

your team was holding you down :^)



climbfag r3tard

what did you play too
Whenever I get tired of top I go mid or jung

3-0 currently. Getting support has been going ok so far. Picking Zyra into Janna lanes makes me happy.

>tfw losing a 5v4 and getting 5v2ed by irelia and soraka and she ends up 28/2/5 pentakilling our team

The guy was only gold last season and soraka was bronze1, so I guess it doesn't take much skill once irelia has some kills and can just win any engage

Why did riot make Sona so big?

My placements are ass every season, the people who belong in trash elo aren't there yet and end up facing competent people. Every feeder in my games that I've looked up was low silver last season. Once I'm placed and more people get pushed to the shit they belong i shouldnt have a problem getting to plat.

I may want to switch to jungle at this rank though because every single jungler in every game has been a fucking ape

2nd placement game bets?

how do you ping your health and mana?

shyv will carry and noc will get his ass kicked

G + click either

I would, in fact, slurp Soraka's donut while holding her in place by her ankles or ticklish hooves

Hold down ctrl while pinging that stuff.

based trist gonna carry the game as per usual

holy kek

Aatrox will get shit on but Janna and Annie hard carry

how do you signal enemy vision or the yellow exclamation that makes a loud noise

I miss Feral Flare

Enable it on settings

press v, but really you should put warded ping there and only use the red alert instead of yellow

Vi is like a boomerang, she never gives up.

How the fuck do you kill Trist/Janna? Who are great picks against them aside from Blitz?

5-5, gold 3

What does this mean where sex is concerned?

>mfw tabi, warden's mail and bramble

Ended last season at silver 1, and I climbed to plat 4 in preseason. Went 7/3 in placements

>be poppy
>go top
>find heisenberg waiting with his turrets

That was the most painful game I ever played. And I have played a while now.

should've asked your friends what server they play on first

>know you're up against dinger.
>don't immediately go to lane and stop him from building his triangle]
deserved it

>no 1000g item that makes me immune to tanks

has vayne been in any cinematics yet?

I want Zoe to sit on my face.

yikes has T1 started inting yet


This Fallen Angel wants to drain your balls. Do you accept?

get your own semen you commie

Was Plat 2 last season, shit my provisionals hard and ended up Gold 2. Climbing easily tho.

>People playing ranked with the cancer that is Shyv roaming in every game
Wow mom, look I have tank stats with no tank items and insane dmg with PtA and W

How the fuck didn't the artist do a "You will be tested." joke?



Ban her then