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Lets be /mu/ for a while

Pick a song that reminds/represents each one of the Force 4 Nox, Wrath, JC and JK

Er, sorry everyone! I just wanted an RP partner, I didn't mean to start an argument.

I knew i should'nt have fallen for the bait, but since I have already....What exactly is your problem again with male characters? This is genuine curiosity for me now because I'm pretty sure this longer is just you being a closet tranny, no...this has to be something bigger.

were you raped and robbed in another mmo by a male character?

So I’ve never done operations before, how fucked am I if I jump in the Q for dread palace SM?

Nox: youtu.be/aVbjOmraAkI
Wrath: youtu.be/SgchGHFakpU
JK: youtu.be/CoplnxPv-J0
JC: youtu.be/Sken4RHX9FY

Never forget.


Nox = youtube.com/watch?v=LOZuxwVk7TU

Wrath = youtube.com/watch?v=kCOqmYIha9s

JC = youtube.com/watch?v=DM2oNWTo6DY

JK = youtube.com/watch?v=yw_tvUtjGbw

SW: youtube.com/watch?v=4OuRajFzMYI
SI: youtube.com/watch?v=NCqqluVhxFk
JK: youtube.com/watch?v=jjrTyqLj8eg
JC: youtube.com/watch?v=3dYjJ3kOGoY

it weebshittening

>Solid songs for Nox and Wrath
>Meme'd up in JC and JK
Why couldn't you try your best for all 4? You really nailed the first 2

Good taste user, I also thought of those as well. I occidentally posted my trooper OP as JK, but I realized with all the superweapons you blow up in the JK storyline 0083 is a good fit anyway

I want to explore the galaxy with Nadia and go around doing good deeds and helping people!

Nadia would be much more fun to go around doing Jedi stuff with, Kira would probably bug you and complain about Jedi business all of the time.

>Christian rock is a meme

Stop right now even tho I'll admit fucking around in JC's music, I still have no regrets

not at all, they're a faceroll assuming you ever actually get a queue pop since everyone just makes premade groups on fleet genchat

Nox: youtube.com/watch?v=i_KBKDqraO4
Wrath: youtube.com/watch?v=51DEzX0lLY4
Barsen'thor: youtube.com/watch?v=-bHfoU89QQs
Knight: youtube.com/watch?v=S_xFuWmdhLk

So im halfway through KotET and Im getting really tired of Theron. And Koth for that matter. Cant I just use Lana or Vette all the time?

>a little bored with SWTOR
>try Wildstar again
>it's surprisingly fun but its population makes SWTOR look like pre-Cata WoW

Can I rip sounds from SWTOR anyhow? I want to shout FEEL THE WRATH OF VODAL KRESH from time to time.

Fug, wrong song for the Consular.


fuck, its been a literal decade since ive heard them. oh the memories.

I haven't seen that name in a long time


It's so fucking ded m8, I love it. Those smug fucks were bragging in /torg/ that their game made it to 13 months before going F2P and they still don't have an expansion.

Smuggler youtube.com/watch?v=TuJNdIcBOo8

>4 lists
>2 of them are weeb lists
Let me fix this
--------------------- RIGHT VERSION --------------------------
Nox - youtube.com/watch?v=VIvPIc8JID0

Wrath - youtube.com/watch?v=PFyMhNZB-lc

JC = youtube.com/watch?v=kOCxHu_F5xo

JK = youtube.com/watch?v=cPJNEGqf_jw
--------------------- RIGHT VERSION --------------------------

Fixing it would be adding good music, not more weebshit.

That’s really what I meant. What about boss mechanics?

You know, I really don't have a problem with the storyline for all classes becoming one in the xpacs in SWTOR.

I do have a problem with the pure laziness through. Sprinkling a few gems here and there if you're *insert class here* is not acceptable. They could be doing a hell lot more to make up for the "one story fits all" bs.

Why no new planets??? KOTFE and KOTET is just new FPs in one package under "story".

JK: youtube.com/watch?v=X9uk9IcoQ0w
JC: youtube.com/watch?v=VaUyJyPekJE
Trooper: youtube.com/watch?v=5q-HxbVbuMA
Smuggler: youtube.com/watch?v=ZXhuso4OTG4
Wrath: youtube.com/watch?v=Hj2vU2nr5Jw
Nox: youtube.com/watch?v=m9We2XsVZfc
BH: youtube.com/watch?v=999RqGZatPs
Agent: youtube.com/watch?v=_CbFAZ2ztlE

>implying gachiwars isn't Wrath or JK


Forgive me brother, its just too much good music to choose from

The worst thing New Vegas ever did was make that fucking song a meme.

all is well brother.

have a pic of billyboy hugging vader

>SWTOR in 2017
>2 FP
>one daily
>3 ops bosses
>Around 4 hours of content,
>6 bags of shit for just over 12 months
>now in Jan 2018
>An Op boss we were supposed to get a while go
>three literal whos returning
>an announcement of an announcement

How is this okay? Why do you people let Bioware/EA with this shit?

you're in the wrong place to be accusing us of letting it happen. We dont, its the whales who continue to feed them money.

which im fine with because i give about 0 fucks for operations content until i solo it like im able to do so in WoW.

B-but hardcore raiders are the reason MMOs succeed!

So... Will we get an xpac for 2018 or no?

it's an improvement over the literal nothing of 2016


>hard core raiders
>reason mmos succeed

pretty sure it's rp fags who spend dosh on cosmetic fluff

I'm guessing we'll start hearing stuff about it once they release MM GftM

But hardcore raiders were the reason it succeeded, its because the market and culture of gaming in general changed

People nowadays wanna a quick burst of dopamine and move on to the next thing, there is no pleasure in putting sweat and blood in a game, there is no pleasure in stoic gaming, everything needs to be fast so you can move on to the next thing

Hardcore players were the shit that carried the gaming culture, specially in MMO, it is just not the case anymore

There are probably only 10 people at the Bioware Austin Team. Maybe EA will realize that all their other Star Wars properties suck ass and invest into SWTOR.

That's the joke.

Hardcore raiders were never the reason MMOs succeeded, it was always the weekend warriors who paid their subscription feed and dipped in and out. I guarantee you that every MMO dev would choose those people if they could pick who plays their game.

That is so wrong it's not even funny.

I guarantee you, you never played any MMOs before 2008
Everytime a new expansion hit on WoW, there was an actual euphoria to see which clan/team would beat the expansion first than everybody else in their servers

Why? because expansions were hard, and it required teamwork and communication, not only you needed to be good, but you need to know people who were also good

People were famous in their own servers for being top DPS/Heal with their classes, and it somehow functioned like a pre-facebook

Like I said culture changed and its obviously not the case anymore, but to say hardcore oldschool games, specially MMOs, were dress up barbies since its primordial its just plain out wrong

>Like I said culture changed and its obviously not the case anymore, but to say hardcore oldschool games, specially MMOs, were dress up barbies since its primordial its just plain out wrong
That's not what I'm saying at all you fucking dolt. Casual players were always the backbone of the MMO genre and who the games were aimed at. Raiders are valuable only in that they are something for the casuals to aspire to be, and therefore encourage them to stay subscribed.

>Devs would obviously pick people who play seasonally over people who play religiously
>Every MMO was like SWTOR is now
>''pre-panda WoW, Diablo 1, 2 and 3 never existed''
>''CS 1.6 and source? what is that?''
>''SC1 and 2 is a meme lmao''
>''everything was made to be casual-friendly since the start!'''
Are you having a stoke or are you just THAT braindead?

>devs wouldn't pick people who progress through content slowly but stay subscribed
Are YOU that braindead?

I don't get why Luke in TLJ brought his lightsaber to Kylo's room begin with. He carried his lightsaber less in ROTJ than ESB. ESB taking the lightsaber got him failures at the Dagobah cave & Yoda warned him. By ROTJ, he was willing to leave the lightsaber with R2 & both give it to the Imperials when surrendering himself & throw it away when refusing to kill his father. Why did TLJ Luke bring his lightsaber to Kylo's room?

>responding to wojakanon
Just leave him be, he just got worried at the thought of his husbando not being created.

>Diplomat Chair on sale
>I already have a Watchman's Chair unlocked
Should I even bother once they hit the GTN?

>tfw I paid 17mil for my Watchman's Chair
I should've bought more.

>tfw they don't play this on the imp fleet

>not Hologram Girl
Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.


so many lekkus

>star wars galaxies general
I wish

SOE were dumbass niggas who shot themselves in the foot.

For such a massively lusted after MMO i'm always surprised it never became prominent and got overtaken by SWTOR.

Like shit son,what have the Private Servers done so wrong

I mean it is a better game, but it doesn't retain attention visually, or in any way really

Just started playing swtor again since launch what am I in for?

It got shut down because SOE's license to use Star Wars ran out and they couldn't reup it because of the SWTOR deal that Lucasfilm made with EA. If they'd made the deal in perpetuity in the first place you'd probably still have SWG running right now, albeit a shell of its former self. So just like the emulators.

A better game all around with a casualized story experience and slow-ass drip-fed endgame.

Boys, why is swtor so much fun? I don't even socialize much in the game (no clan etc), it's just my rl buddy and me playing through the game. It's so comfy. I don't think I can ever go back to any other MMO, this game's party conversation system and fully voiced dialogue spoiled me.

i just started TOR for the second time (gave up at like 18 Jedi guardian 2 years ago)

at 42 Sith Warrior and am on taris now. i'm not really big into end-game mmo raid shit--i'm having plenty of fun playing through the storylines and stuff. i've been checking out the marketplace to see if there's cool shit to buy and it looks like everything is fucking expensive.

if i want to look styling as fuck and have cool shit, should i buy credits or cartel coins? and wtf is up with the stupid-ass credit cap for preferred players? will it keep me from being able to buy cool shit once my sub runs out?

it'll get old soon enough

The credit limit will fuck you if you got back to preferred yes. Just keep leveling up, at level 70 you can easily pull down a million credits or more just by teaming up with people from here and running heroic missions.

1.do not but credits from the gold spammers. not wroth it at all in any sense.
2.credit cap is there to keep people hook line and sinkered into keeping their subscription going or eventually buying one when they get tired of having a cap.
3.Yes it will. Because as of last year, they no longer put bronze rarity items in the cartel packs that show up in the cartel market (cash shop). which means the lowest rarity of item youll find now is silver, and people were already gouging the fuck out of prices for silver items, loooooooong before the removal of bronze items from cartel packs. If you want to look cool and have cool shit, farm up as many credits as you can, on as many characters as can by doing heroics at level 70, as the amount of credits awarded to you for the completion of heroics (and their bonus missions if they have one) are scaled to your level.

If by the time your sub runs out and you dont want to renew it, make sure you have a stronghold with thats neutral (so you dont have to pay 1000 credits to go the other factions strong hold like an Imp going to Coruscant or Pubbie going to DK) and deposit the money into the legacy cargo bay. You'll be able to with draw from it at anytime as you like but you wont be able to exceed your on hand credit cap as a F2P/Preferred status player if you do so, without putting it into escrow. (cant withdraw from escrow unless you pay cartel coins as f2p/pref, and i think most you can do at a time is 600k.)

i wish they still gave bonuses for doing heroics in a group and getting money whenever your group members completed them and were close enough to you at the time of completion...fucking shitters ruined it for everyone.

You still get bonuses, they're just nerfed.

>they no longer put bronze rarity items in the cartel packs
except for the two slots for older items that have bronze items 99% of the time

The only bonuses you get are social points. You dont get bonus money from people completing their bonus missions anymore.
I meant they no longer put bronze rarity items into them, because theyve removed bronze as a rarity in terms of new items in new cartel packs.

>90% of your new pack items aren't minimum effort reskins
this is a good thing

just subscribed lads

Welcome home.

Why? Games dead.

are the part of the problem.


If it can't retain peoples attention I don't really think you can call it a better game. If there's one thing a game has gotta be good at it's convincing you to spend more time on it.

Does any one play on Satele or should i change servers?
I mean at this point ill do anything im just bored and want to do something social or at least with other people.

All the memelords are on the Starforge server

Why is subscribing bad? I tried to play as preferred once but everything about the game was off putting. Not enough money, can't play more than one character. Do I at least keep the sprint skill? I forgot, because immediately after I resubbed

>Why is subscribing bad?

It's salty fucks from /v/ coming here to shitpost because TOR is still alive six years after they said it was DOA.

>Game gives you Vette customization for free
>Can't use it without subscription

Talking about customizations, currently playing Jedi counsular, so I'm hyped to get the only female crew member, Nadia Grell. Which is her best skin to look out for and where can I get it?

They're all very samey, I just use the default on her.

Nox - youtube.com/watch?v=sk1Q-BFgnPM

Yeah true, I find it mechanically better and with greater depth of gameplay but, man, it gets boring as fuck. At least SWTOR keeps me engaged with being flashy and a story

Is there anything fun to do on SWTOR after I finish the storyline? I'm trying to decide if I should pay for a sub or go back to some other MMO.

There's nothing to do in this game once you finish the base story
Subbing is worthless


PvP and GSF are fun. Largely because there's no deserter debuff so if you get a team of retards you can just leave and requeue.

>Getting locked out of GF because KDY is still bugged
Fucking hate that

Guys how do I make credits with 2500cc

is there a guild? this game is pretty depressing playing by myself

Black/black dye is like 20 millions and it costs 1500cc

Black/Black dye
That shit sells for millions on the GTN