>Heroes FAQ and Links
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>Heroes FAQ and Links
>Links and Resources
>SoV Links
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I like this one
I'll keep this one bumped
your FE Switch lord
might as well if people are going to actually use the Lyn thread
If you're going to do that, make sure to remind people not to make a new thread as we approach the bump limit.
>two dimensional character
it's shit
At 4.50%, this -Atk Rein ruined my rate.
Ok, fuck you Micaiah. Gonna merge this shitty unit with my already good Rein to make him +2. Pity breakers are the reason I have so many merged units
He said FE Switch, not Fates or Awakening.
I got my first 5* dupes on this banner too, Lukas and Eirika. This banner is super cursed.
I'm so done with this banner. Got Innes and Sakura while trying for Sothe, and now Rein.
At least Fjorm is a bonus unit in arena so I just can stick to her and Sanaki.
Dupe 5-stars are good in this game. You either merge them to create one version with better stats + possibly better IVs, or you can give their abilities to someone else without the 20K feathers.
Bullying Doot by telling her that her crush was willing to kill her and didn't even consider saving her! Telling her that he views his noble fiancé as more important than her because of her social standing (and because he loves her instead, lol)!
>~120 orbs
>got sothe somewhat early, kept going for the others
>-attack chrom
>Karel and Athena with essentially neutral ivs
I don't know if I'm blessed or cursed.
Well at least you can give aether and a Wo Dao to someone else. Two if you don't care for Karel. I like the edgelord so I haven't gotten rid of mine.
This is who chrom is talking about when he says you remind him of a certain tactician
post the last part
Name my band
OP, I admire your dedication.
You have my respect.
'Zelgius and Arden Present: The Fuccbois, A Musical'
is that an actual manga panel or an edit
It's real
fuck, I missed the shitstorm, what are people saying?
How would you build my +spd -def NY camilla?
Firesweep with LnD or Swift with heavy blade seal and galeforce?
Wo dao + (spd) with LnD or Swift with heavyblade
This new banner is TOXIC business practice.
>actually considering pulling Colorless
Fuck, I need DB3 fodder so badly. But knowing my luck I'm going to end up with 50 Rebeccas if I do.
I'm not familiar with this girl. What would be the best build for a +Atk/-HP Olwen?
Honestly I dont really like the firesweep set since the unique thing about her is high defenses.
i went slaying edge speedo refine
I have a other rein I'm gonna merge to +6 him. I've rolled 4 of him on this micaiah banner
my masturbation lube is toxic in the hopes that it kills me while I jack off, it's only made me stronger though unfortunatley
>4 and 5 star banner
Shit, what they should have done is either:
a. Changed so the 3-4 star pool only consisted of focus units.
b. Summoning cost like 2-3 orbs
This banner is only good if you want to +10 someone like Abel.
I want to __be Olwen!
Just give up lol
Don't you want me in your gacha game user...
Good evening, I'll be your red unit for this summoning session.
This is a good banner for experienced players who want units they like with better IVs or need fodder to finish their projects. Anyone who says this banner is "toxic" needs to go back to *eddit immediately.
>FINALLY got a Lucius while pulling for Sothe
Oh thank fuck! And they updated the shit out of healers didn't they? Like I know forging staves exist but didn't they add something else? How should I build a +SPD/-DEF Lucius in the new mage metas? I got an extra Genny I can sacrifice. I'm interested in spicing things up and I been wanting to build a Lucius for a while.
please come home
100% wholesome
>got miccy and sothe on the same session with only a modest pity rate
>try and go for zelguis
>-atk cain
>-atk mcorrin
Give and take, huh motherfuckers. Cain already got taken out back for his brave sword. Now, give me one good reason not to send mcorrin home. His inheritance options are absolute trash.
>not using Eldigan with double Brash Assault to counter Hector with Wary Fighter and Quick Riposte
god i wish that were me
See you in 3 days
Pain++ is legitimately a terrifying thing to face in Arena, and great to use in the player hands. +SPD is not bad, so Wrathful/Dazzle will make him the powerhouse he was meant to be.
Let him bench til they refine his prf
>blues got abel and mathilda
>fucking abel
>3 horse lances
>instead of something like cordelia or reinhardt
He's so handsome
Passing Dragon Fang and Obstruct 3 to an extent. Feathers are too little to ever be worth it.
I'm ready for this Yato buff he might be my first +10 :^)
>check out GBF out of curiosity after people mentioned it last thread
>game starts throwing cute girls at you within 1 minute of starting
what the fuck, why don't we get this kind of stuff in FEH?
Finally got Zelgius to go with my Sothe, think I spent about 100 orbs in total
I don't think I'll try to get Micaiah too, I only have 8 TT orbs left to collect and might as well save back up for whatever they do for the anniversary, fresh out of orbs right now
Katalina a shit
I examined the rates of this banner a little bit. Here's the average amount of orbs you'll be spending to get a specific unit when sniping their color:
Roy: 51
Hinata/Laslow: 42
Abel/Oscar/Mathilda: 48
Fae: 43
Frederick/Barst: 35
Klein/Rebecca: 48
Setsuna: 39
For reference, average amount of orbs spent on a 5* focus on a 3 hero banner is in the 100-140 range. This banner only improves your chance of getting these units by around 3-5x the rate at which you'd randomly get them when rolling another banner. For example, if you were to snipe red on the RD banner instead, you'd be spending an average of 120 orbs per Hinata/Laslow and 250 orbs per Roy.
So basically, only consider it if you're really desperate for a particular skill that's absolutely vital to one of your builds, or if you're aiming for merges. +10ing Fae has never been cheaper, so I guess that's something.
Because that would be shit.
I got two mcorrin, -atk and -spd for extra fuck you. I'd have to use 20k feathers on a 4* to even make a usefull unit out of it. He has no useful SI so you might as well hold on to him for an eventual Yato buff. I guess?
That's the point of Book 2. Fjorm starts by sucking your dick, Gunnthra lets you rub her ass, and then soon Veronica will be saved so she can reluctantly have your children.
God I love Genny so much. Dazzling Gravity is so helpful when Tempest enemy stats get stupid.
>opening cutscene lasts half an hour
>game forces me to sign up to weird nip sites
>supposedly has a massive grind and I quit duel links for the same reason
Artwork is really nice, but this type of game seems more trouble than it's worth if you're not going to be dedicated to it.
>Gunnthra lets you rub her ass
>still no art of Gunnthra with a HUGE ass
Is she out in FGO NA? I REALLY want her, she's the only reason I'd even play that game.
She's so fucking gorgeous.
Do not rape the Vero-vero
yeah, she is. They decided to release her for 2M instead of 5M
Yes. Not sure if you can even make a re-roll account right now since FGO grinches so hard, but she just came out. This is also the only chance you'd have to get her before her re-run in 1.5 years.
Holy fuck, an AOE poison strike that the enemy can't counterattack? And it's calculated with full damage AND they bumped the might of these things? My god that's some nasty shit I can't wait to get in on that, thanks user I'll make use of this.
what a time to be alive
You're mistaken, my only intention with Veronica is to have consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
It's not rape, she'll fully agree to it even though she tried to kill you not so long ago and she still kinda hates you. Then you'll teach the hot sword girl how to love, you'll get to be Loki's sweaty sweetie, and they'll probably add tons of other new OC girls eager to hop onto summoner dick while Sharena, Alfonse and Anna wonder what the fuck happened.
If you're going to reroll for her, you'd better do it RIGHT now. They have a new player event that's going to be going on that's probably going to be the only chance you'll get to catch up with people who've been playing for a while. It probably won't be enough, but if you're just rolling for favorites you'll be fine with renting allies from friend list people for a while. The main story can be cleared with stuff from the friend point summons anyhow.
>average of 120 orbs per Hinata
stop rubbing salt in the wound, please. i got like 5 since launch, it's fucking ridiculous, i'm more happy about a hinata than a 5* focus at this point
I just got my first fucking Hinata in months. This is the best banner to have graced this game since launch. Now, who do I fodder him off to?
>Reinhardt (Desperation+BA)
Swatty, I know what that word means
Horses still get defenses, perfect.
Bruh you ain't gettin that princes. You gonna get BRUNO'D next.
>giving rein fury
DB is still outright his best A slot
You have to reroll now because she doesn't get a rerun for almost 2 years.
>lose two units in lunatic 7
>still solo the last map with one unit
Didn't even put me at 50k though
>two dimensional
You are fucking retarded for not realizing that even though it's very thin, it's not flat.
>egg as big as her ass
depends on who you use more, but i recommend arvis or nephenee. nowi with fury and vantage is also fantastic.
ive been thinking about it
the problem with gunnthra is that her veil is gigantic and covers 90% of her body if shes shown from any angle that isnt facing forward
ill probably just cheat and make it much shorter so you can actually see her ass, but first i need to finish the nusring hj pic and see if i have any motivation left
Arvis would appreciate Fury. He still won't get doubles, but it'll help his ploy build. His B skill keeps your HP topped up too.