Where I’m from, voting is mandatory, and while I appreciate this isn’t the case for most of our stateside anons, I’d encourage you all to get out there and go Vote!
The Polls are live will close in 24 hours. Until then, there’s a grand total of 83 seperate, unique and marvellous poems to be read through and decided upon. The link to each one of the four strawpolls can be found at the bottom of each Doki’s poem page, however, for the sake of convenience, here’s a shortlink:
>Monika - 23 Poems overall
>Sayori - 23 Poems overall
>Yuri - 19 Poems overall
>Natsuki: - 18 Poems overall
Again, a massive thank you to each and every user that participated in the first round of the festival. Your dedication, passion and hardworking towards your Dokis is what makes this place as special as it is!
Good luck to you all, and may the best poem win!
I'm about to settle right down and watch teach's film with a warm cup of tea in my hand, maybe have a nap/play around in New Vegas after.
But seriously user, I can't thank you enough for the pastebin pro account, you've enabled this entire festival, outstanding stuff mate. For me to scour and collect these poems is one thing, but for you go and do something like that, completely unasked, it's really top fucking stuff. I know it's a little unfair, me being the bloke organising it and all, but if you've got a poem in there, I'm sincerely hoping it does well!
You're a top bloke, user.
Yeah, in hindsight it'd have been a better way to run things, but it's my first time attempting anything like this and I suppose we learn from experience eh?