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>General Resources:
>WoW Token Price:
>Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io
EU: rodent.io
>the absolute SHIT state of retail
So did the writers think they were being subtle when they added villain tier music to sylvanas scheming and holding that new staff?
She's going full villain.
they are setting up Baine/Saurfang to take over the horde i can feel it.
perfection doesn't exi-
canonically had sex with wrathion in pandaria
Supreme qt! Would marry.
I love fempanadas!
Probably, since they're putting Baine in the spotlight like that and new models for him and saurfang. Also new voice actors I think?
what class will you be using with the zandalari that you will surely main on bfa?
>tfw no WoW bf
oh christ this faggots here now too?
I WANT a fempanda to stuff me in a dumpling and eat me and keep my snug inside her big belly.
probably druid, after several years of farming I still don't have the toy from the firelands so I need another druid to farm.
>"You havve worked hard in your service to the rebellion, Champion. Possibly too hard, mayhaps some rest is order? Would you enjoy laying your head upon my Shadefruit-scented purple abs and taking a nap?"
What do, lads?
Shaman, hoping for cool totems
wake up and go to work
i heard they removed the blast furnace 99% reduction
I was going to roll a Shaman but I'm waiting until Zandalari are available now
Only if your belly's filled with Alliance.
Are keystones fucked still? Which dungeons are doable? I tried Blackrook Hold +19 and we were all tethered to the starting point, totally wasted my key.
I hear other dungeons are broken.
would you still marry her if her name was Beatyourmeat?
ok but we all know that she favors alliance
>I tried Blackrook Hold +19 and we were all tethered to the starting point, totally wasted my key.
no you didn't
why are you even making this shit up? what the fuck is the point
fuck iff retarded ally kid
go suck your dads dick
As long as she beat my meat.
I want to ???????? Ion
>pugs can't kill argus
at least I got the flame sword from agrammar.
At this rate even Jaina will start eating the alliance to keep up with the constantly thickening belfs
fucking when
Shaman, Druid and either rogue or arms war.
I would love to play a Zandalari combat rogue, but I hate outlaw so much
do just like she suggested, but lay face down
No matter how hard tumblr or the fujos try to push that Wranduin is a thing because they're two males who talk to one another, remember Anduin is canonically straight
show sympathy
>you will never marry a cute gnome girl and adopt an orphan dreanei girl
>TFW we're so close to the separate but equal, "Strength and Honor" Horde lead by a council of Baine, Saurfang, Mayla, Lor'themar, Thalyssra, and [Troll Racial Leader]
>[Troll Racial Leader]
At this point I don't know if Rokhan is the leader or that druid lady.
guys i cant decide what to main, i have everything at 110
they are just placeholders for when vol'jin returns as a loa inhabiting a sexy, raunchy feline in corporeal form
>muh honorable dindus
hey as long as magatha and nathonos die, I am a-o-k with w/e
they are supposed to have four titties...
both are shit. I get that malfurion is better than illidan, but hes still a shitty character.
>wanting nathanos dead
typical /wowg/ soyboy
Sylvanas wont die alliance retard
who's a good character
I honestly plan on switching over all my trolls, and a few other characters.
Sylvanas is evil, uses Azerite to do something greedy and whorish for herself. Betrays Nathanos and the Forsaken. Nathanos is revealed to be a tsundere and a bro. We kill Sylvanas or some shit. Nathanos becomes faction leader of the nu-Forsaken who integrate well into a bro, chill Horde.
I don't like Illidan either but Malfurion sucks
>is literally asleep for half the shit that happens
>wakes up and does nothing
>gets kidnapped and has to have his wife save him
>shit talks his brother who basically saved the entire world
this is easily one of the worst updates in wow history
So I've been greatly enjoying the new leveling experience, and doing vanilla dungeons will full groups in which everyone has to actually play their class and no one is one-shotting everything while the rest just sit on their thumbs is pretty great.
Do you guys think most people are enjoying the changes? People have been pretty vocal about hating the "longer" (even though it's basically the same, really) time it takes to level their alts, but I suspect they're in the minority; most people don't go to the forums to blab about how much fun they're having.
>not wanting the walking dildo dead so Cuckvanas goes into a dick-deprived rage and offs herself for good
Sacrifices need to be made for the greater good
She'll die along with an assload of Alliance babs.
Anduin dies after going evil like Arthas. (It's like poetry, it rhymes.)
Malfurion and/or Tyrande go evil too and get put down.
Magni might be evil.
This is going to be a soft-reset expansion.
hes going to lead when she's gone
just logged in since new patch, some guildies are saying that old discontinued vanilla loot is dropping in dungeons. they feeding me a line of shit?, i didnt see anything in patch notes
its world of warcraft. there are no 'good' characters, just non-utter shit ones.
the problem with WoWs writing is that they focused on too few characters, so over time they became overpowered and annoying, thrall, malfurion, sylvanas, garrosh.
Blizzard needs to make new characters, especially since they're finally starting to kill people off
>no one is one-shotting everything while the rest just sit on their thumbs is pretty great.
well if that ain't captain passive-aggresive, right on schedule!
>anduin dies
Why the fuck do druids need to be able to keep you in an effective sap for 1/3'd of an arena?
nice fanfiction
She's either going to use it to somehow become immortal or reverse of undeath
People seem to have forgotten she made a deal with Helya
Cannibalize needs a buff
he literally /rolls his eyes at you bc you stopped the burning legion. the very thing responsable for his & syvanases undeath. I thought he was cool af in vanilla, but the more blizzard tried to do with him, the moe they hammered home his one dimensional devotion to sylvanas. at this point hes little more than her secretary and yet he has no time for the heroes who have saved his beloved banshee queen. hes such a fucking bitch boy.
no fuck you fucking retard fag
she is literally a main character at this point no way shes dying
I don't think you know what that means. That was a pretty clear and direct criticism of how random dungeon ques used to feel like.
>doing pvp
No furries.
>kill off another character because she makes me butthurt :(
void users out reeee
I thought the deal was more Val'kyr if she captured Eyir, but Greymane cucked her out of that
Agreed tbqh
And needs to be given to belves and nightborne
The deal was for the lantern but she never gave anything in return for it.
You're correct, Helya gave her an artifact to control Eyir and the good valkyrs from the halls of valor this way Odyn won't be able to recruit more valjaar.
Belves and nightborne get 'Swallow' which is a 24hr CC ability with stacking DoT damage
fucking alliance and orc faggots t rying to kill off sylvanas who is the most interesting character we've gotten since arthas
She never repaid her end of the deal whatever it might be.
The whole Odyn shit isn't over either because of the line "the lord of Ravens will turn the key" and the fact Odyn says he's going back to Ulduar now that he's free
>thrall, malfurion, sylvanas,
the only one changed was thrall.
>slightly laggy today
>melee hits keep failing because I'm out of range since the retarded algorithm checks my location when I tried to cast something and their location after ~100ms
fuck whoever coded this garbage
nathanos is more evil than she is you gigantic retard.
It's all that spaghetti code from the extra 4 bag slots
>lord of Ravens is Odyn
I'd put money on it being Dadghar
>uppity bitch character
>sneers and rolls her eyes whenever you interact with her
Fuck you faggots. The Horde used to be bro tier faction until you normies ruined it.
not really though.
literally what else could explain the portal keeper hasabel fight getting broken? how the fuck did unrelated changes glitch up that fight a bit?
That's too obvious. Odyn literally turns into a raven and its depicted by ravens in mythology. You actually think they would introduce Odyn and do all this shit with him this expansion just for him to fuck off afterwards?
He's free from the halls of Valor
>goes around killing people and raising them as undead
>plagues everything
>is currently actively fucking everyone over with her attempts at immortality
>you will never be this deluded
thank fucking god
i bety you play priest retard
MUH good guy characters
fuck ing die