/fhg/ - For Honor General

The only good peacekeeper is a dead one edition
Last thread:>Season 4 Hero Trailers:
[YouTube] For Honor: Season 4 – Aramusha Gameplay - The Rogue Samurai | Trailer | Ubisoft [US]
[YouTube] For Honor: Season 4 - Shaman Gameplay - The Savage | Trailer | Ubisoft [US]

>Season 4 Info

>For Honor v1.18 Patch Notes

>New players:
>If you plan on using a controller, it is highly recommended you go into your settings and shrink the dead zone

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character values

>Gear modifier values

>Gear Stat Help

>Gear appearances

>Max Punish Guide

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

Other urls found in this thread:



Not feeling it anymore

lewdkeepers are ok
lewdbringers are best

reminder that vikings are subhuman and that centurion is a viking

Reminder that all samurai players are faggots in disguise that complain about knight players.

wtf is a subhuman?

Reminder that knights are cringy desu wult redditors that complain about everyone else

Reminder that reddit is falseflagging and calling others reddit while posting broken english and shitposting in every thread they take part in

this desu
anyone who chooses centurion should have one of their teeth pulled out every time they do it

Surely not even reddit has people that autistic

centurions belong in gas chambers


no, before the match even starts

Are you sure about that?

>rep 0s
>rep 5s

Reminder that viking mains other than shaman and berzerker are all based.


What about him

Is he not cancer? Last time I played everyone was complaining about him.

>tfw i basically solo'd a team of warlard and raider in brawl yesterday and got told that i shouldnt play conq ever because hes so boring

they said this after spamming the same headbutt, unblockable zone, gb spam and dash attack bullshit all game

why does conq trigger people so much? his defense is average and his offensive is the worst in the game

raider and warlord are hyper cancer

Everyone complains about everything?
Raider isn't cancer at all, the biggest thing i could bitch about is the raiders that spam the heavy into light shit every attack.
>his only good thing are counter attacks
>his headbutt is extremely punishable and if he hits it he gets a 15 damage light at most
wow so cancerous.

I literally just said that vikings are scum and centurion is no better. They're all on the same level of unfun trash

>he spends all game running around and doing his running bash
>when he stands still its to spam GB
>not cancer

warlord isnt good. hes just cancer. raider on the other hand is mega cancer and also top tier in any mode

>>his headbutt is extremely punishable
I can not accept this without video proof of someone who can regularly dodge and punish his headbutt.

>low level shinobi on your team tries to gank
>all he does is interrupt your attacks and stall you finishing the opponent off for enough time for the enemy to get reinforcements
>he tries to run away when he realises what he’s done

>warden has 2 moves
>is not getting reworked asap

>doing his running bash
>that is also easy to dodge and punish since it leaves him open after missing
>when he stands still to spam gb
Why can't you just cancel the guard break? Or maybe light attack him?
I've been able to regularly dodge it and lawbringer's shove for a minute, i'll admit though his headbutt and warden's shoulder bash get me sometimes because they both have pretty good tracking but you just have to dodge them after they start moving not before.

ok t. hates all assassins
try making a powerscale of worst to least-worst assassins, if you can.

>Orochi has 1 move now
>Is not getting reworked asap

>least worst
from worst to best

>ninja second worst

jesus wept. dont even post here again unless you reach rep 5 on your account

I'm not sure I have the thunk to interpret this powerscale

Learn how to dodge the kick you shitter.

anyone who plays vikings is a low iq gorilla with a shrine to odin in his bedroom, before every game he prays to his ancestors and begs for a chance to go to vallhalla so they can fuck him in the ass and earn the right to swallow odins seed like the viking faggot he is

t.aramusha main
Go back to reading fairy tales about musashi miyamoto faggot.

oh yes odin fuck uz right there dood, oh god a can feel me ancestors in ya throbbin cock


I love this image

>not bro

Really want to try picking up Lawbringer, I had some fun with him a while back

So, does that mean that shaman is the least despicable, or most OP?

mmm yes dood, a LUV odin

>your team interrupts your duel to try and 4v1 some guy while both teams are breaking
>walk away because I want no part in it
>they give him revenge and he kills all 3
>by that time his team mates come and 3v1 me

Odin>>A jewish carpenter>>>Sassky

I said from worst to best, maybe you need to learn how to read? But if you still can't figure it out, most OP.
PK is better at defense but Shaman just has the whole package and more.

Just came back to the game and the first thing I've seen was the conqueror coin toss emote. That shit is hilarious.


Why do people keep saying this shit is so funny?

Fuck uz in the ass odin haway

stop avatarfagging

they're all pictures of you


You thinking about licking odins shaft when you queue up as warlord

t. man who has become proficient in homoerotic storytelling

Servers down for anyone else?

Sooo no info on the next warriors den?

Turbae carrisimus!

Wew I thought I was the only one here who still plays

Allegedly they plan on revealing more about Season 5 and the reworks, but as far as how much, I cannot say.

I haven't played in 3 weeks but I feel like this break was long overdue.
>Played 10 months fucking day
Will check back in S5 but I occasionally bump this wholesome 16 posters bread


there are way more posters, it's not just me same fagging I swear


>Aramusha light spam is so fast I can’t even block or parry

fix your tv

>red connection
>Wow! spam after being ledged when trying to bait people into being ledged
>rick and morty gamertag
Yep. That’s Shamans alright.

Every Week Forhonor has a Dev stream about the games news and updates. UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE!
It is always held on Thursday at 12:00pm EST! or 9:00am PST respectively.
>For Yuropoors it is held at 5pm GMT
So please come join at
Or Youtube Ubisoft channel US or regular.

Today’s stream is a non-informative one. Roman and Damien are busy and next week will be season 5 info since the off-season begins around that time. This stream will just be a Q&A with the head writer Aria before she is moved to another Ubi project(most likely the next ASscreed). She’s also in charge of naming weapons, characters, their move sets, what they say in battle and naming bots. Here’s another useless fact, she’s the one who made Highlander be the way he is since she has some Scottish origin in her.

Anywho, today’s stream IS LIGHT HEARTED and will NOT FEATURE SEASON 5 CONTENT. Thank you and I hope you have a good day /fhg/


The bright side is enjoying a ok patch today.

no one cares about your stupid twitch ecelebs, fuck off

how do we fix shaman

Fixed bugged indicators yet again and remove her Unblockable soft-feint. She’s now a PK Viking that does ok damage now.
>inb4 apologists
Her only uniquely bullshit move when facing her now is the dumb soft-feint from Unb. No other hero has that, not even Centurion can cancel his full charged 2nd when it’s orange. Her pounces can be feinted 6 time but has no armor, and same with her bite now(in its start up). Overall just fix that retarded feint and she’s even more easy to kill now

Things that make you go “hmm...”
>enemy team reps 10-20, your team 0 rep
>if enemy team ever has bot it’s replaced in minutes, but your bots are never replaced
>host is on enemy team
>your skill: higher than allies and lower than enemies
>alternatively your skill: par with rep 0 allies and par with rep20 enemies when it’s obviously not true
>join game in progress on losing team
>disconnects when against all odds you’re able to do well

>Her only uniquely bullshit move when facing her now is the dumb soft-feint from Unb. No other hero has that

Off the top of my head, Raider does. Not defending it, but at least there's some precedent for soft-feinting unblockables.

Hey, you can now dress up your Shaman in the Angry THOTs Elite Outfit.

While you are not even wrong and even made me grip my coffee mug out of annoyance that you are right and I over looked existing mechanics. Raider can’t cancel his zone to dodge and GB like kensei or like warden and his bash that causes no damage. She however is the only one who can cancel the Unb to a GB while its glowing. Now I don’t think anyone in the game can soft feint it to a GB in this game

I also heard new armor rolled out for the Shaman and Aramusha. Is this correct?

reminder that female warden adores viking cock, and craves it 24/7!

>conq lost superior block in the patch for PS4

Forgot my source



>bug and shit on all the vanilla heroes
>leave shaman and the assassins unscratched or buffed
It doesn't help that the majority are people who will make up bullshit excuses as to why this is all fair and we shouldn't blame the devs for not fixing this.


So how do you do the Longarm after a guardbreak ? He just throw the guy behind and doesn't do the longarm, am i retarded ?

Here’s all bugs that have been reported due to this classic Ubi patch
>gladiator voicelines on attacks cut off half way through
>highlander has the same problem and still doesn’t have a sound effect for his kick
>Shinobi can no longer kick after quad dashing. Along with kick not connecting
>conq lost superior block
I’m still trying to find more and testing them

Conq hasn't lost superior block on pc tho

For console, my bad. I’ll need to redo list since I’m testing on console sorry

Said it once and I'll say it again. Being a Knight is suffering. Warden makes N0Tal3nt REEEEEE and is dead. Conqueror is dead. Lawbringer makes autistic huehues REEEEEE and is dead. Centurion makes reddit REEEEEE and is dead. Peacekeeper is and always will be a nigger since she's Eric Pope's main. Only character that is fine is Gladiator but I can't see him staying that way for long.


Reminder that pic related is the man who wants to be fucked by vikings

>For Honor had a head writer
Still makes me laugh.

So is conq for console the most screwed over hero?


More like writers. She said she was handed head writer status for DLC later on. Jason was kinda the guy behind getting the ball of concept to roll.

> [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the opponent body to fly in air when executed with the “Long Shot” execution.

awww :(

>Fixed: People were having fun

He still has 500 ms lights, pseudo-deflects, memes, bombs, light cancles with all-blockand the best dodge bash of non-dlc knights, but this did remove the easiest way to get damage in. He's still not Highlander, but he's closer to Lawbringer in solo play now.