/haniho/ - Alicesoft/Rance General

Alicesoft/Rance General #715
Last Thread: Impregnation Simulator Edition

FAQ: pastebin.com/jNCW9f7E
Previous Version of FAQ: pastebin.com/fQsNafrk
Read the FAQ before you ask questions.
Suggested Changes: piratepad.net/YwogqyaUro

>Useful Links
Wiki: alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/AliceSoftWiki:Main_Page
Alicesoft Image Booru: haniho.booru.org/
Rance Game Translation Chart:
Rance World Notes (Translated): mega.nz/#!nRESUJYZ!ZqoypfshkozVBFpeFGI3Oi5xBtU22SjnrnfjIo2SUGY

Check pastebin for FAQs, downloads and General Hints

>Recently Released
Beat Valkyrie Ixseal - sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2332124
Steve[Monster] SR Mod - mega.nz/#!JEwnzLZK!8k3-9LiPXVwG2znwHRLtTOCUaour_fXhQfqUit0IP8g
DARKNESSHERO SR Rance Mod - mega.nz/#F!VloWzD6B!trEkYLMKASDXIYsGdLa8jw

>Upcoming Games
Evenicle (English) - Likely Early 2018
Sengoku Rance (English) - After Evenicle
Rance Quest Magnum (English) - Likely 2019

Rance X - 23rd February 2018
Teaser: youtube.com/watch?v=CpMoCuxFIIY

Gameplay Explanation: my.mixtape.moe/jgetgi.pdf
Rance X Character Roster:
Jpg version that is under 4mb:
Rance X Gallery:

RPG 3- by the Evenicle team (New IP)
Dohna Dohna - by the Rance 03 Team (New IP)
Loli MILF Nukige - by the MILF nukige team
'Heartwarming' VN - by the Atlach Nacha writer

Haniwa Development Studio:

>Upcoming Events
Quiz Project

Other urls found in this thread:


Rance 0, Rance 04 and Rance 05 when

Does the Oyako Rankan protagonist count as a shota?

on the day KANAMI stop being useless

Rance 04 in 2020.

The art for this is really good.

If you like weird chins.

Not today

Sorry, wasn't clear.
I meant that specific cg.

the brown haired girl reminds me of sanakia in IV

That's a boy.

That's a man, baby!

This only makes the situation even funnier.

MIN has such a lumpy style. His women are all really soft looking but his men are always misshapen blobs (unless they're a pretty boy, in which case they're just one of his women without breasts).

On today's episode of "Man or Woman?"...

He kind of reminds me of Sei Shoujo that way.

I'd like it more if it was a man.

Why is /hanny/ so gay?

what's wrong with a little gay once in a while?


Stay alive while I sleep

>saving thumbnails

Onigiri-kun is playing Azurlane

loved this game and Tsumamigui3 because NTR
alicesoft should make more NTR games

Just gonna repeat that If anyone cares for the SR part of the Wiki, I'd love it if someone took all of the important shit here pastebin.com/JKxDdt5i that's not on the skills page ( alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/Sengoku_Rance:Skills ) and added it to the tables on that page. In particular, the delay times for the moves would be of interest. We'd have an even more complete list than that nice GameFAQs guide that the Chinese did the hacking for.

I'm down. Post Kanami bullying.

Or just any bullying in general.

Stop the bullying!


Bullying Kanami is acceptable though.

How about some Rance bullying

>kanami and rance form the Pastel Victims Brigade and go on a subjugation quest
>they find the villain and Rance makes his demands boldly
>only to be undermined by kanami's "..please!"
>Pastel uncurses kanami but not Rance


SO will that black guy show up in X again, the one who stole Kanami if you bullied her too much? I can already imagine all the autists in this general posting pictures of bonfires made out of Rance merchandising.

Nah, he won't. At best he appears as Menad's new boyfriend instead (but turns out to be an asshole).

the best part about oyako rankan after all the pregnancy is the lingerie

tfw Rick turns out to be Menad's new boyfriend.

Rick will remain loyal to Maris until she rejects him.

He's literally the only KR Zeth character to never be mentioned a single time in canon. He's not showing up.

>page 9

There isn't really much to talk about until Rance X, or Evenicle comes out. It's surprising that we haven't died in a good while, so we're still faster than we were 2 years ago.

His older women and shota are great. Any woman that's younger than a Christmas cake usually seems a bit off to me, while his older men are either gonk or too young looking.

nothing wrong with page 9

Mamoru is pretty fit for how girly faced he is

Don't need to bump in page 9

We should have more to talk about once the next update comes along in the coming days.

She deserves to be rape and impregnate.

Hannies I have a question. Anyone know when shizuka was de-aged with nagi if she also lost her memory?

No, she didn't.

Also, while Nagi claims to have lost her memories, there is a few instances during 9 that bring some suspicious about that. It is possible that Nagi is lying because she wanted to start anew and not burden her relationship with Shizuka with what happened in the past. It's nowhere as clear cut as Crook using her special wish to unfreeze Sill, but it's a possibility to keep in mind.

It's fine if you do handholding later

Continuing my futile tries of SR 5SNB with no loading, redos, glitch abuses, etc.

Try #11 starts. This is starting to feel like the Edge of Tomorrow.

>Try #11 starts.
Why haven't you been blogposting your failures?

Seriously, I want to read this. Gimme a list of what causes each Game Over.

From the Japanese wiki, on Rance IX NG+:
I don't understand this condition.

Link the page where it says that.

>has read my guide
>failed 10 times in a row
Am I to blame?


OP is trying to subtly convince/remind us to vote for Oyako Rankan.
Well played, considering that I voted for it and Tsumamigui 3.

It's telling you that if you do a new game plus loading from a run where you reached Tillday's 4th ero stage, then on that run Tillday special attack will, from the start, have the different type of animation where she does it while wearing no panties.

*then on that new run

Thank you.
You're my hero of the day.

The guide goes like "oh you should take Oil field by turn 5". It's pretty pretentious in a way (to lower skill level players?). Every game I have been basically gangbanged by Hara and Ashikaga in Owari if I try to make any progress in Oil field. I can't attack/defend more than 3 times per turn and that's seriously risking it by fielding only 2-3 armies per fight. There's bound to be defeats.

Also I have been pretty annoyed by Isoroku not showing up in fights in consecutive 3-5 turns.

What the guide does NOT say is that in this case attack Oil field if possible, but mainly DEFEND: keep Owari clean (-ish. One or two fields you can lose, but not the town).

And SCOUT (it does say this). If Isoroku doesn't show, cancel the attack and defend. I can defend twice successfully per turn 90% of the time unless I attacked.

I don't remember all but I'll try to list the failures.

I believe it's for the actual and next run.

Now looking at this, and today thinking about it, I think there is a game AI mechanic that causes enemies to be aggressive if you are aggressive, but they "permit" taking back your own territories without aggressive action. In this most recent game I have been defending more, waiting for Isoroku, and Hara has attacked only once in 15 turns.

I was talking about what happens specifically on the new game plus. But yes, as soon as you see her 4th stage, you get the second variation of her special animation. And when starting a NG+ run, if you load from a run where you did that, then that run has that from the start.

I think Oyako Rankan is an easier sell. Tsumamigui 3 just seems like a typical milf nukige at first glace while Oyako Rankan involves you trying to prevent your family from being fucked silly in a ritualistic orgy. I wouldn't mind either title though.

I, and many others here, have used that guide without issue. Hardcore 5SNB is no walk in the park but 11 tries and to still be faltering this early on I suspect you're doing something critically wrong that would probably be apparent to a third party who's done this before. Keep in mind that guide is more like a loose reference than a turn by turn walkthrough. You still have to do most of the leg work yourself.

When you're up for it try making a detailed blog posting here about your progress and difficulties accompanied by the normal campaign map/roster screenshots. More than likely we can help you figure out what you need to be doing differently.

Tillday is so lewd. It's great.

I try to list.

1 Game: This I remmeber best. Started with high hopes and trust in my skill. I have done 5SNB with light restraints on loading and won the other. The other ended in a war of attrition which i ultimately lost before demon army.

In this game I go for Hara first, made normal progress until fortress. Battle becomes war of attrition which is successful in a sense: I wear down their commanders and troops. Ashkikaga sucks my money, I make small mistakes leaving money at end of turn for them to grab.

Tried to break Hara Castle about 6 times, the last of which came really down to luck and would have been a win if Suzume assasination on Hara Defender was successful. Last 4 tries Suzume failed an assassination on first row (tried back row also) which succeded (on Hara Defender) on the first of the 6 tries. On the last try Rance dies.

I put most of my money on Ranmaru, because using RAnce later game would be risky. Gave her initial battle rating. I used Rance SAT powerups on upping battle prep power to 13. With two fans, in two turns, I could give battle prep to 23% before I attacked Hara castle (that was the last try or 2nd last).

Games 2 thru 5.

I beat my head uselessly at the idea that I must kill Hara first. I don't want to settle for vassalization. It all fails sooner or later.

Remark about game 1. I think the end was at about 25 turns. The later games ended earlier, at or below 15 I think.

Is she about to give him a kiss or teasing him by eating a grain of rice on his face or something?

She had a good trainer.

I guess that would explain why he doesn't have a lot of lolies. Is the MILF vs. Loli game drawn by Min? It's been a while since I've seen anything about it.

Games 6 thru 10.

I still don't like to vassalize Hara which any sane person would do if they can't progress on Oil field, which I can't.

In most games I push one or two fields in Oil field, and get 2-3x attacked in one turn every turn by Ashikaga and Hara combined. Owari gets taken down to the town, then I'm in a shaky position and lose sooner or later by Owari being taken over. Rance dies in maybe 1 or two games since I have to use him due to lack of commanders that can actually move the battle slider.

I get to the Oil field castle several times, but it was defended by Isoroku so it was useless.

I tried attacking/defending, waiting for Isoroku who usually never really came or in the event that she came, I couldn't get her troops to zero since I had to spread my troops to 3 different battles every turn.

This was the main lookout until the try I'm playing now, #11.

I realize that strategically speaking, If I had just one life, my pride got the best of me. Should have vassalized Hara and moved on since I wasn't good enough to take whole provinces.

Can she place two curses on the same individual?

Game 11. Got lucky about many things. Realized that to get Isoroku, best is to attack Owari/Oil field and scout, retreat if no luck of her appearing, rince and repeat. Got her on turn 9 or 10. Got Kewpie (!) from Miso Katsu. I have to be serious about this playthrough.. no fuck ups.

Current situation in this pic and next.

And scratch the Isoroku capture turn from last post.. I captured her on about turn 12.

Oil field only Castle remains. No progress on Hara on Kyo.

Defeat at Oil field Castle.

I have a chance to capture Ikkyu. I'm going all out on this one.

Think I got this. Ideas?

5-Oil is a really aggressive strat, depending on several things:
1. Ashikaga DoWs on you turn 3 (it's still considered a 5-Oil if they DoW on turn 4 or 5 you take it two turns later, the point is getting the Oily Sat bonus first)
2. some blind attacks
3. Ashikaga does not attack Oil twice

Let me try to do a 5-Oil right now I'll try to blogpost it

Triple offense in rear, Ranmaru/Rance/Shibata in front. Bring Niwa.

Lost that fight very nearly ( 2 millimieters battle inidicator), but CAPTURED Ikkyu. 3 free wins. Used my first one on oil field so now I got it. Considering using the 2nd one on Hara Castle, but maybe I should save it.. Definitely Miko last castle I'll use it.

I honestly don't remember if I brought Niwa but I should have - any case got Ikkyu and the 3 wins accompanied.

Whats Dow

Zeth doesn't have ninjas in canon.

>Rance 0
now that would be some good shit

Can anyone give a better in depth description of Steve[Monster] SR Mod, away from PC and haven't been checking here often.

That's what they want you to think

Oyako Rankan is also older and might be easier for them to get as a result

It's just skinship I think, skinship which causes one of the NTR threats of the game to get jealous and start trying to make moves

When does Kentarou's demon-transformation event happen? I'm like on turn 62 or something, and I want him to deal with Gigai for me, since I know he levels up from that.

The assassin's guild could employ some

>The guide goes like "oh you should take Oil field by turn 5"
No it doesn't. It even goes out of its way to tell you what to do if you're going to go over turn 30.

I forgot about GalZoo while making this, it would have replaced #3.

Only inasmuch as any other male MIN drawn protagonist.

Damn 5-Oil is hard.

Code was turned into Abert in canon.

See if you can change it, since it's had an english translation for about a year now (although unofficial IIRC). At least I don't remember any other Rondo Duo VNs

It's like you want to see bonfire of rance merchandise. Who would want that? Why would you get some sick pleasure out of other people's despair and feelings of betrayal? What the fuck user?

They're not really similar at all besides being handsome guys from Zeth.