Save Uuna Edition.
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Save Uuna Edition.
>General Resources:
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Has anyone actually done the Uuna questline yet?
How are we going to stop the giant belfs?
Repost due to new thread:
>"Oh my god are you still going on about voiced cutscenes? It was an example. I really don't give a fuck"
I'm someone completely different trying to understand what it is you specifically want to know.
What is it about WoW you want to learn?
I'll give you a proper answer without shitting on you.
no but we've got our top autists in the secrets discord working on it around the clock
>some literal autist is trying to paywall by posting literal shitloads of stacks of 1
>i still manage to snipe everything cheaper than his
damn what a fucking L O S E R! Sad!
Did they fix poison knives yet?
wrathion and anduin have a good dynamic. i sure hope wrathion comes back in bfa.
It's still being worked out. No one even knows the quest reward yet.
>playing WoW for fun
what madness is this? i play wow because when i'm farming pets titles mounts toys and transmogs, or doing raids or grinding dungeons i'm too busy to be thinking about how i'm wasting my miserable and pathetic life
So does WoW.
I've made new chars in the past but I've never reached max level as I just lose interest with random questing and dungeons that get stale pretty fast.
I see all the people playing and I feel like I'm missing something. Max level I've gotten to without getting bored was like 30.
Dungeons are fun but it just gets repetitive after awhile in my opinion. I feel like I'm missing something.
WoW still has players
swtor triggered
so does wow
and wow is not EAshit or biowareshit, meaning wow wins by default
it sounds like biodrones are the ones getting triggered and suffering from a severe case of delusional denial
>I feel like I'm missing something.
Yes, you're missing playing the game at max level.
No content but the Lead Devs special snowflake mount got a model update so he can look cooler when he grey parses
Holy shit it actually worked
>haha i was merely pretending to be retarded
The grind to max level seems so boring though. I've heard that once you reach max level thats when the game opens up but like, is it worth it?
That's the original post of →
Ok ok I'll explain then:
All MMO's are mundane quests, that's just the nature of MMO's. Even Skyrim or other singleplayer RPG's have mundane missions and quests, in an mmo it's exactly the same but with other players.
You do quests, dungeons on the side when they're unlocked, and you then do raiding at the end.
Archeage is exactly the same, the "sandbox" aspect hardly carried the game either.
SWTOR is exactly the same as well, the fact it has fully voiced cutscenes is due to how new it is compared to WoW's rather ancient age by comparison. Granted, WoW has started getting voiced cutscenes as of recent.
What are you missing? Who knows, maybe RPGs/MMO's aren't for you.
I know for a fact that I roleplay, I love RPing as it makes the world feel more alive than it ever possibly can just crunching % numbers for drops and dps, and raiding as if it's a Job. It's fun writing out backstories and personality toward characters, as well as having in-character events such as battles or explorations along with the current WoW storyline.
RP also brings a lot of purpose and usage to the world as a whole, as RPers are possibly the only group of people in WoW that I can think of who actually utilize the entire world, whereas non-rpers just play the current content and occasionally solo the older content for mounts or Tmog.
Maybe i'm biased as I see WoW from a different perspective as I RP, so perhaps getting the answer from someone who doesn't RP might be better.
Ironic. (for you)
>The grind to max level seems so boring though. I've heard that once you reach max level thats when the game opens up but like, is it worth it?
I don't understand, are you expecting me to say anything other than yes? If it was a no I wouldn't be here.
it's basically just more grind
the skinner box gets a new coat of paint with every expansion but its still a skinner box
That was fixed within 1 hour of discovery or something
Thank you for the non retarded response user.
I'm gonna give it another go.
>someone actually gives the shitposting retard a real unironic answer and nobody acknowledges it
t. /v/ poster who doesn't understand the term skinner box
Need a good female worgen druid name. She will be a cute bear tank.
If the artifacts are the top DPS and powerlevel we'll ever achieve, will 110s be more powerful than 110-120 in regular gear after they destroy their artifact? Will 110s be hunting 120s in world pvp?
>grind loot to be able to get more loot which you will replace instantly next patch because dude lmao catchup mechanics
imagine having this little self awareness
Because thats just pisstardo projecting his terrible life onto everyone else.
post slutmogs plz
They turned it off. They didn't fix it I'm still doing 0 poison knives damage.
What was wrong with it?
What you described isn't a skinner box.
But its a game, user. What the fuck are you expecting, genuine consequence?
Did they just retexture Genn's model?
are you blind? i said i raid
NEVER associate me with that wannabe collector EVER again
B...but i am shy
I dont think many grind gear just for gears sake. They do it to partake in more difficult content which they find enjoyable and grants them unlocks that wont be taken away such as mounts/ mogs and titles. That's why I go after gear anyway. I enjoy difficult content and going through it with my guild, not just having a high ilevel.
rogues were doing 5m dps
I think you mean 1.71 billion dps, user.
>haha ur wrong
>i'm not gonna correct you you're definitely wrong just trust me on this ;)
>and grants them unlocks that wont be taken away such as mounts/ mogs and titles
you mean until the next expansion in which the retarded power scaling goes so out of control even your average retard can easily solo that content
No, I don't. You're a retard who can't read.
>>i'm not gonna correct you you're definitely wrong just trust me on this ;)
Correct you on what? You didn't make any objective statements to really dismiss, just calling a game an operant conditioning chamber because /v/ says it so it must be a smart term
Unless you want me to correct you about catch up gear (910) or LFR (915) being as good as Mythic gear (960), which it clearly isn't.
>even your average retard can easily solo that content
Except they're unobtainable after legion.
Have you guys ever seen or heard a meltdown during a raid or just in general?
I always hear stories about people absolutely losing their mind over raids and the like but haven't personally encountered it
Is it funny? Any good stories?
>Always feel like subbing again
>Can't decide what to play
>Artefacts look like shit
>End up just walking around, doing nothing
>Rinse and repeat
what do
Play the game or don't? What kind of a question is that anyway
You can sub to this ass
Why does everyone shit on gnomes?
because youre all faggots
So what is the star?
Keeping with the "World War" theme of BfA, what are the chances we'll get quests where you'll have to kill children of the opposite faction?
just because it's more complex than "push button receive food" doesn't mean it's suddenly not operant conditioning
had one little cunt in my guild that constantly said some stupid shit and would blatantly lie all the time, i called him out and this huge fight ensued, some even defended him (like a mother would her autistic child). all this was during HC garrosh progression aswell so it was already a tense situation
>the "World War" theme of BfA
you retards never fail to amuse me
Wow so deep
Next to none, save for maybe city bombs that just kill everything in an instant
What mods are you using 'cuz those boobs are not quite normal, are they?
yes, my tbc guild disbanded because the vastly underperforming female officer (gm's gf) threw a fucking tantrum when a raiding hunter won a gun from some boss in karazhan over her hunter alt, because for some retarded reason we weren't allowed to raid without an officer present, even though the only thing she did as an officer was waving the rank around as if it meant anything
she kicked the hunter (who was a pretty cool guy who was friends with almost everyone else in the guild) and the guy who was managing loot, the rest of the core players willing left and reformed the guild without her clique and proceeded to actually raid without dead weight
a few weeks later the ex-GM came back crawling to us begging to could join our guild and that he had broken up with her
lol the increased health made this quest so fucking annoying, the weedwacker doesn't instant kill them like it should so you have to sit on each plant for 2-3 seconds
It's not a mod, it's the alliance diet ™
>tfw you will never carry your gnome gf in your back
feels bad man
Did you accept him back into your guild?
top waifu
but i do every day
druid btw
I wonder if there are any guilds with female members that aren't drama whores and terrible players
you vore nutjobs need to be put into padded cells.
or shot.
So I don't get it, what's the fast way to level now?
Is it once again Questing w/ Heirlooms?
>first main healer to get a val'anyr fragment would get all others
>week after the guy completes the hammer, he quits
>he casually announces his quitting in voice chat
>milliseconds later the other healers lose their fucking minds and start screaming and swearing like sailors because of the fucking hammer
>the guy who quit just ends up saying something among the lines of "i was giving you a heads up to replace me, i don't have to justify anything to you or put up with this shit", leaves voice chat
>so do the other healers
>none of them logged back into the game ever again
Buy a boost like a good little goy
my old guild had a few females that weren't like that
no, he was told to fuck off
i don't know the details because i was offline when it happened
Yes. I predict the leveling addons will resurge again.
>not drama whores
>good players
That's what I wanted to hear.
So where the fuck are my subraces?
It's a thing but those traits are usually replaced with pure autism.
They're a bfa feature.
That might actually be worse. Female autism is a scary thing
What's the most fun tank to play?
Druid, because you'll actually get invited to raids
not your army
What does a leveling addon do?
This. Most boring to play but also the best one.
Yup it was emerald dream heroic progress and the guild was still ironing out who was going to be core and one of our locks disconnected and just started screaming into his mic. It was PTT
All of them are so braindead and unenjoyable because blizzard thinks people don't want to tank because it's hard
>trial in new guild
>first raid yesterday
>there are atleast 3 trannies and 2 females
is this the time to worry? they weren't actually that bad
My characters -
Goblin rogue - assassin spec because why the fuck not.
Forsaken Warlock - demonologist spec. Wanted to do shit with pets.
Worgen Hunter - beastmaster, because being a dog using a huge cat to attack seemed hilarious at a time.
Dwarf Monk - brewmaster spec, with subspec windwalker since the gear necessary is pretty much the same shit.
What's next on my to do list? Years ago before my account was hacked, during the burning Crusade and the begining of Wrath of the Lich King I played a dwarf paladin that was super fun because dorfs rock, and a dranaei holy priest that was always high in demand because priest.
The weird factor from just having to interact with trannies can't be worth putting up with desu
I had a fembelf mage in my guild who didn't cause any drama during the entirety of cataclysm. An okay player, not too good but not bad either. Mostly kept to herself and didn't even care when people misgendered her.
People only found out she was female because she posted pictures on the guild forums. A 4/10 (at best) with fattie angle photos so nothing developed past the initial "ur a gurl??" surprise.
Turns out she was a he, the girl whose images he was posting somehow found our guild website and asked why the fuck her facebook images were getting reposted in there. That was the last time we saw him.
As long as no one brings up politics they're perfectly normal.
missing the keyword "yet"
you are smack-dab in the middle of ticking hormone timebombs