League of Legends General /lolg/




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I want Zoe to sit on my face.

>in Noxus the strong rule
>x is a strong warrior
>takes that place by force due to being strong
Gosh oh gee darn Amalia! How special and epic that sounds, I simply can't imagine that!

>making Lux facesit Kat and pin her arms above her head
Now we're getting somewhere!

>powerfasntasy bait yet again

I want to place my mouth over his entire cloaca.

>tfw Swain

jinx kicking ezreal in the balls

xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!


I just got teemo and I'm gonna try him out give me quick tips.

xth for my wife Syndra

How do I play through losing streaks, /lolg/
>try MF ADC
>my """"""""""""""""""""""""support"""""""""""""""""""""""" lux feeds the enemy mid and adc
>get no peel from nasus
>try again
>retard rages because I banned his Nasus
>his duo buddy feeds too

Kill yourself retard

in case you were wondering what the chink VO for Swain was saying
>"I see things that others can't/won't see, and I hope they would not despair".
>"All that I accomplish today, is for the/our future. In my hands, Noxus will be reborn."

irelia was actually the queen of ionia fortold by the gods and she is not in her 20s shes actually immortal and a flick of her fingers can destroy entire continents

new lore leak

That would also mean you can do things with Lux's upper body while Kat eats her out. Kat is going to be gushing at this point



>play kog
>build mallet and hurricane
>literally receive FREE kills

Spam his laugh if you're winning, also put shrooms EVERYWHERE where one won't expect them. Don't interact with them in any way at all, just leave them so people won't notice them.
Congratulations on playing Satan.

You take long breaks, pref. with other games that won't make you tilt more.
>tfw I mainly play PUBG, For Honor and ranked League these days

To say the least! The sheets would be wet for days.~

eat a dick

>swain being reworked
>just as I've started climbing with his old kit

I really want him to remain a Drain Tank, but I know it's not going to happen.

alright lolg, swanye is here, how do you think he will effect your CLIMB?!
you ARE CLIMBing, right?

I become happy when I see koggers getting kills, he's such a little cutie!!
I wish I could pat him.

Noxus doesn't stink, it's just really sweaty from working out and fighting all of the time. That's why Poppy adores Noxians secretly, and why she spends so much time working out - for that sweat.

Please give Kindred tips

now that SWAIN is finally here
do you think we'll FINALLY get dragon master swain?
i've had this art saved since 20 fucking 11

don't die

>do you think we'll FINALLY get dragon master swain?
according to leaks yes
i am hyped

Pick any other character.
Garen would make a better jungler.

>The sheets would be wet for days
That's just gross, you should wash that shit right away

Considering I main him, I'm going to have to stop for at least a day or two so I can learn. And then another week so people stop banning him.

Placed silver 3, higher than what I ended season 7 at, sticking to 3 chimps may just work

>post yfw you feed your laner but the match ends at 3 minutes due to a dc

>waifu talk btw
>Noxus (new content) sucks btw
>talk about how mai waifu is fat btw hehe
>wud u fuk an imaginary, next to no character pixel btw

>getting hyped for probably another shitty rework

how is trundle jungle these days

is it good enough to splitpush my way from silver 1 to gold v for the free shit

Yeah, good rule of thumb is two roles, two champs per role.

Do you fucks get off from being constantly insulted when entering this general?

>main taon
>fuck up a level 2 fb because he lives at 10 hp from my bleed and ignite and i die to tower cause i thought we would just trade
>enemy team remakes
>"wasn't even trying"

Kayle is the best girl in LoL, that's a fact.

How much LP is everyone getting after they've been placed? 4th game in rn lmao

Then as the final tease to Kat, you pull out when you're close and cum inside Lux instead so she's really angry she didn't even get your nut

>play any mid laner
>have a root ora stun
>see khazix leaping froma bush
>die before I am able to root or stun him
XD very balanced

its already going bad lmfao

heartseeker skins when?

Don't be so close to the bush you shitter, damn

I've been maining nami and playing leona when the team screams "engage on me" and janna as a 3rd so I don't tilt autistic draven mains.

>Kayle superior to Fallen Angel of Many Ball Drains
Maybe if someone wrote a fapfic for her, there could be a comparison

I just meant she's really, really wet. The sheets get changed.

No need for insults unless you play Zed or Yasuo.

Just so! Maybe repeat it even, ot just keep on teasing her until she snaps! That'd be fun.

comfy bfs~

if youre gonna fuck up the lvl 2 all in you cant give away first blood in the process bub, thats why tops better imo since top laners are more stupid than mids and usually melee which makes it much easier to bully them

and then when they finally become submissive and buy armor you can start ignoring them and bully their jungler and mid instead

>there are supportcucks in this general RIGHT NOW
what the fuck, i thought e-whores and trannies didn't browse Veeky Forums?

>do not be in a warwick's ulti range leap on a 10 sec
ok so I just a farm under turret ?

Why anons, what's wrong with her?


Finally i can stop posting this image

defending nu lore should be a bannable offense
I miss moot
he wouldve defended the old lore

What happens when Kat snaps?


Is Lux x Kat the best ship ?

wew lads
went 2-8 in placements
got gold 1
Was D5

Most fun champion in the game

should i get swain now?

You don't have to, practice map awareness fucker. Place wards, look for where the jungler recently ganked and position yourself accordingly. Alternatively learn how to not push so hard like a spell-spamming autist.

yes buy all his skins too

AMERICAN trailer

Not sure, but Lux + Kat is the best threesome


if its more overpowered ranged top cancer I might just start maining yasuo

I thought the game couldnt get worse than ardent meta, yet somehow it did

>Swain no longer has his revolver ocelot voice anymore


Yorick is surprisingly good against ranged top cancer

No, but it's a really good one.
Best might be Seju/Ashe, where Ashe gets dominated by the stronger literally any time Seju needs to let some steam loose

Lamb's butt is too big, she keeps bumping into the jungle walls! She's VERY selfconcious and shy because of it.

She probably starts to cry or something!
And has to be cuddled/fingered and eaten out until she stops sobbing. Each time she snaps she gets a tad less cocky...

shame that they used a different voice actor

already in hd

so I decided I want to main MID this season and jesus christ its only a few days and I'm regretting it. There's literally 10+ ban worth cancer champions and I can't play more than 2 games against one of them without getting a migraine from being tilted so much


Don't know how I feel about Swain's new color scheme. There's already a fuckton of Black/Red champs, I liked his green and yellow

As funny as that situation sounds, it seems a bit too far out of character. Then again, cuddlefugging her until she's happy again sounds fun

irelia took swain arm

So naw noxus thematic color is this purple-red like Sion`s glow.

>no longer has a gay mohawk

now what?

Try not to be a retard spamming slurs and obscenities in chat next time

what is it with people throwing games where you have a massive win across the board early

jinxs face fits this image

I can't believe he's gone guys...

it is always a xayah xin or yasuo for me
lee and vayne throw once it start if you tell me I forgot them

Two reasons
1. They think it's impossible to lose so may as well pad stats for that S
2. They're not the one carrying and they can't accept that so they desperately try to boost their stats and fuck up

>want to get excited for new lore and content
>all the endless NOXUS and SWAIN REVEAL WHEN spamming has soured this particular reveal
Meh, got to wait for the new champ I guess.

I know, it keeps happening. The worst part is when they literally run THROUGH your warning/back-pings and get themselves killed.

>Playing Shyv jungle
>Enemy is a Yasuo
>Catch him on his first clear, obviously he's got no health left
>Kill him
>Catch him again
>Kill him
>By the third time, he starts sperging out
>"Can't enough of this cock, huh?"
>Kill him again
>"Oh yeah, you just keep on coming for this cock"
>"Yeah good boy, just keep chasing my cock"
>Yasuo is 0/6/0 and still talking about cocks by the time they surrender

Guys, I think I finally figured it out. Yasuo mains get off on dying. It would explain SO much.

They could not remind themselves that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer

Enjoy your new life with success and a gf


>Xayah's that use flash+R to try to engage

Best couple!
>fucking magic wings
Fuck yes


Epic 20 second teaser bros now wait another week until we finally see the rework

>when you get that perfect first full clear, and get two scuttle marks and a kill

>nunu support
>start regen beads and mana beads
>steal jungler's buff with munch
>steal every cannon minion from adc with munch
>build 6 redemptions
>only use them on yourself

Am I missing anything? Any other tips for being the most obnoxious cunt possible?

i hope that the new kit is fun because im not sold on the new voice actor and visuals
not because i think theyre bad but because i dont think there was anything wrong with the previous one

>yasuo dashes 10 times into the enemy just to killed before he ults

Really good teaser, but I hope Riot won't fuck up Swain, I'm a bit nervous

that is not lux and kat