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Barto 6+ announcement soon.

>wake up
>no Pudding

He reuploaded, but with a legend Akainu sub instead. He said you can use Colo Neko at initial base though.

And I'll start linking teams for colo Neko Incase anyone needs them

this looks like more trouble than it's worth for a little bit more xp

I unironically hope this is true

It definitely is. I wouldn't recommend it personally since 6+ Lucci handles colo Neko the best at the moment next to QCK Law and Akainu teams.

To the dude who bringed a 6+ Lucci team with Zeo, thanks again. The team is safe and working, replaced Raid Fuji by Story Hody and it's working regardless. Lucci v2 is even safer option for friend captain

You're welcome bro. Glad to have helped out with the farming.

anyone got a youtube vid of the treasure mode song

the poppin one

So we're getting two 6+s at once again right?
I hope it's Barto and BB

Next 6+ will be V1 Law and Jinbe

good because I own both of them too

So here are some teams to beat Colo Neko guys. I hope these help you all out. I also have seen vids of Kizaru clearing it and TS Luffy as well as Akainu.

Lucci 6+

Zombie Teams
Shirahoshi Friend

6* Magellan friend

G4 team

F2P teams

QCK Law F2P Subs

QCK Law with Diamante sub

>tfw WCI batches soon and pudding user will stop being relevant

This game has already 43 legends.
15 of which have gotten a +, so far.

>fuckton of legends
>only 8 captain slots

captain rework when

If V1 Law becomes Driven/Free Spirit, Driven/Slasher, then he becomes the go to sub for V2 Doffy teams, which is what I think they will go for when he gets his +form.

Remember back when using guest captains meant you didn't get their captain ability?

The actual despair of finding a friend captain as a guest, thus having to use him just for a chance of a friend request. Man those were some scary times.

Yeah, honestly, it was pretty fucking stupid of a design choice. It's the simplest yet unironically one of the best QoL changes they've made, probably. Guest captains have saved my ass a lot during timed shit in which I've run out of friend captains refreshing

>37 legends on global
>already had two dupes even though I have less than 10

Apple's forced rates disclosure when

Is it at all worth it to bother farming out story vergo and baby 5 on the off chance that I pull blackbeard some day?

>11 unique legend
>2 dupes
> one is usopp
I'm pretty happy, now if only I could get some fucking skulls.

Absolutely not. Best Blackbeard subs at the moment that are F2P are Raidleigh and Raid Magellan and Kizaru and Shiki if you’re going to use him for an all Driven team. RR, Dex Lucci fits BB perfectly.

the fuck else are they gonna give law for a special animation


>go into Machvise without much thought last week
>smash him
>forgot what team I used, barely scrape by today on first run
fucking hell, how hard would it be to add a few more teamslots or just simply letting us name them.

You’re very welcome. Blackbeard also gets a pretty big buff once OP legends like Judge, Lucy, and V2 Doffy and V2 Ray come to global due to his ignoring barriers still being fantastic to this day.

hello anons

I've seen some people connect their phone to their phone to their pc and play the game from there. Is there a specific program I need to download to do this

Here's a video of someone doing it.

>connect their phone to their phone to their pc
You just need some software that can capture your phone's screen while it's connected to your pc (or you could just play using an emulator). In the video, they're using a capture card connected to the phone to record it. Unless you meant is there a way to connect your phone to your pc, then play using your pc, in which case I don't think so. At least, not other than just using your account on an emulated phone which would pretty much be the same thing.

>tfw beat colo garfield with some retarded team I threw together on my own
This team probably loses to getting fucked on orbs but whatever he's dead
Neo Sabo/FN Law
SW Franky/Anni Ace

Good work user. If you need some alternatives for subs, definitely colo Kanjuro can help out with the orb issue.

Thanks for the video, I hadn't seen that one and that's definitely a more stable approach than what I'm doing. Unfortunately my invasion Shanks is ass so I can't quite copy that lineup. Maybe when he returns in 2019 as our 4th anni surprise I'll be able to use that team, though.

You can replace shanks with any other orb booster actually. Senior Pink and SW Franky are the best options. An even safer team runs SWS Zoro to take the extra hit on Neko Incase shit goes south.

Alright, I'll look into it. My Kanjuro isn't quite maxed but it might be workable. Thanks!

You're very welcome, and TS Luffy actually has some pretty flexible subs for this colo actually. If you need more vids, I'll be happy to provide them.

This. Blackbeard + v2 doffy is some good shit. I love this team personally. It's not perfect but it's comfy.
And the best thing is there's never a shortage of friend v2 doffys because of how OP he is.

I'll find a neko team in a couple of days, I hope.

What are good g4 subs for sabo if you don't got, intvakov or ideo or ts sanji

I have koala, god usopp, raid bellamy, senor pink, hack with their specials ready

Raid Akainu if you are using hack and bellamy as well.

I don't got him sadly,


Alright, thanks for the info

What do you have bro? I'll happily help out.

5+ luffy could be useful to delay on stage 3 or 4. Honestly with Akainu Sabo isn't too much trouble.

I assume this doesn't work with Anni Ace because you need a strength character to clear Kanjuro right?

I'm trying to use a G4 team tho so I can't use 5+ luffy

It can work, but you'll need good orbs on your other characters to do the damage. FN Jabra can be utilized for that spot. I'll get other teams for you.

Damn you user who mentioned Sabo. Made me think he was here today but is is garp.

You can definitely beat Sabo with this subs, especially hack and koala. If you got Dellinger, he can also be very useful for stage 4. God Usopp as well. Here's a team that has none of the subs you mentioned.

For a STR Sub, there's RR Garp, Neptune, FN Jabra, FN Halloween Franky I believe is a free spirit.

Barto can be replaced by STR Alvida or even better, SWS Zoro.

also new rr shirahoshi

I didn't realize a prostitute can be legendary.

>Legend Robin
This soon after Franky, and centered around Dressrosa where she did fuck all?
Not bloody likely


check reddit faggotron

Box is too big to make a meme box these days

Pedro is death for these teams isn't he

>Reddit isn't even sure if she's a legend or not
Wow sure lifted my skepticism

Bamco doesn't even think Nami is important enough to get a legend but big guns thousand arms Robin is

Nami is literally and provably the weakest member of the crew

Actually Pedro can be handled pretty well due to the fact that you can retool his orbs to have a ton of food orbs. But it’s annoying to deal with him honestly if you’re not running a Powerhouse team.

I guess you haven't been reading WCI

You're thinking of Zoro

Oh sorry I forgot that she's totally going to be able to repeat any of what she accomplished this arc after they leave the island

>Stabbed in the side
>spit out blood
What did Zoro's anatomy mean by this?

Being the weakest doesn't mean she's inherently weak herself.

She has Zeus as her slave now senpai

I actually legitimately miss when Zoro pulled victory out of his ass when he was getting curbstomped
I hope Wano does for Zoro what Whole Cake is doing for Luffy

True, but for how long

>I actually legitimately miss when Zoro pulled victory out of his ass when he was getting curbstomped

Buggy straight up legitimately beat Zoro in a fair fight, there was no asspull victory for Zoro here. Buggy straight up let him live after obliterating his pride by wounding his back.

As long as BM remains living
Either way legend Nami is going to be Zeus Breeze Tempo when WCI finally comes out and you know it.

Doesn't Global pretty much have enough QoL improvements to rival JP?
>100% Colo Drop Chance
>100% Story Drops
>Permanent weekly islands
>Permanent turtle times
If these changes don't ever reach JP, we might actually be the better version.

Every single thing Nami has succeeded in doing in WC has been because of other people and not her own strength

It's gonna suck when we get the shitty menus and box layout

Sugo Rates>Every thing you just posted.

Nami did all her shit because she lied to a pig woman 10 years ago

I'm not gonna say this absolutely won't happen, but YOU know as well as I do that if it does then Zeus will get worfed to Hell and back and Nami will only be like 1% stronger than she currently is

One Piece is an entire series about the main cast getting worfed every fucking arc. The one time this doesn't happen is Return to Shabaody and like 98% of Fishman Island before Oda decided he wanted to make Luffy almost die of blood loss after styling on roidfish all arc for drama

Global will NEVER disclose Sugo Rates.
It's obvious that they are way way lower than JP and they don't want to lose playerbase.

Sad but true

Fishman Island is fucking dumb holy shit any arc where Robin has an actual fight with someone is full retard.

I think Robin is pretty cool.

She is cool she shouldn't be doing wrestling moves on Fishman though

Google Translate is always accurate

you guys ever feel like it is impossible to get older RR characters that are still useful, still havent pulled shiryu myself along with a few others

>2 genders
What does Japan mean by this

How goes the coliseum farming of his batch?
I am finished farming Shiryu, making progress on Ace, and wondering if I can even beat Ideo.

when is the next sugo fest ?

Is the friend list still being updated?
I don't won't to spend 5 minutes updating my info if its not being upkept


I'm afraid of that dumb box layout update

for global the next on is probably 3rd anni

As the pool gets cluttered, old RR don't get boosted as much as the others, due to the rates sadly.

25 copies of Shiryu acquired farming naturally. Finshed ideo when he 1st came out. He can be zombied easily. It is. The guy who updated it said he will this weekend.

Don't have the rocketmeme. Can't really zombie things.

Kuji ship can also be used for zombie teams as well

You know I never wanted V1 law at all until I pulled inthawk. Now I'm kind of hoping I get him from that bs free pull coming up.

No fucking way. There's definitely, for sure going to be at least one huge bait sugo to drain people of their gems before 3rd anni. So probably one more this month, one early Feb (the big bait), then the real 3rd anni in late Feb

>He can be zombied easily
What's the easy zombie team