/assg/ - pain general

Suffering Edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again. (Possibly not real)

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)
Eaten by the Entity

Other urls found in this thread:


It's like saying if you have a solo survivor left crawling around the game should just auto sacrifice him and give you full points because the game is "basically over"

This is extremely trivial when if you could look past whatever bm might be there and push them out games would be mere seconds, a minute tops longer.
If you hit them they will walk out.

what will jigsaw's ability be?

If they didn't have the exit gates to dance around they would just 99 the final gen or the door and dance around that instead to taunt you.

puts a puzzle on generators

if you fail the puzzle you get hurt

You should always shooo shooo the survivors, letting them stay means they will be always ready for an unhook.
Also idling is gay ass fuck too, just kick them all and don't give them what they want: your time.

>tfw there is a chance (small) for frogs to actually unJUST killers on the next update
are we finally winning bros?

>finish a gen solo, coop two more
>teammates unhook right next to LF patrolling
>gens are done, I unlock gates
>hang around, see that teammate is hooked in basement, and that other guy is down on steps
>one dude asks us to report LF for camping then says that I was a ass because I left without helping
what motivates these people

Because that happens soooooo often

That is very true. Game design can help on reducing certain trolling options, but there'll always be a way for someone to piss off people if they really want to do that.

I guarantee you they will nerf killer pallet speed break or something. Killers never get anything for free.

You will be rid of double pallets in a handful of areas. That's it. I see killers in-game celebrating in anticipation that "most of the pallets will be gone". Really gotta keep your expectations low.

>Me as Bubba on the Macmillan variant with all the trees and nothing else
>Pretty normal game against a bunch of rank 20 retards trying to get by
>Get 3 killed, have 4th downed and climbing Basement stairs
>Go, grab, hear Hatch and feel generous
>Drop them on it
>They crawl towards Basement
>Drop them on it again, right on top with the "Escape M1" prompt readily showing for them
>Still crawl
>Grab, hook, ask in post-game
>Some autistic "You killed my friend, so I have to die too" gubbins
Survivors, not even once.

So Billy and Nurse would then become even stronger because it's faster to Saw/ignore Pallets than to break them.
Also, making a prediction:
>SAW killer will have a Hex Perk
>It does nothing until broken
>After being broken, it gives the Killer an action speed buff and 6 seconds of Survivor visibility when it is initially broken

Can someone give me a visual representative of the 32m territorial imperative range?

If you're on Pale Rose and the Basement is on the boat, if you are standing on the bow of the tugboat, you're just barely within the 32meter range.

>feel generous
>drop dude at hatch
>he still shit talks after match
I don't drop them at the hatch anymore

A gift for the new thread.


SWF is so fucking stupid

>flashlight running swfer
>screams at the top of his lungs
>friend complains about iron grasp of all things

that was a freshly looted flashlight

DLC drops next week, I bet.

If you ever needed a reason to not join the discord, this is it.

Do you have any self awareness of how annoying you are?

Probably. It does make sense that they're delaying it another week after the mess that was Freddy, but they went about it really poorly.
>Freddy's Teaser was 1 or 2 days before the Stream where they released him
>SAW Killer's is not and they confirm it's SAW by showing off the map, but not even giving us 1 of the FIVE other perks to mull over

That might have some utility, you're not thinking like a frog.
>Break the hex totem
>Killer can see the aura of who broke the totem for 6 seconds
>Aura disappears once the person gets hooked

>See the aura for the rest of the match*
>*Aura disappears once they're hooked
Brain just completely went on auto-correct.

Good way to block the basement stairs every time?

Wizard David casts "Unhook!" upon this thread!

So, guys. Lets take moment to talk about how shit survivors are. Survivors are little fucking faggots. They use shitty perks that have no counter whatsoever, they pallet loop, they gen rush (which loses them points as well as the killer so it is a lose lose situation), they stay around hooks and if the killer dares to secure a kill they sperg out. Now times this by 4. To top this off, do the devs fix these problems? do they fuck. Instead of nerfing the survivors, they decide that the killers are too op and in turn they nerf the fuck out. I used to not camp and tunnel these faggots, but at this point I take pleasure in it. SWF is so broken that its a wonder it even got put into the game. I hate these faggots so fucking much.

are these the people from the discord or another reddit/steam forum post for us to make fun of?

I couldn't even fathom a guess at how many people I've sacrificed after the gates are powered.

the former

I think you just need to sit there and survivors won't be able to move you.

The moment you attack they can pass through you. So best you can do is wait out the BT timer.

That's because most people made the mistake of not making their OWN fun a priority.
Survivors even brainwashed killers to think NOED is cancerous while they unhook in front of you to trigger their BT.
I couldn't give less of a shit about survivors.

>Streamer complains we're playing too immersed for him.
>He then actually has to deal with us and starts complaining about us looping him.

It's fun to see yourself from the other perspective sometimes but I will never understand complaints about people actually trying to be stealthy.

I don't mind stealthy survivors. In fact they play the game as intended. The loopers are the fags tho. They are up their own arse so much that they think looping is skill

>guy with flashlight talking about how the killer is shit
are these faggots for real?

Yes. These are the people who do nothing but spam how great the discord is.
Don't you just want to join up and play with them?

>every swf ever
>just a bunch of nerds laughing like horses
thought survivor was the chad choice? I also thought /assg/ was house of skilled players or something like that?

stand at the top and assume the stance of dominance

Jigsaw's Baptism


Forever devoted to her master's cause, she punished the ungrateful and the guilty with slyness and murderous puzzles. The Pig can move stealthily, dash in ambush attacks and put deadly Reverse Bear Traps on Survivors' heads.

Use the Secondary Power interaction to assume a crouching position. While crouching:

The Pig has no Terror Radius.
Activate the attack interaction to dash and perform an ambush attack.

Start the trial with 4 Reverse Bear Traps:

Reverse Bear Traps are put on Dying Survivors.
Reverse Bear Traps automatically sacrifice the survivor when they trigger.
Reverse Bear Traps trigger automatically beyond the Exit Gates.
Reverse Bear Traps trigger once their timers expire.
Reverse Bear Traps timer start when a generator is completed.
Survivors can free themselves from Reverse Bear Traps by searching Jigsaw Boxes found around the map to find the correct key.

"You will give everything to me, every cell in your body. The marks on your arms, they're from another life. We'll leave that life behind. When you walk down that corridor there is no turning back. Do you understand that?" - Jigsaw's Baptism

Literally just stand there. They can't move you and if you have LF then just fuck them up if they come too close

Times you have fucked up?
>Go down to the basement for the chest
>It’s a fucking LF
>Watch as the three Megs approach the basement like flies to shit
>Kill myself out of embarrassment and to avoid a snowball


I wish they'd come up with something this good but I know it's going to be garbage.

Just delusional assholes here.

It's not really stealth that bothers me it's when I have Kindred and the killer is right besides me which they can see thanks to the aura. And then what do I see? I see Claudette very slowly crouch around on the other side of the map. From what I've seen when people complain about immersed survivors it's when they seem genuinely afraid and just hide around even when it's not remotely necessary.

>house of skilled players
>every thread is filled with jaded killermains crying about survivors

That would be so fucking good. The problem with Dead by Daylight is that it doesn't give the killer enough time to get shit done. Having people searching for keys instead of gens would be pretty balanced. Sadly not gonna happen tho.

post yfw not part of the discord



This has to be ironic.


discord fags are just redditors who have gotten lost

Its not.

forgot my link

then what's so hype about it?

>One guy does his best to ruin the reputation of the Discord
>They do it themselves without even intending to
This is the saddest shit I’ve seen in a while

I have a small request. Can anyone run leatherface through faceapp and see if he smiles?

I genuinely laughed. Thank you for this.


>when you get a 4 man swf on the basement.

now do the others and I will love you, user


you're doing god's work, man

>Drive people out of your circlejerk because they're not "boys material"
>Act like its a bastion of freedom with cool people
>Start to crumble when your true behavior is coming to light.

You create this drama and act like you're above it.

i never said stop

give me a quick rundown on all these grown up males.

It doesn't bother me that much, it's all just for fun at the end of the day.

Here are some other bits from our session tonight.

Holy fuck these people are real? are they just like some retards that /assg/ keep away locked behind a discord? using ":D" faces are the definition of reddit

This is more unsettling than in-game Mikey.

why does this bug still exist in 2018

Do huntress, freddy, hag and doctor please, m8. You would make my day

It’s having trouble detecting faces. So far Huntress and Wraith don’t work.

holy shit that is creepy

Stop giving them attention.

The Xbox community is pretty toxic in this game. I can't believe the amount of messages I receive when I play killer, and I've been reported to Xbox a few times as well. I don't even camp or patrol hooks, either. I hook and immediately blink to the closest BBQC target.

I don't get it.

Huntress doesn’t work with her mask on.


this is the most unsettling one by far

wasn't the best connection ever.

In case anyone hasn't seen yet.

Seems like a well done fake but who knows.

I hope its real. That sounds so fucking good

>being so much of a shitter you actually have to use perks
fucking kek

keep'em coming

>he doesn't use deja vu, no mither, dark sense, and open handed

look at this fucking faggot and laugh

It straight up doesn’t recognize Freddy, Hag, Wraith, or Nurse. Have a Dwight instead.

>ever getting hit by t

>Not using no mither, self care, botany knowledge and pharmacy.

Plebs, the lot of you.

thats a freddy. where is my promised dwight?

T-That doesn't look like Dwight to me, user.

Whoops, that was the Freddy I was trying. Here’s the real Dwight.

All it did was whiten his upper teeth.

he looks so concerned

If it's fake they went all out, seeing as they even have a new perk in the background

>if only you knew how bad thing really are

I'm feeling this with Knock Out, Deerstalker, NOED, Ruin.