/smgen/ smite general

Pts is finally up edition

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Patch notes

How do I play Ranked Duel? I've lost seven in a row and I always get out-leveled and bullied back to my fountain.

Focus on getting exp and don't let him get anything for free if you can help it. Duels really open you up to your weaknesses, just keep going user.

What were the rewards for this season and is it too late to get them

White Morrigan
You've got 10 days to rack up 75 (or 150) Ranked wins across all three modes.


Smiggen what clan do you think has the most shitkids in it

Weak3ns clan

are you lads ready for

Janus is going to be even better with the big map.

I really hope Apollo isn't back. I can't stand the fucking HAHAHA and HAHA while he's autoing


>Hunters ignore more protections as you build more
>Hunters shave off more health as you build more
This is going to be a burst meta huh? Better start practicing my Athena I guess
>Global ult
>Taunt = death (even for tanky targets)

I hope Bellona is still good. I'll play my bae anyway, but I hope she'll do well without Death's Toll. At least she has sustain in her 3.

jungle bellona should still be good

I hate most clans but I can't stand the weed clan or iamop because it's just meme shit

>without Death's Toll
Don't remind me, now Xbala is even worse because he doesn't have the deaths toll synergy where landing an auto buffed up by his 1 (at rank 1) would refund the mana spent on the steriod because of Deaths toll.

I'm curious where Osiris is going to end up in the meta, since his sustain came mostly from Death's Toll. I'm so sick of Osiris, but the new Chaac with the attack speed debuff is probably going to be cancer to lane against.

Don't despair. If AMC can become top-tier, so can Xbal

1. Trans is buffed
2. Minions do less damage to gods
3. Towers don't take ALL your gold if they hit a minion
4. Hunters r sikk now

So sitting under tower hanging out as xb is not as bad as it used to be, all things considered.

>hunter players get mad that Hirez let warriors be more important for a few months
>nerf tank items
>buff hunter items

Really makes you think...

Hopefully, my nigga Chronos gets some more play. Few things are more satisfying than hearing "Let's go" and deleting people with a few poly procs.

Similarly I'm hoping I can more comfortably bring mah gurl Sol back to town

Remember how disgusting release Sol was?

who wouldn't? brb deleting towers
deleting towers maybe back with the conquest changes, albeit not quite as hard

If AA-based DT-abusing warriors are kill, does that mean that Tyr is back?

G'night guys. Hope we're all here still in the morning.

Probably as well as a resurgence in other self-healing warriors. Perhaps even some more Xing Tian and Sobek.

Bellona is fine because her kit has basically everything but lockdown (outside of her ult), and Erlang should still be viable.

Unfortunately, we're still going to have to deal with Artio and Cu Cullain (though I prefer the latter to the former)

What mages do you guys anticipate being the big winners of S5?

However, my main hope is that we see more assassin play, whether in the jungle or in a lane, like how they are often played in League.

Isn't iza bugged in pts something to do with her return hit doing too much damage or am I mistaken

>/smgen/ is back

Yessir back for the new season

Are the ''buffs'' to movement speed anything to get excited about? They kind of made it sound like a big deal but it's only +5.

i wonder if jamesbob still plays this game

>ywn be Paris
>ywn give the golden apple to Eris when you're forced to award it to the goddesses


. . . and SMITE Tactics: Hand of the Gods!

>Last seen 1 year ago

Is this a Hearthstone ripoff?

Nah it's a ded gaem

Let's try and summon taroshima

Taro's been back

Whaaaaaaat?!?! Is he in the discord now?


You mean the thing that killed the original /smgen/?

Yeah or is he a palashitter now

Paladins was a good game; better thought out than Overwatch if not as polished. Shame it god HIREZ'd into a P2W grindfest

It's just another shitty shooter

I want to fuck Scylla AND have Fenrir mount me from behind WHILE Ne'zha's penis is in my mouth during the whole event.

Oh hey fred

Look up a tier list and pick the highest character you're comfortable with until you can diversify your picks. Ban S+ at all times.
Manage your health and mana like you're breathing manually. Little fuck ups will lead to deaths, and therefore snowball.
Watch some videos or streams to get an idea on what items work in Duel, and when to build defense or counter-build items. Mast is good.

Will second the Mast rec. Rexsi is also good, but he has unusually good reflexes and mechanics, while Mast's commentary and skills are more applicable to most people.

I recommended Mast because he explains everything he does as he does it.
Rexsi just kinda mumbles under his breath and complains about his mouse without talking about his decision making. He plays well, but mechanical skill (as important as it is in Duel) isn't everything.


How do I midlane? I can play support and solo decently, but something about mid just doesn't click with me

pick loki

So is cerberus just shit? I can't get him to work and I never see anyone else playing him.

I'd wait for the new map to come out before giving you advice. Things are going to change.

I think people overreacted to him and now people aren't picking because lol not as good as everyone thought but I'd say he's alright. His stun is awkward to hit and I've had more success landing all four shots at a range than in front of me. I think people just need some time to play him more and he'll see more time used.

Probably a fair assessment. Just seeing his kit and passive on the preview I thought he was going to be broken on arrival. The problem is he doesn't seem quite tanky enough for the kind of all in approach that his kit promotes, and yeah his stun is weird as hell.

>queue up for conquest
>queue fill like always
>actually get carry this time
>pick Ullr obviously
>in lane against a medusa
>first wave comes up
>medusa misses her 2 on the minion wave

It was an easy game to say the least.

Do you think Taco is in trouble because of the Matty esports drama?

What's happening with Matty and Taco now? Redpill me boss

Rumors of an spl-player gangbang of taco organized by matty

what do you need to play ranked? 18 masteries but on what, gods you own? iirc it cant be on gods you rent right?


Matty tried to recruit players/get them to switch teams when that window wasn't opened.

>tfw Cloud 9 is basically back

Demeter when?

>Lo-Rez kicked Rivals (2nd pas SWC) out
>brought a CS:GO org named Mythic in
>matty was Mythic's henchman and tried to negotiate with Rivals players to join before the contract allowed him to
>Lo-rez found out, told Mythic they'd be fined $10k, couldn't sign any Rivals players, AND there'd be a press release disclosing the misconduct
>Mythic said "we quit" the posted on Reddit accusing the fans of being mean and said that's why they quit
>Rivals are back in Mythic's spot
It was top melodrama

When this skin gets in

Splyce roster


I wanna dump my load in Sols hot ass

That's hot

Sol's hot for being a fusion reaction

That's the joke

I haven't played serious conquest in over a year, is this the time to get back into it?

depends what you want out of it doesnt it? If youre interested in playing its probably a better time than most to jump back in.

Haven't been here in a while because I thought this place died. Anyways Jing Wei still a top tier girl

ded thred

ded gaem

Better than most because nobody will know wtf to do with the new map.




which one of you faggots created this work of art?

i'm dead

who was in the wrong here

nobody really, the hel was just having a bad day



I should be playing on a fucking coffee table in bare feet you nigger

This should be NA vs EU tbqh

This is Freya from another game. Say something nice about her.

>pick Nike
>You literally can't die

>teammate picks Nike
>goes 0-8

you should be higher than bronze for the amount of time youve spent playing you nigger

You think that's bad? Try Izanami or Skadi making grunt every time they throw something

Worst is Cern guys lets be honest
With max AA speed he is continuously grunting.

desu I'm not confident enough in my abilities to have attempted that edit. I just edited this dumb ol thing
