/alg/ - Azur Lane General #101

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Previous Thread: Toot.

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News on the Neptunia collab is coming in a stream on the 22nd:

The 5M registered users bonus bote is Jupiter. Register before February 28th to receive her:

New JP Patch:

- New Features
1. Main Story: Chapter 10 added.
New ships: Jintsuu, Honolulu, Minazuki, Mikazuki
St. Louis will be a drop as well.

2. Danger Level Gauge System to be added to all main story maps.
Every map clear will decrease the danger gauge until depleted. As danger gauge decreases, the amount of damage received on that map is decreased.
The damage reduction is at maximum at 0 gauge.
0 gauge does not mean you take no damage.
This system has no affect on ambush evasion.

3. Jintsuu Retrofit.

4. New Voice Additions.
Universal Bulin - CV: Asami Shimoda
UNIV Trial Bulin MKII - CV: Asami Shimoda
Tennessee - CV: Rina Satou
Ranger - CV: Yuu Asakawa
Beagle - CV: Eri Suzuki
Juneau - CV: Juri Kimura
Kent - CV: Hisako Kanemoto
Nevada - CV: Yumi Uchiyama
Fortune - CV: Yuuko Gotou
Nowaki - CV: Emiri Katou
Leipzig - CV: Ryouko Ono

Ranger Kai - CV: Yuu Asakawa
Hammann Kai - CV: Asuka Itou
Fortune Kai - CV: Yuuko Gotou
Long Island Kai - CV: Yukiyo Yoshida

Hammann Swimsuit - CV: Asuka Itou
Long Island "Dried Triples" - CV: Yukiyo Yoshida

- Fixes and Changes
1. Scharnhorst class torpedo changes.
Scharnhorst torpedo damage will scale with limit break and levels instead of torpedo stat.

2. Fixed some skins that erroneously increased secondary gun firing speed.

3. Minor fixes to UI and text.

Amazon da

Reminder that this harlot was responsible for the worst war crime of WW2

should I burn the three copies of her I have

Can it be true? The real harlot poster has returned?

I married this harlot


They're coming.
The "I got Jintsuu while clearing!" posts are coming.

>for once living in this timezone means I woke up just as the maintenance ended and I didn't need to wait at all

I like the bullin voices

This, SSR bulin a cute.

>Jupiter has no voice

Kisaragi is my wife

Talk me out of setting purple bulin as my secretary.
She's too cute

She's hopelessly braindamaged. That's why you use her to limit break. Other ships have rights, but Bulins are so braindamaged that they aren't given rights in this world. The secret truth nobody wants you to know is that any ship can be used to limit break any other ship, however Akashi only lets you use clones or rightless bulins to scam you.

Do it, she's cute.

Does Elizabeth's skill affect herself too?

Of course.
BTW everyone. Some nips are actually doing construction for the world 10 botes, thinking they were added to the pool. It's hilarious.

jesus christ bulin has a long fucking opening line



You can Auto trash fleet only for boss manual
>train of suicide boat at 10-1 boss
Holy shit this is brutal

How big of a dick can fit in Bulin?

What are you talking about? Just make more room if needed.

What skills does Spee have? I assume she's an SR

Don't have her yet. She's an event reward, so I'm not going to bother rolling

were there any additions to the crafting pool?

no, better move your ass to W10 if you want new botes

>just want to rank down in PvP so I can get good XP since my current fleet gets bodied by the sub-1k rank people who run meta ships left and right
>all the rightmost opponents are some 2-bote shitrolls that give me zero XP and STILL rank me up

袖珍战列舰 提高对驱逐舰和轻巡洋舰的伤害15%(35%)

Pocket Battleship Increases Damage to Destroyer and Light Cruiser 15% (35%)

I want to shit in Jupiter's mouth and force her to swallow all of it.

>the biggest damage reduction you can get is 6%
What a joke.

>tfw Ganbaru is actually good in world 10
feels good

>he doesn't know

Indeed, I don't know. Could you be as nice as to inform me?

The cap depends on the map and if it's on normal or hard.

It gets higher as you get to later worlds. World 10 is suppossed to be 20% reduction.

I want to impregnate Hood

Ganbaru is always good, actually, but because she's CVL she can't be used in CV slots for hard mode.

Oh. I thought it would just be 20% across all words.
I don't get why the bonus should get higher the more difficult the map. Seems like the opposite of what you'd expect.

Oh really, just the same as Shark. I guess that's fine, but I'd like some more flavor.

s-same here.

She's too old, her shriveled, mummified womb is no longer fertile.

>I don't get why the bonus should get higher the more difficult the map
Because you can't overpower enemies as much in later worlds and in 10-4 they even overpower you to begin with.

>Seems like the opposite of what you'd expect.
That makes zero sense. Obviously harder maps need bigger reductions to be farmable. You can farm world 7 and below with two ship fleets already without the reduction.

>mechanic that's supposed to make farming easier
>making easy maps even easier to run makes more sense than making hard maps more manageable


>Because you can't overpower enemies as much in later worlds
Fair point.
>and in 10-4 they even overpower you to begin with
That sounds like a problem with enemy balance then. Sure the game should be at its hardest now, but if the only way to counteract that (outside of minmaxing every single possible stat) is to give a damage reduction for getting through the hardest part then maybe the enemies could have a look.

I was thinking from the point of view of difficulty. Harder map should mean lower reduction. But then again since this feature was made just for farming and higher chapters need way more effort and resources to farm, I guess I have my head in the wrong places.

>10-1 boss node
>train of suicide botes
Jesus christ that was frightening.

post your world 10 clear fleets

god damn it

you know that the dmg reduction means you take less dmg, not that they take less...it makes sense then for higher maps to have you take less dmg...

Triple gunboat with ap guns ez mode

White botes like big black cocks. Your weak white seed is no match for a black bull's potent seed, skk.

>how can whitey even compete

Please delete this and stop bullying my cute wife. She did nothing wrong.


Overkill but I'm using it to 3star the map.

How is being impregnated by a strong, dominant black bull a bad thing? Are you a fucking racist?

I just cleared it with 3 CV, Helena , Takao, and Ayanami
The key to survive the train is you need to time the air strike so when the bomb drops it hits all the suicide bote

Go bull someone else. Unicorn would be happy to receive you. Leave my Jabberin alone.

Ganbaru fleet facetanked every node on the map, Hood fleet just for the boss desu.

>ap guns for boss node
>bosses are DDs
Quality idea.

The bosses get deleted by the HE spam from the bbs, the only problem with the 10-1 boss is the suicide boats.

>Jintsuu released
Oh neat. Guess I need to stop being lazy and finally clear World 9.

What kind of husband are you to deny your wife the ultimate pleasure and fulfillment of her lifelong dream of being impregnated by a dominant African bull.

neat, I need to stop being lazy and advance more than world 6

This is great, now I should stop being lazy and finally start clearing world 4.

Only CA and BB APshells punch shit damage holes on DDs light armor.


>3 5x purple plates on sale
>have literally no gold
Fuck everything.

You can change your ship's nicknames anytime right. It's not limited?

I was thinking of naming Long Island Neet Meat.

Bretty good

I think it's once every 30 days after marriage.
No spaces allowed.

I assure you there are no such dreams being had by her. Try Unicorn, she's 2 doors down.

How the hell do I make my backline more durable? My frontline is always above 90% hp, but most of my backline takes heavy damage on auto.

E-chan a cute!

If they're being shot at by BBs try fire extinguishers.

Nagato deals a lot of damage, try focusing her desu.

Santaprise best girl

how do i raise this danger level thing?

I want this sharklet so bad, do you think she will be able to equip the skc28 like Deutschland? I hope so as she is cuter imo and would make for a perfect switch in my current German team setup,. The Germans needed an SR CL not more CAs, too many qts are stuck as CAs and you are limited to only using one on harder maps as they just too squishy to be used for more than just boss clearing atm if you decided to run 2+.
That's the local leather club, Unicorn's room is the one after that.

>do you think she will be able to equip the skc28 like Deutschland
That should be obvious.

>do you think she will be able to equip the skc28 like Deutschland?
>same class of ship as Deutschland
Gee, I fucking wonder

Okay, I'll keep that in mind. I'm guessing stuff like hypens and underscores are allowed?

Also, what are some good names for Vampire? I'm thinking Jailbait/Brigbait or SeamanDemon

Too late, I've already paid an artist to draw a big black buy impregnating your wife.




No bully, I didn't know that information was available already, I thought all that was leaked was skills and art.


That information was available long before you were even born.


The information has been out since the 1930s man

Why would you do this? What do you gain from bullying my cute wife and I?

>40th heavy construction
>still not a single SSR
End me

>lmao don't reroll though bro, you'll get everything you want eventually bro


That makes sense, the thought never crossed my mind, but in hindsight that's probably the first thing I should have done.
>tfw too stupid for phone games
