/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is coming out for PS4 and Xbox One Jan 26, 2018, with a fall 2018 PC release.
↳Third PS4 beta with a bonus Nergigante quest is underway until the 22nd. Get hunting!
↳A Limited Edition Rathalos PS4Pro has been announced for sale outside of Japan. Check your local retailer for more details.
↳Elder Dragons + Deviljho: youtube.com/watch?v=lmwxyM3sPwc
↳Full 2018 Winter Event Livestream: youtube.com/watch?v=FuxxrCmLi58
↳Weapons: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_ALSpmx2A8sAdeuYKMnrCt0xCpwPyPbC
↳Moveset Changes: pastebin.com/Pc4NsdxP

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Password: 7243
XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集
Gen, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous thread:

Paralyzed huntresses!


Nergi is fun, FUN!

Nigger auntie!

How does anyone use SnS? It's a fucking nightmare. Like, I can get Nerg kills, but it takes like 10 minutes and I feel like I'm pulling teeth the whole way through.

>High rank Nergigante hitting like a low rank monster against low rank armor
And they said it couldn't be easier than Gen

post your screen


t. genbryo

>low rank poster trying for high rank bait
And they said mhg couldn't get any worse

>boot up to try the beta for the first time
>easily beat nerg

Huh, must be my years of fighting Gore Magala because he's so easy. Even the Roar >flying slam attack is easy to avoid because it gives you just enough time to dive or dodge perpendicularly

>Try to solo Nergigiante asap
>Make it cry and go to sleep on the first try but not enough time to kill it
>Try a second time
>Now he just spam that one huge jump attack constantly
Call me a shitter all you want but, does anyone has any advice on how to dodge it?
I feel like it tracks your motion and where you'll go, so I can't dodge toward it or backward.
I can dodge the initial hit without problem but the second shockwave thingy hit destroy me
I play hammer too

>We'll face him at mid-high HR, like with any flagship.

What's Nerg weak to?


my dick
it doesn't matter because all of the element values in the beta are fucked. might as well be set to 1.

Are the beta mission rewards tied to PSN account?
How do I redeem them on my new PS4 Pro that’s coming on the 26th?


asking about ammo. can't play the game right now

Superman dive that shit, or just learn the roll timing.

Fat huntress butts

at least absolute evasion is on a cooldown

Dragon mostly likely given it's a elder dragon.

>second session ever playing MH
>kill nerginigger easier than dialos

Like with any HR-story flagship.
I'm saying that it's very possible for a monster not to have LR version at all. That's why beta Nerg drops HR materials, but doesn't oneshot hunters in LR armor, since he's just downscaled from his full game HR counterpart.

>no proofs
>he will say "i-i-i j-just d-didnt care...."


no, he'll say
>i-i dont have to prove anything, y-youre just a shitter


Ok how can I post proof that this is my second ever MH session?

I can go to the effort of uploading PS4 share pic if you want me to but it proves nothing :^)

>Nerg is fully spiked out
>all black
>does the pre-giga impact roar
>you're just on the edge of the radius to get stunned by the roar
>you still have your weapon out
What the fuck do you do
there's no way you can iframe that shit



He drops low rank materials too though. They're rarity 4. Its high rank materials are rarity 7, and rarity 8 for the gem.



epic namedrop, dude!

Help me kill Diablos!


you're actually fucked if you dont have longsword or a block weapon



Also Nerugigante is fun, FUN!

Such a lust for monsters

The controller only if I really need a 3rd one.

Why are you so autistic?

The one I wanted to post was probably too NSFW, so I had to pick that one.

MHW Beta honts NOW! Yay!

Killing Blos. Get in here.


--00 two sluts on this bitch

Come fight Negrogigante

how do i get a pet nergigante


Well, maybe I'm wrong, it's just my conjecture. I haven't got to play the demo yet. But some HR monsters drop some of their LR parts together with HR ones, but at higher rate. I think Gore drops both feelers and feelers+. Although that would imply that LR Nerg does exist. I obviously can't say what exactly the devs were tuning when putting him int he beta.

Finally wooo

why are you such a discord degenerate?


I can't seem to shy away from the 10-minute range on my clears. Some weapons are faster, but only by a minute or so. Am I doing something wrong or are most people clearing at about this pace?

Get in here faggots

Just block, bro. :^)

13-9 mins seems to be the typical range
someone posted an insane GL kill early on, 6 minutes, but it seems a little sus to me.

goodnight, /mhg/

Does anyone have any tips for hammer on Nerg? I timed out in all my attempts

I took 12 with the DBs and fainting twice, so I imagine it's possible much faster.

Oh no, you got me dude. Anyone who doesn't need everything proven to them must be one of those faggots. Good detective work.

>finally killed him with GL
>had 5 minutes left
>held down the Share button to screenshot
>tiny icon appears top left
>go back to screenshots
>nothing there
I was lied to :(
someone told me just holding it took a screenshot

sleep tight, i hope you had fun with the beta

So is everyone enjoying the beta? Is it making you excited to play the full game?

Doing the upswing out of the charge worked well for me. Just tried to maximize my stuns and paras.

Oddly playing the beta is giving me the biggest blue balls known to man.

Fucking die.

Check your settings holding it usually starts recording or streaming depending on settings.

Who here
>Flying forever

this, i did a few kills, but i need the full game.

> Won't come until the monday after release
I kinda regret it, desu


I did it!
I finally got nergigante... to limp.

>love GS and CB the most in XX
>play world demo
>GS feels godawful now
>CB is completely broken now
It's doing the opposite for me.

Go to Monster hunter folder, and check your sharing setting as well, I prefer 1 press = screenshot.

I think I'm brain damaged. I can't figure out how to transfer the charge to the sword, just the shield.

Not like I can't figure out, rather I can't fucking do it, I had it down last beta I was doing it all the fucking time but for the life of me I can't get my shit together this time around.

Play a man's weapon like hammer you pansy

I'm trying but the timing is so fucking thigh.

Nerg hunt

>the ultimate cuck weapon
just kidding
I'm actually planning on playing all weapons more or less equally in world excluding GS.

you need to have phials and a charged shield
just hold triangle after loading phials

From what I've seen Rage mode Nergy spam the shit out of it.
I'm trying to see if you can flash him out of the air before he can fall down too, kinda like Rathian's backward jump

2 slots open

Should've just changed your Share button settings to take a shot by just pressing it once. The default behavior is inane.

Now I feel like an even bigger retard, I don't know why the fuck I was trying to interrupt a charged elemental slash to switch the charge to the sword.

Why is Insect Glaive so much fun?
>Get Red/Yellow/Blue combo
>Never touch ground again
>Constant mounts

What's the point of the sonic bombs in the chest in the Nergy fight? Do they do anything to him, or are they just part of the map? I can't find any way to affect him with them.

1 more

how about an option to make the monster semi-translucent so i can actually see what the FUCK is happening

you forgot
>never do damage again because the aerial attacks are worse than post nerf tonfa

I found it.

Most kino end screen I've ever gotten and it was my first kill on him.

Tomorrow, naked!

You know what? I'm unironically looking forward to doing the gathering quests in the full game for the first time ever. The new areas are so huge and detailed and are gonna be absolutely fun to just explore and do free hunts in.

>Not being more concerned about being credit to team by getting mounts that constantly topple target

>GS feels godawful now
GS gets to cancel charge into a GP now and has full control over the swing direction after you started charging.

I'm retarded.

>"just stay under his hind legs bro, trust me :)"

Guys fuck, help.
What do I do when I get downed by Nerdy and he's about to do a second hand slam in a row? It's the one thing that's been killing me (aside from the divebomb, of course).

Part of the map I think. You grab them when you hunt Blos.

>Maps don't start out completed, you actually have to traverse the zones to fill them in, including finding base camps and gathering spots.

Honestly can't wait; I've been deliberately avoiding exploring the maps in the beta just to save those secrets for later.