/domg/ - Dominions General

Pretenders of the throne room edition

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.
The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 3000 units, 900 spells and 400 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them.
It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.
Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.


>Group chatroom

>Our pastebin



>Where do I get it?
Currently only available on Steam.


>Mod inspector

>Multiplayer guide

>Debug mod

>How do I change the fonts?
Replace guifont.ttf, guifont_fancy.ttf and guifont_texty.ttf in the game's 'data' folder (C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Dominions5\data usually).

>Is there an easier way to play multiplayer?
Works for Dominions 5 just as well.

>Completed games
Submit them here:

>OP pastebin
Just copypaste it and link the previous thread below.

>Previous Pantokrator:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Pale Ones a best.

If they are so good, then why didn't they listen to Golog? Face it, they deserve it. Also, all of their Oracles (who can't predict shit if we exclude Golog, it seems) sport some big fucking bellies but the only one who gets ridiculed for his considerable girth is Golog.

Nah, LA Innovations. Jomon
I jumped on Abysia in hopes of rescuing Bogarus who got murdered by them in Year 0

Shortly after moving my forces up, Tien Chi hit me, and just now Pan has jumped on too. 3 of 4 neighbours.

Also I made an assumption about Pass Wall ability and lost a good chunk of research/site search too, whoops.


Ah. Well, Jomon is rush bait. Their basic troops are pretty crap and they're weak to ranged attacks in the age of crossbows.

Excellent taste in games, my Jomon-loving friend. Let them taste the superior Jomonese steel.

Kulullus :3

If my only remaining human enemy has been staling for the last couple of turns, would it be fair to just claim victory and quit the game?

So what's the current list of Shit Which Could Use Balanced looking like? On my scratch list so far I have: Do something about Ys Underwater (Tail slap attack for UW sacred?). Do something about Oceania (Same, and Hoof on land). Recuperating Jomon Crabs, and maybe coastrecruit too. Swans shouldn't actively hurt siege strength. Lemurian troops should probably have less siege defence.

t. Rejakor

Nah, not Rejakor. Just not feeling like spending any more turns mopping up someone who isn't even playing anymore.

Being its Innovations, I was trying to turn that around, I think it works pretty well actually. Quickness Luck Yamas. You can expand turn 2 with 3 Sohei and that party can actually last a long while (The ashigaru die almost immediately but your archers will last a while.)
Attack rear getting nerfed/fixed might make things a bit tougher but the Sohei can still smash through most indies. I was looking at between 14-16 provinces by end of Year 0, which seems okay for Jomon, especially considering I held off on taking some capring provinces I saw (Tien Chi and Abysia, ironically)

Tien Chi is not a big issue, it was mostly just unsupported horses which got cut to shreds. Pan's awe and girth may as well be a direct counter to the Yamas though because they have garbage morale. But if you saw it coming you could probably go for Sohei instead.

If I hadn't been trying to churn out Tengus every turn I could have gotten myself some rings to deal with the Slayers as well, but Abysia was Dangerously Devilish, was not expecting to see the bless they took on assassins. Also could have thrown on more Go-Hatamotos but I didn't check that Pass Wall was specifically for sieges. But even then they're not guaranteed without rings.

Far from down and out at least, but we can only pray for mother Russia's god to save them.







Cu Sidhe needs a minor ability so they're worth summoning for more than just a brief period in the early-mid game, but a sidegrade on gem use in the late game like barghests are with their dark power

"According to legend, the creature was capable of hunting silently, but would occasionally let out three terrifying bays, and only three, that could be heard for miles by those listening for it, even far out at sea. Those who hear the baying of the Cù-Sìth must reach safety by the third bark or be overcome with terror to the point of death."

3 use AoE 1 Cause Fear natural ranged weapon or just a fear 5 aura?
I'd say the fear 5 makes more sense from a design standpoint but it also means you're just making a copy paste of jotun wolves

ooh, or a single AoE incredibly easy to pass morale check which has soul slay (with MR negates included) if failed

An LA Pythium Hydra summoning national spell.

I'm not really in a position to help, but good luck.


>Kill 3-4 Slayers
>Tch, nothing personnel
>2 turns later

what were you trying to do with pass wall?

I am still taking suggestions and people telling me I'm an idiot at this point, so feel free to jump in if you think I'm doing a dumb thing.

Also to go on the list: Spider Boots should grant Wall Climbing.
That seems doable. Range30, 3 ammo, AoE1. MR Negates Cause Fear. MR Negates Easy 999 AN Magic Damage (No effect on inanimate, no effect on undead, no effect on mindless).
Not a game changer, but makes them a bit better, and makes them not a direct clone of Jotun Wolves.
Also doable. I'm thinking 10N, 2N2H to cast, 1 Hydra, 1+ Hydra Hatchlings. Maybe see if I can duplicate the Earthquake cavecast shenanigans and make it produce an extra 1d6 hatchlings if cast in a swamp province.




>Spider Boots should grant Wall Climbing.
As should actual spiders and spider-riders.

Make Breath of the Desert F3 instead of F3A1.

I just kinda half vaguely remembered it let them assassinate people in forts, so when I was about to take on Abysia I checked their slayers for it, didn't see it and then assumed I was safe as long as I was in a fort.

It's been some time.

ah, you were confused between a fort in general and a besieged fort



Easily done. Not Bane Spiders though. They're just cosplaying.
Definitely on the list.

What was it?

EA Atlantis's Living Pillars have been fucking useless for ages; they get one piece of decent armor that murders their defense, movement and encumbrance, with no fucking helmets and one of the highest res costs in the game.
>Basalt Armor
>prot 19 -> 17
>defense -4 -> -3
>encumbrance 6 -> 4
>move -6 -> -4
Up their base protection 9 ->12, lower resource cost 56 -> 36.
And something that gets less attention but still sucks is the various incarnations of shambler Coral Guard being overpriced in all ages of Atlantis. They're really cool and usually your all around best line-holder (even in LA when in hot scales) but never worth the steep cost. The MA sacred versions even cost more than the more exotic Living Pillar Deep Ones of EA, for whatever reason.
>EA's Coral Guard: 30g -> 25g
>MA's Mother Guard (sacred): 40g -> 35g
>LA's Unsleeping: 35g -> 28g (it has +2 MR and Void Sanity that has no value outside of RP for a troop unit, that ain't worth the cost of a heavy cav)

Been interested in this game for and looking to get into it could someone give me a sorta rundown of it? Too lazy to look into it, what can you do in this game?

Big fan of ck2, is it more or less complicated?

>tfw the AI does a victory dance on your corpse

differently complicated
it's more like you need to memorize a ton of spells for the nation you're playing, work out good interactions and then tailor it all to the neighbor you're fighting and adapt it on the fly as they adapt to you

oh and learn to not panic

>Too lazy to look into it
Don't bother. If you're too lazy to even look it up, you're too lazy to play it.

>Big fan of ck2, is it more or less complicated?
The economy and empire management is vastly less complicated, since Dominions is extremely barebones in those regards, however, the magic system adds a lot of fun stuff and the combat, which is the focus of the game, is infinitely more complex than what Paradox tries to sell as combat.

It's a wargame, not a grand strategy game.

Less complicated.

It's risk with magic

That's hilarious.

*teleports behind you*
pssshhhhhh gurgle sprinkle ploop

Fir Bolgs need helmets.

or really thick skulls, whatever.


>won three games this week
>in all three games, my victory was more due to my enemies going AI than any real accomplishment on my part

What's the best Dominions community? I'm done with /domg/ and I'm not desperate enough to start visiting the Steam forums.

>"You're several thousand years too early to be facing me"

>too lazy to look into it

This is not the game for you.

I´ve had my best groups with the Steam group, /V/anheim. It´s pretty much /domg/ but not fully anonymous.

Pro: less AI-ing and staling because you get blacklisted if you´re a faggot too often. Easy access to blitzes.

Con: more chances of getting metagrudged. Diplomacy runs heavily through Steam chat, and sticking to the game´s internal messaging might harm your chances of landing an alliance.

their stats are fantastic though, not having a helmet is what keeps them in line, and the nations they're a part of have units with helmets and glamour if you need chaff that doesnt evaporate under fire

>TNN: 25g/troop chaff where half their defense (glamour) is irrelevant vs ranged fire. Or 35g cap sacreds.
>Eriu: literally indie tier milesians or cap 35g sacreds
>Fomoria: eh maybe a bit of an unnecessary buff to them. Always this problem.

They're still 30% more expensive than indie soldiers, and it's not like TNN or Eriu are overly good.

Okay. So I'm committing to doing a thing.
Here's a document for the balance things. Much like the one sum1 had for Dom4. If you think a thing needs changed, put a suggestion in for that. I'll go through and fill in things which have been said in the thread but I am slow and easily distracted.

What about pretty much everything related to Machaka that isn't Boudas or memeblessed spiders?

Machaka removed.

Haven't played them much myself in Dom5 as yet. I'll take a look, but if you've got a couple particular bugbears in mind make up a nation section for them and write down the problems with the nation in as much detail as you can. (I realize I've so far been terrible about filling in the problems myself.)

Make black sorcs sacred (Unaging) and take 3 rec points instead of 4, and MA Machaka will be stronk.
Spider Knights are already amazing. 35g, 2 attacks + web, ranged AoE1 web spit, high prot, turns into a tanky med-prot spider with more webs when kill. Just having a line of em behind your front row is like having a line of N1 mages casting Web who'll close in with more nets like mounted ichtyids in heavy armor.

Noob question; there are plenty of spells that will incur more than 100 fatigue. Do you need a mage with paths above what is states as "required" to cast these spells (or a communion)?

Maybe. Depends on the spell (does it have a gem cost to begin with?)
Gems reduce fatigue cost though, so those work. You can cast a 200-fatigue spell that requires 2 gems on a "Just makes it magic-wise" wizard, and he'll cast it, eat both gems, and plop at 200 fatigue.

No. They'll just fall unconscious (or, if the fatigue exceeds 200, the extra is converted to damage)

It's super-secret tech for now. I think it's much more fun to experience it live then be spoiled.

Don't worry, I'll reveal all once the game is over.


Presumably something you can get cheap with Myrmecoleon because that's Abysia's pretender

Myrm starts with F1E1, so explosions would be possible.

The explosion bless is also less bad for Abysia than it is for other nations, since their high natural heat resistance means you won't blow up your own dudes with it.

admin I can't play any longer - you're gonna need to find a sub. I can AI myself if you need me to.

it's not in the worst spot - C'tis isn't invading - but it's not exactly in the best spot either.

On the bright side, the horsejews and the elves have lost a variety of fun units and R'lyeh is using his void god to try and seize shit provinces for no gain.

Very well. Anyone keen on subbing for Ermor?

I also asked around in Discord and Steam chat. If I can't find a sub in a couple of hours, just go AI.



you 'won' one battle against me with attack rear meme and that was the last time i lost any decent amount of units

Seems to be a theme with Jomon. I got reamed by Abyssia, R'lyeh, TC, and Marignon all in one turn in LAdomgOPEN after expanding to be one of the largest nations that was actually winning battles.

I think Jomon might find ideal allies in Utgard, those giants also seem to be the perfect bullying targets.

I've got no responses so you probably should go AI. Thanks for joining.

>EA Machaka: The Lion Kings
>War Lions arn't sacred
>Voices of Lion don't make War Lions disciplined
>Lots of lore about how the tribes are loosely held together and regularly backstab each other, no events that do anything about it

Really, these first two changes might make taking a bless on Machaka something you would want to do instead of the current situation where +3 in all scales is ideal. War Lions out of every fort with quickness and 4 attacks or with swiftness and some stat modifiers would be narly. They already got fucked over by the rec point change from 4-5

Do we really need more blessrush nations?



Their only sacred units are the lion warriors, lion kings and queens, and voices of lions. All of which dont warrant a bless because you'll never be able to grab enough of them.

A lot of the other nations get the choice of tanking their scales to play with a big bless. If they dont, it's often because their mages can hold a line early. Machaka's most reliable mages have the worst crosspaths you could want. To top this all off, they have near been completely ignored in the national summons/forging department when it comes to lore stuff.

African myth is dope shit. Illwinter ought give them some bonuses before releasing new nations.

So I had this Dom4 mod that I was playing with. It started as just some custom mages I could summon with blood sacrifice and eventually grew into a set of themed units. Some of you probably remember it and have told me "just release it already faggot" but I've been doing other things and to be frank I didn't feel it was worth anyone else's time.

Anyway, the idea now is that they're a MA race of humans that spent a lot of time enslaved by Astral and Blood mages (haven't pinned down how I want to play that that, early thoughts that EA R'lyeh and Aboleths were involved). Their society is run by a shadow government made up of immortal power players from the Astral/Blood Cabals. These Cabalists research and manipulate the Celestial and the Infernal in order to understand their mysteries. The greatest of them delve into the Abyssal Labyrinth and return changed, more like a Lesser Horror in the body of a man but without Ethereal, Teleporter, or Fear+10.

I want to give them a fair amount of custom spells that tie them closely with Communions and Sabbaths as well as Horror summoning, which they prefer over trafficking with demons like EA/LA Mictlan or LA Marignon. Hard to sell your own soul when it's an immortal inter-planar monster right? I also want to tie in the idea of astral corruption into their spellbook but I'm still in the process of brainstorming and note taking with that.

Their rank and file are mostly made up of cheap slaves. I haven't decided what to use as slaves, leaning toward Ichytids since R'lyeh seems to have the Atlantean slave thing going on already. Also heavier more expensive troops reminiscent of Ulm without Shields and Blacksteel. Decent armor, good, long weapons, but a bit more expensive than such troops would normally be.

Some of the decisions I'll have to make going forward will be made after some review of the existing spellbook and lore about the Celestials and Infernals. Others will be made when I get back to spriting their units. Thoughts?

Sounds like an origin story for LA Ulm's illuminati

just release it already faggot

if i made a mod nation would it be cheap to just give them a shitload of different troops? like how MA TC has graduated troops in different armor, so you could either go scales heavy to get the good chaff or bless for the sacreds.

Make boudas non-StR and change their paths to E2F1 with 50% D/F/E. Now you have reliable earth meld casters for early game that can transition into more earth spells or magma eruption. Give them an ench 6-7 national battlefield enchantment that quickens animals, giving them a powerful midgame research goal that's just past their horde of skeletons goal they already want that takes advantage of their national troops.

Less cheap, maybe more irritating unless you manage to make them all interesting.
I mean compare it to vanilla nations where 3/4 of their troop lineup is never used.

Possible. Boudas often are your most versatile mage. I do think more animal summons and more ways to buff them up is in-line with what they're all about.

After I'm done building out a better map generator (I cant stand the base one), I may make a mod for Machaka.

They don't even necessarily need national summons, fall bears and summer lions are already powerful troops that would see a strong role in a nation with more ways to buff them up. Maybe a lategame national N summon like Caelum's spentas that can summon a random powerful A/W/E/F/D unique to give them more lategame versatility with the potential for tartarians + GoH and A buffs

On second thought, let's not go to Avalon. It is a silly place.

>Dumb burds got fooled by a mere model

What are some good weapons for an anti-SC thug?

I was considering doing this too.

You should give UW nations at least one coast/land mage.

>Neighbor doesn't capitalize his diplo messages

If I know how to play the earlier games will 5 give me troubles?

It's a pretty new meta, but your knowledge should still apply somewhat. The list of good spells is pretty similar.

Swans should be sacred.

The most relevant changes were to rec points being an added thing required to recruit troops, the changes to the bless system, and simultaneous/time based combat eliminating a lot of the 'gamey-ness' of combat. Also prov movement and winter shit.

2 games against the AI should get you up to speed with how everything works now.

Mean more like can I actually play it at all, is it like 4.2 or more like a different game

Sure 2 games don't sound too bad so mostly the same right?

>doing fine
>your patrolers find an elf in your cap

It's already too late.

Axe of Hate
Anything that causes bad afflictions (Eyecatcher, Bow of Botulf)

Fuck you elf. Why can't we be friends?

Elves don't have friends.

Flesh Eater's another good one.


>Finding the following on turn 10 as a blood nation in your MP game right next to your capital.


how 2 survive early game as berytos


Actually, a B1 mage found it. Bowl of Blood confirmed still waste of time