/mhg/ - Monster Hunter

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is coming out for PS4 and Xbox One Jan 26, 2018, with a fall 2018 PC release.
↳Third PS4 beta with a bonus Nergigante quest is underway until the 22nd. Get hunting!
↳A Limited Edition Rathalos PS4Pro has been announced for sale outside of Japan. Check your local retailer for more details.
↳Elder Dragons + Deviljho: youtube.com/watch?v=lmwxyM3sPwc
↳Full 2018 Winter Event Livestream: youtube.com/watch?v=FuxxrCmLi58
↳Weapons: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_ALSpmx2A8sAdeuYKMnrCt0xCpwPyPbC
↳Moveset Changes: pastebin.com/Pc4NsdxP

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Password: 7243
XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集
Gen, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

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1st for rathalos is gay


come hunt nerg. i'll keep the room open as long as i can.

El Negro

Threadly reminder that waifu faggots should all be hunt down, tortured and executed. No exceptions.

Big black nigger


when he activates your trap card

If CBs optimal playstyle wasn't just spamming sAED, are there even any optimal GPs you could use in a fight like nergigante? All his moves recovers too fast where you can do an AED and recover quickly enough to dodge/block.

Nerg will die. Thunder lance squad
3 slots

Are we there yet?

Surely there's somebody here who played the first beta on PS4 and the third one on a PS4 Pro
I'd like to hear about the difference and how worth the upgrade was


Doesn't matter if it's your main weapon or if you're holding it in your hands for the first time. Practice GL vs Nerg.

Shit I posted it too late into the thread. Anyway lets roll.

So how does everyone feel about picks and bug nets being gone? Nice quality of life change or dumbing down of a classic series mechanic?


2 slots senpai get your thunder lance ready

2 more come on

No exceptions.

Huntress butts

Doesn't matter because female hunters will all be wearing Kaiser set in World anyway and it's a decent set.



Giganigga here

Post aesthetic win screens

just report him he went full retard

Which jap va huntress sounds the cutest?


I'm not breaking any rules, you subhuman child.

>b-but this is supposed to be my safe space... h-how dare you critcize muh waifus...
I know a place you'll love.

Shouldn't this just say "to gain crafting materials."?
The way its worded now sounds like you can craft gear unique to the legiana rotting corpse, when you're just getting a free regular legiana carve.



two slots

That's me. It's better, that's about all I can say. I don't have any instruments to test the difference but the change is notable, at least. Playing on Prioritize Framerate, obviously, but I've only been on Wildspire Wastes for Nerg.

There's a comparison video out there using Ancient Forest and it's about an additional 15 frames average, so it's up to you if that's worth it or not.

Boy I oughta stop browsing /mhg/ before a hue spoils the last boss
By now, if they've been playing nonstop, they'd likely be there

Monster Hunter World confirmed bretty gud

What if your next sleep is the big sleep and you never get to play MHW.


holy fuck hammer

Any chances the FPS will be more stable in final release if this build really is months old?

pls no

At least giganigga knows who's boss

>$0.05 have been deposited on your bank account.

>Reaching the final boss

Any user can tell me how to dodge giga's move that he rises up and smashes into you when you're still getting up?

>Cart twice
>Accidentally cut the tail of nergi just as he's going to sleep so can't sleepbomb
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry aaaAAA

We haven't even gotten the trophy list; no one knows what the fuck they're doing.

It's possible, but I would not bank on anything substantial. Ancient Forest seems to be a pretty taxing map, but Coral Highlands and Rotten Vale also seem like they might be pretty demanding as well. The Volcano area and whatever Tower/Arena locations might be okay, though

is there a CB one?


>getting really salty over Nergigante
>Can reliably dodge is Barrel Spike Explosin and are becmoing familar with his tells
>get killed by random turn that actually an attack somehow
fuckin epic
I'm glad World is turning out to be pretty challenging after all.


I'd rather play on normal. Not easy.

I bet you use potions fucking scrub

its a wiki, fix it yourself

No getting hit in first place.

LBG is so fucking good in this game

So has the rest of the monsters and the visual looks been leaked yet?

Kinda wanna know what the end-game elder dragons look like since I’ll have to wait months for the PC port anyway.

>Use nothing but charge blade for both XX and world beta.
>Doing multiplayer for Nergigante.
>Don't wanna hold back people.
>Switch to bow for the mission.
>Doing all the missions again with bow.
>Beat everything in half the time.
How hard is it managing coating crafting? I might go bow in World.

Am I not looking close enough at Anjanath? It seems like his wings and jew nose literally come out of no where, there's no indication that they're actually anywhere on his body, and when they come out there's no animation, they just pop into existence.

The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

Can anyone fill me in on the relative playerbase size of MH4U, MHX and MHXX?

one more

Fucking savage hunt my dudes.

Its locked you moronic fuck, you'd know that if you weren't so trigger happy at every chance for smartassing you get.


I think they can auto craft if you have the items. So just remember what you need and bring phials

>95% of the usual shitpost is gone during the beta period

0 deaths, good job lads

Cool. Then I won't gave to face my divorce.

I wouldn't go that far

>hardest fight in the game
>only 3min30 to solo

lmao this casual shitgame

>Implying I haven't prayed for death to come for 23 years.

I guess you should be banned as well, then? Your posts read as if they were made by a literal braindead child, likely because you are one.

I wish good enough with hammer.

Theres more sub 4 min kills then i would of expected

>no proofs
>no webm

then I go to heaven because I'm a good christian and God gives me a copy of Monster Hunter: World for PS4 seven days before its initial release date, but I can't play on Sunday.

Woosh now your wife is gone

Holy shit, you're the autistic screecher from yesterday, aren't you? You forgot to call him a soylet again, or did you finally get tired of being banned?

The average player hasn't reached that nearly zenlike level of autism.

>I guess you should be banned as well, then
Yes. I will accept the punishment. Anything to cleanse /mhg/ from underage kids.

What if i'm a kid but not underage

>Anything to cleanse /mhg/ from underage kids.
Well, what are you waiting for? You can leave any time, waifu faggot.

Thanks user. Unfortunately the happy cunt won't disappear so easily.

>tfw no happy monster to hunt

Just a friendly reminder some autistic chink's achievement =/= your achievement. Technically it can be done in 3min30 solo, but you don't get to say only 3min30 solo because you literally cannot do it that fast.

He's. Same posting style. Same vocabulary.

3m30 with shit armor and weapons

1 slot

c r i n g e

Harpy. My phone recognizes"mansplaining" but not harpy. Femimism was a mistake.

2 slots open!

>Harpy monster
Fuck that flyers are so annoying

I've been killing the same three monsters all day today. How do I stop? I have things I need to get done!

Every normal person can do it in ~4 mins, 30 secs less or not doesn't matter.
This game is casual trash for mouthbreathers.

No idea who that is, so no.

They literally need to remove rocksteady mantle. One item is killing the game. It's like having havel and fast roll.

>It went from 3min30 to 4min30
You still can't do it.

Destroy your PS4, then you'll have no choice.


>tfw no cute hammer huntress to hunt with

Elitism makes this game shit sometimes.

Thank god I have my group and won't have to put up with faggots like you.

Ask Capcom to stop sending money to your bank account every time you praise MHW.
