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Blush edition

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Xth for my wife Syndra

buff cc
nerf mobility

Is Singed a good champ for laid back laning and ascending beyond petty worldly concerns like getting kills?

xth for my wife Syndra

>ywn hear Xayah submissively refer to you as "Sir"

xrd for syndra's only husband is big smelly cock

That's yorick.

wow this boris guy is good
he should be a starter


Y-you're lying


This guy paparazzi is really good

yeah he runs fast and leaves poison behind him and shit

Only a matter of time until they nerf Orrn, holy shit is this dumb

how about no

I want
buff for BC
remotion of mana potion from klepto
brutalizar back
atmas back
frozen mallet reworked

I want to play Ekko but he's might be too difficult for me... I'm a girl and only play easy champions like Diana, Kindred, Vi and supports, advice?

post feet

First off, fuck your bitch and the clique you claim
Westside when we ride, come equipped with game
You claim to be a player, but I fucked your wife
We bust on Bad Boys, niggas fucked for life

wait is that actually krepo

Except he didn't even do much except hit his ult. Which can be CC'd off him. Unfortunately they don't have the CC for that. His team set that up completely, as well as it being a stupid dive.

My waifu :3

Is there a ship more pure than Kat x Lux

>buffs tryndamere
Please do not buff this nigger champion

What's wrong with top lane?

>Roccat losing to Roccat with Vander roleswapping and their kiddy diddler sub support

>Viktor buffs

Oh baby


what a non-answer. Eve players are building the same shit as release week except for frostfang which is only a minor factor in what makes her strong. People just didn't give her a chance because they thought her kit was too telegraphed, when in fact she does absurd damage without landing her charm.

if you can play kindred decently you can learn ekko


lest played lane
plagued with tanks and mages
mana is not an issue to anyone
hardest and shittiest lane to carry from

thanks user, now I'm gonna listen to 90s hiphop for the next week

8.2 when?

Can't you accept the fact that Syndra is also my waifu? How can someone like Syndra be so beautiful and perfect?

>post feet
gl with your waifufaggotry then, pretty limited pool of syndra images that don't have feets

Singed is a champ for people who hate other people
If you want to just afk farm all game try Nasus, Tryndamere, or Yorick

>Nerfing Jarvan

Modern broken champions have the problem of having everything you can think of and then you have things like volibear that get nerfed while zoe keeps telporting around oneshotting people and orrn just having everything you can imagine a tank could have

Reminder that Xerath did nothing wrong.

>fags show up


if you can play fucking Kindred well then you can definitely play Ekko. Just play safe until you reach 6 and learn how to time your W cc and ult combos effectively during team fights.

>see a 2/0 khazix
>die faster than I can react

>implying living for .5 seconds more matters when your mom's mom can run circles around your ult in this meta.

I can now... but I had to learn how to play her she was the first champion I unlocked. I was so confused lol

>implying I care
I just ain't posting them for you.
No I can't, now fug off.

>a bird edition
its shit

>A champion that does good as tank or a bruiser or a full ad Assassin is getting nerfed
Who would've thunk. I'm pretty sure that they're gonna hit his W and Ult.

What's his endgane? Is him really evil or he just has conflicting ideologies with Azit?

He is still alive, believe.

J4 is fucking cancer so yes, he needs nerfs.

>tfw no qt petite gf

>tfw can only play twitch and feed my ass off whenever I play a champion that is actually balanced

A lot of coreans do the sweatjob on mongolian cartoons. They love to put in LoL releated shit into less important/backgound scenes.

Because he abuses lethality too well and riot can't deal with initiators that os your carry.

He good boy and didn't do anything wrong tho.

I don't know I think she's easy... compared to other champions in the game at least

>not wanting to fuck a birb like xayah

Have you even been playing in the last 5 patches?

Riot isn't smart enough to do conflicting ideologies so he's just insane evil and will be killed off to shoe-horn whatever moral they want

nononthesnake do you realize you are a hypocrite?

Dude, I've been looking for Viktor buffs for awhile.

Mind controlling people while bitching about being in chains is the most hypocritical thing.

If it's the shit they posted earlier with the Q shield it won't matter. His economy will still be behind every other midlaner. Having better early trades won't change what makes him suck when the enemy mid gets Lost Chapter and Viktor gets shit.

He's all over the place since he has viable builds as both a full damage and utility tank in the jungle. I would like it if they do some shit like E cd nerfs to cut down his jungle mobility while keeping strength in his kit for toplane, which is where he belongs.

>multiple people have Lulu, Jinx, Sej, Ahri as their waifus too
>they don't give a fuck
>some user likes Syndra too
>syndrafag spergs out
Fuck off retard

he asked a question, I answered.
also pic related

>Ryze builds abyssal mask
>Becomes Galio: Ranged edition

Hey guys

How did you all do?

the CLIMB is on lolg!
how far you planning to go this weekend?

I want Zoe to sit on my face.

is norskeren related to svenskeren?

He’s a tragic villain. Originally had good and noble intentions but his psuedo-ascension basically drove him insane to the point where he’s pretty much evil now.

You've claimed Syndra as your wife yet you are absolutely average at her. Plus you have an online boyfriend. It just doesn't work like that unless you are a Muslim.

>spergs out when someone likes his imaginairy waifu
>is completely fine with people wanting to fuck his boyfriend

>Ornn wins a 5v3 with baron

>silver 2
so close, yet so far away

I'm hoping to climb from S3 to S1, then hopefully back to Gold by next weekend


what is this mind control thing. Something to do with renekton?

5-3 in placements for now. I haven't played flex before. If I win 2 more matches, will I end in Silver 2 or 1?

#demigod problems


Holy shit this Boris guy.

Vander used to be a support right?

In the Taliyah story Xerath was shown "controlling" citizens.


Lissandra, Ekko, Kennen, Kassadin and Karthus were the top mages last season, none of them are played top anymore

>will I end in Silver 2 or 1
it all depends on your previous mmr

>the absolute state of Roccuck

>again with the average crap
I ain't okay with any of those.

>yfw Krepo get MVP

he still is
he's just subbing for adc because their main is sick

5-5, ended in Bronze I

What was so borken about it? Hit your ult into whole enemy team when your adc unloads on them.

we won!!! i forgot results tho haha XD
another bets!! last place!! 7-3 or 6-4??? find out soon :)))

u no where 2 watch if u wanna! :D

2/5 in placements right now

What will I end up

Bronze 5

how many accounts do you have??

>can't defend itself
>just greentext back that will show them

you are so adorable


New account first time ranked, win 7 lose 3 and ended up in Bronze I.

I think I can climb up to platinum at least or even higher if my confidence goes nuts

So like, people were acting of their free will and Taliyah PoV can't comprehend different opinions sort of control? Because I would think Shuriman's would view Xerath as some sort of strongman liberator autocrat.