/csgog/ Counter-Strike: Global Offensive general

Ourest of boys edition.


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>PUG Services
[FREE] cevo.com/event/cs-globaloffensive/downloads
[FREE] faceit.com
[PAID BOTNET] play.esea.net

>Betting/Trading/Item Related
Always inspect in game, always assume the worst. Bet what you can afford to lose and most importantly always do the opposite of what /csgog/ says.

>Game Mechanic Info
Damage Chart: schuzak.jp/cs-go/dmgchart.html
Recoil Mechanics: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=243468228

>Ranks & Stats

>Game Enhancements

>Watching Streams
Livestreamer: docs.livestreamer.io/
Streamlink: streamlink.github.io/
Open Source Twitch Chat: sourceforge.net/projects/getchatty

>Useful websites and maps/How to practice
Read and watch everything here: pastebin.com/zTwcpC1q

>How to git gud

>Watch this EVERYDAY:

>Friendly reminder

>Old Thread

dead thread

no u

>n0thing runs over to motivate poor little soydoddler
the fucking state of amerimutts
only white guy on the team is a full bitch with "chad" chinks

>tfw i invested $500 in Astralis 2018 holo and foil stickers because i thought they were going to win this year

d-did i fuck up?

reminder that watching anime makes you a better player

Reminder that there are over 30 cheaters at this major alone
This pro scene is a joke through and through

Can't wait for clown 9 to get fucking raped


>i invested $500 in Astralis 2018 holo and foil stickers

>cache again
>we still cant see the vetos
bravo eleague

reminder that animes ruined csgog

>cachestrike boring offensive

What is this haircut called?

I bought at least 50 stickers user

I thought they'd go up in value after Astralis won the major

Astralis is getting destroyed

I'm fucked

high school dropout

Is Michiganbro alive?

the I wish I was white

say that to my face onii-chan
you would've been fucked either way
the only way csgo's popularity is going is down, investing in stickers now is a bad move

Fuck off, you autistic anime fuck. You're the reason this general died.

>6 aimlocks in a row by turdick


You always get a spike in popularity after majors user, with loads of silvers jumping on the dick of whichever team just won

I was gonna sell the stickers right after they won while the noobs were still around

Why did valve give the major to eleague when they can't afford 1080p stream and have to rely on c-tier casters like Nothing instead of Spunj?

isn't it funny how even if "everyone" is cheating out there, you obviously still have to actually be good?
which is something NA will forever fail at?

Shut up Spunj

>c9 is going 3-0

It is, I wish someone clipped it, because I don't know how.

and who the fuck is spunj if not c-tier LMAO

Are you watching on internet explorer lad?


>he doesn't believe the script

>implying spunj is not shit
Only addition this major needs is Thoorin

any t1 awper (or even t2) would have won that 1v1 vs nbk
ska had 2 shots at quickscoping him


>NBK doesn't play at NBK
I don't get it

new c9 is shit bring back tanktops

There's no position called NBK, it's called fence. Only stupid reddit yurosilvers call it NBK.

BRA71L is the best CS meme

the correct term for it before it was called fence by normies was gaycorner

Why cant we have a white C9 team?

>amerimutt callouts


>any of those 5

remember when shroud was a bitch and wore a t shirt


When you are good looking you can get a free pass for not being white.

>amerimutts think these people are white

it's really weird because abadir i'm pretty sure an arab last name
yet he's a stereotypical christian meatbrah

Why does discord lower my mouse sensitivity when I start it?

>that filename
what the fuck

shroud was always a bitch
even nothing did the tanktop thing and hes dyel too lmao

>NA in charge of planting the bomb

Is G2 /ourguys/?

I bet you also call window on inferno "CPL".

because the chinks can't track your 4000dpi spastic movements accurately enough


based winterman

>DYEL Olympics

Are these kids French? How can you be unable to perform a fucking push-up?

lmao apex the manlet

this was in poland

Post yourself doing 20,
lets have a laugh.

I've done 100 at once before.


in europe kiddos get laid pretty early so we don't really bother with lifting just so girls look at us
like, if you didn't get laid in high school you should kill yourself

what would skadoodle have to do to get kicked from this team?
obviously as an awper it isn't easy to go positive against kennys when g2 have $$$
but he's just practically useless
>b-but muh lack of NA awpers
plenty of decent awpers from oce. I mean if ska is useless except for the 1 out of 5 games where he farms, i kinda doubt replacing him with a relatively inexperienced but promising player would be a downgrade

G2 is toggling HARD. Can someone tell the scriptwriters to tone it down?

toggling obviously works better than having one turkroach with permahax
classic NA

You getting laid by Mehmet doesn't really count though.

>C9 is a great team
>Should be invited to majors instead of being forced to go through qualifiers

reminder to all you idiots that its impossible to cheat in a major, all the computers are checked beforehand

just did 20 :)

what's it like? being locked up with girls for 6+ hours a day over multiple years and still not managing to get laid?

>he thinks you need to touch the computer to use hacks

Holy shit, is that Stewie?

>girl pushups
It's no surprise the EU is literally being bred out of existence by Muslims.


you need to write !drop every round in the chat

I don't know, you tell me.

>skadoodle doubles his amount of kills by spamming a usp through a smoke on pistol

ur right, the hacks are in the mouse

Your dick is now a noodle!

>t-the muslims in e-europe
>t. highschool virgin
ey skipper I bet I've got more hours logged fucking back in hs, than you're ever gonna have in your entire life LMAO

if you write racist shit in chat, you get excluded from the drop pool

>clown 9 at it again

spuh posters should post in here more often better than pic related

stewie's rankS practice paying off


not really. they had a shit start when they should have steamrolled them from the get go

getting fucked by Salib*


>skadoodoo 4 kills
>tarik 24 kills
what a legend

>>skadoodoo 4 kills
pwease don't bully him he gets upset!

Rank S? More like Rank Silver amirite

is this the kind of stuff you tell yourself before crying to sleep at night?
you did miss out on loads of high school fucking and are never gonna have a chance to do it again, so it is pretty understandable
university roasties which some saddo like you "might" have a chance will never ever compare to sloppy blowj's from your 14yo qt-gf before class
and if you don't get laid in uni? sheeeit man, now you understand why I told you to off yourself if you didnt make it in hs

>failing for such an easy bait


stay mad

>falling for metabait

wh*Te cumskin

>muhammad can't stop thinking about sex with children

lmao, i just jerked off

