first for shitposting
>exact same post
objectively wrong,You might need to get off to bed too pal
don't reply to me again with this drivel
reported and ignored ;^)
reminder to shitpost
White and based
well looks like /gsg/ is finally dead...
This thread is claimed in the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.
Under what circumstances if any should i promote bureaucrats
literally none
complete waste of time
Open the admin map mode. States that are green have enough bureaucrats, states that are red do not. Encourage bureaucrsts in red states until they're green for more tax and better pop promotion in that state.
>No infographic
>Blatant support for shitposting
>Somehow this is all white and based
I almost want to never post here again
Emperor Demetrios I has unveiled his true ambitions to the Roman court: the Black Sea will once again be a Roman lake! Starting with the Constantian coastline, Roman legions will push north with the eventual goal of freeing Crimea and her faithful Theodoran inhabitants from the boot of the Mongol yoke. The Bulgarians are weak and divided and should offer no issue, while the White Horde itself is no better off. Now is the time to strike to free our people and reclaim control of the valuable Black Sea trade.
>I almost want to never post here again
what a surprise thats the same thing we all want
gonna reinstall EU4 just for you lads
honestly lad i was only having a laugh one of our only quality posters to tell you the truth carry on
Didnt know that
dont say that
he's not me now you're really rustling my jimmies bub apologize or I end it right here
GSG and Taxes when?
Less and less effort in the OP in the week I've visited this general
whats a comfy ck2 campaign for complete Slavic genocide?
With reports coming from the northern steppe that the Mongol lands are ravaged by rebellion, Emperor Demetrios I has opted to take advantage of the situation and declare war on the White Horde. It is hoped that at the very least Crimea can be freed, with the preferred goal of liberating Theodoro from their vassal oath as well.
Not sure, but coincidentally in vicky 2 I've helped Poland in 4 back to back wars against Russia and the Ukraine in liberating states.
Fuck slavs.
Byzantium gets op if you get the ball rolling
wait a sec are Poles slavs?
The Mongol Yoke has been put in its place. Where once the steppe horsemen were the terror of the world, now the future has passed them by and they are no more than savages waiting to be civilized. Crimea has been seized, and rather than free Theodoro, Emperor Demetrios I has opted to annex its faithful Pontic populace directly. Such a foothold will put the Empire if a perfect position to seize the Genoan colonies and expel the Latin Merchants from Roman land once and for all!
I'd assume so, you're essentially in a parallel position to the Ottomans except you're in a better tech group. I've already gotten rid of the disorganized military modifier and started to revoke some of the estate privileges and I've already got one of the best armies in the world. My morale is a full point above the next best country. As long as I don't get fucked by the Hungarians I should be on a straight path to #1.
Reminder that Huey Long did nothing wrong
What colour do I make my Prussian Empire. Grey or Prussian Blue?
except getting assassinated
Please don't post here again
>expel the latins from roman lands
I had a giggle
Manlets, when will they learn
Last posts of the night
In order fulfill the ambition of a Roman lake in the Black Sea, Emperor Demetrios I has declared war on the Yoruk Sultanate in Eretna to capture faithful subjects of the Pontus. In what is expected to be a quick and short war, the emperor wishes to break the legs of the Eretnans just like he did with the Ottomans, putting and end to any hopes of a T*rkish revival one and for all. It is the first time Roman legions have marched so far east into Anatolia in over a century, and they will make the T*rks pay in gold and blood.
oops I did it again
Post aesthetic leaders
What does the culture map look like with that mod? I get that you are trying to cripple a lot of the eastern powers before any one can get strong enough to face you, but isn't a bunch of the Balkan land basically free for you? Looks like several 2pms that should be the same culture and religion
I wish my computer wasn't complete shit so I could play meiou mod on eu4. Vanilla can be real fucking dull at times. I'm unironically looking forward to the massive western europe buffs in the next expansion. Britannia rule the fucking waves.
T*rks for some reason are in the same group as Greeks, so it's more worthwhile to take their land than Sl*vs. Balkans are all low population and poor, and I have to deal with Bulgarians and Albanians revolting ever few years whereas I haven't had a single T*rkish revolt yet, although I do get Sunnis. Most of the land I've taken in Anatolia is actually either Greek on the Aegean or Pontic on the Black Sea, both of which start as accepted in Byantine. I've also had some missions that are custom to the mod that gave me cores for conquering Ionia and certain Black Sea provinces, so it's worth it. The countries in lower Greece would be the same culture and religion, but they're all associated with Naples and I don't really want to make an enemy of them yet.
>tfw no han gf
how to convert tribal lands to settled in meiou?
I would post a "yeehaw" but you didn't even say "la plata"
t. Michigan, fuck Macon
>T*rks for some reason are in the same group as Greeks
based gigau dropping the REAL redpills
The Yoruk T*rks were no match for our might Roman legions. The Pontus and her Orthodox inhabitants have been liberated from the boot of the T*rkish yoke. Meanwhile, Emperor Demetrius I has broken off all relations with the Komnenos separatists of Trebizond in anticipation of an eventual attack. But first, our eyes will turn to the Latin Merchants of Genoa, who pollute our waterways with their foreign tongue and false dogma. Like the Venetians, they will be pushed into the sea and sent back to the schismatic lands from whence they came.
In my game a tribal estate turned into nobles when the province culture converted.
pretty nice map mod for DH
>Most of the land I've taken in Anatolia is actually either Greek on the Aegean or Pontic on the Black Sea
Of course, I forgot there is much more Greek in Anatolia when it is earlier (and Parad*x isn't trying to nerf the ERE for no reason)
>its another episode of
>Last posts of the night
what did he mean by this
turn off owned wasteland
Also, do other ethnicities with Han culture get their female piercings? Would be neat.
I had that post and one more to go to finish the war and then I needed a 3rd post to tell you all of this bye-bye!
What version of Mayo is this?
Did you turn off India to play in India?
aww night lad sleep well
Doesn't HIP already remove that? I haven't used it in a while but I thought leaving it on just gave you the Sindh area
The last 3 monarchs of the thirs Bulgarian Tsardom were crowned Tsars.
every ck2/eu3and4/hoi4/stellaris fag get out now
Make your own special thread.
No, he's 100% right actually. Infact I'd say EU3 is the worst Parakike game, no focus on history, no plausibility, it's a complete shit show from start to finish.
What should I name a centralized Pink Map?
That Spain's at least as bad as blobhemia.
eu3 is better than eu4 in every conceivable way
Geecuck tier
Vomit is better than shit, but I wouldn't want to be force fed either.
alright newfriend
/gsg/ used to be /eu3g/ essentially
yet you drink milkshake from the sewage daily (liquoria 2)
Yeah, when it was literally /v/.
Horde colonisation was never a good mechanic for 1400.
There is just the northwest part of India in SWMH
I don't play that shit, I play CK2.
>Yeah, when it was literally /v/.
Is there anything left of the Goths?
>doesnt even know /gsg/ is pre Veeky Forums
And you called me new.
twas mocking You
>merely pretending
If you can't even state /gsg/'s history you have no right to be running your mouth about shit you don't understand. You could have googled "when was Veeky Forums founded" but instead you decided to make another abhorrent post to play the big man.
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0wned,p0wned an laid the fuckout by RADICAL YUGOSLAVIA. dam your a fag.. have double the dose of flippum birdums 0_o,,
don't reply to my posts ever again
my first play through
>play as Austria because I didnt even know you could release nations
>Get all of Africa and Asia in couple of decades
>get the rest of the world afterwards with exception of some countries I dont like
>get 2 Guardsmen in every province to crush rebellions instantly
>Uninstall the game
fucking trash game
Healthy young child plays Victoria 2, gets pumped with massive shot of Germaniums, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!
>>get 2 Guardsmen in every province to crush rebellions instantly
Quality bait.
really? is that what gave it away
you must be really smart user
The rest of it is semi-plausible but that's written specifically to make people mad.
>all these redditors
What if buddhism was the religion Europe adopted?
There's actually a small group of Buddhist Mongols in the Caucasus. Quite interesting how shit works out.
It's not that rare, they just tend to be more assimilated. Western Chinese villages being strangely aryan, Alexander's leftovers in Afghanistan, etc
What are some decent EU3 mods? Specifically ones that add some historical plausibility because in my opinion that's the biggest shortcoming it has
MEIOU. The good part is while it lagged back then it's perfectly usable now, assuming you have at least an i3.
Steppe Wolf is the preferred mod for most players
disregard this shitposter
is there a specific name for those afghans?
What kind of changes does it make?
Not that I know of, though there probably is. Seems like they are fully integrated, and are just like the rest other than being Afgans/Pashtuns with light hair/skin/eyes
If you're interested in the topic, you should check out the strange-featured people the asians that crossed the land bridge in siberia found in America. Also the progenitor african people, who still exist in small numbers
every possible location that could have theoretically had a large amount of nordic influence linguistically, culturally, and genetically
get out of here johan
"""colonisation""" doesn't count if the """colonisers""" assimilate into the local population.
The most prophesized by kiddy fuckers.
hello east euro
Doesn't it only happen in provinces with a substantial native population? I mean it makes sense for Taiwan and parts of the Philippines. Not many other places, though.
>no Sicily
>no Constantinople
>no Holy Land