/fg/ - Falcom General #151

Previous thread: >Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is out on PC and PS4

>Zwei II is out on PC

>Trails of Cold Steel PC is out on Steam and GOG

>A version of the old Zero no Kiseki fan translation was leaked:

Don't forget to support the games and spoiler the spoilers!

>Latest news

- Ys 8 patch fix, coming out on the 30th of January, for current platforms

- Ys 8 Switch version announced for a later date, in partnership with NIS who worked on the port. Interest in working with other Falcom games as well.

-Sen no kiseki 4 website revealed, fair warning, it contains spoilers:

-Zwei!! English release by XSEED. Titled as Zwei : The Arges Adventure

-Sen : The Last Saga to release sometime next year, most likely September

-PS4 remasters of Sen 1 and 2 to release in March and April 2018, respectively

-Cold Steel 2 confirmed for PC, release date pending

Pastebin (aka music): pastebin.com/G2mswYCt
Extra Stuff (Guides, links, CS undub): pastebin.com/n2G4xL5s

Other urls found in this thread:



Renne is crying. Do something to cheer her up.


I just woke up so I apologize if it was already discussed to death and back and I didn't really need to wake up the apocalypse again but I guess you guys have talked about this hours ago.


I don't even know what to do here

I don't even regret buying the vita version anymore.

>figure I'll just go buy the Japanese Vita or PS4 version
>fucking japs selling it on ebay used for at least $60 + 3 week shipping

They can literally go down the road to book off or Sofmap and grab it for like $30. Bastards.

I just woke up so I apologize if it was already discussed to death and back and I didn't really need to wake up the apocalypse again but I guess you guys have talked about this hours ago.


Imagine the people who had to deal with this shit with Ar Tonelico 2 and NISA manages to fuck up one of the bosses scripts that after a certain attack, the game will freeze.

Or Atelier Iris 1 and the only way to fix the bug on the final boss was to literally put the volume all the way down to zero just so you can save after the final boss.


This has been bugging me off for a while.

0:23 is taken from I'll Remember You
1:10 is Corridor of Lost Ages
But where's 1:20~1:27 from?

You can have mine post your address


More like S-rank jobber

Calvard when?

Wait, I've found it myself

Ys VIII Pc when?

>delaying it again
What now?
They should just hire actual competent people to port that shit after the initial blowup.

>Xseed released Cold Steel 1 Pc, Zwei 2, Ys Seven Pc and will release Zwei 1 and Celceta Pc before Ys VIII Pc
>NIShits still call them "slow"

>XSEED delays SC for 5 years
>XShits try and call NISA slow


Are PCfags the most pitiful Falcom fans on earth? Imagine waiting for both localizations and ports.

>Cold Steel 2 JP 9/2014
>XSEEDS Cold STeel 2 Ps3/vita 9/2016
>XSEEDS Cold Steel 2 PC "Q12018"

>Ys8 Ps4 JP 5/2017
>Ys8 PS4 / Vita EN 9/2017

They can release in the next 4 years and it'll still be quicker than Xseed lmao

N-no! You're wrong! XSEED isn't slow, NISA is!

>FC PC JP 6/04
>FC PSP EN 11/11
>FC PC 6/14

>tfw nisa is slower than this

Fuck me dude, don't remind me about that shit

At least AT was dumb weebshit.

Delete this

>Ys8 PC 202X

Memes aside, Zwei 2 is pretty good and surprisingly long.

It's funny how portbegging PCkeks think they're somehow any different than portbegging Switchkeks.

How long is it? Nayuta was only 15 hours (+10 since NG+ is required for the full experience).

Honestly much better than ShittYs 8. Nisa can have that trash, most of us xseed bros never actually liked that mediocre series. Feel like Xseeds talents were wasted on that, good riddance. Pretty sure Xseed feels the same. Now Zwei, that's that real Xseedian quality I'm used to.

Not finished it yet, but i think it is around 15 hours also, "surprisingly long compared to most Ys games" i guess be more accurate.

Bros, My Xseed shill penis is literally hardening from this new Nisa fuck up.

Bros im still hard from the announcement, they couldnt fuck up any harder


HOPE XSEED gets CS3-4 on ps4, fuck pcfags, port begging niggas. We dun need them, maybe after 3 years of us playing the game on ps4!

Please go back to shitting on them normally. Stop this ironic gayshit.

I'm so hard right now my fellow xseed bro.

I don't understand why people fellate on Felghana's soundtrack but then proceed to shit on Zero Evo.

Bros, I cant stop thinking about it
I havent been this hard when YS8 was first delayed
this is a new High for me

Could do without the black glow.

Because Felghana is the best arrange of Ys 3 ost, and Zero Evo is the worst arrange of Zero ost.
Nothing hard to understand.

Honestly the best thing about Nisa releasing games is looking at the sales numbers and laugh WELCOME TO FLOP CITY BOEEEEZ

People dislike Zero Evo? The original is some of Falcom's worst work.

>wow 40k sales vs 4k what a flop
You know most Falcom games flopped right?

>first time in this general
>check old thread and 70% of it is XSEED vs NISA
why does this place exist again

xseed brudda, 3k for both Zweis is NOT a flop! They put MINIMAL EFFORT INTO IT!

While if Ys8 hits 100k on the switch THATS A FLOP LOL

containment thread for shitposters

if you want to discuss good falcom games you're better off doing it in /v/

Because it's the only place where you can, sometimes, talk about falcom games without circlejerking

Carrying the torch of /jrpgg/

Go discord my man, mind you discord is 100% worse

What is it about JRPG and localisation discussion that brings out obnoxious fuckwits and elitists? Check the JRPG subreddit, it's just as bad. They seem to have removed the downvote button due to abuse.

It started as a safe space for Falcomfags because they spammed /v/ with "buy her game" threads for so long that /v/ got sick of them and shitposted them off the board.

>autism number simulator attracts autist

Are fucking retarded? Zero ost is some of Falcom's best work

PCE version was better.

There's really no competition between original Zero and Evolution:



It's the second best Kiseki OST though.

We doing this now? 3rd > Sen 1 > Zero Evo > Ao Evo > Sen II > FC > SC

Haven't played enough Sen III to get a feel for it yet.

> I hate evo music because its different

Evo version sounds like it's fan remix, stop with this meme.

>Some random nerd makes better openings than falcom


Sen III's opening was outsourced to 3Hz though. Maybe they're just being lazy because TX and Ys VIII were pretty good.


I'm talking about how he effectively spliced what shitty animation was there

>I'll just put everythign on fast mode
No its shit

>make good openings
>hype player for upcoming scenes
>shit in-game animations and scene pacing ruin everything
One day, Falcom will improve their animation game.

One day as in never.

Sen > Zero > Ao >= Ao Evo > 3rd > SC > 3rd Evo > FC = FC Evo > Zero Evo > Sen II > Sen III > SC Evo

still better than falcoms shite

When they make so much monies from Switch sales they can invest back, that one day will come soon my bro.

I don't agree on the Sen placement but that's pretty much my only gripe. Ao Evo is only decent in non battle tracks excluding unfathomed force.

>make good openings
I see you aren't familiar with Sen 3.

That serial killer chapter in Ys VIII was hard to stomach. Thank god the rest of the game was about fighting monsters.

The song is one of my favourites but holy shit what were they thinking with that animation. Should've just gone with the still images again.

>good OST
>when there are only two good themes in it

Traces of D is the best Evo track. I also like Evo versions of Dark Throne and Millennial Delusion.

I'll give those a listen now. I have to admit I haven't given every single song my time.

>The song is one of my favorites
What the fuck, user. The music is something you'd expect to come out of games like TX, not Kiseki.

Where the fuck is the Ao leak

The visuals are good now but the song is still extremely lackluster.

oh my that is good

Sen 3 ED > Sen 3 OP

I think the song is even worse. So boring and the singer isn't even trying. The very definition of phoned in performance on both vocalist and composers parts.

I kind of liked it, mainly because it wasn't a glorified slideshow this time around.



What animation? They're just standing still in 90% of the OP, kek.

But it was a glorified slideshow. Most of the shots are of people standing still, worridly looking in the distance with hair blowing in the wind. There's a 10 second still shot of Altina that completely ignores the rhythm of the song.


is that a nippe on altina's left breast


those are polygons

This is pretty passable. Ao's evo aint too bad.



Crossbell Evo tracks were done by jdk band, so they weren't as horrible as Sky Evo.

Kurt is the only one who looks like he gives a shit. Juna and Musse just look mildly worried.

>caring about a sword

Jusis gap.

>looking at jusis when theres two pair of melons
Are you gay senpai

>looking at worst girl and shitty rehash of worst Sky character

No Tio, no buy.