League of Legends General /lolg/


How do you think other vastayan girls would react to Xayah's first sextape with a Human? Would they be disgusted and horrified, or curious and aroused?

xth for my wife Syndra

I wish i was evelynn and make anons happy. . .


>tfw no qt petite gf

>lewd cosplayers aren't doing lego legends

Name a champ with more satisfying auto attacks than Xayah

This is your guardian angel for tonight.

but evelynn doesn't make anons happy
she teases them and kills them

okay maybe it'll make some of them happy

>just as you thought it was only a meme

Yes being a woman is easier that's why you should stake men who think they can act like one just for benefits.

I wish I was Cho'Gath and making Sarah happy...

>Get shit-talked all game
>remember I'm Chad

I wish I was Kog'maw and had Skarner to keep me happy!

How the hell is Tyrant Swain going to top base Swain?

neither xayah would never...
she's keeping the bloodline pure

That just makes me want to impregnate her even more.

I imagine she's probably a hero to many young and impressionable vastayan girls. How do you think they'd feel to see her with a bulging baby bump, a strong Human baby growing inside?

i swear to god i'll kill us all if you fuck with me

>no lewd pics of Karma BLACKING league waifus

I want to do evil, lewd things to my Support

post reasons to live

oh shit, don't come to lolg tomorrow you guys

she'd have to lie to them! otherwise they'd probably start going out in packs to find little human boys to play doctor with.


Name 1 (Uno)
Reason to not main Tryndamere.
I already know your answers so don't bother replying

cant die when lulu keeps shielding u

Why does ahri in the OP look like a Tenga product

like what?


>Not proudly proclaiming the superiority of the Human race


get the ones who's name starts with S


He isn't on a discount.

what champion should i play for the duration of the government shutdown

Go with Galio. He can be played top, mid, or support and can go ap or tank so he can easily fit into most teams. Isn't too hard to learn so that's another plus. Also you'll probably fall in love with playing him after the first time you play him with a J4 on your team.

but then none of the vastayan girls would want the boys... they'd start playing with human baby dolls instead of cute chicklets

did i stutter

Please stop, I can only get so erect.

>kat top
>in addition to ekko top and lucian mid
bets. im putting money on kat feeding

I will gladly stay garbage forever if it means I get to see 10000 IQ plays like this.

Old graves, mafia skin

You don't have a shielding support so there is Janna.

Seju is almost always meta if you want another Jungler but you have plenty of tanks.
Shyvana is strong right now but she cycles a lot. Xin is braindead easy if you get ahead.

Also another ADC would be nice. MF is easy but not a good solo carry above gold.
Vayne pops out and disappears but the truth is that she is always viable but sometimes OP af.
Ez is strong now but he gets a nerf next patch and they will hit klepto soon so eventually he will be back in trash in no time.

I wouldn't recommend Zed, Riven and Galio.

We have to go back

>trigger nigger is an idiot who has no idea how morde works and will feed his ass off

theres my bet

Red. I have yet to see a sandstorm Ekko that wasn't m7 and carrying.

he literally wants to make zaun great again
by force

alright the newboi account has d5 mmr, good run today but its time for bed i think. ill do the series tomorrow.

any movie or show i should be watching?

good night /lolg/ take care good luck in your CLIBM

>have a friend i want to duo with
> he prefers adc or supp
>reaction and gameplay wise better than me
>forced to lane with him or lose
>when he adc he dives and forgets to farm. im always forced to get relic shield to make sure his farm stays up. only plays ashe and loves to gamble ult on pot shots
>when he supp he goes in super deep, forget what items do (he would have a full and ready relic shield all game never upgraded) he suddenly knows how to farm when he DOESNT HAVE SHIELD.
>waste valuable CC on farming (soraka silence, karma RQ, rakan knock up) also has a sacrifce fetish so even if we both can make it out of a sticky situation he'll turn around and engage to "save me"
>randoms dont know how to deal with this so he gets flamed and rage quits after one game

when we do duo lane together it isn't that bad to deal with but i prefer top lane. I try to teach him how to get good and point out his mistakes but he doesn't learn. what do anons.

is zac the ultimate kogmaw counter?
no healslut can save him from your ultimate
janna is a tough one but if you can get on him and start the ult she cant knock you away

Zac best kogmaw slayer confirmed?
healsluts btfo

It'll start with this, where it goes from there I'll leave for you to you to figure out!

Zac has to land a skillshot first.

Shyv/Vi are infinitely worse, I usually permaban Shyv.


dat trist

>be vi
>ult kog
>get polyd/exhausted while kog gains 2 healthbars in shields
yeah no

how is shyvanna an issue? cant you kite her easily especially with the peel from your dedicated slut?

>he suddenly knows how to farm when he DOESNT HAVE SHIELD
tell him to stop farming as support.

Getting peel is never a guarantee. Shyv just ults directly onto you and you have to PRAY that your team remembers you exist.

>recommending Galio

>Hmmmm ...

ah okay then but i mean scenarios where you do have peel

kog without peel is relatively easy to deal with for anything that can gapclose and burst him

>instinctually go to dragon the moment i hit 6
>udyr wont listen to pings
>ward it
>ww is almost done taking it
>flash over, kill the dragon because he fucked up smiting it
>kill him for first blood
holy shit that felt good

>waste valuable CC on farming (soraka silence
That doesn't even do damage to minions retard. It was specifically made this way to make sure soraka can't properly waveclear preventing her from being playable as a solo laner.

>max range e kalista with press the attack
how are the scripting sites still up for such a big game. she literally 1v3 at 3 min with only a blade and two daggers

Imagine the shame of a Vastayan father coming home to his family.

Just his two daughters alone playing with their doll house.

He could ask them where their mommy is but he knows the answer.

He could ask why there are human soldiers in the doll house with the mommy dolls, but he knows the answer to that too.

>The zed at the end
Goodbye sides

who is the coolest champ in the game


Can I bully it?

Master Yi is the most badass video game character of all time

>"im stunning them for you :D"
>"im getting them low!"
or my favorite "well they just respawned so by time the get here it should be..." -INSERT ROAMING MID AND JNG - then the ol "go! ill die so you can run!" while we're under turret

can someone reccomend a good place to find league memes? no one really posts shit here en masse

Nunu literally has an ability called an Absolute Zero.


>unironically not at least diamond 5 with a marginally better record than 50% even after going 3-7 in promos
i must be a better player than 99% of you double digit iq broke back midget t1 wanabes

>Thresh takes Relic
>Gets mad at me because "I don't let him get stacks"

>you will never have a cute daughter with barely any vastayan traits left.

>Not letting both players get gold/hp putting the lane ahead

Your pride is shallow and you're a brainlet

>that fucking zed at the end


I thought relic shield could only be bought by melee champs why is that not a thing? adc buying it is really annoying especially when both adc and supp buy it

mmr isn't hard reset ya dingus, you have to go like 10-50 like t1 to stay plat

>Missing the point
Thresh can easily get stacks because of his E. Early game he autos harder than the ADC does.


oh man are they upset

You never said he was missing the CS just that he was complain you didn't let him GET THEM

Fucking brainlets man

That would look a lot better if there were some nice slices of toast to use to soak up all the egg yolk and liquid from the beans

breakfast of champions

Am I being baited? If Thresh right clicks harder than the ADC does he should have no reason to miss minions because he can simply auto them before the ADC does.

Would be a huge nerf to Thresh.

Also Relic on ADC isn't the disease it's the symptom. If Riot made it melee-only we'd just go back to "MF/Ashe/Jhin" every fucking game.

>Am I being baited?

NO you are just fucking retarded
LEARN TO PUT THE MEAT of what you are saying in the SENTENCE or it will be FUCKING RETARDED LIKE YOU

Did manlet1 get out of plat?

i have never felt more proud than this moment

>closer to the bottom than top
Yes user. Viable. Right next to picks like Swain.


tfw no mommygf Sona to teach you how to put the meat inside

off yourself already

place your bets

>doing placements
>mf and brand vs. ez and blitz
>give firstblood and then proceed to stomp the lane
>ez starts sperging the fuck out in chat
>flaming his entire team
>he went 6/6/0 in lane
>he gets trashstomped
>mfw he's convinced it's the maokai and zoe's fault for him playing like an absolute ape

If you ironically play like shit and flame people and soloque, you need to rethink your life. Re-evaluate it, for real.

You will finally snap and hang yourself after this game.

Riot has shut down Bot of Legends and LeagueSharp but new tools have popped up. The current scripting tool people use is named AimTec. It's literally the same shit just under a new name as far as I'm aware.
Normally I wouldn't tell you that because that technically falls under the rule about advertising but mods/jannies seem to not give a shit about rampant avatarfaggotry, ERPing, stream advertising and literal porn clips straight outta /gif/ so fuck it.
Whenever Riot shuts down a scripting service it will cause another one to be made in its place because it doesn't take 200IQ to figure out that there's a crowd of people who used to spend money on a scripting service who will gladly go spend money on a new one to be able to cheat again. It's an endless whack-a-mole because cheating in video games can't be truly prevented, it can only be punished.
Your "friend" is a fucking illiterate retard then. If he's a stubborn nigger who can't do OK with a random retard why should you deal with his shit? I bet when you are laning together you are holding his fucking hand more than playing the game yourself. Why would you willingly subject yourself to this? In life you sometimes have to part ways with people because they would hold you back in the long run and same goes for league.

suck my dick

nice clutchness my dude