/dlg/ - Duel Links General

Duel Links General #236

Obelisk Blue appreciation


Latest News
>A Duel-a-thon is going on. The reward card is bad as usual
>A selection box that contains staples from old boxes is available until the 22nd
>Woodland Sprite will be limited to 1 on the 24th. Bamboo draw engine remains untouched for now
>Skills for the Tag Duel event have been datamined
>A special Chazz event and the next KC cup are planned for early February

Useful (Duel) Links
>Sites with good info on LDs, skills, deck lists, beginner guides, etc. (Partially outdated but it's the best we've got.)

Future content (No release date but it's in the files)
>Syrus, DINO DNA, Sartorius, Yubel, Solomon, and Tristan have the most data and are likely the closest to coming
drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8mP_fxnqSU3NDVQ (Voice lines contain proof of new summoning mechanics)

Android emulators (or just use the Steam version)

A few tips for new players
>You can change the resolution of the Steam version with DuelLinksConfiguration.exe in the game folder
>Create and link a Konami ID to play on multiple devices and save your progress in case of a crash
>Turn your battery/power usage bar up to max in the settings menu for a smoother experience
>When sending Vagabonds, always choose the 1 card challenge because it gives the most XP.
>Decide on what deck you want to build before spending gems.
>Level up Mai, Keith, Alexis and Odion first to unlock Windstorm of Etaqua, Metalmorph, Spell Shield Type 8 and Curse of Anubis respectively.

Post some fun decks. I am bored with mine.

>Syrus, DINO DNA, Sartorius, Yubel, Solomon, and Tristan have the most data and are likely the closest to coming

Who's ready to play as the best character in Yu-Gi-Oh history, Tristan Timothy Taylor?
His deck comes with an Ultra Rare copy of his favorite card, Cyber Commander!

Memes aside, though, what the fuck is Tristan's deck going to be like? He only dueled once in the entire anime, and his "ace monster" has like 1100 ATK.


Someone want to duel? Want to see how my shitty deck fares against the meta.

Thanks, I've never tried Psychics before. I only have one of the first UR though.

Sure, set up a room.

Also, the Google Drive link is broken from what I can tell. Does anyone have a working copy?

He'll give Perfect Machine King as his ace or some other card they arbitrarily give him. Cyber Commander will be an early level-up reward.

OP in this thread is not current. Migrate here

Maybe he's just going to be a side character like Strings? Why would they add sombody as a duelist who never had one full duel?

Fuck off earlyfag.

That one was posted early, therefore I'm using this one. IDK about anyone else.


not even papacorn can save him

Early posted threads should be reported and ignored.

are ninjas dead now

t. OP of the early thread

Room ID is 413712

3SD ninjas yes, I believe there's a beatdown ninja somewhere here

But like seriously how to I get access to that Google Drive document? I want to see Tristan's voicelines.

>refusing to post in a thread
>because it was 1 (One) (Uno) post before limit
>to solve this, you make another thread right after and push another thread off the board for no reason
christ almighty my dudes, what's your problem?


>in legend 3
>FINALLY have a decent win streak going
>Vs Tea
>Bamboo burn, lose on turn 1

Fucking fix this garbage konami, holy shit this is embarassing. What kind of shitty devs are okay with literal FTKs with NO interaction, jesus christ

just let it go

bastion WILL NEVER be important

You're just salty because you don't get to be the OP of a popular thread. If we wavered on the post limit once, why not just lower the limit permanently?

We've been there before. OP of the other thread used to make threads 30 posts early.

Well that went better than expected, anyone else want to duel? Room ID is 413712

There are never any threads of importance on the bottom half of page 10. Absolutely nothing of value was lost in this autistic duel for the proper thread.

this wasn't really my deck i used for ranked. and the last gamble was unlucky as well

I'm not the OP, and I'm not even a regular poster in this general. But 2-3 times per day, the entire board sees multiple duel links threads made. Now if it was because you had a shitposter OP who intentionally made them poorly, I'd understand. But it's literally one post, for all you know someone could have deleted a post from the thread

I hope your entire general is banned from the board

Whatever you say, """user""".

they let an FTK deck win worlds one time, so it's not like it's a first

crying salt doesn't change facts, and claiming slippery slope is just stupid. there's a ton of threads made daily, of course there's gonna be a few that slip through cracks and make a new one a post or two early
know what they do? they get over it well the good generals do anyway. they don't bitchfit about one post, they accept that it happened and try not to do it again
anyone who purposefully does it early every time, like that one user we had, was pestered constantly about it. it's the same with a lot of generals here. difference here though is as mentioned, he did them INSANELY early. it was just blatant that he was stirring shit

tl;dr suck it up if it's a post or two early, it's not the end of the world or your little circlejerk, it's just a fuck up that will be actively avoided next time

sure I'll come

>anyone who purposefully does it early every time, like that one user we had

We HAVE. It's literally the OP of the other thread. If we give him one post, he'll make them earlier and earlier again. He just doesn't understand how to wait until 750 replies.

Non-early + good OP = best OP

>Six Sam mirror match
that was fun

Watching the Cloudian deck in GX, is this the most faggotry deck and concept in all of GX? Cheesy and lame as shit.


Shame the OP isn't updated though. At least earlyfag had the decency to keep it up to date

Good artist

lowkey hope it was me that did you in

i dont
whats this even supposed to represent

if that happens then it happens, deal with it when the growth is noticeable, but that doesn't change the fact that it was one post in this case
if the difference starts to grow again THEN you should throw shit at him, but unless it does then complaining is foolish and just makes us look like a bunch of autistic asshats, then again we are a virtual card game general so that happens anyway i guess
point is, we don't know it's the same problem guy because it was 1 post early, and he's always been very obvious with his early threads. if it is, we'll deal with it when it is known to be the problem. it's not the first time nor is it the last time a thread will be made ever so slightly early, so keep your guns holstered for now

I don't know. I think she beat Odion and is laughing about it? Her title is "Precocious Girl" so that might have something to do with it. Regardless, it's a pretty good picture.

what the best card to force opponent active set card?

>those LP
>that board
>her winning somehow

She beat Odion and is spamming him with smug taunts

Literally just happened to me too. I know when I turn on a game, the number one thing that I want to happen is for me to not be able to play it and then lose

Smug taunting is great.

Nobleman of Extermination. If they don't/can't activate the card, all copies of it are discarded from their deck. Most will activate the card no matter what if they are able to

This game does not want me playing Dark Magician decks in duel room.

Maybe it's a sign. Even the game knows its a trash deck.


>get Blue Dragon Summoner twice in my first two draws
>don't even draw my last DM with it in case I get DMC
>draws the third Dark Magician anyway on my third draw
worst brick of my life desu

>opponent goes first
>opponent plays monster and passes
>bamboo exodia his bitch ass on my first turn
that feels way better than it should

yeah I was wondering how hard you bricked when you didn't use BDS

nah, i dont want to destroy it
I want to use surprise gift

What the fuck /dlg/
Why won't it let me negate it?
Second time this has happened, not damage step.

Maybe Orders to Charge doesn't count as targetting?

I think we don't have a card that forces activation.

"destroy a monster on your opponent's side of the field"
doesn't count as targeting? it is literally targeted

Well, why don't you test against other cards similar to Orders to Charge? If BESD can negate those cards, but not Orders to Charge, then send an error report.

Unless it has the word targeting in its effect, it isn't a target effect. Sorry user, thems the TCG rules.

this is bs
i'll just mark that game off as a win

Pretty sure that's not targeting.
Lookup if it works against Hazys, if it does then its not targeting.

Or "choose" or "select"

Sounds retarded. But there are quite a few cards that seem like they target, but they don't--you do not choose, they simply happen.

>YGO not being BS
It's been BS since the beginning user

I hope you can help me

This too. A lot of objectively stupid shit in YGO. YGO's writing/card text as a whole has been mediocre at best. Inconsistent, retarded/messy, inefficient and overall a blurry mess. Too bloaty for little effect(s).

A lot of shit don't work right in the TCG because of wording, like Fusion Tag. You can use that card for Contact Fusions in the OCG but in the TCG you have to use Poly.

This is the third game I've won because people don't read. Stop using controller.

ha, get farmed joey. i guess you bricked quite a bit with your sams there?


Press F to pay respects

>Been waiting 5 days for more copies of this in the card trader
>Still nothing

Yeah, pretty sure I need to dump thestalos, he's a leftover from when I first started the deck

i think this was the biggest chimera i've ever had. not sure if i used every single monster in the deck for that fusion.

I bet he has fucking 3 Zweis, the lucky cunt.
Should've been me.

Shammy for some reason it won't continue to the duel on the duel room menu, a pop-up keeps coming up and disappearing right away

pshhh nothing personnel kiddo

Oh, I'm actually out of the game now and about to go to bed, am I still showing up in the room?

i have 8 but i don't use a single one in this deck


REEEEEEE why dont we have drilldark genuine question

yes, that must be the reason it doesn't work then

Fuck this pizza shit game
I'm now convinced that Firm as Earth is some elaborate ruse created to trick me into wasting keys on Bastion.

Glad I could help.

hell we don't even have a full set of malicous

Yeah, anyway good duels man, got some good data on six Sams, back row hate kills the deck but I like it

with only 2 you can still activate one, maybe work it in with a D.D. deck to summon a banished one. it's only useful for milling in a 20 card deck

post xyz deck im interested

This is my build, thoughts/suggestions?


what is your deck actually because it didn't seem to have that many Reign-Beauxs despite having at least 2 dealings. dark worlds work best with Duel Standby too

For fuck sake

>Trader keys are 100:10
Holy shit. I was under the assumption that it's 1,000:100. And you can only do this once a day per colour? What a meme. I'd very rarely bother but it's quite silly.

>cucked by some abomination of a deck by Sphere Kuriboh

theres 3 dealings in the deck relying on ceruli is dumb

also gg

>not a single spell or trap to get perfect Hazy rolls
kinda brilliant desu

Anyone got a good suggestion for farming Yugio Muto?

I only have a single union attack and a single gift of the martyr. I do have
Secret Pass to the Treasures and the battle damage = effect damage guy. I heard that AI isnt' stopped by Dimension Gate anymore though.

most retarded Bamboo decks?
like OP, I want to have fun before they ban/limit the draw cards

