/pg/ - Persona General

Previous Happy Birthday Kanji Edition!

>BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Releasing on May 31 in Japan, June 5 in North America: personacentral.com/blazblue-cross-tag-battle-releasing-may-31-japan-june-5-north-america-new-trailer/
>Persona 5 anime to start airing April 2018: p5a.jp
>Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night and Persona 5: Dancing Star Night confirmed for release on May 24th 2018:


>Atlus' online shop is now open:shop.atlus.com/
>Persona Q2 revealed:pq2.jp

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>Persona Concerts - 2008 to 2017

>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology

Other urls found in this thread:


Anal with Makoto!

I love Ann!

I can't wait for Persona 5 Akechi Goro of the Resurrection!

Making Yukari explore Tartarus while she's 8 months pregnant! Yukari going up against a gigas and getting punched hard! Yukari reeling in pain and realizing what just happened! Yukari unable to hold back her tears knowing that her baby is now dead! Forcing Yukari to heal everyone and berating her when she can't focus! Taking Yukari out of your party afterwards and calling her a worthless cunt! Yukari actually using a real gun this time!

Ren is from Sumaru City!

It's not Sadayo Saturday. And I like it.

Anyone I see holding hands on Valentine's Day will be sued for personal damages

i can't wait for goro to get a dang haircut

Obligatory Makoto post


Shiho deserves better
Shiho will always be number one in my eyes!

Just popping in, bytches. Does Groo still fuck horses or what, willya?

For a nice night with my wife
For Chihiro and her Justice


>have MC talk
>only keep 10% of what he says in-game
Im curious as to what some of these lines were for

She deserves every STD in the book

Claiming this cool, calming, cobalt corona of cuteness.
Best model.
Most compassionate.
I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.

Happy birthday Kanji! You were a good bro and a great sewist.

What's with that edgelord laugh?

there are like 4 different yoshes in the game's assets

Jesus fuck that voice is shit compared to Fukuyama. It doesn't make much difference when he says nothing in the game, but if they keep that VA and dub the anime it'll be a fucking travesty.


Kwnjw Twtswmw!

Goro's social stats at the end of the game:
Knowledge: 5
Guts: 4
Proficiency: 5
Charm: 3
Kindness: 1

That voice is fine, Jesus

>those sneezes at 2:00

Kawawriter here.
Happy birthday to best P4 boy!

It's a generic gruff dude, and that's not the character that Joker's got for the anime at all. When all he's doing is shouting Persona names it makes no difference, but if you compare it to literally any of the live events where you hear his nip VA, he's an awful pick for the character.


>t. Xander

how much fujo pussy can I get if I become a voice actor?

minmaxing groo

Fuck you, that voice makes me wet.

It all depends on the inflection and tone the VA can express. He might be able to pull off more calm things. Knowing dubs and the retention rate of VA's in the industry I doubt they'll get him back for the anime, or any of the game's dub voices in general.

She's mine /pg/

If Persona or SMT didnt exist, which other general do you think you'd be wasting your life in

You deserve every disease and STD that exist

>Knowledge: 5

Don't stick your dick in crazy, user



I'm already wasting my life on 2 other generals.

Except the tone of voice that Joker has in the game is still not being emulated here - it's just that since all he does is scream Persona names, it doesn't have an adverse effect. I still find it ridiculous that they chose this particular VA anyway, since it doesn't feel remotely like a gentleman/phantom thief, which is clearly what they were going for with Joker.

You're right though, the anime will probably get a funimation dub with some literal whos.

Perfect women aren't born, they're built!
Happy Birthday Kanji! Best boy!

sniffposting in /fgg/

Yeah I agree, which is probably why they were scrapped. Picking a voice actor for the main character probably was a 2 second decision for them, since voice actors in America aren't valued, and they didn't plan to give him many lines anyway

/ffg/ or /r6g/

Why is Shitya even a thing when this qt exists?
>had an established in with joker when ann went to visit her at the hospital, she could have taken joker with her to start the arc
>arc of helping a damaged girl recover and become strong and confident is way more interesting than "muh strong = weak" plot
>would offer another potential girl to romance, and a high quality one at that
>she can teach you to shoot and offer the same abilities he does, except with her prowess of precision and composure from volleyball instead of vidya
>overall a much more well developed character instead of someone that just feels forced and thrown in randomly

at least they didn't double cast anyone this time

>Best boy
Not exactly Katsuya, but close to it!

>Joker is dunking and spiking on enemies instead of shooting them

Fuck me I want this to be real.

yeah they had karen strassman voice literally every single female NPC while she makes no effort to change her voice whatsoever to make up for

They didn't in the main cast at least

yeah thats what i meant my bad

What is the chance P4G will ever get ported to ps4?
I want to enjoy it without watching a letsplay and I don't have a vita

Kanji > PT desu

Persona 6 should 2 different protagonists

vita tv

/fgg/ is the only other thread I frequent.

The gap moe boys are the best. None of the PT had any of those requisite characters.

I still wish they had cast her as Naoto. She does a pretty good male voice.

Honestly everything's kind of up in the air right now since I don't think anyone expected DAN to come to PS4.

PS TVs are pretty cheap now though, you can get most vita games as well as a bunch of ps1/psp games on them.


Anything golden improved on is rendered useless by Marie existing and the dumbed down difficulty. Just play vanilla P4

Why is Aigis there?

delete this


The killers names of both games are
>tohru Adachi
>goro Acechi
Isnt it a bit odd that both have very similar names and their both detectives

Marie is fine. And there's a harder difficulty setting in Golden as well as customizable difficulty on NG+

Whoa, that's disgusting. Sauce?

One of them is a grown adult. The other is still a child.

Also Adachi is a police detective and Akechi is a regular detective. They are not even the same.

>goro Acechi

Source please

I freaked out when I started replaying Neverwinter Nights 2 and remembered the final boss in the expansion is named Akachi. What the fuck is it with that type of name that just sounds so villainous?

alternate view of the sushi restauarant
afaik you never actually see this in-game, which is kinda a shame

>mfw a literal who thread is in place of Sadayo Saturday

Why don't you fucks who play your old games fuck off?



>Kawautist is a p5onli
Really gets the noggin joggin


You really need better bait

I wish that was me




Which Persona had the best/hardest optional boss?


Liz in 3 easily.


does anybody recognize this area? this environment just has these shops but I don't remember seeing them at all in the game

That might be an area that you go to during Makoto's co-op.

May have been something that got cut from the game.

I love you /pg/

Is there a lot to be had from a NG+ in P5?
Any new content or is it mostly just fun of playing again and trophy hunting?

>Just now looked at the harem scene
Couldn't ever get myself to do it but thats pretty fucking rich.

You can fight the velvet lolis

Optional boss.
That's literally it, besides having a shitton of more time to do things because of maxed stats and if you ranked 10 Kawakami and Chihaya.

Lovely day, lovely evening.
Night Personababs.

From Ann and me.

Fun of playing again while cutting out the grinding (having no need to up social stats its genuinely great) as well as getting trophies if that's something you want to do. Also you get to fight Caroline and Justine.
My NG+ playthrough actually ended up at double the playtime of my 1st.

her name is Anne.

>cutting out the grinding
>my NG+ playthrough was double the time

If you're not going for trophies. I was, so I was in Mementos for extended periods of time to level and grind cash for fusing.