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Come on in anons!

>u mad

What games? There's the retro bot generation too. And retro bit arcade which is better.

With the rom sties being shut down, these might be handy someday.

Why would you ask when you attached the answer?

I fucking hate the lot of you.

this is the kind of fag that posts in 'here's your controller bro' threads. 151 on the image he has saved, complete and utter shitposting newfag

Pagan Minn was evil though. He just happened to not be the only one that was.

everything entry is better than the NES games. every last one. including lightning's junk and xv and the mmos.


>muzzer will play while I have an exam
should I just not go to the exam? My packs are on the line

4-7 would be 4 games, that's a hell of a lot. even one good game is a good legacy. no one's gonna care how many shitty star wars movies they make as long as a new hope exists


Arcade sound. Somewhat upgraded graphics. It's better than the Snes version. And all 3 guys are playable.

>this post

This even happens in conventions that has a lot of women especially cosplay conventions. They look cute but they smell rank.

Stop the spam pls...

So 02?

Hopefully that's it. N64 power blocks can get hot as fuck and I've seen ones burn up but I've never known one to cause freezing.

Seems to me like you're looking for validation in an anominous forum. Pretty sad desu

What happened to Tyra that made her rise up from shit tier to high tier?

> 6+ Croc

wowwee its another useless 6+ that's already outdated and shit before we even know what it does


Woah woah woah put that on /i/

>try to make a Brain Rattler build for lightning strike 100% conversion memery
>hammer nodes fucking suck and end up with no accuracy while relying on crit
>google cheapest methods of suicide
fucking please let me die

Someone tell me this shit is normal and it'll change eventually.

There's only room in this world for one Shaun King senpai.

I'm pretty sure that's referring to 100%ing it rather than beating the story

I don't see anything about it being available on PSX in any version besides Origins

>have an idea for how to characterize an animatronic for some OC
>realize that someone else has already done it, likely better
The downside to having had nearly 300 OCfags make shit for this general.

That was literally my very first DS game. Also, behold video game kino

The difference is an intelligent player would make the right decision more than 50% of the time.

I'm not trolling, the game is 3 levels long

I run double support (Yugu/DLF) and she rarely gets hit with her EMP hostility down. Only have to watch for AOE triggers, honestly.

That's just bad game design.

>not being aware shitposting starts at 2AM PST, or 9PM Australia time
There's a reason the quality of the board goes up around 6AM PST. Don't believe me, check the OP times for the shitpost threads.

I save this hidden gem for special occasions

I want to put a massive blemish on Lana

>How would he fair?
>cloaking and fucking BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF lasers
It's like playing DeS with Thief ring turned up to 11 and a OHKO ranged weapon.
Everything would be dead before it would even notice your presence.

Rance faggots are bad. When Evenicle was announced, they whined how it wasnt Rance Quest.

Goodnight, vitagen.

fuck off norman is cool


>game has a death count
>that changes how some scenes play out
>which further increases the death count

>that picture

Jesus christ my dick will not be ready once I finally play.

More Trazyn the Infinite shenanigans when?

Probably didn't delete the dot in his name

Well anyway go and become a seigi no mikata user
Bonus if you can summon kanshou and bakuya with VR

...God I wish I could do that

why aren't you banned for posting this /soc/ tier bullshit yet?

2, I guess.

Neither game really set my world on fire but 2 is clearly more refined.

Is it possible we have a Bandai shill here? I know /pol/, /a/, and /tv/ has shills but what are the fucking odds?

Dark Lord eh? The only rpg on the list? Trojan is the easier Nes port. Genesis merc with arvade merc..

Holy Diver is cool. Arcade double dragon and 3.

Who? Looks interesting.

Did you say GEM?

Gauntlet Dark Legacy still doesn't work on MAME I think. There is some weird issues with that game.

Perfect Dark

There’s literally no reason the 12 player mode should exist. The N64’s 94mhz CPU can’t handle so much shit happening at once. But they still implemented it.

Thats some top tier retro booty physics, i approve.

I always liked this akward thumbs up

that's scrumptious stephen tho

Sorry dude, never. Too problematic. Someone can get offended by (fairly) modern military setting.

It is good to know you are here to defend me against them, user. Being in a thread about a thing you don't like really takes guts.

I don't listen to music hardly ever. Even when I'm driving I'll either turn the radio off or listen to this
local talk radio station.


If somebody starts a lolige translation company I promise never to pirate anything you license

you dont need meta specters to do red elder. meme skellies or baron zombies can kill it fine

yeah, a real strategy game like Civ, at least you can play a woman of color in that and not just some wh*toid male every fucking time...

>long hair
>gay ass skirt
these redesigns need to stop

I only ever played the first Wario Land and loved the hell out of it. Never touched any of the other games for some reason, but I hear they're just as good if not better.

Wait a second, is 10 dodge the same as 0 dodge then? or does having 10 dodge mean you have 20% chance, besides enemy hit modifiers

i curse vae
i curse effie
i curse keggin
i curse fartnet

I survived 1440 hours of perfect dark

This game is great and you're retarded

You punch stuff.

The only fight in Cuphead that is even difficult at all is the man in the gif just due to how tall the cards are and how long it takes to get back to him. Are people that bad at it?

>Adventures of Batman and Robin
It's turbo time

Also, forgot to mention: Sub-Terrania is hard
Same composer btw

>financial risk

You mean like creating a video game based off of a setting that doesn't even exist anymore?

ass > breasts > belly

>Portland Kai is finally coming

Never could get into Myst. The fact that once videos played that was it and couldn't be replayed was sort of a killer for me. Get distracted, congrats do the shit over. Didn't hear something? Do it over. Forgot what was said? Do it over.

yo wtf I had this game as a kid
I had no idea it gets good after the shitty first level

>Is the helmet submission thing already over?
No. Please post details

Game was 2spooky4me

the best of all

Oooooh shit that wasn't on the amazon page.

I've got your Batsugun Special beat. Are all of those games cleared?

leather a shit

/asp/Oh I don't know, maybe a fucking skillcheck at the very least?

>explain how almost everyone having a crush on me?
People can crush on people for lots of reasons. Some people are attracted to mean jerks.


get the less effect mods to get rid of the sparkles

He already explained that he didn't mean the ISA itself but only MOS variants.

I do my dude.
I also play D&D so it's just laying around.

>Laughs internally.

You know it's true.

Trailer has been available on youtube since before christmas

Of course it does. Uematsu worked on it

Deletion is a meme.

I started current Ladder on 13th of December and found my characters from a year or more ago. Tho I'm on Europe so maybe Blizzard doesn't give a fuck.

was this play not started for anime.


I'm 188 cm and 69 kg am I lanklet

would you rather play E75 with 200 or 225 pen?
>how do you kill a T29?
flank or wait for arty to grind it down

who dis qt is?