Fighting Games General /fgg/

Other urls found in this thread:

wow what a really super epic cool character design, i'm sure this character is from a good game and not some dead anime piece of shit


First thread wins.

tfw i baited 4 different guys to make a new op

*doobs emotionally*

What should I waste this on? Already bought dissidia and lightning's dissidia figure and dbfz.

i was gonna make it regardless

>tfw watching a girl streaming SFV and pretending she's my gf and that we live together

Is Ryu the new Abigail?

Play DBFZ.

a dog

new system: if we reach the post limit then one person mails all other posters in the thread to let them know they're making a new thread and if a 65% majority of respondees accept the terms of the treaties the original sender is allowed to post a new thread, with the express rule that the image used must directly relate to fighting games in some way

i KNEW the goobers were behind this!

Not our Ragna.

did Broski's hairline reach JUST status before or after sfv?


I blame goobers

Yeah. Can't believe he's the only character in the game that can use his CA twice without needing to refill meter. What was Capcom thinking?

Brosky Freecs

a prostitute that will cosplay as morrigan

>tfw u play a 2-hour long set with someone on your skill level and you feel mentally exhausted by the end
hate fighting games

It's better

Post birb combos

what characters are people going to pretend are bad in season 3


My main.

mika mika mika mika mika mika

oh also mika

But I don't want to pull a kalijon and cut some red tape.

>Cheez was the guy who destroyed fatfeels in jojo's

buy me a new lever


combos are gey
post birb supers

Charlotte for SNK Sniff Battle


dhalsim (every season)

Still wonder why haven't they done this skin yet?


It's pure shit.

has there ever been a game where Akuma was bad?

3rd strike
SF4 past vanilla
SFV before s1

Monster Hunter's real game.

he's mid tier in 3S

Come on...

empire empire empire

transfer money from your paypal to my paypal.
that would be fun

wish i was a monster bros...

on this note, it really grinds my shit how those runescape fuckers have the absolute nerve to include the string "fgg" in their OP text

buy me a game for my birthday tomorrow

This thread is barely disciplined enough to rewd that, let alone comply

birb/birb, would birb

why is that moba general on when i type fgg

fuck them little bitches

>That faggot with the stupid reaction picture thinking he'd be able to make a successful thread

Nah. I just happen to be sitting on a gold mine of video cards I'm not using right now. I got a couple extra 1070s and 1080s I'm not using. Just sold a 1070 for 600. Got one more 1070 and 2 1080s left to sell. One 1080 is still brand new.



technically almost any possible OP image is fighting game related because of mugen

It's one of their links they refuse to update. Some autist brought it up before to them in a thread and that made them decide to never change it


seems like the boober faction scored a big victory tonight
Reminder for the new thread.

Gief, Ibuki and Balrog at the moment

why are maid outfits so cute bros

Why is Sagat so far away bros?

Why does Ono keep adding blonde white girls (non-complaint)

Waifus ruin generals.



Just put that shit in the OP.

but i need my sniffs user !!

unironically disturbing desu


hello vedditor

I kind of feel sorry for people who are trying to buy video cards right now. I got a 1070 for 350 bucks last year.

>that leaf's destruction will be forever immortalized and made canon in the following fgg op's for years to come

>still no link to the replay

is this some clever meme the pisscord came up with to shitpost the thread with?


You know it's true.

how would you feel if sagat's low tiger shot was locked behind VT?

i need stinky sniffs !!

How many men she raped?

>Why does Ono keep adding blonde white girls (non-complaint)
ono-san is a rashid main

I'd laugh. i don't play saggot.

I wouldn't feel anything because I don't play that game.

then why did you reply to me

I would be bummed but ultimately that's SFV. At this point I already moved on.

time to die, capcom




You asked me how I would feel.

holy fuck my 1080ti is worth like double now
i thought people were exaggerating

I got mine for about that price. I forgot exactly how much I paid for my 1080. Like 550-600. Used it until I got my 1080 TI. My friend gave me a 1080 and that's the one that's still unopened. I never really needed to open it.


ironic brickposting is still brickposting

I would go full vappa and destroy capcom

Nope, it's true. This is the worst time in history to try to build a computer.

wait what happened

tfw no fighting game bf


Cryptocurrencies going through the roof. People who would otherwise never buy a high end card are snatching them all up.

tfw videogames are pointless

Cryptocurrency mining

>no Lum nerfs
uhh Sirlin??