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Welcome, friends of the dawi

What is Varg’s flag supposed to be?


it's a brain isn't it

A lattice door I think.

Are they going to add any new units to Norsca when they finally release them do you reckon? I want muh Valkyries and a sort of stealth/raiding unit would be cool too.


>CA went with the gay "Ushabti are statues" retcon lore instead of the badass "Ushabti are devoted warriors twisted into the likeness of the Nehekharan gods by a combination of magic and horrific surgery" original lore

Come on CA, you've already shown that you're willing to disregard stupid retcons when you reverted Morathi to being a Slaanesh worshiper, why not fix this mistake too?

Will there be any reason to pick to ever pick the chariot over the warsphinx for Settra?

of course not

>the lore AKA the BORE

Chaos will get them. Most likely we will just get Valkia LL

I'm still a tad bit upset about that Conan game. I just really, really want a game set in that universe. I fucking love the theme of wastelands and various barbarian cultures.

Did GCCM team got their shit together and now only puts out quality stuff from select few modders? Or is that still a mishmash of varying quality from a bunch of people?

I disagree, I think them being statues is cooler. Nehekharan magic being used to warp and mutate things steps towards Skaven and Chaos magics, the idea of taking the souls of ancient heroes and binding them to specially constructed statuary as tomb guardians seems more in keeping with their ancient Egyptian inspiration to me.

Also distinguishes them from the rank and file clickity-clacks rather than just being another type of undead.

Is Radious good for history?

Looks like a door to me

Yeah, it works as Minecraft: Conan Edition but beyond that, no depth. I really want something like Skyrim in the Conan universe.

Classic barbarian heroes aren't exactly part of pop culture anymore unfortunately, what with Conan being a celebration of toxic masculinity and most of the stories being both racist and sexist.


Love barbarian aesthetics.

I'm hoping there'll be a consumer pushback in the next decade in retaliation to all the sterilization going on in media when everyone wants bikini armor, gorilla Fabios, and extreme interpretations of cultures and ethnicities.

Cheapest place to buy Warhmmer 2 online?

Wouldn't surprise me, even if not a push-back but just a weakening of the attention give to the cries of Neo-Puritanism as people get bored or move on to the next social issue.

Reminder that Lu Bu betrayed Ding for Dong, then Dong for Wang.

What's the shortest way to see family tree in Attila?

I don't know if we will go back to bikini armor, but I think people will lighten up a bit.

Barbarian hero best hero.

Draw a picture of it and keep it next to your computer

Why not screenshot and print it out?

Click the family tree button.

Hey, whatever works.

i feel the same. Besides the Conan universe its also the only game which has an adult universe.

hunch over while you look at it

>Conan setting
>barbarian cultures
but the most interesting thing about Conan were always the cultured kingdoms and civilisations.

There is this with tomb kings included.

At least we might move on from bikini armour being literally illegal.


True. I'll admit the barbar side of it overshadows all the neat realms on a superficial level.


tfw no fairy gf

>implying anyone would wanna explicit any other northern tribe other than Varg

wow that's super cheap. Is the site trustworthy? I've never heard of it

Blame American culture for being weird and puritanical over sex and nudity.

>yfw Chaos Demons coming

>Is the site trustworthy?
No idea user. Just saw it, never bought anything there.


alright well thanks for finding it for me, I apreciate it!

It is. It´s former Bundlestars. They had to change the name cause of some jewish trick

How do you see tower range in Attila?

We need shit in Lustria, not southlands. Southlands is fine with the addition of TK.

Khalida starts in lustria, so there you have it

Hmm lets see, should I have:

>A giant monster that does massive amounts of splash damage, has massive amounts of health, is able to go toe to toe with most other units


>A chariot that you have to micro 24/7 to charge/retreat/charge/retreat on lightly armored infantry

What a blast! And what a great kick to Numidia's face as I killed both their heir and leader in the last battle in the Saharan desert.
I only wanted to play short to unlock Egypt, but perhaps I will play this until Civil War.
I really hate the public order and squalor problems though.

>go back and play Medieval 2 after several years
>It's not nearly as fun
>cluttered campaign screen
>even worse AI interactions than later games
>unit diversity isn't that great unless you're at one of the border of the "culture" groups
>siege battles are considerably worse than I recalled with units bunching up and not being able to form up on streets
>fucking Milan
Aside from a few great mods like Third Age, M2 really hasn't aged that well

hover your cursor over it or hold space

build squalor buildings and let settlements rebel, then re-take them and exterminate the populace

I tried going back to it recently to play Third Age and I couldn't deal with how clunky and slow-paced it was. The only change I think has been an out-and-out negative has been what they did in Rome 2 to only allow recruitment in armies with generals. Basically made it so you can't just recruit units and place them near your border towns for defense. Instead you build defense buildings, but that's boring and mindless


that's where the new lizardmen LL is going

>clunky and slow-paced it was
I agree with this, even Rome 1 is faster and aged better than M2

to think I used to hope we'd be able to build our own garrisons and set up cannons on the walls of whole castles. I don't know why CA can't see that building your own garrisons meant the game instantly took on a whole range of possibilities and depth.

They will add new monster hunts missions with new world monsters and upgrade tech tree at best. We would have to be very lucky to get new LL or unit.

>Arkhan the Black
>He isn't black


They claim that quality control is stricter

>Settra the Imperishable
>looks expired

how do you know? Him and Nigash were kangz

It's that bad? From what I seen it looks like skyrim with survival mods which should be ok.


>it looks like skyrim with survival mods
It's more like Skyrim minecraft
It's not very good

You mean after two Lord packs, that's few months.

only in Vortex

where in ME?


It will all be mine

Reminder to enjoy your favorite Total War setting and let others enjoy theirs as well!

Is it just me, or did Nagash have some pretty wide hips?

>no muslim one

>Warhammer got 3 smiles
>Historical ones got only one per period.

>spearmanii with a blue helmet
>spearmanii with a green helmet
the period is the only variety history has

it's his rap name, you know like how Ice Cube isn't actually an ice cube

threadly reminder tomb king is the best DLC ever done, even superior to Norsca.

Even based LegendofTW praise it.

China e Britannia not allowed

fell for ss

>Want to play Tomb Kangz
>Can't until the 23rd
>Don't want to play Total War until then because I'll get burned out
>Other vidya is not appealing to me because of Tomb Kangz excitement

Why did they wait so long to release these fucks?

Arkhan the Black?
More like Arkhan the KAK

>perfectly organized rout


>slaanesh units are voiced by girls (male)

>tfw no Arkhan the Black x Gandalf the Grey x Gandalf the White fanfic

Why even live?

I enjoyed the mediocre God of War clone on the 360 part from that SLIMENIGGER FINAL BOSS

>AI thinks they can outspearmanni my axemanni



Will /twg/ discourse improve or decline once Kangz finally drop next week?

they announce it
>first week the roster
>second week gameplay and let's play trailer
>third week early access to all youtuber and streamers
>fourth week launch

while you think, "I'm not going to buy it, fuck this kike", but you keep looking at stuff so in the end you buy it

So having played with all four tomb kings ll's, here how they work in MP. SP, they're all fine. Settra's probably strongest.

Settra: Archaon 2.0. He just costs too fucking much. He's a melee beatstick, he's got great abilities and the Lore of Nehekara is solid. But he can easily reach 3k gold. You can literally buy a TK and LP for half the price.

Khalida: Honestly, surprisingly good. She's best served sitting with your archers due to her aura, and with the Lore of Nehek buff + Aura, archers can dish out an insane rate of fire (+60 reload speed).

Arkhan: A weird one. He's a caster lord, but his unique item and ability heavily encourages him to be in the thick of combat to buff those surrounding him. On top of that, he has lore of death, which isn't that great. I found him best used in the front line, with either Ushabti or Hierotitan bodyguards. Spam low winds spells to keep your army continually healing. Try and bait a doomsquad to attack him, then drop the Book of Nagash and an overcast Spirit Leech or Bjuna (44% physical resist for all surrounding units) to make them regret it. Surprisingly good, but you need to not treat him as a squishy caster to get the most use.

Khatep: In the weirdest shit, Khatep is probably the best TK LL. He's a dedicated caster who's personal mount is an artillery piece that also permanently buffs his WoM. Lore of Nehekara is great. For 2k gold, you get a hellcannon/Lord level caster. He is super squishy though, so you'll want to watch out for sniping. You may want to take a LP of Light, just so you can net anyone trying to snipe him.

They already know I'm a moron who will buy DLC for the Warhammer games. They have their fingers in my ass-wallet already, they don't need to also make me wait.