/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is coming out for PS4 and Xbox One Jan 26, 2018, with a fall 2018 PC release.
↳Third PS4 beta with a bonus Nergigante quest is underway until the 22nd. Get hunting!
↳A Limited Edition Rathalos PS4Pro has been announced for sale outside of Japan. Check your local retailer for more details.
↳Elder Dragons + Deviljho: youtube.com/watch?v=lmwxyM3sPwc
↳Full 2018 Winter Event Livestream: youtube.com/watch?v=FuxxrCmLi58
↳Weapons: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_ALSpmx2A8sAdeuYKMnrCt0xCpwPyPbC
↳Moveset Changes: pastebin.com/Pc4NsdxP

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Password: rage (7243 for 3DS)
XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集
Gen, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous thread

Threadly reminder that waifufags need to be befriended and honored.
No exceptions.

Astalos is pretty cool

What does Khezu smell like?

>Watching that stream.
>He's using Bone CB
No shit, you don't fucking say, fighting a same enemy with a bone CB is harder than fighting it with a Rathian CB.

Nergi/Rath/Blos rotation room,come in faggots



What does Khezu ice cream taste like?


Removing Rocksteady Mantle! Fixing the Handler's face! Rebalancing super moves! Waking up from my dreams! Monster Hunter World!!

>practicing hammer with public nerg quests
>sliding down the slope to his final nesting place
>launch into a spinning jump
>mount him
Holy shit why did no one tell me hammer was GOAT?

do you get any special rewards for killing diablos or rath

>Rocksteady literally gives you a minute and a half of invincibility with no tradeoff
>the majority of the weapons revolve around spamming one move over and over again
>game-breaking bugs like torchpods will never be fixed
>mediocre roster with the majority of the "new" monsters being reskins and early game trash
>shitty maps with annoying gimmicks all over the place

Man World is shaping up to be a great game guys!!!!

Exposed tummys is the best thing ever.
I fucking love monster hunter

Can't wait to play the full version, i just want a comfy grinding game
Yeah the handlers face really doesn't do her real life model any justice

Rotation hunts
Because there is other monsters than just Nergigante

2 spots left 4hkFiCPw8cZW

post bony jay leno armor

Unironically please don't do this

his bone CB has more raw than the demo rathian CB...

Playing MH3U for the first time and I just reached High Rank and noticed that I can only carve potions and rations from monsters in multi monster hunts.
Can I not carve their mats?

fuck yea

>Rocksteady is appropriately balance as both an endgame reward for hard work and a way to give less experienced hunters a temporary leg up
>the majority of the weapons have unique and interesting move sets
>game-breaking bugs like torchpods will be patched quickly
>great roster, especially the majority of the new monsters
>cool maps with unique concepts that set them apart

Man World is shaping up to be a great game guys!

I'm literally fighting the same enemy right now and doing twice the damage you fuckwit.

three of those apply to most mh games

Rathian armor skills: Botanist,Poison Attack,Poison Resist, Recovery up.








There's nothing wrong with mounting

>he doesn't mount his monsters

for real
this third beta was unnecessary
they should have just released the game a week earlier. fuck those french cunts for playing it already

For Nerg it's only useful as a way to stop him from fucking off to another area, it takes so long that he he almost always gets black spikes

Thats how marathon quests work, you get more rewards



Please do not flashbomb the Nerg he goes apeshit and it's impossible to get aby hits in.

-Thanks in advance, user.

are any of the streamers actually good

I'm giving Charge Blade a shot, it's one of the weapons I haven't really used in the past.

Am I right in assuming the only reason to be attacking in axe mode is for phial burst and extra reach? It seems the gameplay revolves mostly around keeping the sword and shield charged.

Neg Quest:

Is there any low key streamer actually streaming the full game and not the beta?

oh god no, some french guy playing as slow as a snail and some BR's playing in some speak I can't read

WTF is botanist?

I know its never going to happen. But, imagine capcom being good guy capcom and saying "Well, since there are so many leaks, we're releasing the game today."

who gives a fuck

>people crying in the frenchie stream chat because he has the game

I thought that was his natural state

Probably Mycology but with tiers

Does beta end tonight? how much loger

Middle two are good save for that belt buckle, left are right are ehhh.

Get more items when picking up mushrooms, herbs, berries, etc... I think its like a 30% extra chance of gaining an extra item per level.

CB is basically "hit it and it will die"
You can't use it wrong because it's just so easy

twitch tv / 5kyhel

Frogman going for tobi kadachi

jvc get out

Rathian cb

Wow, that's a legitimately bad hitbox.

I like nergigante, he's like gore magala

Beta runs until the 22nd friendo. You've still got 2 more days and then only 3 days until full release after that.

>You can't use it wrong
I have no idea what I'm doing with it

>Consoles get to enjoy the game
>Discover the game
>Chart the unknown
>Do the fun

>PC gets to fund the next game

Bretty good share of the work load 2bh.

>buying games

In phase 2, roll under Nergigante if it's about to do the Valphalk paw slam

>word gets out that frogs have the game early
>"frogs don't have the game retard"
>Frogs actually have the game

>Item box page 1/2
Please tell me storage is upgradeable.

Legiana pls? Also are you saving to facebook? Those are some poor quality shots.

>have absolutely shit hunt from
>join a new group, do the exact same stuff with the exact same build
>have fucking great hunt

Oh god the food menu looks absolutely packed, I love it

>Funding anything
Please tell me you don't actually believe this.

Where does handler spawn in the ancient forest? I'm only seen it once.

it actually caught him by the tip of the hammer, but yeah wtf

PC doesn't buy games, especially Japanese games, unless it's a survival early access crafting meme game promoted by youtubers and twitch streamers.

Wtf just happened rofl

>>frogs and hues get to enjoy the game
>>Discover the game
>>Chart the unknown
>>Do the fun

>his taint nudges me
>take full damage

At the Northwest on ground zero

>mfw we're back to Dos storage
Remember when you started with 1 page and items you stored only stacked to their normal inventory size instead of 99?


>tfw monster hunter is a survival crafting meme game


1 spots left for nergi/rath/blos


Nigga, you're the apex predator

Dos improved stacking for some items and had FOUR pages in village
Gen1 was worse

I think the 15 minute time limit should have either a warning saying that the full game is not like that or something. I feel they turned a lot of would be players away that otherwise would have purchased the game just because of that time limit. Not like first timers know that the normal quest time is over 30 minutes usually.

They probably think it's 15 minutes for all "big bad monsters"

That's 2AM UTC on the 22nd
Even in countries where it ends on the 22nd it ends in the morning

No it isn't. At no point are you just sitting there collecting sticks to build a house.

1 more again hurry up fagolas



Why reply if you have nothing to say
Your numbers are wrong

>TFW the final boss of Monster Hunter is The Good Hunter.

Yeah should've said MH1 but I don't remember village having 4 pages in Dos. In fact on my current save right now where I've gotten basically nowhere I only have 2 pages.

>All the streamers are exploring the map in-mission.
Is it that hard getting used to the freeroam option or is it not available from the start?

Is gunlance still embarrassing to use or have they finally buffed it? Won't get to try the beta for a while

You're right, they probably should have made that clear.

You can upgrade from 2 to 4
1 is from 1 to 3

>"hit it and it will die"
isn't that every weapon
It's a fairly difficult "pick up and play" weapon due to how much there is to it, but once you get the hang of it things become a lot easier, learning GP(Guard Points) is to go even further beyond in your quest of becoming invincible.

Okay, and? 22 = 22, regardless on which side of the 22 you pick, autismo.

gunlance is pretty fucking good, though the beta one might have inflated dps since it's pure raw

It's way more fun to see the monsters for the first time by exploring, i don't understand people who watch the fights before they play and learn them in-game at all


It's amazing in the beta, same as XX

The broken shelling power is top tier in the beta but the weapon will be low tier in the release