Fate/Grand Order General - /fgog/

Previous: Da Vinci and the Seven Fake Heroic Spirit: Lite version
19-20 Jan: Da Vinci
21-22 Jan: Jeanne Alter/Da Vinci
23-24 Jan: Jeanne Alter
Shinjuku costume will be made available

Kintoki animation update confirmed.

Setsubun event late January, no new servants, cannot use supports and cannot use servants repeatedly.

Survey, if you complete it you get 3 tickets: news.fate-go.jp/2018/questionnaire_3rd/

January 2018 Monthly Mats
>Octuplet Twin Crystals
>Unlucky Bone
>Yggdrasil Seed

>Part 2 prologue


>Farming Guide

pastebin.com/Hp918cqA (embed)

>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: November 29)
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Servant/CE list and datamine

Other urls found in this thread:


News tonight boys, I can feel it

Have you watched Oni Medb's anime?

Don't mind me, just the best animated Fate franchise fight coming thru.



nafag here anons, how well are Kato Danzo, Helena archer and Mochizuki Chiyome in artmeme ? Trying to prepare my spending. Also good to note that I'm using hans instead of waver since i'm a lucklet

Melt has bad posture! Bad!



>Getting news on sunday.

If there is, it's probably going to be unrelated to Setsubun, we're not the 29th after all.

Its shit

Only brainlets like this

Yes, but 002 is more entertaining than Medb.

I wish I could play FGO with you anons. Playing alone is boring. I don't even want PvP, just some way to play with others.

I liked Comete Verde vs Equino Falo better.

Post songs that you'd like a servant to sing that goes well with them.

Go to an awkward weeb meet up at your local shitty college. I won't be there ever by the way.


>Who would win, a near-immortal demigod with a dozen indian nuclear weapons to his name, or two gay bois
unironically kek'd

I wish I lived in Japan and got cute girl drawings by buying Lovecraft

I bet your favorite fight is the Zero Lancer vs Saber one.
Only tasteless fucks enjoy shit like that. Take away the super human element from Servants and they're just freaks dressing weird.

Irrelavent. Hans is also irrelevant right now since we have Merlin. And Danzo is not even arts.

PvP could work in FGO but only if you implement it on a way that everyone gets rewarded and you don't directly fight other people.

Thanks for the lunchtime ce, Stheno!

HD scans where?

The clashing art styles doesn't do much for me, but it is sort of like watching a Michael Bay anime, which is somewhat endearing the first time experiencing it. They really liked their loud, cinematic sound effects throughout Apoc.


i'm talking about na user, i'm asking to know how much I need to save

Danzo isn't Arts, Helena summer is worse than the normal one and Chiyome is plain shit.

I really hope the Japanese fans continue using Artoria/Arturia/Arthuria, Altria needs to fucking go, it makes zero sense.

>looks like shit
>shit choreography
>but it has BIG EXPLOSIONS so it's good

Watch a REAL fight instead.


>literally have a long ass description of Kosmos in one of the greatest works of western literature
>also a decent description in Apocrypha Mats
Every single A-1 employee needs to be put in front of a wall and shot

Reminder that Shirou is a little faggot.

You have more than 2 years to roll for 4*

Now wait for the Ippo pasta

Who would I use in a team with Abigail?
Posted in dead thread

EoP here, how was AK supposed to look like?

Please understand, it would have been very difficult to animate.

Chiron vs Achilles and Sieg vs Amakusa were the only good fights in Apo

This, however, is near impossible to implant in FGO. Every NP does at least 15k damage, and almost no one has that much HP.

They'd make more or less free money if they made some sort of side scroller like Dragon's Crown where you could play with friends as various servants. Wouldn't even have to be side scroll, but that is obviously a lot less effort.

>Present Box stuffed full of 2x+ Gold exp card stacks
>Servant box has 243 exp cards
>Buy extra space in the MP shop so my freezer has 250 slots
>Fill those up with exp cards too

I have no less than 1,500 4* Exp cards right now and I still need to clear 10+ boxes. Is a compression feature to make stacks of duplicate cards to much to ask for DW? At this point using them on servants is just wasting QP and mats since I've leveled everyone I'd ever use too. Am I actually going to have to start burning gold exp cards just to make room for more of them?

Send help

Don't worry. After FGO is dead some anons will use the rips to recreated it and make it way better than DW did. Wait and Hope.

slutfox and merlin/waver

Just multiple the HP by 1000 during PVP

basically have things drawn on it. A world.

The Micheal Bay of Fate fights.

BDs when?

Merlin and Tamamo.

I had to burn like 200 exp cards to fit

scathach is pure right lads?

what if I dont have tamamo

I don't understand why everyone is so against the idea of PvP. I've played other mobages with PvP, and all it really amounts to is free premium currency every week.

But it does. When he activates it you can see the patterns flash

The reason AK had that extraordinarily convenient effect that happened to counter Vasavi is because of the intricate designs of the world on it, which gave it the whole "Achilles' world barrier" properties. Then they made it a blank silver shield in the anime.

>3 gears in one run
I'm gonna nut

>Roman 180cm (and 70kg)
>Solomon 178cm (and 75kg)

Did he also wish on the grail to be taller?


That's the Iliad description. It starts at around [483] and is about 8,000+ characters long. The description in the Apocrypha LN similarly paints it as a very ornate shield.

Nasu told them to save the good design for Herakles Kosmos

Which node. I need 1(one) for Nezha.

By the time those 3 come out every one should have like at least 50 Merlins in their support list. Still those 3 are pretty irrelevant. You will get KnK event and Shiki is a better arts assassin than Chiyome.

What happens when a mobage closes? All goes to shit or people can at least save their account data somewhere?

Find a support Tamamo.

Why the fuck would you need your account data after it closes?

Shinjuku tower

There's stuff on it. We just never get a full view.

>At this point using them on servants is just wasting QP and mats since I've leveled everyone I'd ever use too.
Remember that next event is going to have stamina. You sound like you have autism enough to farm until all your leveled servants' stamina drops to 0.

All goes to shit. I'm hoping someone is autist enough remake the game.

What do you think we'll get on FGO's 10th birthday?

Post supports.

Nobu a CUTE.

>Why the fuck would you need your account data after it closes?
Maybe to watch their servants and feel sad becuuse is irrelevant shit?Sorry senpai, this is my first mobage

This is the BBC's Achilles' NP.

free 4* pick

Post your face when Scat isn't Grand Lancer.

game will die

good old maiandroi

user it's only going to last for more 4 years or so


Soon we will have Festive challenges in Fate/GO.

>free 4* CE pick
>10 quartz


I wish Scat gave festive times to my dick

I actually had the idea of making a RPG (turns,attack/magic commands and like that) using FGO assets
I was learning Unity and how to get all but uni and laziness kill my motivation
Also they kill datamine after the first Jannu Alter rate up

What servants do you want to see on the russian order.

Is there no way to datamine anyways? Or is it really hard now?

only one or two servants will actually be russian and the rest will be from wherever, just like every other order except the nipwank one

You'll be lucky if there are more than 1 russian servants in the russian order.

Tamamo Gun and her friend Baba Yaga



some Byzantine guy

Catherine the Great.

Baba Yaga and Vasilisa.

Yuri Gagarin

Now that's a fucking manly fight.

>Mommy look at my kewl explosions
