Lunar qt edition
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Lunar qt edition
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I want Zoe to sit on my face.
First for my waifu, Syndra.
xth for my wife Syndra hehehehe
>meme franchising
why are americans more interested in money instead of more skill for their league
>tfw no qt petite gf
>hate doublelift
>hate tsm
who do I cheer for?
>not esports edition
lux players continue to prove how gay they are
Xth for my wife Syndra.
i want LEONA to push her FEET into my BALLS and tell me how bad i am at ADC
xth for my wife Syndra
Money is the most important thing in the world.
>the games ACTUALLY START right on time
My goodness, I hated all the pre-analyst desk bullshit talk.
fuck off commie
>110k Twitch viewers for the most hype game of the day
What happened?
Neither just hope the game is full blown clown fiesta and laugh whenever either team fucks up.
MikeYeung gonna feed this game
>game starts right on time
>"gp is a bad champion guise" -lolg shitters
>blind picked in pro play
You wake up a dim basement with your ankels chained to the wall
You hear giggling and Lulu enters the room saying its time for some fun games
wat do?
Guess the whole Syndra getting gangbanged is true after all.
>NA LCS probably won't even reach 200k views
Franchising was a mistake, nobody gives a fuck about some nobodies who are good at the game, people followed this garbage for NA's charismatic and shit talking streamers, not for muh professional league.
Even Giants vs Vitality had more views than this
>malz vs ryze episode
these forced narratives piss me the fuck off lolg
>DL revenge
>forced banter between team owners
>implying they arent all still friends or at least neutral grounds
literally everyone in this game is well known what are you talking about
>waifuing ahri
You bet!
jesus christ delete this meta now
>there are 1000 MILLION PLAYERS in league of legends!!!
>There are currently 347,434 summoners on Summoner's Rift
>Displaying summoners that are bronze or above.
which game should be move to this year?
Objectively wrong by twitch standards. People like Zven and Mithy might be great players but they won't gather 5k views total when it comes to streaming.
Why isn't Dyrus playing?
Ask what kind of fun games she is referring to.
Of course it's not, a bunch of sad copycats doesn't mean anything.
Oh no it's not.
he's doing jail time
120 champs, new season, same shit
Fuck off riot
new thread, would you fuckl?
>Doublelift on the blue midget of jumps
god no
instantly pop a boner desu
>those eyes
>those lips
>that nose
>them thighs
>that armpit
how can girl be so perfect
I really don't want Zven and Mithy to win so I guess I'm rooting for Team Liquid. Never been a Liquid fan though. Go Xmithie and Pobelter I guess?
lulu is a sadist
Stop hating on FoTM champs, it's pointless and will continue for a few weeks.
she's trying too hard to be the NA sjokz desu
>no relegations
i'm glad this game and its scene is fucking dying
oh no
she's fotm again
I'd fuck any female who's not morbidly obese
>Shyv jungle
nice. dunno whens the last time i saw shyv in pro play. last time was s3/4 when EVERY GAME TOP LANE WOULD BE TRUNDLE v SHYVANA
EU LCS died for this.
56% white/hot Sjokz.
i would nut over her face while she's wearing the glasses desu ahha
Overwatch League
>Blizzard asks for $20 million from each team
>Debut with 415k peak viewers according to
>Riot asks for $10 million from each team
>Riot says the new changes will make viewership increase
>100k viewers for the most "hype" match of the day
Remember when the LCS wasn't dead? Pic related
LCK is the only region worth caring about currently
>dem shoulders
That's a tranny, right?
I concur!
his stream was literally titled "playing until lcs" or something like that lol
I would hatefuck because of her fucking voice.
Speaking of hatefucks! Syndra...
Dragon cock though!
well shit...
I hate to be that guy, friend but you she sent me this 10 minutes ago..
You do realize you aren't some unique snowflake and other people are waifuing/wifey-ing her too, right?
>americans care more about profit instead of being good at the game
nice fucking cameras riot
>Overwatch League
>Blizzard asks for $20 million from each team
>gets less viewers than a bald nigger midget playing league
how the fuck is hautzer still playing for a team? playing for free?
I love how Steve and Reggie are so rich, they can just go on twitter and make a $15,000 bet
Syndra! Fuck her rough.
uhhh.... user
Yep. Don't expect any fun/trivial picks anymore since it's all serious bizness now.
Still doesn't matter as NA STILL won't reach semi's at Worlds, lmao.
>forced to root for TSM so DL gets his shit stomped
>want bjerg to lose too
Nah, go away like the idiot you are.
How about you go hatefuck yourself.
Ahri better be careful or she'll end up as Shyvana's pet whether she likes it or not! Just look at what happened to Kat!
How difficult is camille compared to say,riven,azir,ryze? she looks fun
The owl/lcs shitposting is going to be fucking glorious
Have a seat.
wtf is with these twitch chinks and their drama nobody cares about
>pretty face
Would you not?
Just hope both teams get disqualified
are the casters stoned or something
I got a feeling that syndrafag is getting off on all those people acting like they're fucking Syndra.
The sweet, sweet delusion, mmm..
Is kobe having a fucking stroke?
Ahri pets Shyvana
Not very.
if you play any of those champs she should be ez pz
just remember to auto weave your q's and use e while next to a wall for maximum efficiency
Games like Overwatch are bad for spectating like this. Fine if you're just watching a single streamer though.
just shitted a turd that looked like doublelift
riot is smart to cash out by getting dumb nba owners to dump millions into this dying game
players are smart to demand 7 figure salaries
the western bubble on this shit is about to pop, a year or 18 months is all it has left
duo with japancakez!!!!! wow bets :DD
fuck off its esrpots now!!!! XD
Why would I watch it? Let's be honest and break down each region.
- Watching and cheering for LCK is like cheering for Usain Bolt. If you're not a Korean I simply cannot understand why would you support stagnation and predictability.
- I used to cheer for EU but EU LCS pretty much died when they moved to Berlin. In a moment we turned from region with best casters to a region with shittiest, least charismatic ones.
- NA LCS is a complete fucking joke, from failing at worlds to riot completely neglecting and killing off EU scene I simply don't have a reason to follow it.
Overwatch is a shit game that is only popular because blizzdrones eat blizzshit all day that is imposible to watch. The game itself is the shitpost.
>TSM gets 3 summoner spells for 1
>Caster says "bad trade for TSM"
holy FUCK
where'd these orgs come from and why is there so much NBA money in the scene now?
How's stinky rat man of delicious rust doing in this God forsaken Overheal meta? I don't play much AD but when I get autofilled I gotta have someone to fall back on.
his best skin btw
Blue Team to kill the Ahri and Xayah.