/dlg/ Duel Links General

Duel Links General #237

Reflect on your choices edition


Latest News
>the selection box is live till the 22nd. You can only buy 15 packs without real money
>the Duel a Thon is live now
>the Tag Duel event will be live on the 23rd
>Woodland Sprite will be limited to 1 on Jan 24th. Cursed and Golden Bamboo sword are also being considered for the list
>Yubel has officially been teased ingame, she will likely be the next LD event

Useful (Duel) Links
>Sites with good info on LDs, skills, deck lists, beginner guides, etc. (Partially outdated but it's the best we've got.)

Future content (No release date but it's in the files)
>Syrus, DINO DNA, Sartorius, Yubel, Solomon, and Tristan have the most data and are likely the closest to coming
drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8mP_fxnqSU3NDVQ (Voice lines contain proof of new summoning mechanics)

Android emulators (or just use the Steam version)

A few tips for new players
>You can change the resolution of the Steam version with DuelLinksConfiguration.exe in the game folder
>Create and link a Konami ID to play on multiple devices and save your progress in case of a crash
>Turn your battery/power usage bar up to max in the settings menu for a smoother experience
>When sending Vagabonds, always choose the 1 card challenge because it gives the most XP.
>Decide on what deck you want to build before spending gems.
>Level up Mai, Keith, Alexis and Odion first to unlock Windstorm of Etaqua, Metalmorph, Spell Shield Type 8 and Curse of Anubis respectively.

Other urls found in this thread:


>why I left
>he was actually in bronze at some point

Carly is slave to the BBC

I started it.

Yes people have once started the game :^)

>just starred in a trap porn scene
>plan to spend all my earnings on packs
There is no salvation for me


>>Yubel has officially been teased ingame, she will likely be the next LD event
I'm pretty sure we're getting NO MORE OJAMAS Chazz first.


>he started in bronze


But that’s already in the game user

Yeah, retard OP likes to put events for which we have little to no info under 'Latest News' for whatever reason.

People who actually read the "latest news" meme are the only ones who bitch about it all the time. It's never good enough.

Are you okay user? You sound like you're choking on cock here.


>2 UR jewels

>Your hair is graceful and mellow
>It reminds me of Ojama Yellow
>When you smile it makes grin
>I hate the fact I never win
>Cyber angels are clearly your thing
>Please be my Ojama Queen, and I be your Ojama King


Agreed. The ingame notifications are more than enough, there's no need for latest news in the general.

Oh no! We're still missing one!

Only good for letting a real chad wear his armor like wild heart and sparkman

Chad puts his poem through google translate 10 times back to English

It's time for this again. Post your best stuff:


The dick goes there.

>There's a slot left for a DIVINE Mirror Force

>Your ass is like an Ojamas
>I love it more than your mamas
>Even more than the ass of a llama
>I love it in panties
>But also in pajamas

fuck off

Wowee a roaming Chazz event with undoubtedly shit drops

Literal autism.

Is there a duel room up? I want to destroy some scrubs with my original non-meta deck.


>post yfw we get Union Hanger, Ojamatching, Ojamadification, Ojamaparty and Armed Dragon Catapult Cannon
yeah right

Light and Darkness Dragon

There is.

Room ID: 940217
Spectatror ID: 192932

>Goes from a full body of armor to half naked
>More defense
Really gets the noggin' a joggin'

When ;_:

Do we need to add /dng/ card maker rule to the OP? If you don't have a 5 page report to go with your card, don't post it

OG Mirror Force is Divine, Radiant is Light, we need a Mirror Force quick-play spell to finish it

He will drop VWXYZ and Armed Dragon LV 10. The rest will be filler not worth mentioning. VWXYZ will get a summoning animation

How can they add Pendulums to the game without breaking it?

>he doesn't have pecs literally harder than steel

They have a couple years to figure it out

They first need to think about if they should just make 2 spell/trap slots the pendulum zones or add the pendulum zones on the side.

>You remind me of Ojama Black
>Cos I want to give that arse a smack
>To me you are so beautiful
>You remind me of Ojama Blue
>Come and sit on my thing
>Because i'm as hung as Ojama King


Pendulums are already nerfed to hell, but I still say you should only be able to pendulum summon pendulum monsters rather than fucking anything.

It's literally garbage

Considering people ask for Crowler literally every thread, I think it's good to advertise to the retarded latefags that Yubel is next

Rhymes beautiful with blue.


Did Hokage release the new apk yet or is he going to wait until the 24th?

How much of a brainlet do you have to be to play this game without the apk. Jesus, what a grind.

You have to read it like a nigger rapper.

>when you somehow win a 1 card vagabond challenge

That just feels great.

The next LD event is Super Chazz. And we don't have any info about a 'likely' Yubel,

Also: Why the fuck would you add the 'Future Content' section if you're not going to use it?

Is this your original non-meta deck?

LD unlock event then you autistic retard who needs everything super specific

Haha I do it at least 50% of the time.

Forgot pic

Again, where did you get info about an unlock event for Yubel? She appeared in one cutscene and that's it, idiot.

Put it in the OP if there's ANYTHING SPECIFIC

If you don't abuse the hazy flame modded APK meta, you're a brainlet. Konami cannot ban you at all.

It happens more often now that the Vagabond keeps using Woodland Bamboo decks it doesn't know how to use.


I meant how they would work in speed format.


>using cheats in current year

In honor of Phoenix making a comeback here's the best meme version

desu, i've abused the mind scan (including hand) meta for i don't know how many seasons now

you sick fuck

Oh in that case, there was a 3DS game with speed duel format, it had seperate pendulum zones.

>I like to auto-duel SD and maybe even lose for a 2k duel assessment

Lol, how can you stand not getting 8k every time?

>not making a warm worm glow moss mill deck

When is Mai getting mirror force as a skill? It's one of her signature cards.

Look just how fucking CHAD Chaden Yuki is. It's no surprise though, he does use the elemental heroes and Neos which also happens to be the best ace for any MC. Neo-Spacians have truly never been tried.

>hey let's do a big in game teaser for a roamer!
Grow a fucking brain

delet this

I love phoenix so much, nobody expects it.

Stop playing gay decks faggot

>hey let's a do a big teaser for something we have no idea will even happen in the near future
Speak for yourself.

I consistently get 5k on autoduel and if I want 8k I can just take control of the game whenever.

I've never watched GX. Is it as retarded as the flavor text in this game implies? At least the original series had magic to blame stuff on. Why the heck are there 'duel academies'?

Also didn't Yugi go on to make the successor/replacement card game to duel monsters in the canon? Why are people still playing the old one.

we shouls get the option to watch a short duration ad (e.g. 30 seconds max) once a day for 50 gems.Just like the replay button, its optional wether you want to view it or not.

1 pack a day is not too much and can keep the players motivated and the game running.

1 pack a day = 365 packs a year (not even enough to empty 2 main boxes) ( 6 main boxes + 6 mini boxes are added in a year )

Better than stall burn or lemme hide in my deck like a pussy gladiator beasts

Why even play Duel Links if you're gonna use modded apk, that just takes the fun out if it

Fuck off.

Yeah right, the first thing that comes to my mind when I go against Kaiba or Crowler and they set a face down monster and pass is that they're playing Phoenix

I've always thought Chazz looks like that image.

>Challenge: starts with 3 monsters
>Two of them are fucking Ancient Gear Golem

GX is probably the most dark series in the whole anime

We should be getting around 3-9 packs/day free to put the cards/day in line with other hearthclones.

Is that the Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past in your deck?

Why even play Duel Links if you're gonna auto-duel, that just takes the fun out if it

>that image
>doesnt know tom by name
Neck yourself kiddo.

>doesnt know tom by name
If I see that fucking cat one more time...

>let's tease something that is 6 months away
We got no LD unlock this month. That means one is guaranteed for Feb

>Why the heck are there 'duel academies'?
Duel monsters is fucking everything in that world. It's like acting or playing soccer being a pro duelist is the best career in-universe.

>Also didn't Yugi go on to make the successor/replacement card game to duel monsters in the canon?
Wasn't that in the movie? Regardless he said he wanted to make a game, not a replacement for duel monsters.

But to answer the question, yes GX is pretty retarded, random stuff happens every fucking episode, until like episode 30-40 where the plot finally shows up (it's not very good). During S2 it finally pics up the pace, but is still retarded. S3 is fucking great though, one of the top 5 arcs in the YGO franchise.

>Why the heck are there 'duel academies'?
Because Kaiba was autistic enough to make them

>Also didn't Yugi go on to make the successor/replacement card game to duel monsters in the canon?
That was made long after GX was created also Yugioh anime and manga have separate canons, the Dark Side of Dimensions movie is based off the manga canon while GX anime is the continuation of the anime canon.

>waaahhh latefags wahh!

>That means one is guaranteed for Feb

t. my dad works at konami he told me lol

GX fucking sucks don't watch it.
Skip to 5D. That show is cool as fuck.

that's what i dm'ed your mom on tinder and asked her to buy me 3+1 ur pack