League of Legends General - /lolg/

Contemplating uninstall edition


xth for my wife Syndra

I want to spit in Lamb's rear, so her donut is well lubed for what is to cum!


Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.

nice to see that tanks are still balanced...

Fucking furries is heresy.


if akaadian had his old soloQ spirit he would've smacked these idiots, trash like meteos doesn't deserve to win and only gets carried

xth for season 3


Glad for Aphromoo but holy fuck did that game feel like a chore to watch

threadly reminder that shurimans are mongrels and taliyah is disgusting

Previous: Eyosongive.us

How is this hard to do?

xth for incredibly long pro games

Just played a game as her, holy FUCK I've never seen such a slut! Her tits are literally close to bouncing out of their confinements and she keeps moaning "Sex sells!"...

how can lulu be so bestest

How do I make it to Silver playing only Riven?

>watch my first ever league pro stream
>this shit lasted 1 hour for 1 game
>most boring thing ever
Wew I can not believe over 100k people are sitting here watching this snorefest every week.



xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

just bee urself

xth for eating ass

>play ADC
>almost never lose the lane but feel like I'm useless until a certain part of the game and the rest of the team has already lost us the game by that point
>don't play ADC
>bot lane loses too hard and costs us the game

I'm not sure what to do here. Should I just get a decent ADC to play duo with me and play mid/jg instead?

I hope ivern gets picked like he was in eu!

Look up BoxBox the Trap.

>hiding behind memes

my pug is the most loyal and perfect pet in the world
>perfect size
>little maintenance
>high IQ, able to communicate perfectly with owner when it wants food or poopies
>loves hugs
i ran out of things but he's a good boy

pic not related just a random dog

>Poke champs deal more damage

I really wanna skarner support

>2 tanks with mogs vs 1 tank with mogs

t. non-white

I agree, she's gonna make some Void monster VERY happy some day.

>poke champion deals high amount of damage

By learning the most basic mechanics of the champion.

>Poke champ with a BotRK against 3 tanks deals more damage
How's silver?

*is fucking ugly and dies*

>enemy ornn survives teamfight
>chase him ,run around him and keep stunning him
>ping fizz whos on the left mid brush
>2 minutes of me stunning ornn go by
>enemy team comes and kills me
>fizz :"wth,fucking facebook"
>fizz :"why is leona feeding? report"
>me :"couldnt you fucking see ornn and last hit him?"
>*no responce*

Ezreal is a poke champion, and there are three tanks on the side of 100T

Are we still talking about pets? I have a dog. She's really friendly.

Yeah, it's pretty fucking bad. So many brainless Sejuani one tricks with inflated elo on the ladder, it's sad.

I keep getting the art confused. Is there any rule of thumb, catchy phrase, or occult anagram as to remember which eye is witch eye is which?

they're facts
look up pug health problems and you'll see them

When do the GOOD teams play?

Bronzelets exposed. Thank me later /lolg/

>aphro has to shotcall EVERYTHING
LCS is pointless when one capuccino can wheel the whole game.

wtf i hate donuts now

Half-time is slut time. Post 'em.

"hurr ur all bronze"
"im just baiting xd"
unironically neck yourself

What's the largest VOID Sarah has had in her butt?

Does she ever howl?

It's just a puckered rear end, user, nothing to worry about!

That's a weird looking dog...

morning because they are korean

I've been myself for ages and I've been Bronze since Season 2 with over 6000 ranked games played since then. I really want to make Silver this year


*lean into mic*
He hasn't died yet at a strong 13 years

how would her ass feel when you slam your hips against them?


Daily reminder it's "hasagi" not "hasaki"

remember to CLIMB lolg!

100T is winning it all

oh i thought you were intentionally trying to rank down

I'd like pugs if they weren't bread to be ugly and have health issues.

Black man is running the team.

these poor things live a life of suffering its an extremely sad existence for these creatures

>letting yourself slowly get choked out because you refuse to take a team fight

Does their kda matter more than a win or something? Someone please explain to me why it's better to avoid a team fight until your nexus towers are gone and they can just kill your base instead of fighting you?

can you do this in league?

Post your op.gg

When you take away a fighter's lane dominance and give it to tanks then yeah no shit. Or give so much protection to carries that negates the use of assassins.

>Cinematic ekko whiffs stun and falls down
>Twitch chat spams jensen
Im fucking dying lads

>cgi shows yasuo with insane mobility
>blitz is actually fat
>MF reaching for her gun while being underwater which wouldnt operate anyway because pirates have blackpowder in their guns
>riot showing the actual painful death of MF drowning and being dragged down by tentacles
>lucian dash has no mobility
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why is riot lying about everything?

just like us then huh

Mostly on nights when I won't let her sleep on the bed.

I thought so too at first but I looked between her legs and she has the same parts as a dog so it's all good.

Well, first off it would make really slimy wet lewd noises! She'd be really embarrassed, because she likes it when things are quiet and calm, but she can't help herself!

dota has 2 yasuo?

Spellsteal support champion in LoL never ever.

And even if a champion got spellsteal it'd be a mid because support mains aren't allowed to have fun.

Hell no.

i love this man

Post yours first bronzelet, might not need to since everyone knows you're bronze anyway. LMAO

*dies again, slobbering and drooling all over your favorite stuff*

Dota had The Gambler which was basicaly the same shit as yasuo. Busted to hell

hai is /ourguy/ if youre not rooting for GG you need to kys

I would say they would've been fine if Morgana grabbed a damn Hourglass to flash ult to give Rengar the opprotunity to actually do something. Or if they didnt pick Rengar in general.

Why is Rengar still being picked?

>tfw no qt petite gf

Tired of league for now someone reccomend me a good movie to watch

Why are there so many pics of your dog online?

>add a dude who sent a request a few days ago after a decent game
>check his match history since he's online

Jesus fuck.


He has embraced shitposting on a new level this year. I love it

He's shit.


his dog is a fucking bitch, that's why

does winning a game at 99 LP help out your MMR?

>he watches e""sports"""

>I finally feel home
How much of a backstabbing motherfucker can you be?

How fertile is Lulu?
Is she proper forced breeding material?

>Black man
Fucking racist

The Hunt for Red October is my favorite

That's pretty much exactly the response I expected silver shitter.

open ur eyes lira

>Got over 30 honors within the last week
>Still stuck at "Dishonorable"

This is stupid

>he watches """"""sports""""""
ball in your court

Why won't you let her sleep on the bed?? Isn't she cuddly?

Shyvana likes warm things! However, she moans really loudly when you shove icecubes onto her!

user, she's a yordle. They don't need to be forced to do anything!