/tesog/ The Elder Scrolls General

>Dead Thread Edition

>Official news

>Latest ESO Live: going live in two hours as of OP (jan 19. 18:00 EST - 23:00 GMT)

>Latest patch notes:

>PTS is live with next update, coming with transmog and housing storage
>Online lore, map and general info

>UI addons for PC
>/tesog/ Guilds
[PC NA] mail (not whisper) @Foskl for invite
[PC EU] mail (not whisper) @Hatebr33d3r for invite
[PS4 NA] message PSN: kibukj for invite
[PS4 EU] message PSN: RumpRustler for invite
[XB1 NA] message GT: Arick556x45 for invite
Alternatively, write your @username, platform and location in the thread


Very alive thread


The trailer for Morrowind came out at the end of January last year. Do you think we'll get a similar trailer for the next chapter?

You know what waxes my Wamasu?
That the Aldmeri Dominion have done zero effort to incorporate Wood Orcs into their faction.

The Loremaster himself calls you and asks you /tesog/ user to decide the next weapons that will be available with Summerset Isle DLC, your only stipulation is it has to be a Stamina, Magicka and one Hybrid DPS weapon. What do you decide?
>Spear for Stamina
>1h/Rune for Magicka
>Bound Weapons for Hybrid.

something to finally knock maelstrom weapons of their high horse

Probably. We already know it will be Summerset. I bet it will be on that island with the Psijic monks that pops up every now and again.

And Morrowind was announced 31th Jan.





im wearing:
a 5 piece heavy set that only comes in heavy. chest, arms, legs, waist, boots
3 piece jewelry set
sword+shield set

this leaves my monster helm set. which of the two do i make medium and light and why?


Doesn't matter as Helm/Shoulder have the same armor values so either one being Medium/Light amounts to the same total armor.

what did you just seh to me

i see. been holding off on golding crap because of indecision

I beat vet Hel Ra but didn't get the title for it. Do I have to do it again or something?

Maybe when those Malacath dick riders actually contribute to something more than 'Muh strength, but pls help when we actually need rational thought'

They can start by sucking my barbed dick.

It's most probably gonna be Alinor (the island next to Auridon), Artaeum is much smaller and is fucking about in some other realm much like Clockwork City.

Too busy playing the game... r-right guys?

we're in a trial right now

>Burgers bring that one fucking faggot to poison the general with his autism
>But they can't even keep the general alive despite there being shitton more burgers than yuropoors

Nobody is a winner.

we out here actually playing the fucking game
just filter him like everyone else sane has

Why are you doing trials so late you fucks

not in the guild, who are you talking about?

>trying to do pledge
>only queue for vet since that's all that matters
>no pop at 30+ minutes
>queue for normal and vet
>queue pop instantly
I would never grind out undaunted rep if it didn't have its uses

What is the best DLC and why is it Orsinium

>not IC
ok lad

>Dead Zone
>Healer set that's been required for like 3 years now and leaves no room for other options
PvPvE is good shit but IC is bad.

it's a shame its mostly dead, it has its moments but it would've been so much more had zos done something with the content

More Tel'var related events would've been nice or at least something consistent to draw players into the zones.

The only reason It's dead is because there's no real reason to go there other than to actually play the DLC, if they implemented some sort of mechanic that made emperors actually go into the city and "earn" their emperorship the place would be so much more filled with activity, but of course ZOS can't since they would have to give everyone access to IC in order for that to work or be fair.

So give the people who paid for imperial city before a certain time crown crates.


It would also help if the drops weren't complete shit

>some guy wanted help with an IC boss
>ran all the way down there, dropping what I was doing because he asked nicely
>different instance
>he's a cp160 playing in CP enabled IC
This is how streamers always get to fight potatoes.

>sorc tank
>uses negate for pve

this is me and i am ready to have sex

companions (for solo questing only) when?

im going to be dnow. this thread better be here when i wake up

You have to kill every boss

>/tesog/ The Elder Scrolls General
>The Elder Scrolls General
>the entire OP
OP, what in the fuck? we need a thread but jesus christ, dude.


>full customization for outfits
>still no customization on weapons
I wanna get rid of that ugly red tint on rubedite weapons

Next month, bruh. It's coming.

look, i don't know if anyone else even cares, but, if so, you're invited to join me in a different, less-wonky thread: see

What enb would you guys recommend to someone who has an i7 3.0 GHz higher end laptop?

>Farmed SPC+worm ages ago for my healer
>Decided to farm sanctuary too just in case
>SPC+Sanctuary and worm+sanctuary is a pain because i need both infused and divines pieces
Why do healers need both divines and infused pieces? In veteran dungeon I very rarely consume more than 50% of the magicka. Is the 200/300 magicka bonus so important?

you're probably looking for we're not supposed to be listed as The Elder Scrolls General.

nothing brings in more players than new sets. They should make 3 current IC sets cyrodiil sets (powerful assault, meritous and black rose probably wouldn't upset anyone) and add in some new shit for each armor type alongside a tel var event

i know i'm being obnoxious and autistic and i'm sorry. but the replacement thread has:
>OP that isn't gutted for no reason
>correct subject line
>followup with settings image
>picture of our great loremaster
>some bullshit about the outfit system i wasn't clear on so went and checked for myself (and (You)!)
>link to this thread
>link to previous thread, which this thread should have had
>my personal bumping protection until i have to sleep in a few hours

please stop replying here and let this one die. it WANTS to die.

I sure do like posting in this topic and posting in this topic culture.


Thank you for not bumping.

Posting in best bread