/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: Da Vinci and the Seven Fake Heroic Spirit: Lite version
19-20 Jan: Da Vinci
21-22 Jan: Jeanne Alter/Da Vinci
23-24 Jan: Jeanne Alter
Shinjuku costume will be made available

Kintoki animation update confirmed.

Setsubun event late January, no new servants, cannot use supports and cannot use servants repeatedly.

Survey, if you complete it you get 3 tickets: news.fate-go.jp/2018/questionnaire_3rd/

January 2018 Monthly Mats
>Octuplet Twin Crystals
>Unlucky Bone
>Yggdrasil Seed

>Part 2 prologue


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: November 29)
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Servant/CE list and datamine

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is Gil such a weeb

>Constantly out of feathers and bones
Kill me

Nobu a CUTE.

FGO is unsalvageable trash. Type-Moon is dead for good. Enjoy Tsukihime and Notes being "revived" in part 2 of a mobage!

This is my loliwife, Abigail Williams

the cutest


Ehh... bros?

Poat supports.

Also fuck feathers and chains. And fuck QP.

Almost done with mona lisa.

I will thanks

Face facts, people.
DelightJews will NEVER nerf Merlin.
DelightJews will NEVER fix Quick.
DelightJews will not rebalance the game unless we can convince every NEET whale to demand the following changes:

1) all Berzerkers should have BBBAA decks and Buster type damage dealing NP's because they're meant to just be FUCKING DAMAGE BEATSTICKS and nothing else.
2) all Assassins should have AAABB decks and Arts type NP's.
3) all Casters and Rulers should have Arts type support NP's because that's ABSOLUTELY ALL THEY'RE MOTHERFUCKING GOOD FOR.
4) All Quick cards should be eliminated permanently since they're weak garbage. Replace them with Arts cards and triple their star gen to compensate.
5) the Overcharge system should be removed because it's fucking retarded to make all NP effects except damage count on going over 100% WHEN NOBODY WAITS FOR THE BAR TO FILL TO 200 MUCH LESS 300%.
6) any Servants who don't fit their classes should be re-classified (ex. Shittingale should be Ruler instead of A MOTHERFUCKING SUPPORT BERZERKER WHICH DOESN'T MAKE A MOTHERFUCKING LICK OF SENSE)
7) we should get two Assist slots below the Mystic Code skills, so we can slot Casters/Rulers/Mash skills and NP in any combination and not have to put them on the field, where their weak, useless attacks mess up your damage dealers' efficiancy.
8) one grail should take any Servant's max level to level 100 immediately. No more of this "increasing amount" bullshit.
9) you should be able to directly buy the servant you want for 50 quartz because you ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NEED 5* servants to advance in the game.
10) drop rates should be tripled so you can get all the materials you need to max out EVERY MOTHERFUCKING SERVANT YOU HAVE because you need maxed out skills to advance as well.

Reminder to get your money's worth for any SSRs you whaled for

Lol, same!!

I wish the best girl had more art.

Tawawa-chan when?



Why are you even still here? Quit the TM franchise if you hate it so much

Saber buffs when ?


Christ this game is shit.

should I farm 15 AP Fuyuki if I don't want to kill myself over bones

¡Buenos dias, Kiara!

What's the appeal of inflicting the ryona tag on cute girls? Even if there is some appeal in punching girls, wouldn't it be better to punch girls who aren't cute to start with?

Now THIS is a sexy Abbigail I can fap to

you'll still only get like 5 per AP bar but yeah

Anti-newsfags are seething

You will want to kill yourself, I know I did, but it is more manageable

>TM franchise
This is the kind of worthless brainlet that enjoys this garbage game.

should I farm 15 AP Fuyuki if I don't want to kill myself over bones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Why wouldn't I be?

Because there's always a chance. It's only been total shit for 2 years. Surely they'll make a comeback to actually good products at some point, I hope and I pray.

>got 200 more bones from lottery
>leveling some servants
>only 15 bones left

QP hell is worse

Is that Fergus disguised as dumb male master?

>Half a billion QP
>900 exp
>300+ on all gems
Now what?

Is the game dead until setsubun event? I think I'll play league of legends, I have to reboot into RemixOS if I want to open FGO, doesn't seem worth it

>QP hell
>not having 10/10/10 supports by now

Just play on Nox

Waiting for Tamamo Gun to replace the Jobber finally.

Level your silver and bronze servants, check out which skills in your roaster are worth leveling instead of mindlessly going for 10/10/10. For example Lalter's first 2 skills, the mana burst and crit one, are worth taking to 10, while her charisma E is better being ignored. Most Servants have skills worth maxing.

so this is why fgog is so shit lately

How would you feel about Roa showing up in part 2?

How Kiara will actually react if you at first slap and grope her, and then go to hump her cute big bubble butt, and then go full anal fucking her ass?


Choose a pet /fgog/.

fuck off

I'd be excited for any character that appears in Tsukihime and related works. Might even grail him since I main him in Melty Blood.

Bottom right


The Seibahs and Gudako

I don't know why but every time I see Beryl I want to believe he is Roa reincarnated

Would be shit. Wouldn't appeal to GO newfags, and would make me sad to see more stuff being streamlined into Fate shit.

As usual though, it'd be fine if it's just a cameo and if the Remake is actually coming out within a year or two, since it works as an advertisement. Turning everything into mobage is the real cancer.

Obviously jeanne d'arc alter santa lily

She's a beast who's intentionally limiting her world ending power so she can coherce and corrupt you into sex. You're just a game for her until she can fuck you, she's getting off on the neglect play of not doing it for once.

If you actually fuck her, she'd get bored and become a beast again because you turned out to be a non-challenge, and destroy the world. I mean she'd enjoy fucking you that one time and having fun with it, rocking your world, but after she's done its over, she won. She'll go back to her old ways instantly since she managed to accomplish her goals and prove she could corrupt anyone. Fucking her is a dumb thing to do.

>Blocks your path.



I'd rather get any other DAA honestly. Roa is pretty shit.


Always Tamamo.

Gudako because animals shit all over the place.

What if keep teasing her and never delivering?

I don't support shit user. I'm just realistic.


You again

>Shiki Ryougi doesn't appeal to FGO newfags so she'll never get in the game
>Meltlilith won't appear to FGO newfags so she'll never get in the game
>Ilya won't appeal to FGO newfags since she appeared in some old thing they're unfamilar with so she'll never get in
Retard logic, the kara no Kyoukai even still happened, and Ryougi appeared in something a lot longer ago than Roa. Roa has appeared in materials in the last three years, they all know who he is. People liked Ryougi when she came into the game, they weren't turning over chairs "This doesn't appeal to me!". People like whatever new servants appear in the game, and them appearing in the game usually causes new fans to learn about older stories. FGO is causing kids to learn about history ironically.

Who else here can't take Saber Alter seriously anymore? The internet ruined her for me. She used to be a symbol of how fucked up Heaven's Feel was, making Artoria an ultra-powerful corpse overwhelmed by regrets. But the doujins, Fate GO "funny moments", and even Carnival Phantasm, they all contributed to flanderizing her into some "Dark Tsundere". Just like Jeanne Alter. Jeanne Alter was supposed to be even more brutal, being the counterpart of the Holy Maiden, but Reddit made her their waifu and... FUCKING SHINJUKU RUINED BOTH OF THEM REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

So yeah I don't know how I'll manage it. When Alter showed up at the end of Heaven's Feel and everyone else at the theater was freaking out I was just like "Oh"

How will discussions occur after NA is done with part 1 and people who hide behind "it's AMAZING after America!" can't just claim that summaries are insufficient to judge the story/characters?
I know that they'll move to "it's AMAZING in part 2!!!", but at the very least people won't be as easily fooled by mindless hype, right?

>Challenge fight
>Have to fight all 666 creatures
>Last 10 are all divine
>Final one is himself with 6,666,666 HP

Will we see the wrath of CHAOS DEER?

>Fucking her is a dumb thing to do.
the world is shit anyways

I never claimed he wouldn't be in the game, you fucking retard. I said he wouldn't appeal to newfags, which even Ryougi doesn't, she's not massively popular as a Servant but only within the dedicated TM fanbase who know and enjoy Kara no Kyoukai.
I even said it would totally work as an ad, but even that's totally meaningless if the Remake isn't coming out and everything is just mobage shit forever, Roa's role would be limited to a drama CD and a Fate game as far modern TM is concerned.


what's with every post above mine being a shitpost

So yeah Siegfried probably likes some meme type of Power Metal and I'm like 90% sure Tristan writes for Sonata Arctica

Keep crying, cuck. After I'm done she'd beg me to keep fucking her.

Caster Raikou soon

Camelot 'discussion' will be about muh refugees.

Not like NAfags actually care about the story

>Running out of everything again
>It's doubtful that the next even will hand out any mat
Send help

This shit is why I loved TypeMoon at the very beginning. Even stay night always had an occultist vibe to it. TypeMoon as a whole can be compared to Shin Megami Tensei, it originally was a niche franchise full of the occult that scared normalfags by being extremely hard to play and gruesome with its themes.

Now SMT became the lesser franchise and Atlus decided to branch off into the "Persona" series, made to appeal to normalfags with more anime characters and wakey wakey xd stories. I fear TypeMoon did the same, forgetting about all their other franchises and gradually softening the Fateverse into some sort of Final Fantasy shit with "DON'T UNDERESTIMATE HUMANS WE THE STRONGEST WITH FRIENDSHIP!" when that would be seen as idiotic in FSN and Zero.

I'm pretty she has done everything in the book since she such a turbo slut
(You)'ll just be another checkmark in the end

Honestly wank is fine in servants like Ozzy who is fucking Ramses and Scat who is Cu's teacher and logically better than him at stuff. But the stuff with Dantes and Nero is just retarded. One was a sightly super human guy who escaped some prison and the other was just some meme bad emperor who got too famous because the most influential roman historical source was a christfag

NAfag would defend shit on a plate as Amazing if it was shat by Aniplex.

Stopped reading there


I forgot to add Hollow Ataraxia in there. Yeah that's what started it, it was a joke game but now she's never portrayed 100% serious. I think Medusa looks scarier to me.

Scat's a footnote in Celtic myth.

>In the same position



Good taste, dude.

>fine in servants like [...] Scat
Opinion invalidated

Nice taste.

Modern Fate (especially FGO) is Persona but if Persona didn't at least try to improve, got lazy, and became a mobage from 5 onwards.
Funnily enough SMT is getting a mobage, but unlike Type-Moon they're not wasting any of their actual talent on that shit

She was never evil to begin with. Even when she was forced to obey Sakura she was still giving advice to Shirou and was happy to be defeated by him in SLH.

I can't believe I ran out of Claws.

Yeah, not like Chiron's more famous. Uh huh.

She is the footnote who trained their best guy it's okay for her to be better than him even if they add some stuff
Are you the mad Fionnfag or a brynfag?