Repostan One of the buttons on my stick has become mushy and it occasionally registers multiple inputs when I press it, does anyone know how to fix this? I suppose I just have to open it up and clean it, hopefully I don't have to replace it
Jayden Hill
Reminder Undine is a slut and is a bad influence on Dizzy.
Austin Robinson
I think before you do anything else, you should open it up and clean it.
Isaiah Green
Thomas Williams
GGs. You should talk to Bob about Sol v Baiken. He knows exactly what to do to stop her. I don't think I've been able to take a game off him yet.
Adrian Gray
Best wife
Michael Morris
I managed to get the same screenshot.
Angel Fisher
Austin Thomas
Thanks, I'll see if I can get a hold of him. I know he's been here often enough to run into him easily. It was a really screenshot worthy night.
Christian Davis
Who are you rooting for during top 8 at FF /ggg/?
Liam Perry
Is Doren2K still in it? If so, him. I'd love to see Teresa make it to Grand Finals and lose a Jam Mirror just for the twitter salt alone.
Owen Phillips
Missed most of it and don't know who's in the top 8, sadly.
Camden Hall
bjornsonofbear because I like his name and the venom rep got barely bopped out
Teresa didn't even make top8, knocked out by gcyoshi if I'm remembering right
Chase Kelly
that caption seems more fitting for a tyrant rave desu
Anthony Martin
danke I'd like to see Foo or Deb take it.
Mason Richardson
heres the schedule for those looking for it and the times are in cst so est -1 hour
Nicholas Diaz
Ah, I thought that was Sway that got eliminated by gcyoshi's Bedman.
Eli Watson
deb in guilty gear betadood in BB, but i'm fine with either winning since i main jin and i used to main ragna
Camden Lewis
How many female characters are left in top 8? I think Doren2k plays Jam right
Alexander Wood
Yeah, hopefully it's just dirty, I got these Sanwa buttons half a year ago, it would be kinda weird if one of them died so soon Goddammit, I really wanted to play some more
Nathaniel Long
Wish granted HAIL2U!
Eli Green
acceptable lmao
Carson Parker
Sorry to hear that man, best of luck. You were serious about having a framed picture of Millia on your desk. Gotta give you mad respect for that.
Samuel Phillips
I hope Teresa was able to take some pointers from Doren2k at frosty
Easton Gray
Top 8 starting soon fellas twitch dot tv/bgcallisto
James Morgan
>tfw the lobby closes while you're in in the middle of a match
Is there anything more rage-inducing? I'd just found a decent opponent too...
Ian Lopez
play a less dead game then
Juan Cooper
But those games suck.
Levi Evans
>IRL friend closes his lobbies as soon as he feels done playing and finishes a match
I honestly feel bad for people in the lobby in game, shit is scummy
Isaac Wright
why can't people just learn how to use the announce close button
If you spent half the time in training mode that he does on twitter he might not lose to american players for free. And in mirror matches of all things
Austin Phillips
classic teresa
Easton Young
>working on drawing while waiting for the top 8 to start Anyone else getting comfy.
Ryder Ward
I missed out on that. On what stream was it on?
James Allen
joined a lobby while waiting hoping I can win the mirror unlike teresa
Blake Moore
bgcallisto. If you go to the frosty fausting day 2 video on twitch it starts at 7:22:00. Doren2k vs Teresa
Parker Peterson
Thanks user.
Liam Bennett
Anybody here build their own stick? Been looking to get one and was wondering how worth it building is.
Colton Nelson
I own a couple, but I'd say only really commit to that if you enjoy tinkering with electronics. You need a steady hand and a bit of experience to solder the boards. If it's something you'd do more than once, go for it.
Jack Watson
These songs making me realize how much I like this series music. So many great songs.
Cooper Smith
I did not win the mirror had fun though
John Wilson
>had fun though Then you're still a step ahead of Teresa. Congrats.
Zachary Perry
gg finals are actually starting btw
Matthew Fisher
Based fucking Doren's gonna bring in the age of Jam.
Elijah Mitchell
Is training with 4F delay like training in Vegeta's gravity chamber?
Jacob Murphy
>not whit 60 f delay
Daniel Barnes
That Bedman had so much talent.
Hudson Nelson
whats chipp's worst matchup?
Nathan Phillips
Carter Clark
how is elphelt balanced
Jace King
the left and right boob weigh the same
Juan Howard
No defense.
Owen Cooper
looking forward to the incoming nerfs
Aaron Watson
Well, I drowned in Pools today at Frosty Faustings, but I went 3-2, which is a big morale booster. I see some places in which I can improve, but I'm glad I didn't go 0-2! Remember to keep playing and practicing!
Jose Baker
Not like this.
Parker Brooks
Why is teleport a yrc and not a prc?
Bentley Barnes
gj man hope you had fun, wish I coulda gone but an 8hr drive is just too much for me.
Jason Moore
>keep playing and practicing! What good would that do?
Dominic Nguyen
don't recognize any names in the pools cool you got to go though and get some matches in! I wish I had a local to go to ;-;. just gotta get back up after falling and try again to git gud
David Williams
i want to see johnny mains btfo
Colton Stewart
win or lose the nerf bat commeth
Jordan Morris
Johnny mains- forced to memorize thousand of scenario and character specific combos while performing endless mist cancel and technical inputs
Jam mains- forced to remember which button gets which card and that holding back allows their character to block.
Connor Lewis
Me too, me too
Jeremiah Powell
Once peppery did that combo it was over. No one gets into the zone like that and loses.
Leo Murphy
was that good enough for you now johnny just gets the nerf paddle instead of the nerf bat
Justin King
>Black man can show off a Daki case without it being weird
How does it work
Leo Ward
Not really, because it took a Chipp to take out a Johnny.
Jacob Perry
Is it safe to assume all our regulars who didn't show up were instead at Frosty's?
Caleb Reed
Jace Green
Cooper Robinson
Faust is cute!!
Lincoln Reed
10 How are you today, /ggg/? What were your favourite matches at Frosty Faustings? Personally I enjoyed watching Zidane, GCYoshi and Deb
Ethan Lopez
I missed my bus so now I'm left here standing in the cold. Can't even play today because I've got so much work to do. In conclusion: not great but could be much worse. I didn't watch Faustings but I probably will, at least top 8, even though no Venoms apparently made it there.
Nathaniel Smith
>thousand of scenario
Yeah it's so fucking hard converting off of his buttons with mf2, amirite?
>tecnical inputs >implying
Cry me a river, nerd, Peppery got carried by his char, he was a nobody when he played Slayer.
Samuel Gray
IAD back to page 1
Hudson Moore
Just learned millia oki combos AMA
Wyatt Smith
Do you like stockings?
Evan Lopez
Faulty microswitch, cleaning it up didn't work, fuck this shit Not a big deal though, I just switched it with one of the buttons I had laying around
Elijah Martin
I use the bare legs one
Eli Smith
Acceptable. Both options are good but there's something about those stockings.
Gabriel Mitchell
Noah Miller
>giving a toddler high heel shoes
Julian Perry
Anyone here going to get the Guilty Gear Begins light novel?
Isaiah Collins
If you play Ram you need to literally neck yourself. The only character that genuinely needs to be removed from the game, almost as badly designed as Arakune.
Jacob Miller
Carson Wood
B-but brown
Liam Stewart
at least i got guilty gear
Samuel Scott
Alexander Rodriguez
anyone wc wanna do some sets?
David Lewis
Did you get bodied by a Ram? She kinda sucks, you know.
Austin Ward
Yes. My moonrunes aren't amazing but that didn't stop me from getting the physical drama CDs. I would kill to have bits of it as Afterstory D