/fhg/ - For Honor General

Ettu Skit
Ate Shit: >Season 4 Hero Trailers:

>Season 4 Info

>For Honor v1.18 Patch Notes

>New players:
>If you plan on using a controller, it is highly recommended you go into your settings and shrink the dead zone

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character values

>Gear modifier values

>Gear Stat Help

>Gear appearances

>Max Punish Guide

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

Other urls found in this thread:



All you OBLIGATED XD memers are finished



>some of you anons are alright....
>don’t go to season 5 premiere February 15th

fuck you jap swamp whore

*combo slice*

What wrestling move do you think warlord is getting this time on thursday?

t. poked

>tfw you dream of shaman
I need to take a break from this game.

Not end of off season Grandpa. Wait another week


The dude on the right has to be a monk

She's so cute

>nearly a year after release and warden still doesn't have the option for a full breastplate
for shame




Maybe you’re int he wrong general my friend

I was trying to civilise her like Jane to Tarzan.

Shhh just let him keep going




Converting her from shitty Norse gifs to superior Roman gods sounds cute

you gay, son?

>Majin = trash

im gettin zappy



>Reddit still crying that warlord needs buffs

What the fuck.

He’s lowtier. 600ms dodge recovery man

>dodging as warlord


friendly reminder that reddit won't stop complaining until the character is either godtier or shit

t. disgruntled warden main

be sarcasm, please

Nah bro. He’s got no range and his feats suck. He really needs a damage buff, check this post out too

>such a crappy hero

Yeah he's so underpowered that he can only 4v1 for 60 fucking minutes instead of a week

>shinobi with red connection

Jesus fuck why

>literally any samurai with red connection

I wish all assassin niggers would die. Not just in the game but in real life too.

>be assassin
>be vanguard
untouchable assassin best assassin

*attacks you from all directions at 500ms with no tells*
what's the problem bro?
*outpaces you even while out of stamina*
can't you handle a little speed??
*does horrendous damage to you*
you bad or something???

Fuck, with this, now I don't know if I should go Cent or Highlander again, god dammit

>join game in progress in dom
>enemy team holds all three points
>turn it round in minutes and dominate them
>get disconnected

How would you guys feel if rework were so different that they feel like different hero all together so instead when selecting the reworked hero you will get two options.
To pick original moveset or to pick reworked.
The only thing that heroes would share would be names and gear, but reworked heroes will have different stances than default one so that people can tell which one they are fighting.
This would mean that they get to release new heroes while also working on old and US BROZERKERS, OLD GODS people could still play around with older moveset if they like.

Or am I dreaming too much and it won't be nothing substantial with only 2 moves added in.

>playing on Temple Garden (I think that's what it's called?)
>Running to Point C as HL
>Enemy Cent, Nobu and Shin are already there
>Cent spends his time trying to push me to the water while Shin takes cheap shots, Nobu is doing her best to make me bleed
>Guard break the Cent, throw him into the Shinobi and they both fall into the water

Goddamn did that feel good,

>friendly orochi interrupts you when you’re about to kill an enemy and gets the enemy revenge
Every match

Sometimes a little mistake can find its way out although what cuts deeper than anything is when your teammate is outright retarded and keeps swinging.

>About fuck some shamans day as Cent
>Friendly zerk zones me out
>Ow ow ow AAAAH
>Try to unblockable
>Zerk goes into chain mode directly behind me
>Shaman hops away

That’s what this orochi did, he kept swinging into the enemy’s guard

In that roach's defense, the only form of stimulus his brain gets is click lmb twice. For all we know he might have been truly happy in that moment.

if they rework the char they aren't going to keep the old character lol

it could just be a small rework or it could be a massive rework, but if a character is recieving a rework i doubt they'll be available in that state anymore

>oh shit, a pvai tribute game! finally!
>it's a bot lifesupport lobby
>oh, well this'll be rough, AI is fucking retarded in here and actively seeks to prevent the player from scoring over all else (even friendly bots)
>it goes as badly as expected, no one joins
>and then this happens
>shugo bot flag-carrier gets hard body-blocked by the afk lifesupport faggot
I think I'm done with lifesupport tribute lobbies.


>icon that means i have a new chestpiece on nobushi pops up
>check chest pieces
>no new chestpiece
>icon won't go away
>play until i get a new chestpiece
>go into inventory and view it, scrap because it's shit
>icon still there
This is the most triggering thing in the fucking world I would even make Ubi buff Shaman to make this shit go away

I honestly think Warlord is the best hero Ubi has ever made.

Check your options senpai

Daily reminder that nobushi needs a buff to hidden stance, either the ability to dodge from hidden stance and maintain it without having it cost stamina twice, or the ability to regen stamina after a short period of time while HS is active.

As long as her zone gets reduced to 20 damage I'm okay with that.

It's reduced to 0 damage for me at least, until they fix the fucking input for zone attacks.

She needs to be able to dictate space better. She's supposed to be a sort of keepaway, defensive character but she can't do viper's retreat unless she blocks something. And if you can block something you might as well parry it. I could go on but she needs a big restructuring and rebalancing of her moveset, frame data, et al.

A big problem of why zoners can't work in this game like in fighting games is that you can block while advancing. In regular fighting games, you hold back to block, or you have to hold a button which stops you form moving to block, so you can't gain on someone backing up. In this game you can advance, parry, attack, all while moving forward. I don't think you can do a zoner in this game like you can with other games.

You can vipers retreat at any point, not just after block, albeit it's easy to parry. Since thread is asleep, I should post my very crude, poorly made naginata/polearms. First one: 9' 3" overall length, 7' shaft, 2' blade with a 9" affixed tang(part of blade that inserts into shaft).

>You can vipers retreat at any point, not just after block, albeit it's easy to parry.
I'm not sure I got the name right because I don't think we're talking about the same thing. I meant the backwards hop she can do upon blocking an attack.

Viper's retreat is bleed light that she kicks her back leg out on. I forget name of that move, but it's absolutely worthless against anyone with a forward dash, as you just take a dash light/heavy to the face if you do the back dodge move, especially against shaman/aramusha. I agree, that backdash is subpar.

Every fucking time me and my opponent GB at the same time I get guard broken and can't even tech it. What the actual fuck.
I thought it was lag at first but if I can't tech it it means I got hit in the middle of an action. But that action is a GB so we should just bounce off each other, I don't understand.

yeah this game is bad

Done /fhg/ watch Boxing or MMA?

only clickbait highlight reels on youtube when i really should be doing other things

Close up of blade and tang

>tfw can’t forge my own gladius because knives (especially big ones) are illegal in UK
Captcha: of england

Dragon Ball artstyle is so fucking revolting, glad I didn't watch this piece of shit as a kid.

Guys...I need help. I want to try Shaman...I have zero playtime on her. Is she for for those who have played her?

just fucking play her you retard

Welp I got banned from Plebbit's For Honor sub. This is why I hate Plebbit, you can't call autistic people niggers and get away with it.

The fuck did you think would happen?

I refuse to believe anyone is actually this retarded, don't lie to us.

>Can't function outside of Veeky Forums because he has no filter
Oh boy

>high fort dominion
>lv 8 Warden on my team
>he can’t even 1v1 people so he’s running around trying to gank
>interrupts me several times with heavies through my back and causes us both to die
>our team is breaking
>I’m boosting the tower because we’re close to making the enemy break
>it’s just me and the warden
>he runs to the tower at low health from mid followed by two enemies
>I throw a sword from the tower at the closest one so the warden can get up the ladder
>he climbs half up the ladder then stops
>enemy aren’t retarded so their shinobi attacks him
>he leaves the match as he dies and isn’t on the scoreboard anymore
>before he leaves notice he’s got 1 takedown and 13 deaths
>he’s not in recent players and I do t remember his exact name so I can’t message him to tell him to stop playing
This truly is the worst case of me ooga team booga
If you’re here, warden, turn in your game to gamestop or cex

Just get a bike wheel instead. 2nd one is more similar to valkyrie's spear. None of these are forged, by the way, just made from scrap metal. 5' shaft, 7" blade, 5" tang.

Probably illegal user.


What are your most satisfying moments in this game for your favorite heroes? Mine are:

Range attacking some retard who thinks he can ladder camp or someone trying to escape up a ladder. Then watching them fall to their death.

Sickle Raining someone & backflipping away the moment their teammate activates a hazard such as a bridge and they end up killing their teammate.

Using your debuff skill and fucking erase someone's HP from existence with your unblockable.

Death balling someone into a crowd of minions that finish them off. Alternatively off a ledge.

rang gb someone from the ledge on A on that jap map they added the 2nd season

Throwing people off ledges after they bait me towards them

Faking people out with the kick into the caber toss, or getting the dodges perfectly timed for an attack in offense form

>Finishing a Dom match with HL at 11-4 after going negative for four matches

Well, might as well and the night on a high

>both teams breaking
>me as LB and two BROS defending our last point against 2 kenseis and 2 pk
>massive lag as I try to parry both PKs
Boy I love trash plays

>trying to parry PKs while being ganked
>not blocking to build revenge
>not activating revenge to knock them down
>not spamming your bombs

I didn’t mean to say parry, meant block
Also I used my bombs when they made their previous push before they were breaking

I thought we stopped crying and quitting after being ledged months ago

that's obviously a man child reaction, but dying to environmentals almost always feels cheap

>all that salty bitching
>Perfect: +10 Renown
>last hero standing
I hope you won that rout.

Killing someone with LB's swift justice finisher. Something about slapping them upside the head with your shaft and watching them stumble for a second and fall over dead from it is immensely satisfying.
Especially if you land the full swift justice combo on something squishy. With gear you usually will 100 to 0 them.

>sagimiya blade or some orange hue nodachi
>use Unblockable
>imbue your sword with bitchin' flame aura
>slay your enemies as a samurai paladin

Does Aramusha exemplify everything wrong with For Honor in a single hero?

>Playstyle is literally mashing buttons in different directions to "mix someone up"
>If your opponent has good enough reactions to block, you are worthless and can't do anything
>If your opponent doesn't, you win automatically

Is Highlander just a better version of Shugoki?

Is Shugoki at all viable?

I'm nearing 15k and have a choice of earning 5k more to get the Kimon Guardian outfit or buying Highlander

Just play and I’ll help you

>Is Highlander just a better version of Shugoki?

>Is Shugoki at all viable?
He's A Tier at duel for a reason.

Both are alright but shugoki absolutely bodies and rapes highlander in any scenario. You can’t win agasint shug as highlander. And for 4v4 shugoki is an excellent pick because his hug can do this
His hug denies revenge and heals you. Along with heavys that go full swing when fully charged. Overall he’s a better pick them highlander because highlander can still be knocked out of his CC(crowd control = unblockable and bashes). Shug also does a tiny bit more damage

>Is Highlander just a better version of Shugoki?
I couldn't even imagine being this new if I tried

do i fucking need 100% debuff res. to avoid getting my fucking hp bar eaten whole by a bleed trap?