Fighting Games General /fgg/
Other urls found in this thread:
dbz girls are ugly af desu
buy her game
can you develop wider hips
friendly reminder that if you don't want to be eaten by Majin 21 you don't deserve to post on this general
the other thread was better
Year of the dog!
best fighting dykes???
I teabagged a ryu in a casual match for some reason. I feel so disgusted with myself.
this is my wife
this is a shitty thread and you are shitty ppl
I'm saving up for Monster Hunter's game.
How do I play Laura without feeling bad about it?
These stun values are filthy.
so are you so you all are the perfect match
Why is her older sister such a gorilla?
Only decent girl in Dragon Ball and only with twin tails.
I wish I was good with sniffs but I only play as the dudes.
You're a little bitch dont touch my character ever again.
Hit da lab
Do you think she'd be flattered if I sniffed her butt?
What's your favorite fighting game related joke
Characters being called gorillas is probably mine
real jiver hours smash that mohfuh mp button if you up
Faggot. The sexist thing about 21 is when she looks at the donut lustfully
I never bought a game for one character before, but I might have to.
Only when I do it!
Put more females in dbfz
this is a sausage fest rn
This thread is better
so why does the vs screen show the date in gold edition?
why are dogura and go1 the only anime players to have any substantial showing in jive? i thought jive was such a casual random fighter that literally anyone can win? why don't the hyper-skilled anime players just waltz in and take every tournament with that big money?
>those hitsounds
>cuphead announcer
>2B's horrible smile
it looks like a real match and it's useful for replays to have an idea of when and what version the game was on
/ourguy/ Vesper is on!
just when you thought it wasn't possible for fgg to get more gay BAM naked faggot in the op
Cringe. Cuphead is a good game but taking the announcer is just cringeworthy
You tell em bro haha dumb kappaturds blown the fuck out
4 days, 16 hours, 58 minutes
fucking ghey
Getting real tired of 2meme
why do all zangief players have shit internet
>Monster Hunter AND Dissidia coming out
I'll be freed from traditional fighting games soon feels good...
Taking girls out all the time isn't cheap Karin shitter.
Is this shit actually good
Watch an episode and find out, it's not like your time is valuable if you're hanging around /fgg/ on a Saturday night
Can't wait to make my dream waifu. The blonde girl in the beta was cute af already though so I wouldn't mind a piece of that
I don't know if you're referring to Monster Hunter, Dissidia, or Killing Bites
Here's your Jive Sagat
Shin Akuma has a close and far HP
Same. I hope the presets are in the full game, too.
>nier automata
For sure bros...can't wait to chose this hairstyle for my cutie and go on a lesbian hunting adventure with the Handler
>Big text pops up on screen when something happens to you
Jesus fuck that series fell hard with tri.
>do -2 move
>other guy blocks
>mash ex dp to make it safe
How high do I have to rank up before this stops being a thing?
Is FANG now top tier? Second V-Trigger is fucking insane.
New DBZ tier list
>tfw have to wait until Fall 2018 because I refuse to buy shitty multiplats
who the fuck thought the new ui was a good idea
>Jumping MP, Jumping HP, Jumping HK, BUFFED hitbox and hurtbox
> Lift Upper: NERFED hitbox and hurtbox
capcom literally asking you jump more and anti-air less
Ops forgot my picture.
Best hair seen so far.
it's literally the old UI except with a color change
it never stops
fucking chuunishit
will people stop pretending that ryu is bad in season 3
It's a thing in literally every fighting game ever.
What is that purple thing? I see it all the time
Finally done with Street Fighter 3 Arcade, the hell bonus stage was a pin in the ass. Pic related, the art you win when you do it perfectly.
Cute. I wish more girls would get their hair like that can't stand hair shorter than that though. I hate dykes
i don't think anyone with a brain thinks s3 ryu is bad. he's not the best character in the game, but he's 100% viable
>tfw you're executing better combos than the other guy but he's beating you with spammy shit and footsies, and you're the only one to blame for letting such bullshit through your defense.
th-thanks, capcom
>DBFZ's first story is the Android 21 thing
>the second story is controlling Frieza as he tries to become the strongest hero
Does anyone know what the third one is?
I'm working off of this Tweet. This guy has been watching the streams apparently, but I missed them.
do you guys pronounce the U at the end of Messatsu?
I do, it sounds better.
According to this, the last one is an android chapter.
holy WOW
Is that combo real?
in japanese U is generally almost inaudible unless explicitly stressed. the native pronunciation is somewhere closer to
Yea the combo counter was at 3 hits, then demon starts at 4 and finishes at 33 hits
>thinking of getting UNIST
>don't want to buy a PS4 for one game
>there's no UNIST at locals anyway
The struggle is real
oh hey, it's an /fgg/ poster
tsu is like the 'ts' in 'cats'
It is, for Shin Akuma.
Why isn't Shin Akuma playable?
They're tooltips to help new shitters and you can turn them off. Capcom is trying to reach a wide audience with MHW and these days that's just how things are. The game itself is a lot of fun still.
ooo donuts
Sakura for some reason is the only one I can aa with jab
but who wears the diapers
>Abigail is too stron-
I used to think the normal 21 looked good but now that I've seen buu 21 normal 21 looks so plain and boring