Fighting Games General /fgg/

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rule number 1
dp on wake up

>finally get around to playing that gooby gear game
>it's not even a fighting game
>it's a fucking moba dynasty warriors clone
lmao just loooooool

at least i know how they made Jack O

If you play a good player, they never expect it the second time.

remember to ignore vappa posts

God you sound like your mother.

goober gear has the best girls by far, it's not fair

>dp on wake up
I like this rule. You fireball loving woman should do it every time.



All of them!!!

Lose weight

>lots of pimples on cheek
>acne scars
Not completely removable but there are products you can use to reduce it and/or how visible it is

>no social skills
You can acquire them, just practice

>love anime girls
Hide it or date a weeb girl

You can earn more money... also that's retarded, sure chicks love money but guess what, most people are poor and most people also have a girlfriend.

>shitty job w/ only male workers
Not an issue, there are other ways to meet girls

>weak chin
>eyes too far apart
>short (5'5)
All appearance-based, sure it's a drawback but plenty of "less than ideal" guys get laid.

Stop posting that Ibuki with the double jointed arms

Name one person who ever played an anime game that got laid.

can you leave this shit in r9k thanks

Is that a trick question? The answer is Me


my friend played acr with me once and the next day he got laid

we never played again


>That's hardly creating competition with yourself
It is and also making it easier for rivals to look at everything you have done. No company does this. We barely ever get early versions or abandoned projects outside of devs leaking stuff years later. And you think they will purposefully put all they did for RT out and then make their own similar game? That is nonsense

>if anything it'd be a good advertising move.
No, no saying we have given up on this while announcing nothing else (and as you try to make out in an awful state) is not good advertisement.

i will when she gets some new pics!


Is there a tier list for SFV characters?

I mean everything can technically be fixed except the 5'5 thing, that is brutal. ALL girls care about height.

To continue from last thread :

As much as I think LoL is trash, I would in fact give whatever they've got Radiant working on a shot.

We already know what it's gonna be, though - Free to play, free hero rotation, grind to get currency to unlock characters you want, hella overpriced skins/cosmetics, and some very questionable character design choices.

I just pray to sp00ky that they don't have fucking runes/masteries/whatever they call that garbage. Something akin to summoner spells, limited use special abilities that you can pick between characters, that's fine. But if they introduce shit like choosing between my character +5 meter gain or extra damage on juggled kicks... ugh.

did they ever fix the delay in dbzf?

Dogura has a daughter and a wife

>kid buu and berus are fucking broke
Can't stand faggot kids nowadays. Is it cool to use wrong grammar?

Reminder that Uncharted is a better game than Tekken in every way

Are they even working on something? They've been radio-silent for quite some time.

>tfw getting destroyed by ~200 game ryu with solid fundamentals because he realized how lacking I am
>tfw people improve way faster than me
it's not fair guys. DBFZ is gonna be hell

>I would in fact give whatever they've got Radiant working on a shot.
LoL skins. It is dead, let it go.

shut up loser

thats spelling, not grammar

TLOU is literally better than any fighting game.

>dp on wakeup
>do it again because he definitely won't block again
>20% health left
>do it again because this time it will definitely work

This post made me dumber. Just by reading it.

They didn't actually release the game's source code, though, just the UI and the servers, and the latter are just GGPO.

Dogura = Married and has a child
310 = Married and has a child
Jiyuna = Fucked a r/kappa mod

>Kid Buu and Berus are fucking broke
they should get a job

Imagine a whole race of Jirens

Tokido and Daigo are perma virgins

the biggest review magazine.......... in france

Killian's been teasing something for a while now.

>Rising Thunder developer to release source code for cancelled free-to-play fighting game

>And we're making it open source so that if you're inclined you can tinker and improve it."

pretty sure i already saw this joke...

Calm down Tokido




"Mika isn't braindead" fags btfo

I stand with Broski

But... they didn't release the source code. You can go and look, right now. The client is not open source.

that one is from the UK, you are repeating the joke on an incorrect image lol

My wife.

>And we're making [the server] open source so that if you're inclined you can tinker and improve it.

Everybody ready for the vappening?

ok but even broski would tell you that mika requires 100 times more thought than abigail

>Jiyuna = Fucked a r/kappa mod

>displaylag mysteriously decide not to test dbzf beta input lag but tested sfvae immediately


It's grammar. It's meant to be broken not broke. He used the wrong tense.

idk... would he?

i summon broski to answer us

the server is open source aka they dont want to pay to host it any more

the game itself is still closed source

mika is like 10% less braindead than abigail but its not a huge difference

How did Abigail even get those ear piercings, did the person who applied them climb on his back?


To be fair shinono is pretty cute

why would they taste a beta? and why dont they test pc which always has the best input lag?

you shut up about other characters, dhalsim scum

>grind survival ad nauseam for the fitebux
>buy season pass anyway


They also mentioned how easy it would be to "hack" stuff into the game

Any fighting game project they were planning is dead. A company does not do this for something they plan to turn into a real game even if they are just using the base

mika confirmed less braindead than abigail, thanks broski

>I just pray to sp00ky that they don't have fucking runes/masteries/whatever they call that garbage. Something akin to summoner spells, limited use special abilities that you can pick between characters, that's fine. But if they introduce shit like choosing between my character +5 meter gain or extra damage on juggled kicks... ugh.
The FGC's rejection of DLC gems in SFxT gives me hope, although if they got a new audience of mostly LoL players instead of the FGC I could see it working for Riot.

>displaylag decided to not make tests over a beta but tested a final game immediately

Really makes my nignog go nugnug

brick is the vappa polturd


the biggest review magazine.......... in britain

Anime players: Virgins
Street Fighter players: Literal cucks
Tekken players: Homos

Fantasy Strike players: The guys fucking the Street Fighter players' girlfriends.

How can you take any review of a fighting game seriously?

Input lag is far beyond the level of technical information any dooberz care about. You don't need frame specific timing to dash and mash.
It's actually not even relevant in SFV as long as it's consistent. With zero latency you'd have more time to react to things, but the imaginary SFV with zero input lag doesn't exist so making that comparison is pointless. It's functionally the same as having longer startup on moves.

one of the Andores could have done it without climbing

How does he keep getting away with it

Fantasy strike is for vappa babbies

It's called shitposting.

>It's functionally the same as having longer startup on moves

no it isn't


cite noodalls or get the FUCK out

>vappa polturd

>You don't need frame specific timing to dash and mash.
even if you needed it, you can't get it as long as they have variable input delay netcode

I mean, it's also easy to hack into games that aren't dead. Last I checked people mod SF all the damn time. I'm not really seeing how this has anything to do with anything, unless you think we're saying that they intend to use the same code for whatever they're doing at Riot. Which, of course they're not, there was no support for minibuys, dingus.

Pretty sure it's the biggest in Europe

you know how easy it is to beat scrubs because you have to do literally nothing and they'll destroy themselves by doing shit like this without understanding the risks/benefits.


Timid buu 21 is best 21

they tested betas for other games.

>double penetration on wake up

Has story mode leaked?

Also she looks like an elf or something.

t. noodalls

>add brick on discord
>ask him to play
>he says no and deletes me

The Virgin Noodalls and The Chad DisplayLag

should I play sfv on pc or ps4

since dbfz is a hyper fighter, can we expect this legendary furry to come in and wreck the scene?

1on1 competitive titles are less popular because they don't have the softening effect of random team mates to blame. They also don't even out matchmaking by regularly carrying the worst players to victories that they can incorrectly attribute to their own greatness.
LoL is a format which makes sure everybody right down to the worst player gets regular 'small victories' which keep them satisfied. Even if those victories are just the odd kill on a team which is massively behind on character power due to the game's snowball effect.
1on1 is harsh and unforgiving.

same thing happened to me