/wfg/ - Warframe General

we wuz stealthin' edition

old thread >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png
(Due to a large influx of applications, the clan is full for the time being.)

>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg/kYhdYFc
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm/index.php
Riven Prices: semlar.com/rivenprices
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html
WF news, Riven Calculator, Zaw and Fish parts: semlar.com/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mdgJUyNrsHWRMveKwFrpdMJQWyyEGE4Wpo34e8BzE74/edit
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c

CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22.9.0)
> forums.warframe.com/topic/908909-plains-of-eidolon-update-2290/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/893859-plains-of-eidolon-mirage-prime-2270/

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:



DE should add a lvl 100+ scaling endless mission type that gives kuva.
This way kuva farming will be more consistent and the autists that want high level enemies will be happy too

My cute frogwife and her wife!

Will we have to wait for plains of corpus before we get more operator fashion? The mushroom people have cute leggings with laces up the side and I kind of want that even though it'll look terrible on my stick thin boyish space kid.

Koppra thigh highs are pretty cute tbqh, just wish they took the primary colour slot instead of tertiary.

>finish index
>wait 2 minutes so I don't get queued up with the same retards
>new guys are retards anyways
"Go afk now and let them kill you :DDDD"
Fuck those guys

I want to improve. Is there a better way? I always make sure to never go over the point goal.

things I want but DE will never provide
>alternate rotations for differing mission types, i.e. ABCC for survival, ABC for interception, etc. Make it worth sticking around in endless missions.
>love of god, tweak the armor scaling.
>2 sorties a day
>samodeus quest that properly introduces rivens to new players
>quest regarding ordis that lets us either purge his warrior side, his cephalon side, or merge them into one stable personality. with this add new lines to ordis in the orbiter
>in fact more new lines in general
>playable wyrmius cabinet decoration

I like playing Trinity. Is it worth paying 70+ plat for a prime set?

Yeah that's pretty cheap for a vaulted frame

Good slut.

Reach quota, collect another 15 or so points, go to their goal, let them kill you, watch them score 15 points and shorten the match by 150 seconds.
Repeat if necessary.
Never simply go afk.
If you still do at least go afk at their goal so you don't lure them away.

I've been doing bounties for Gara systems since last year, why the fuck won't they drop

Guess that settles it. Thanks for the reply
I'm a selfish Trinity. If you benefit from my EV it's cause I already needed energy b-baka!

Couldn't Ordis' warrior voice possibly be the Infestation/life support exploiting the damage he suffered at Grineer hands?

Thank you, I will do this going forward.

Why didn't you buy her with plat to get an extra shotgun riven and ignore her grind?

Any good?

I would be happy if they could add ANY form of content and not let us suffer through a complete drought.
They have enough event templates at hand and could easily give us one. Or what about some double exp/drop weekends which they haven't given out in a year now? Jesus christ, it wouldn't kill them to do it yet would give us a reason to play.
If they would SIMPLY update kuva fortress missions to give a good chunk of kuva I would already be sucking their dick.

I really should get enough plat to buy her and become a good, obedient, submissive healslut for my team!

Better be careful not to shoot this thing, bullets are fuckin precious.

*runs out of ammo in 1 mag*

They should add excavation on kuva fortress that gives kuva instead of cryotic.
Also it's fucking dumb that they reuse ghouls instead of plaguestar.

So yes, but only with carrier?
Good thing that's all I use I guess

but plague star would bring back actual items to purchase. that'd be much too hard for DE to code in. Ghouls are just drag and drop "content"

Looks pretty kool desu.

Do Duration mods on Inaros make sense if your public teams always kill your health dispensers?

You are getting health from your 1. You're not actually using your 2 and health regen from 4, right?

Well yeah, that's what my question is about. Since the DoT from my 1 gives me health and people shoot them before my base pocket sand runs out duration mods wont be too much of a benefit then, right?

I just get more efficiency to cast it more often. If I ever need to CC something instead of kill it I can go into tornado form.

Get major range and pocket sand the whole map.
If your team are killing ever single one too fast for you then there's not much for you to worry about they seem to be doing just fine, sit back and let them do the work.

Alright, thanks my guys

What's the point of the buyers section on wfmarket again? It's full with meme prices and 99% of them aren't worth selling to.

sometimes you'll find a 100% certifiable retard willing to pay 50p for firewalker.

This, some people like to name their prices and get something without searching or haggling.

What do you want? its a free market. Get your sweets when you can.

I wish I was blacked :(

best you'll get is browned by some small indian guy

Go play meltys quest little boy.

do red crits actually bypass some armor?

Soon, Glen

Rhinoposter here. This is your second sortie of the day.

do you get reward if you redo sortie?

>2nd time they've changed a plains sortie because it didn't fucking work
>the first time it came up you could just walk in and out for an auto complete
just take them out of the rotation you stupid fucks.

>2 mobile defences

when it happened yesterday you didn't so probably not

>Radiation hazards


Synthesis is DUMB

where is the "fuck stealth frames" option



>hydroid in the lead
what is this meme he can't even go ghost

minibursa companion
riding kavats with tiny titania

>tfw tesla trapping all radiation zones in the area as melee mains jump round the area

>2 perfect limbo missions

a raptor and mini t-rex companion. no fucking feathers though. i also want a true melee frame that gets a bonus for having only a melee weapon equipped with a channeling ability that gives melee damage and evasion


>no fucking feathers though

>afk with Limbo or Vauban twice and slap a faggot with Chroma

>they don't know

I got to Pluto, i have Broken War that hits for 20k+ and Hek which is pretty good too even though i'm still working on getting the second multishot mod but i'm having trouble staying alive.
Should i drop every mod on Excalibur and just stack shield and hp? I have 620 shield and ~400hp atm.

I just got Cyclone Kraken after a whooping 2 tries.
Should I go with Nami Solo or Gazal? Do you have some nice Zaw builds?
pls help, I like this stance too much.

>Swap Warframe, sentinel, and guns to blank loadouts
>set FoV back to 52
>never sprint and only bullet jump when absolutely necessary
>restart going through starchart
Huh, after playing so long I kind of forgot that this was a shooter.
now I'm going to rope my friends into joining and we'll pretend we're playing ODST and make gay little rules like only being allowed to use unranked versions of mods that you get as a drop while playing and banning specific weapons

>I want melee mesa
>also dinosaurs
glad you don't work at DE

You should drop Excal

craft a cyath zaw

Prova Regular

>weapon banlist
are your friends really autistic enough to do this?
are your friends real?

I'm doing something about as faggy by only using Operators.

operators means de is trash so my ideas would fit right in

For what? I have Rhino, Oberon, Frost, Nova, Loki, Mag, Valkyr waiting to be claimed. Also is doubling my mod capacity a must at this point?

Not a frame or companion, but I would like a Sparring stance that replaces quick attacks and combos with 100% kick moves
I would like more infested weapons and a new bowgun.

>are your friends really autistic enough to do this?
We're all over 1.5k hours so probably. Also why even do it if you don't ignore stuff like the plasmor that would ruin the _FUN_?
and yes my friends are real


Gazel looks cooler.

>300% damage Riven on prova Vandal and Condition Overload
It's very fun.

Are zaws even worth the effort aside from MR?

I can see potential for a Channeling build, with Zenurik+Exodia Triumph, run CO on a status focused zaw.


Only zaw truly worth its salt is Plague Kripath.

>are the best melee weapons in the game worth the effort

I want Rhinoposter to hold and cuddle me

Kickboxing framr, yes pleasr

This may sound retarded but how do i find groups for corrupted mods? In chat i see people recruiting for them but the don't say what key they need or even what type of mission.
Are there different mods dropping for each type and if not could i just solo all keys with loki on a capture mission?

>bought 3 day credit booster
>spammed the shit out of index
>last day
>got so thin skinned I legit reported some guy who was afk during a run via the website
Even took 10 screenshots

>not doing raids for credits

can't wait for zaw heavy blade to trash galameme prime with its superior stats and better dispo

How much did you make?

can't wait to smile again

And so it comes to this.

>Everyone always talking about Zaw's
>Or Gal Prime or Atraraax
>mfw Covert Legality and any dagger with Inaros = Instant Death

Whats the point of using anything else

I don't know.
I maxed 4 or 5 primed mods and several gold and silber ones. Still have 5mil left now.
But I got those all those mods during those runs.

It's usually a capture mission and you should be able to handle any key if needed, though hobbled seems to be the least popular. You can only have one key on at a time. Doesn't matter which mission you do the drops are the same.

Dog frame is gay


Any mission works, but fast ones like Capture are preferred.
All four keys are needed to guarantee access, so craft one of each and work out the details in squad chat.
You can try to solo, but 3/4 attempts are going to be failures without the rest of a squad with the rest of the keys.
All mods drop from any vault.

do you think everyone didn't already know this? it's boring and slow

it's 2018 and these frames still not exist list:
wolfgirl frame
loli frame
energy frame
telekinesis frame

anyone wants to buy any of these?

To kill more than one thing at a time.
>not abusing blind crits with a big range melee as the dog

>Sortie 2
>defense operator keeps walking into all the traps, fire, poison etc
wow ty DE, sure is fair when we have no control over the operator literally killing himself over and over


they changed it already?