Fate/Grand Order General - /fgog/

Previous: Mods are retarded edition

Da Vinci and the Seven Fake Heroic Spirit: Lite version
21-22 Jan: Jeanne Alter/Da Vinci
23-24 Jan: Jeanne Alter
Shinjuku costume will be made available

Kintoki animation update confirmed.

Setsubun event late January, no new servants, cannot use supports and cannot use servants repeatedly.

Survey, if you complete it you get 3 tickets: news.fate-go.jp/2018/questionnaire_3rd/

January 2018 Monthly Mats
>Octuplet Twin Crystals
>Unlucky Bone
>Yggdrasil Seed

>Part 2 prologue


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: November 29)
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Servant/CE list and datamine

Other urls found in this thread:


where the fuck is the thread

What servant does it for free?

/alter/ was a mistake.


Actual previous since mods are fucking retarded

/alter/ went full retard again, and mods just purge both threads when that happens. They're fucking geniuses.

Collateral damage thanks to both /alter/ and mods being retarded

>Da Vinci event still in the OP
Oh come on

He does it ____

what the fuck just happened

Janitors only make the shitposting by stupid redditors worse when they fuck up basic deletions like this so what the fuck is their goal in doing it?

Name one (1) good thing that came out of the NA release

Abby thread

>mods on Veeky Forums

/alter/ has gone full retard one time to many. Can I stay with you, onii-chan?

/alter/'s discordfags have done it again


Sumanai I made it in a hurry so multiple threads weren't created. I'll fix it if I make the next one.

get fucked onii-chan

>mods are illiterate fucks
Who'd have thought

It gave everyone here a common enemy.

Bear with it onii-chan

Friendly reminder to hug CUTEST curry!


I can play through the story again

Why /alter/ why?

who is the artist behind these nice pixels

No you bring cancer and shiposting whenever you go

Post about servant powerlevels.

S'up bitches. Did you enjoy getting deleted? You are our slaves now. Never forget.

/alter/ here
get fucked, idiots

I promise to behave, though. P-please?

>new janitors come in today
>some of them are new janitors for Veeky Forums despite not even using Veeky Forums
>end up deleting both main threads because they're illiterate
Christ the bar just keeps getting lower for these hot pocket garglers.

Indrajit is above word level.

Melt Blanco > all

Jannu alter and Da Vinci still have their rate up

Holy shit source? Is this from Wada's new art book?

This has happen in the past though, is not the new janitors.

Remember that "He does it for free" thread after some faggot mod deleted SF translations and left all the powerlevel shitposting? Good times
Or when that guy made that HG after being banned like 7 times

So long as you behave. By that I mean just don't talk about anything /alter/ related. Don't use /alter/ memes, shitpost using /fgog/ shit.


Yeah. She drew a lot of Kiara.


Serious question:
How do we fix /alter/, bros?

What is blanco? Is that the same food as Tacos?

Ban it

Move it to /jp/

Exile them to /a/

>Janitor applications are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied!
I hope someone will fuck up in /a/ again

Delete it

Fucking mods

No then all their shitpotsers would come here


How is Proto Gil supposed to beat these two if all he's got going for him is a pair of tonfas and what's essentially a magical machine gun that provides limited covering fire? Even when he was better armed he couldn't solo a heavily gimped Arthur, and each of these two chaps were holding their own against a more buff version of Arthur on separate occasions.

My daughterwife is very cute

>everyone comes here
>there are more people that use /alter/
>NA discussion dwarfs this general

With this.
*unzips dick*

They're unfixable
Move them all to discord

Simple. He literally cannot die. These two can die.

But alter was deleted too.

infinite guts

>implying those boards would tolerate their shit any more than we would

Ban the discordfags and r(u)by spics that keep getting our threads deleted

can't we just move to /jp/?

Has fgog become a lostbelt?

a) Can't die
b) Actually adept at combat unlike the garbage version

Move to *chan and let the retards stay here.

Who /readyfornextevent/here.

Heroic Spirit or Legendary Soul?

Range ban all active posters in alter, then ban it

>all the /alter/fags move here
I would stop coming to this general if that happens

Prepare for phagocytosis faggot

Pfffftt ha ha ha ha ha ha

What a bunch of niggers.

You can't stop us /fgog/. We are the true Grand Order now.


>Have Both Foreigners
>Have Merlin, Tamamo and Jeanne
>Have Jeanne Alter
>Have Melt
Depending on how long between cool downs I should be fine

/jp/ would fucking murder us


>she drew a lot of Kiara
>never posted
I'm sad. At least she's been drawn with more characters hopefully she's made friends with some of them in game.

Anything to get away from these seaniggers

Nobu a CUTE.

Don't speak such madness ever again

>56%ers calling anyone else niggers

>thick eyebrows on Jeanne

>range ban over 100 people at once what could possible go wrong?

>True Grand Order
>2years behind JP
>1 year behind CN
>Half year behind KR

Not actually confirmed for Proto Gil as far as we know. They would have mentioned it in the materials book like most of the other Servants' NPs.

>"Anything posted I don't like is reddit" and other tales from /fgog/

>that monk bosom
My dick is in flames

Sure. Just stay in your containment thread.

>never posted
user pls


Art change when?
Atlanta also needs one because they look so bad.

How hard is it for mods to only delete the threads with
in their OP, when the retards start to spam shit?

>materials book
Does he even have one

They probably just write "fgo" and delete everything


I'm pretty sure the original Proto has one.

It's not hard. They just don't care.

Mods have always been fucking retards

Can't wait for Korea to pass NA and we can all laugh at them

Not a full one, but if that was part of his character sheet still, that would be the place to mention it. Seems like he got a full revision based on the development of FSN Gil.