Ace Combat General #379 - /aceg/

Ace Combat General #379

X-29A Edition

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AC:I will be closed on March 31st.






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First for S/MTD-chan

>asking the question that i sent just before the thread moved
How do i get the special skin for the f22 in zero?

Mission 17. Appears after the Mission Update if your point total is above 1500. Just west of the Dam, callsign "Ritter."

Shoot down Ritter in The Valley of the Kings

You gotta shoot down the Ace flying an F-22 in The Valley of Kings. He should appear once you approach the dam.

This is a Helicopter thread now, post Helifus.

Well good luck on this try. Looking forward to it.

Little birb is a cute.

Such a useful helicopter, can be used for troop transport and assault.

Threadly reminder to draw for the collage, unless you're cooking for the buddies! Draw your planefu, put love and effort into it, and we'll add it right in. Absolutely no skill required. The only rules are:
>it must be black and white
>it must fly from left to right
>you MUST have fun while drawing. It's the most important part!
Oi Pilot user, when are you adding the new ones?

Continuing the prior conversation about cooking, my real gift might just be that my meals tend to look more photogenic than they have any right to be.

Picture related. It's the turkey sandwich I just made (and am eating right now)

The mission update is when you gotta shoot the joint locks right? How the hell are you supposed to get 1500 points before that


Yeah sorry I forgot to do it today, I'll see if I can't do it next week. But now there's the other user that also has one in the works, so I'll probably wait for that Eagle to be finished.

Time to save some shitters

Good answer but autogyros are not helicopters.

To make one final note of it before I let it rest quietly in the OP, I'd like to thank everyone who marked themselves in the /aceg/ buddy locator so far and encourage the rest of you to do so if you haven't. It's nice to see just what kind of range we all have in this thread. (To add yourself, go to "Additions" -> "Add Marker - Simple", with whatever degree of specificity you wish to give.)

I'm sorry, I misspoke-- he will appear in the second part of the mission after you reach 1500 points or more.

it seems like you haven't added my entry yet

Does concept that never gone beyond model stage counts?

See above, I've not updated it at all. Will do.

Yak pls

>Spain used a 1936 fighter until 1965, the Bf 109 and HA-1112 (C.4)
>it was used concurrently with the Sabre (C.5) which was aquired in 1955 and was retired in 1972
>the same year as the F-104 (C.8), which had been introduced in 1965
Trying to figure out the missing C. numbers is a mess since the EdA overhauled their website and removed the "historical aircraft" section.
>meanwhile the F-5 is still in service as an advanced trainer
Looking at the aircrafts the EdA had in service is a weird feel.

I also just made this while playing around in Krita
Note: I translated Ustio as Ustien, since Ustio just sounds weird in Belkan

also i found that Mirages are pretty good for beginner drawfags, they have a really simple shape

I'm not the one with the files, PA is. I'm just the one who posts this.
Good work, buddy.
You could work as an actual chef!
And, unlike an actual chef, you could serve actual food and not a glorified, microscopic edible miniature.

The Emil is very different from the one that the HA is based on though. At worst it'd be a Friedrich and at best a Gustav. Though I imagine the Merlin, which was hopefully relatively new and not one of the old ones, would've made the differences between the F and G miniscule. So really those should be counted as two planes.

>missing numbers
Some might've been skipped or used up for some test series or similar. Though with what you told me about the industry you have that feels unlikely.

You got Tigers?

>J number

I recommend toning down the opacity on the roundel somewhat so it blends in a bit better with the background. The other option would be too add noise and all.

I tried the opacity thing but since i simply painted the old roundel over, it started to show again, and i was too lazy to start over.
It was fun doing it though, i might belkanise another plane picture, any suggestions?

Opacity won't work well for that; I'd suggest you turn down the contrast on the roundel layer and/or turn down the saturation. It's a bit too vivid for the rest of the picture.

X-29 has a good idea with mess around with those sliders a bit, should work.

The image I posted is a Condor Legion Bf 109. The livery was the same as other national fighters.
>two different aircraft
Aren't they more like a single re-engined model? Might be a stretch but the way I understand it saying they're different would be like saying early Spitfires and late Spitfires are different planes rather than an overhauled version of the same one. I might just be talking bollocks, though.
>missing numbers
I think the T-6 and T-33 got "honorary" C.6 and C.7. I believe the F-5 also got the C.9 because otherwise numbers don't match up.
F-5BM Freedom Fighters, actually. The two-seater model for training, recon and ground attack. Mostly the first one.
Try changing the blend mode of the roundel's layer. Start with multiply and try others to see what works best.

Where do i find these modes and slider? i couldn't find them in the layer options

What program are you using, again?

I don't use Krita, but above the layer list there should be a drop-down box with "Normal" written on it. That's the blend mode drop-down list. It's usually besides the opacity slider.

Well kind of a single model. I'd say the changes in fuselage between the 109E and the HA ones are significant enough to count them as separate. I meant between those two, and as in taking the dates of the later models as a reference rather than the earlier 109.

Hang on is that pre-E/F model?

Blend mode is above the layer panel. I'm almost ashamed to admit that I have no clue where the colour sliders are in that program though because I never use them. I think they're under filters or so.

Yeah anything pre F-5E had no radar.

The HA-1112 is based on the Bf 109G, though I'm not sure if that accounts for all the differences since the initial HA-1109 was produced starting in 1942 and the final run for the HA-1112 was from 1955 to 1958, so I'm not sure of what changes might have piled up.
It was introduced in 1970, the F-5E was a 1972 model. I don't know if there were changes from the F-5B apart from the designation, which does stand for "Modernized".

My gf said she started trying to draw her f-15 waifu so I'll post it if she gets it done.
She likes aceg but isn't gonna visit regularly until she's completed the golden three to avoid spoilers. I'm so proud ;-;7

Living the dream, aren't you? You're a lucky buddy.
Also, have you drawn yours? What's your planefu?

Is this vaguely human shaped? Was just having a bit of fun.

Well the engine is the most obvious one. Then they might've done some other stuff but who knows. I'm still more surprised that they never changed the canopy to something more comfortable, like I said earlier.

>Pre-E model
I didn't know those were still around at all tbqh.

Waiting on that too then.

>spreading the word
Let's turn AC into even more of a cult classic series.
>nose art
Yeah, that looks good.
>no upgrades
Well, it fits with the oddly anachronistic nature Spain had at the time, at any rate.
I was shocked when my father told me those were still around. He then added that they're used as trainers.

Have some (rad) OC!
Don't forget you sorta-kinda requested this, Tom
Because I won't >:D

It already looks quite nice. Thanks for reminding me about the birb, I suppose.

Holy shit buddy, this looks fantastic as usual

I guess they work well enough for trainers, you got a jet, which is neat.
But I also imagine maintenance isn't cheap on them anymore.

Nice. Really cool. I like the flame on the fuselage too.

Good to know. How far did you get with that?

Here's a clean version

The flame on the fuselage is for extra hotradness. :P

Looks cool and is further proof that the Phoenix livery is a miracle of the universe should be available on all aircraft.
>flames on the fuselage
Good call, it's a nice touch that works very well with the engine cowling.

Yeah, normally I'd put dirt there, but decided to change it up a little. In the end it rounded out the design pretty well, I think.

Should I buy PSVR now or wait until 7 actually comes out?

Night, buddies. What nose art would you put on your planefu?
I've had to bake quite a bit and barely had time to touch that. I'm still setting it up, but I know how to do it thanks to you and Dornie. Thanks again.

>nose art
Still haven't bothered with it too much. I got that pegasus thing because I used to put one on my WT planes and because Area 88's flaming unicorn was top tier for the rudder. Might have to do a less or differently stylized one at some point though.

Good enough of an excuse really. What did you make?

I really am, I don't know how I got so lucky. My jaguar is on there already, and my other planefu is the Eagle - but I assumed loads of people would draw that and did the jag

Yo buddies, if the Patriots win the current game, they go to the Super Bowl.
Post hype tunes!


Been listening to this weebshit for a few days now. Not sure why.


>Good test scores
I love you, Valor-Chan

Good luck, Valor-Chan!


Time for a little history lesson
The Chaco War between Paraguay and Bolivia was the first war in America with air battles. The Bolivian Vickers and P-6 Hawk biplanes fought against our Potez 25s, Wibault 7s and Fiat CR.20s serving in dogfights, bombing and transport missions.
I love you Valor-Chan!


>it's another Brady wins the superbowl episode
Call me next year

Nice! I might actually watch that, if it's not at a ridiculous time over here in Yuroland

Kickoff is 6:30pm EST, whatever that ends up being for you lads

20:30 pm for me

It'll probably run for around 4-5 hours

Starting at 00:30 on a Sunday evening.
Eh, I think I'll manage, Mondays are usually pretty tame

>4-5 hours
Geez, I may retract my statement then ':D

It'll be until 12 or 1 AM for me, not a bad time
I've watched IndyCar races at that hour, i'll survive

Does anybody have trouble running the patched AC3 on the Beetle PSX core through Retroarch?
I get a runtime error when trying to run it. I've tried other games, including some with fan patches, and they run fine. I have yet to test the unpatched JP AC3 but I figured I'd ask for advice.

I want the Defiant to win.

>Coaxial Rotors
Yeah thanks, but no, thanks.

The rotor at the back looks kinda ugly desu

I have it on my bucket list to fly along in a fighter jet, that's not impossible right?

How much money are you willing to spend?

Your line quality needs a lot of work.

Eh, it'll be a special occasion so a good amount.

Yeah, I know my hand isn't that steady. But I'm getting there, practice is key
And with clean I meant there was no text on it :/

Expect to spend between 10,000 and 20,000 USD for about an hour of flight time, depending on your plane and flight profile.

Guess i'll have to save up. I make a decent amount but it'll take a while.

I love you Valor-chan

Fucking lit class reeeeeeee

Anyone know if the Su-47 is going to be in AC7?

>manage to get AC3 running on Beetle PSX
>FPS go over 60, graphical glitches everywhere
Wasn't this supposed to be the best there is?


Guess I’ll be using the X-29 or the Shinden then.

I think that's 'no' as in 'we don't know' rather than no, it won't.' The Su-47's been in games pretty consistently.

But, hey, if it isn't and the X-29A IS, There are enough X-29As to go around!

was the x-29 confirmed either?

also I saw a list of confirmed planes floating around a while ago but do you guys know if it was from a proper source?

>tfw my Su-30SM already made the cut

No, the X-29 hasn't appeared in any promotional material. There's no 'confirmed' list, only an assumed list based on what limited gameplay and promotional materials are out there.

It's an even cuter F-5
>tfw the F-15C and Strike Eagle are confirmed

so who's going to do an starfighter only run?

That’ll probably be my fourth or fifth run through, depending on difficulty unlocks.

>tfw you have to pull an essay entirely out of your ass and it kinda works

also bump


Me. I'm gonna do a Starfighter simulator run as soon as I unlock Ace. Which means the plane will get 725 rounds of cannon ammo, and then like, two Standards or a handful of rockets. I haven't looked too far into the weapons it could carry yet.

early-mid training cartoons are a goldmine
A Spanish-language documentary about my planefu, a bit exaggerated in some places but still quite good

>speaking of the starfighter
What variant was in the trailer, anyway? I don't know enough to tell.

Does the /aceg/ AFB-slash-coup-d'etat have an associated emblem?

Probably crude clovers spray painted over all the official air force emblems of whoever the base was stolen from.


>self portraits
The stealthdimension headcanon and all that stuff is one thing, but let's not stray into deviantart-territory, because that's getting awfully close.

nguhhh. Yeah, when you put it that way this probably cuts it a bit close for comfort.