/twg/ - Total War General

Rule Britannia Edition

>FAQs and General Info

>Total War Three Kingdoms Info
Three Kingdoms Announcement Trailer - youtu.be/s4D42vMUSIM

>Warhammer 2 Info
Bestiary Entry for Tomb Kings - youtube.com/watch?v=Upki3zmazG0
Tomb Kings Campaign Tactics - youtube.com/watch?v=Y7g_sWmmpj4

>Thrones of Britannia Info
Alfred the Great Trailer - youtu.be/5MUdiBfXo04

Campaign posting and screenshot sharing encouraged!

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Is Rome 2 really as Empire tier as it's rumored to be or did CA ever fix it?

>click on Phoenix Guard
>no sound
maybe they fix it in the upcoming patch?


With DEI overhaul, its pretty solid.

Bit early, don't you think? Last thread isn't even autosaging.

>New update soon
>Wrapping up a Dawi campaign and will jump right into a new ME map playing as lizards


What are you ALT+F4 moments? Pic related and Vashnaar's Conquest.

Nagash was weak!

Your mom isn't autosaging on my cock yet

don't make new threads before bump limit, retard

It's trash, and it will forever be trash

It's not. Agents are still way too powerful and annoying.

>tfw scarred for life because when early tree hitler came out in WH 1 he was an unstoppable force that always raped me

>Never want to go to war with WEs unless I have to

>DEI overhaul
>ctd on first turn
I should have know not to trust memsters.

>lelele bump limit xxxxDDDD
Fuck off Moot, nobody gives a fuck about your opinion.

Only M2 is empire-tier, R2 improved and DeI adds some stuff that's unique to the game like a more in depth manpower and supply system. Try it out.

>Try to play a Tyrion campaign
>Get bored after like 45 turns and quit out

>Play a Teclis campaign
>Its like Vietnam, except even more bloody
>Been having a blast the whole time

>click on Viking



>2 posts easrly



>click on Irish general
>"Who calls?"



Probably some fantasy autist butthurt he couldn't fuck up another OP with broken links and shitty format



>Tyrion "I'll just stand here tanking armies forever"
Absolutely pleb.

Southlands will finally be fun without vampiric corruption covering half the place.

Whenever I go to war with welves I do so with overwhelming force and try to raze their forest as soon as possible. Fuck fighting them

>being a fantasybro
>being asshurt
pick one

>tfw I was the 5%


the good factions are always the ones normalfags love most, that's why empire and dwarves were the most popular in WH1

>look guys I posted my meme image! I'm so cool!

>making new thread before bump limit so you can post your ebin gunmanii
kill yourself
>another fucked up OP with broken links and shitty format
So what your fellow historycuck did with his OP?
Spearmaniicucks are fucking retarded beyond saving I swear

I love this general.
t. assblasted hist cuck

now THAT is a proper meme army.not 20 of the same OP units, but a mix and match of them!

This meme has never been funny. No matter the changing of characters. That goes for any board on Veeky Forums



why is he so perfect, bros?

>This amount of angry

You know, why don't more ratshits join other armies? Way less backstabbing and should be less competition for the Warpstone they stumble over. Just join a brayherd, feign subservience and snatch the green crack rocks when nobody's looking.

I'm not angry, I just want worthless shitposters like you out of this general.

You sound rectally ravaged.

You are just embarrassing yourself

Simple, stop making OP's before bump limit, asswipe.

>fantasoy cucks this mad

>implying I made the OP
Congrats on displaying your idiocy

Beastboys would just eat the puny Skaven. Khorne does not suffer cowards to live, even if they're murderous bastards. Skaven are too runty for WAAAGHs. And no one else would trust them.

Please stop crying

Normies are boring, more news at 11

w-we beat the fantasoy cucks this time guys
w-we got a historymanii OP
fa-fan-fantasoyfags eternally assblasted and w-will never recover!

he's got a million dollar smile

This is just sad at this point. You sound like a child.

You do realize you're just making your own side look bad, right?

>he's a spearmaniiboy
>in the age of fantasy
Does he also own a collection of fedoras?

You forget
>is so pathetic Dwarfs don’t write him in the book

Also skaven think everyone else are shit.

Based falseflagchad

>linking the best board

What is this fish and why is it here?

Petition to ban all Spearmanii losers from our Fantasy general?

>Histfags getting so ass blasted over some light shitposting

This is why nobody takes you guys serious.

I approve

All you need are some rat ogres to guard you.

Funny, because I only see a couple of fantasyfags shitting up the general because somebody had the gall to put a history picture in the OP

Good meme

>hurr fantasycucks durr histfags
Anyone who gives a fuck is a cancerous shitposter.

>Hist falseflag gets like 4 (You)s

Yeah its the fantasy people

>babby's first thread in Veeky Forums
>its before bump limit
sounds like you need to kill yourself user

t. chink

Fuck off back to /v/, and that's my last word on this topic.

Reminder to enjoy your favorite Total War setting and let others enjoy theirs as well!

This is Laurent, born to the Royal Family in Paris, second son to a merciless Prince Louis who had conquered and executed every muslim in Spain. No man could doubt the prowess of Louis, but likewise no man wanted to be ruled by him. A valliant general he was, but a poor ruler. He was not the man France needed to rule, but that would not be a problem. As if by an act of God, Prince Louis dropped dead at 59, leaving young Laurent as heir to the Kingdom of France. A chivalrous man of God who had already gained a reputation in Paris for his fair taxes and dedication to the church,
Laurent's first duty as Prince was to travel to Africa and rule as he had been raised to do since he was a small child.As a young lad he was thrust into the responsibility of Duke of Marrakesh and tasked with bringing order and prosperity to the recently conquered region. Being a pious and chivalrous man, then Prince Laurent ruled honourably, offered low taxes to all, and gained a reputation as a fair man with a keen sense of justice. Marrakesh flourished under his rule, but as the heir to the Kingdom of France, he knew he could not stay in such a backwater forever. He would not, as news of his fathers death reached the Duke, who now had to to fill the shoes of the man who had beaten the Muslims out of Europe and ruled over some of the most prosperous and peaceful times in French history. Soon the call to arms sounded throughout the kingdom, and our Pope-with the wise council of his french cardinals-authorized a Crusade on Tunis. As any brave, noble Frenchman would, the now King Laurent took up the cause of his God, gathered his loyal subjects, and set off for the lands where Scipio and Hannibal once fought for the future of the Mediterranean.
After a long journey and hard conquest, he reached Tunis and captured the city with fanatic devotion to God. Now dubbed "The Chivalrous," his ambition was only partially sated.

this dish needs a little bit more salt, would you mind?

>fantasyfags are furfag queers
thank you for confirming fantasybro

>whining about 2 posts early

Are you seriously autistic? I'm honestly curious.

>no muslim
>no greek
one job

Back to your containment board pathetic /pol cuck

Though King Laurent remained in Africa, his influence on the College of Cardinals and the Papacy was rising exponentially. News of his triumph over the Muslim hordes and reconquest of Africa in the name of Christendom had reached far and wide, and friend and foe both admired and feared his unquestioned influence and authority. French Cardinals rose with regularity and before long he would reside over the terms of 2 French Popes, but still his devotion was not at an end. With his newfound influence he easily mustered another Crusade, and over the course of many long years the majority of French armed forces sailed for Egypt. Thousands of noble french knights, fanatic crusaders, men at arms, mercenaries, priests, spies, assassins, diplomats, and merchants flooded from the universities and guilds and barracks of the great Kingdom of France to answer the call of the Pope and their King. With stunning speed and ferocity, King Laurent successfully led France to victory over the Muslim forces there, and narrowly saved the Crusader States from extinction, whose relations with me shot up to "Perfect" before he could even offer them their first gift. With two successful crusades under his belt he was now dubbed "King Laurent the Honourable" and all knew him as the Great Crusader, perhaps the greatest crusader to have ever lived, and all with only two real battles to his name: the battle of Marrakesh and the Battle of Gaza; this man only raises his sword for God.

>zist is
>not dies ist

They made official concept art for verminlords? Where did this come from? Good I want a verminlord unit ingame.


where's the FUCKING Thrones info CA????????????

back to r/asianfeminity soyboys

Now on more of a mop-up tour than a true conquest, King Laurent pushed his way to Mecca, the holy city of the Muslims. He respected the foes that he had fought his entire life against, but knew that with this conquest came the end of the great caliphates. Following along after the generals who would sack the muslim World, the King was always there to secure public order and population growth. This man was a one-man garrison that could make any city, even one thousands of miles from his capital, bend to his will and happily grow. Few men had such a talent for rule or so much love for God and France, but the King knew the value of keeping his hands clean, and so his reputation was never marred by the massacres at the vanguard of French expansion. King Laurent had rid the world of every last muslim soul on the planet, and now sat comfortably as Governor of Mecca. After traveling through 3 continents and residing over the reconquest of Africa and the Holy Land for Christendom, he now sits comfortably in the former holy city of muslims, fucking his wife and shitting out boys like only a man loved by God could. With his legacy secured, his territory firmly under control, and his rivals finally defeated forever, he relaxes. More Augustus than Julius, he was a man who was born to rule, and rule he did.
And that's why I like Medieval 2 more than Warhammer

no one cares

are you the fucking roleplay guy

post like a normal person, jesus christ

stop dragging hamonybro into this
you can engage in all shit-slinging and pigsty mud waddling all you want, but harmonybro is off limits

Don't EVER reply to me again






>historycucks are /pol/ vermin
thank you for confirming history cunt

harmony"""bro""" is a hiscuck desperately threatened by fantasy, which is why he posts that shit

sauce? that guy is hot

Are we being raided by /v/? Are Tomb Kangs playable already? Is that what this is?