League of legends general - /lolg/


Azir: 76 edition

I want Zoe to sit on my face.


Mike "MIKEYEUNG" "Rookie of the Split" "Don't call me rookie of the split" Yeung

xth for my wife Syndra

Azir did help kill TSM.

Certainly T shouldn't be allowed to make champions

xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!

picked up.
he 'picked up' a flash

picked up.

... pants so her pancake doesn't flap around.

>Isn't it obvious
Syndra and Akali are pretty stiff competition for Irelia

Because Zoe doesn't make any sense even in her lore. Seriously, Zoe confuses me even to this day how she works.

You could say they came out of the closet about it. I'm sorry I went there.

He's meta, of course he would. And they're probably gonna nerf him again...thanks meddler.

Post good comics

fuck you mods i made that thread after we hit post limit and you deleted it

Can Licorice carry C9?



>Evelynn, Poppy, Sivir, Jinx, Shyvana, Morgana, Miss Fortune, Zyra, Taliyah, Sejuani, Lissandra, Ashe, Sivir, Annie, Nami, Camille, Nidalee, Orianna, Elise, and Rek'sai are not Ionian
What in the fuck did he mean by this? I guess Xayah is Ionian by technicality.

Piltover is trash and needs to burn

The dude that made Braum should make another. He also made Kindred so as far as I'm concerned he has a 50/50 chance of not fucking the next one up.

Can you imagine what it would be like to manhandle her tiny body? If I lived with her, I would just spend all day looking for objects to bend her over and fuck her on.

>Leona is the Aspect of the Sun and has Sun-based abilities
>Diana is the Aspect of the Moon and has Moon-based abilities
>Pantheon is the Aspect of War and has warrior abilities
>Taric is the Aspect of Protection and has protective abilities
>Zoe is the Aspect of Twilight and has... butterflies, ping-pong paddles, and beach balls?
I still don't fucking understand

sona is ionian

RNG Dragons should've been a warning this was coming.

>someone adds me after I do well in a match
>their match history is full of horrible feeding

Sorry shitter, you have to be good at the game to be my friend.


Here's one I got.

And supposedly she's the strongest one. Zoe from the ground up makes 0 sense and I don't like her.

>Ryze and Malz
>broing as fuck
>nobody complains

>fun to watch
>fun to play
>whaa whaa delete Zoe, to OP for my little brain

remove stopwatch

sure feels good to be an adc

>LeBlanc not in the list of best girls
shit list

She's the aspect of twilight, which represents change. Her powers are kind of weird and hard to understand, but that's because I'm pretty certain that she doesn't understand them herself. She kind of just has fun, does her thing, and is inexplicably drawn to areas to change them for better or for worse.

Also Taric is the aspect of life, not protection.


Just dodge it.

Nobody likes watching a pro-player die to a randomly tossed skillshot.

literally oneshot lmfao

Why did C9 kicked Contractz?

yeah but she's not in ionia so azir brings her from demacia


imagine being this guy

Hmm, its almost as if those champions have actual cooldowns and don't rely on RNG to win their lane

>And supposedly she's the strongest one
Because she's a garbage self-insert fantasy character.
>I'm so special and randumb and nobody takes me seriously but HAHA I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG
>Now I'm an aspect BCUZ HAHA SO COOL even though I did absolutely nothing to earn it like any of the others
>I'm also the mostest strongest and funnest and bestest and coolest aspect with the strongestest powers and can beat all the other aspects and everything
she's literally a fucking fanfiction OC

>tfw kindred is the only qt furry champ that will EVER be in league

Yordles don't count I don't like shortstacks

>Subjecting enemy waifus to death via anal birth of voidlings and space aids

Nah I just forgot about her, I was just running down names. Ionia is garbage. So is Noxus but it's better than Ionia. Noxus has Sion and Morgana.

they didn't, he wanted to try something different on his own.

shit positioning tbqhwyf

Zoe was a mistake

hai probably will never retire
despite being shit he is always capable of being efficient on the most cancerous midlaners currently in the meta


very tight

Don't be a furry.

CertainlyT was a mistake.

>finds ryze, a champion who actually requires mechanical skill, boring
oh the ironing


Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Being Deleted Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From Him Like Nigga Sidestep Haha


>be twitch
>enemy team running down mid
>standing in frontlines by myself
>walk up and auto braum while his shield is up
stay bronze

>Be way ahead of his team and alone for no reason
You're retarded. This shit is not hard.

>Because she's a garbage self-insert fantasy character.
Most humanoid champs in League are like this and it's why I can't stand the majority of them.

>Licorice just deleted deftly

There is absolutely no synergy between Smoothie and Sneaky. Watching them play together is fucking hilarious. I've seen botlanes in my diamond elo games that have better synergy.

>sneaky desperately ulting to disengage that 2v2 earlier when smoothie was walking up to eat him
>sneaky walking up to fog of war by himself against a zoe to clear a pink when smoothie is far away
>the various times smoothie has initiated a 2v2 by himself without sneaky following up or positioning for it
>the times sneaky walks up for autos when smoothie isn't ready to fight with him

What is C9 thinking? Who is in charge of this roster?

>this thing is the only one of this thing but not these things that are the same because I don't like them

Furfags everyone...

Inferno dragon and rift herald rework were a mistake.

>cloud drake gives you 2.5% CDR when you take it
This the buff cloud drake needs?

Only if it can go over the cap.

Ryze is actually a lot of fun, he just isn't flashy. So naturally an autistic ADHD Zoefag who needs an ADHD champion would find it boring

damn Kled is actually good vs Zoe

>not liking yordles


There are furries that hate furries, you know what they're called? Scalies.

Why do you think Renektonfags hate Nasus?

Yeah this goes over the 40-45% cap

You cannot stop me
Yordles are barely furry anyway, Soraka is more of a furry than tristana.

Since the cloud drag has the highest attack speed from the varieties of dragons, it would make more sense to make the dragon give both AS and MS.

>Most humanoid champs in League are like this
Zoe goes a step beyond though, she just omits any and all depths and complex attributes to just be THE COOLEST STRONGEST BESTEST. Most of their human characters have some amount of depth and interesting aspects, and some of them are genuinely well made like Yorick

>167k on the main twitch channel
Did our viewership increase? This isn't even a hype match. That's pretty good isn't it?

>there are furries that don't like all furries
>there are titfags that don't like all types of tits
>there are futafags that don't like all types of futa

That doesn't stop them from being the fags they are user.

>2.6k BE + a 630 BE shard
>leona is on sale for 2.4k but I want to buy karthus
Alright /lolg/, my only "supports" right now are blitz, morg, and zilean unless I memepick veigar or something. Which one do I gun for first?

doesn't liandries wake up the enemy from sleep when you hit them?

Riot had to buy some bots to compete with OWL's bots

>MORE CDR in this fucking game of non-existent non-ult cooldowns since basically everyone that isn't an ADC gets 45% CDR already

Remove CDR/make it way harder to even hit 45%

>muh multispells on the right order imaright xd

Nah Zoe's sleep doesn't break from DOTS or minion damage

Extreme tightness

This was my other suggestion. Giving you 8% attack speed per cloud drake.

I want to be Lamb and have someone to fondle my fluffy tits and cum inside me.

Flat as fuck.

>an entire race of furry animal people are not furries

Should I got for Morellonomicon or Nashors on Azir?

Yes because on Ryze, unlike Zoe, if you mess up your spells you actually get punished for it and ruin your damage potential.

>short range
>tankiness only in the form of a shield which you have to set up to actually get
>need adc-tier positioning to actually deal damage
>extremely complex ultimate with a myriad of uses, which even Faker doesn't use to its full extent
yeah go fuck yourself brainlet

They're fucking gremlins with no animal features

>Relic shield items about to get nerfed
due to ADCs abusing the shit out of it.

Marksmen were a mistake.

Just stop playing when she's in ur lane like duh bro??????

>only 8% per cloud drake
>in a game where you only get 1-2 per match

Do girls like to get their boobs touched?

justify this


Hmmmm Zoe not doing good in proplay?

Time for buffs!

Women don't know what they want.

I want to fondle Lamb's fluffy tits and cum inside her

>be mage / tank
>get attackspeed from drake

Yeah that's real fuckin useful

Will Gangplank just always be cancer?

Depends on match up or preference. The miniwork allows for both options to work.
