Fighting Games General /fgg/
Other urls found in this thread:
wat a fat cat
reminder to stop being ugly and gay
how do I get godlike with yun in 3s
Tomorrow you will find out just how powerful I really am!
inb4 low tier
FUCKING DISGUSTING, fgg has standards, we like it T H I C C, not FAT. I shall not post ITT.
Is there a tier list for DBFZ yet?
Cummy will dominate AE
Anyone else super excited for Monster Hunter World
Nice wan
high tiers
characters you play
low tiers
characters i play
menat might become my sub
vt1 all the way
Dead zombie series that died with tri but still persists for shitheads like yourself.
so are they just gonna release s3 characters like they did with s2? in random order? why don't they just release them all in one patch?
Damn right I am. Wont be buying anything else this year.
>not playing high tiers
Me. Do you think we can start a /fgg/ group??
i like how everyone shat on the game when it was announced for being too casual or something, but now all you faggots are on the beta
>not just playing who you wanna fug
what happens tomorrow
Good luck being a scrub
>he doesnt know the japs love MH
I wish I had a girlfriend
she is so cool to use
The people who vocally hate it are contrarians ().
t. alexnation
i wish you had a girlfriend too
you realize by using tri as your cutoff point it only makes you look like a triggered sony fangay right, at least have the decency to use fu so you dont look like a retard to everyone else
why doesn't /fgg/ talk about dbfz
Same reason why /dbg/ doesn't talk about dbfz – too complex and difficult for capcuck /fgg/appa 2 iq minds.
What's the appeal of this game? I got bored after 1 boss
wtf u talkin about fgg has been shilling dbfz so fuckin hard
we will Thursday user
it isn't out yet
Shitposting on /fgg/ with Laura!
understandable see you there
Nah, I've tried to get into the series twice but it's too grindy for me and I always drop out about halfway through the game despite my love for games like Disgaea etc. Don't get why so many people are excited for this one in particular, from what I saw it's the same game but better graphics.
sfvae = goty
mhw = goty
I do NOT want to have sex with this fish, no sir.
you dont visit here often do you?
it's only natural user. don't fight it
Does anyone know how the PS3 version of UNIST compares to the PS4 version?
i kinda want to pick up a console to play it (cause it won't come out on PC for nine million years) and fuck paying for online.
I'm not an expert on AH but I've played a ton of Melty.
For my experience the neutral is very similar, as in you have to challenge your opponent in the air or be very confident that your antiairs don't get baited. Counterhits are also deadly in both games.
It has two mechanics that make it very different though and frankly I don't understand all the nuance in them yet myself.
Homing lets you fly towards the enemy and you can boost to change your trajectory or approach faster.
The pressure game is dominated by guard cancels and homing cancels which let you spend meter into getting out of pressure or make a pressure reset out of almost anything.
It also has the Arcana selection which lets you choose which additional property your E buttons have and gives you extra special moves, supers and adjusts your metergain and health.
Why the fuck fighting game music so good
>finished jive session and browsing with the soundtrack playing
>decide I should start practicing Es some more before friday
>pop disc out and the arranged Yagami theme starts
>now just wanna relax and browse
This and guile's jive theme just do soemthing to me
Reminder only literal cuckolds will buy this game without G Rank being confirmed.
No G, No buy
Seems like its more fun playing it with friends.
It is, and for the love of god avoid the french at all costs on monster hunter
Really wish I was Rashid bros...
I had no idea there wouldnt be a g rank, but I actually dont mind much because japan has a lot of releases we dont see because they are the versions of the game with only hr, I would still play this and the next entry that adds g
>HP Bloat makes the game better
sniff deep my brothers
you're weird
shut up nubi
I own regular UNIEL on PC and PS3 and they play the same. Dont imagine PS4 UNIST being any different .The game is insanely low specs.
Ah yes this is my favourite fighting game character ________ from _________________
no you shut up nubi. im having fun
that's virtual youtuber whatsherface from the upcoming virtual youtuber fighting game
I was banking on maining sakura but since she revolves around standing light kick into dp i dont really wanna bother.
who can i play with the simplest hit confirms, with the easiest execution? currently high gold with cammy
Capcom is going to save marvel right bros?
>the sauce is just some kizuna ai clone
2bh cammy is basically better sakura with way easier everything and a real vskill
Welcome to literally everything literally all the time. Calling something casual makes you feel like the big man who's too good for this mainstream trash, all these '18ers don't know what it's like to play MY kusoges.
Oof, what a relief. I thought that was Ibuki, eww.
you're already playing her
>virtual youtuber
I hate that this is a thing.
only really happens on Veeky Forums. where people are afraid to be happy and excited for games.
or just anything in general
Shit's deader than Elvis man
what is 21s assist??????
They turned Ryu into his literal 3rd Strike self and people think he’s still low tier
>give ryu donkey kick and some shitty VT2
That scrub is a bronze shitter
>*cucks your anchor character*
>only click and do well with sniff
Is this the so-called 'power of dick'?
Fake tits
Someone help me choose between Ed and Zeku. Tired of Ryu, I’m Platinum rank if that matters.
ed if you want to rank up with little effort
the answer is always whoever you have more fun with
your rank doesn't matter cuz i guarantee you still suck dick. also pick zeku. he's sick and no one plays him
body swap is a meme. ginyu force is godlike and you dont want to give them up until ginyu is almost dead, and even then you can just tag out and recover blue health
Damn, I remember people saying this move was way too risky for the reward. Now knowing you can combo with it, it's gonna be strait cancer in the right hands.
curious if you could get 2 of the characters you're the best at, and at worse completely handicap the opponent - losing their best character for super honest version of ginyu
Is there a good melty resource besides the mizuumi wiki?
Its pretty barren for a lot of characters
>add potential fighter friend in SFV/GG
>every steam message is about asking to fight in SF2
every time