Gaswurfminen edition
Gaswurfminen edition
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>- -Battlefield General
Dammit can I make a thread with no mistakes just once.
Minor mistake
Are we going to have thread meet ups in all air only modes?
I think a majority of people here hate planes.
*I think the majority of people hate the way bombs work
>looking up stats on the battlefieldtracker
>notice that every class but medic has two weapons that are overwhelmingly used over every other
>Assault: 10-A hunter, Hellriegel factory
>Support: BAR storm, MG14/17 low weight
>Scout: SMLE Marksman, Martini-henry
>Tank/Pilot: Sawed-off, Frommer stop auto
All of these guns share the common traits of either high fire rate, large mag size, or a generous 1-hit-kill range
>Meanwhile the medic has a 4-way struggle going on
>between the Auto 8 .25, Fedorov Trench, M1916 Marksman and M1907 Sweeper
I'll show up if we all agree to fly the same plane
like only dogfighters or only torpedo bombers
After playing BF4 for a while, I finally tried out C4 suicide vehicles. It's honestly the most fun I've had playing vidya in a long time.
>mfw I fulfill the will of Allah and vaporize the non-believers
>That feel when alluhackbar tactics with limpet mine
>Run into a building full of guys
>One kill or two from explosion
>One or more from debris
Oh boy. My spm on bf4 is horrible because I loved pulling off “freedom fighter” stuff. The IEDs on golmud were even better than c4 buggys in the rare even that someone actually drove near one.
Jihad Jeeping is really the greatest thing to come out of the battlefield series.
>tfw only play to unlock everything
>tfw rage autistically when I'm being prevented from doing so by the skill of the enemy or (more usually) the incompetence of my own team
>tfw play gamemodes I hate because that's what I need to do to unlock meme weapons I'll never use anyways
>tfw there's no cure for autism
>try out [gamemode other than conquest] in order to do specializations or medals or something
>3/4 of the time it's an awful experience of 12 v 7 or 32 v 20
>awful stomp by some guy in a tank with 47k kills who hasn't died at all in the 5 hours he's been playing
>or some squad made up of players who solely play [gamemode] crushes my team without even trying and brag about it in chat
>or some squad made up of players who solely play [gamemode] crushes my team without even trying and brag about it in chat
people don't do this...right?
Yep, happened last time I played Iron Walls
Bragging is for people who have literally nothing else going for them in the pathetic life. You should feel a bit of pity for them
Is it possible to jihad in BF1? I know dynamite doesn't stick to things and limpets have too short of a fuse.
Did I just make a mistake? Is this game dead?
In a game with nearly no Medics...I prevailed.
Only started using the Autistico because some shitter on the other team was using it and reking. I leveled the playing field.
Do I play Fire and Ice one more time though? Only 8 hours are left but I haven't hit my daily limit yet.
>Join any operation match
>incredibly one sided and the game is a couple minutes from being over
>Do this cycle for an hour
That’s the true bf1 experience
This is one of the reasons you use the lance over the sword.
Also if for whatever reason 2 cavs 1v1 each other the guy with the lance always wins since the sword never fucking hits horseriders.
>full match
>loading into next map
>half the lobby is gone and my team is down 10 people
what the fuck is this shit dice
What's the best way to destroy two airplanes with an lmg?
>Gets most flags defended
>When attacking
maps with planes
Get a super high capacity one like a MG-15 suppressive and target bombers since they're super fat and slow, so you can still fill them with lead from half a map away. If you have Turning Tides the M1917 is absolutely perfect for this with the fuckhuge capacity and the fact that it takes a long-ass time to overheat.
>Devils Anvil
>Be Trench raider
>Get a 35 kill streak in the final battalion
that'll do it
I am cautiously excited for the addition of a team balancer
It could be a good way of not allowing rounds to start with a gross imbalance
Or it could (more likely) randomly switch you to the losing team 75% of the way through the round when you die to a plane for the 6th time.
shoot at planes
why are they so fucking loud? Every time I play a TSNP map half the time its *ANGRY FRENCH GRUNTING* in my ear half the time
Would you rather he be entirely silent until he jumpscares you by mashing the back of your skull with his club?
>Muffled honing in the distance
>tfw no baguette skin for the raider club
*Teleports behind you*
>Shoots in chauchaut
>half the time in my ear half the time
so one quarter of the time...?
.mfw I actually have a perfect Devil's Anvil to end the campaign
It was easily one of the best coordinated teams I've ever played on.
>1 point
I’m sorry
No worries, that was a really relaxing game compared to every other one I’ve played lately
>tfw trying to be good at cavalry
Any tips? Sometimes I land lances that don't make any sense and then sometimes I just seem to phase through enemies who then start riddling me with bullets.
>killed by 100 service star artillery truck
Follow someone using the M1917 and pick it up when they die, shoot plens. Literally what I did, 2ez.
use sword
fuck lance
why can't i use it on foot and throw it at nibbas
Or you get to play as a lancer. Your only attack option is to charge them like with the bayonet. Same cool down and everything. That would be fun but not fun at the same time.
for those of you that keep asking by wont google it yourselves, Bf1 and Bf4 player counts
Don't you fucking yell at me for having rifle grenades instead of the syringe. Fucking weapon assignment.
Battlefield WW2 when
It was possible by putting at mines on boxes and then running into those boxes with a jeep, but dice quickly patched that because they deemed it too op since most tanks don't have 360 degrees of fire for the main gun
monte grappa, use one of the aa guns at B or D and once you get 'plane disabled' switch to your lmg (m1917, or mg15 suppressive) and finish the plane off.
>that moment when your mid bayonet charge and its a 50/50 toss up if the nigger will staring you down will kill you/side step you
>that moment when you nail his ass
PC version still has servers up
hardline is the one that is dead
the sword had the lance range before the lance was introduced.
t. cavalry player
that looks like console gameplay so i'll pretend you aren't shit just for the sake of arguing about the cavalry
>hear screaming
>turn around
>see guy trying to turn around whilst still bayonetting
>just shoot him
Yeah but when? WHEN?? It's already end of the month, fuck.
Probably next week on the 30th
out the choppi
Shame they aren’t making anymore of those
Bc the trench Raider is in fact doomguy without the grunt reducing helmet.
>Blueberry Casual Tryhard Starter Pack
Fuck i miss Battlefield frens
Imagine the colonel 100 yelling at people for Using Noobriegel and Autistico
Delete this
had the best gaming experience on paschendale where we were spawn trapped for 10 minutes straight until the game finally fucking ending
beutiful balancing dice, seriously.
>drop into kaiser trench
>shoot a guy dead
>start to reload because General Liu
>enemy medic comes whirling around the corner bayo charging
>somehow fumble my way into an in-trench sidestep with my terrible ping
>figure maybe I can melee him then finish with pistol?
>snap to right behind him
>*unsheathes shovel*
>"Rien de personnel, Boches!"
I feel kinda bad in retrospect because that must've looked like some bullshit from his perspective.
>STILL no release date for North Sea
When do we riot?
Well alive and kicking
BF4 constantly has around 45% the total of whatever BF1 has on - EA is going to fuck up if they don't go the BF3/4/BC2 route in 2018
surprise release tomorrow
and by tomorrow in the end of Feb
Why can’t I upload an image
Cuz we don't cotton to freaks round these parts
Shitter detected
Because Gookmoot fucked up
If we die then we can't make a new thread
These are grave times men
100+ kill on Verdun club when?
What's you comfiest weapon/loadout lads?
For me it's easily the Lebel 1886 and the Pistole 08. They're both so relaxing to use, I can't get mad when I'm using them
Very alive. At least on consoles.
MG14/17 low weight
Repetierpistole M1912
they can't stop my river of lead
I'd like the Repetierpistole a lot more if the reload animation didn't take a million years in comparison to the Modello 1915 or other non-revolver pistols
For me it's either the Gewehr 98 Infantry + Mars Automatic, or General Liu Factory + Taschenpistole
The reload makes me want to uninstall but it's a pretty styling sidearm
>flying in BF4
>always 1vs2+AA
>enemy team always has two [MLGpro] masturbating in attack helicopter
>enemy team always has autistic dogfight_pro on Stealth Jet
Fucking hell. I just want to shot tanks and shit, not engaging in thousand yo-yo for 30 minutes.
>Get a Teamkill with an Incendiary Grenade
>In Operations
Vetterli-vitali and Bodeo revolver
>General Liu Factory + Taschenpistole
great taste
>Vetterli-vitali and Bodeo revolver
Hell yeah my dude, ran with that loadout last night on Verdun Heights. Went 67-6 with it
also acceptable is the Carcano + Bodeo
honestly, any combination with matching countries of origin is pretty based.
>bumping on Veeky Forums
everyone point and laugh
>Get killed by an Assault
>Autistico with Savoia and 100 stars
>Get killed by a Support
>14/17 or BAR with their legendary skin and again 100 stars
What other guns scream, "I'm an antifun cunt" as much as these?